A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 178: Read and recite

"No, no, I already have a master, and I can no longer worship you as a teacher." Mu Yu said without hesitation.

If Mu Yu is so determined to let other people in the realm know, he will definitely point at Mu Yu and yell at the face! How many people are waiting in line to worship dead wood as a teacher! The boy was good and refused directly.

Unfortunately, they don't know who Muyu's master is. If they know the relationship between the true **** of Mie Continent and Muyu, they won't think so. Withered wood repair is unpredictable, but is the true **** of the triple continent comparable to withered wood?

"Who is your master? I'll kill him so you can worship me as a teacher." Withered said angrily. He was not happy to accept an apprentice himself, which made him quite hot.

"Although I know that I am talented and smart, many people are rushing to be my masters, but killing, killing, killing is always bad, right? What do you think of me, can I change it?" Muyu certainly would not Confessed his master. It is estimated that no one believes. Who would believe that his master was the true **** of the triple continent?

The dead wood looked at Muyu and seemed to be thinking, but his anger had not subsided. After a while, he frowned and said, "Your sword is very much like a person, your master is Jianying Chenfengfeng!"

Muyu was startled, **** it! Dare to love this old man to know his master? At first, Feng Haochen broke his reputation and made him known to the world. His famous interpersonal relationship is very complicated. Mu Yu didn't know that the old man was an enemy or a friend!

Muyu said: "Senior, why do you say that I am the heir of the true **** by swordsmanship alone? This is not so good? Besides, the true **** is such a great person, handsome and handsome, and the wind is like a tree, although I have a little bit with me Like, but..."

"He is called Feng Haochen now, isn't he?" The dead wood interrupted Mu Yu.

Mu Yu was really scared this time. Few people knew that the true **** was hiding in the Moyun Mountains. Even the Bamen people basically didn't know it. The ghost door knew it even because it was leaked out of peace. How did this dead wood know?

The last time the ghost door people knew about this matter, they were ready to start with Feng Haochen. If the dead wood and the evergreen had such an idea, wouldn't it be very dangerous?

"That's really great joy. Are you friends with my master? Are you acquainted with drinking, or better known with swords?" Mu Yu said with a grin, he first tried out the good.

"The enemy." Drywood said.

Mu Yu's smile froze, what the **** are these! It turned out to be an enemy of my master. Can I still be unlucky? The narrow road of the enemy made Muyu hit.

"It is said that the enemies are more common, everyone is so old, and there is something unhappy that can't stand the time. Isn't it? Otherwise, you let me go back, I ask the old man to persuade him to persuade, how can everyone turn it into jade? "

Mu Yu said with a smile, but he secretly complained. Wither knew the sword shadow and dust wind, he knew that he was the true **** of the triple continent, but withered away, he said the word "enemy", and he did not put the true **** in his eyes at all. It will be that simple!

"I also know that he is not doing anything right now. Your Master has nothing to do with it. Dare to let you bite out even before the infancy of the Yuan. Since he will not teach you, I will teach you later. "Withered the wood, he walked angrily towards his tree house.

Muyu blinked. He thought that the old man would fan himself out. He didn't expect him to leave these words and left. It seemed that he didn't want to stay with Muyu for a moment.

"What does it mean to bite out? You say it hurts too much." Mu Yu rolled his eyes. He dared not catch up and questioned, but just waved his fist in the back.

Muyu didn't want to enter the tree house anymore. He took the dragon vine to the sky demon tree and wanted to run out of the last path, but unfortunately it was unsuccessful and was banned. He touched again in the direction of the valley, and still failed.

"Can you talk about letting me go out?"


Mu Yu was imprisoned in this valley inexplicably. He stared dejectedly at the Heavenly Demon Tree. The dead wood was in the Heavenly Demon Tree at the moment, and he didn't know what he was doing. He tried all the methods, but unfortunately the dead wood is not vegetarian, and basically blocked all the roads.

At night, Mu Yu lay on the bridge and slept. His sleeves were forcibly opened by dead wood. All the things Mu Yu snatched were recovered. Fortunately, the quilt was still there. Muyu slept soundly on the quilt, Longteng and Xiaoshuai.

The next morning he was picked up by the dead wood Changqing, and the dead wood looked very unhappy to see Mu Yu using his quilt.

"Ba, "Poison Classic", back meeting." The dead wood said bluntly.

"Can I go out after the meeting?"

Muyu took over the thick "Poison Classic", but there are hundreds of pages! It’s all the experience of dead wood refining poison. I really don’t know how free the dead wood is to write such a thick book. Comprehension does not mean that everyone will never forget, so much he has to memorize it by the year of the monkey.

"No." The dead wood said succinctly.

"Then I don't carry it." Mu Yu handed the "Poison Classic" to the dead wood.

The dead wood didn't pick up, he just glanced at the dragon and vine coiled on the bridge and said, "No, dragon and vine, refining medicine."

"Should we grieve the big earthworm?" said Xiaoshuai.

Mu Yu leaned on his chin. Of course he could not accept this suggestion. Longteng was sad with him. He would not cross the river to dismantle the bridge.

"Big mouse, why don't you go to make medicine!" Longteng shouted at the handsome.

