A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 195: Dan Dao and Yao Dao

When Muyu went back, he didn't see the old man in the pavilion, but when he saw the dead wood, his face was not good. He seemed to be sulking. When he found Muyu walking in, he saw Muyu's eyes almost blazing with flames.

Muyu asked cautiously, "Master, did you have a leg that didn't break?"

"You bastard, who asked you to tell the old guy that I'm back? Really guilty!" Withered Wood raised his hand to slap Muyu's head. Muyu sighed helplessly without escaping. With dry wood's current strength, it is simply tickling Mu Yu, but in order to maintain the self-esteem of dry wood, Mu Yu thinks about it or let him get angry.

Withered wood talked so neatly, he must have suffocated his stomach. Judging by the way he ran away, he should have suffered a big loss from the old man in the attic, but he can still beat people to show that the old man in the attic did not deal with him, otherwise the old arm and the old leg of the dead wood would have been lying on the ground.

"You didn't tell me that you can't say it!" Muyu muttered.

Withered Wood stared at Muyu, and then threw a Dan Jing to Muyu with a curse. Mu Yu glanced at the cover, and it was actually "Sudan" he found half dead in the Danjing Pavilion.

"Senior Patriarch gave it to you?" Mu Yu scolded the old guy in his heart. It turned out that he had been carrying it with him, and he lied to himself that he had lost it, which made him find it for a long time.

"Predecessor! Senior is a ghost! If I were to repair it, I would not discount his leg today!"

The cultivation practice of the old man in the pavilion must be terrible. Mu Yu would like to ask if you can really beat the old man, but in order to prevent the dead wood from being hit, he still refrained from asking this question.

"Damn it! Did the old guy force you to sign a contract of deed? He was so deceiving, I had to sell him to the black coal kiln when I had the strength!" Mu Yu waved his fist, so he could make the dead wood defuse All the cruel words were picked out.

"Okay, don't pretend!" Dried Wood said so, but his face eased after all. "He is your grandfather and grandfather, how can he sell it to the black coal kiln?"

"Yes, yes, yes. I said the wrong thing." Mu Yu said with a smile, he just said that he wanted to dispel the dead wood, and he didn't know when he would reach the old man's behavior in the attic!

"Should be sold to Qinglou, let him be a duck!"

Withered Wood's next words almost made Mu Yu plant a heel, my goodness! What a hatred this is!

When Mu Yubao returned to the original Danding furnace, he said with the dead wood, he thought the dead wood would scold him for not being able to control himself, but the dead wood just sneered and said, "Don't fully integrate even if you have a way to accomplish this. You will stop when the sky-falling vision draws everyone, and the first one who is mad is definitely the old guy."

Muyu shame, this dead wood has confidence in himself, he still does not know how to start!

Muyu opened "Speed ​​Pill" and all he had to do now was to get a thorough understanding of the real cultivation method of "Speed ​​Plot" under the guidance of dead wood. According to the