"You are older and have more medicines for refining." Xiaoshuai said.

Muyu shook his head and said pitifully: "Can I read it every day?"

"Read, merge, and recite." The dry wood said undoubtedly.

Read and memorize them carefully. I don’t know how many of these five dry words are a pain in my heart. A lot of words must be memorized. What's the use!

However, Muyu couldn't resist, so every day Muyu's reluctant reading of lifeless voice echoed throughout the valley.

"Tigergrass vine, pharmacology: ...I really don't want to recite it! ...Efficacy: It can make men regain their glory...Huh, this is not bad!...Thirty-two can kill people... Opportunities and risks coexist!"

Mu Yu recites it for so many days in a self-satisfied way. In order to make the dry text not so monotonous, he has to add his own unique “insights” to each kind of herbal medicine. He suddenly understands why Caiye is in the book. Graffiti, such a boring book made Mu Yu also want to doodle the hand-drawn herbal illustrations on the book into a person's image.

He secretly used patterned cinnabar as paint, and deliberately repainted the illustrations of the chapter on the introduction of the dragon and vine in the "Drug Classics".

"Look, that old man with green hair has painted you as a big earthworm." Xiaoshuai sneered at the dragon and vine in the "Poison Classic".

Longteng stared at Tongling's big eyes and snarled low, signaling Muyu to revise quickly.

"Don't worry, the old man withered wood didn't study painting seriously when he was a child. His painting skills are too poor, but I am called a child prodigy." Muyu tried hard to smear the original painting, using various Planting Dansha, also measured the size of the dragon vine and reduced it in proportion.

"Ah! The old man with green hair just painted a big earthworm. Muyu, you changed it to a big centipede!" Xiaoshuai laughed, and Longteng swallowed his stomach with a gurgling voice.

"Bullshit, this painting truly restores the expressive four feet of Dragon Vine. Look at the dragon beard..." Mu Yu pointed to the dragon beard painted like hemp rope and decided not to comment. He continued: "There is that The two corners..." The two corners on the painting were out of harmony, and the hand was shaken halfway back, and he bent a bit. He was embarrassed to go on.

"what are you doing."

"Draw a picture!" Mu Yu picked up the branch and prepared to modify it again, but he immediately found something was wrong and the dead wood came! He hadn't had time to explain, the whole person had been hung upside down in the air, swaying in the air.

"Let me down," Mu Yu shouted.

Withered eyes almost burst into flames, he read the "Drug Classic" and found that many pages were stuffed with ugly graffiti, and even saw a portrait of him painted on one page, drawing him with a crooked nose and an oblique nose .

"That's all my hard work, boy, are you looking for death?" The dry wood heart was almost dripping blood, and he stopped stuttering, indicating that he was angry.

"Your hard work should be put away, why do I have to recite it!" Mu Yu protested.


Withered wood was blowing his beard and glaring his eyes. If this "Poison Classic" spread to the cultivation world, it would cause many people to fight and fight for the baby. This little **** is so bad!

Longteng ran far away, fearing that the dead wood would be used to refining the medicine, and Xiaoshuai worked hard to get out of the teeth of Longteng.

Withered chest undulates in his chest and says, "If someone else killed me long ago, your boy would get cheap and sell well!"

Mu Yu stopped speaking, and he did feel that he was a bit excessive, saying: "Senior, but rote memorization can not be a great talent!"

Withered wood looked at Muyu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seemed to remember something, saying: "So many people come to worship me as a teacher, I can't look down, do you know why you are chosen alone?"

"Because I am handsome?" Xiaoshuai interjected.

Withered glanced at Xiaoshuai, Xiaoshuu quickly returned to Longteng's mouth, and Longteng took a sip and spit out Xiaoshuai.

"Because I'm your apprentice's apprentice?" Mu Yu didn't struggle anymore. He was hung upside down in the air and couldn't get down. He had to admit his life and said, "Do you want to appease the apprentice's apprentice? I tell you, this is impossible. Yes, I can’t betray my master, you still die of this..."

"Because you want to save your sword shadow dust wind." Withered wood stared closely at Muyu.

Mu Yu stopped and looked at the dead wood. He really wanted to save his master, but how did this dead wood know?

"I know far more than you think, you want to save him, only I can help you." Withered wood looked very bad, he said with a trace of disgust, feeling that he made this decision insult his personality Similar.

"Why do you want to save my master?" Mu Yu asked puzzled.

"To be honest, I really want to kill him, but he can't die, there is one thing he needs to do." Witherwood clenched his fists.

"Is it Yumen?" Muyu asked.

"It doesn't matter what Yumeng does. In short, if you want to save your Master, you have to follow my arrangement. If you don't want to, you can leave now." With a wave of dry wood, Muyu fell off, and he turned and returned to him Went to the tree house.

Muyu landed on the ground. He rose directly into the sky and found that the valley's restraint had been lifted. He came outside the valley, and Longteng and Xiaoshuai also followed, not understanding why the dead wood suddenly became so good to talk.

But Mu Yu hesitated. Wither Mu said that Feng Haochen was his enemy, so why did he go to save an enemy?

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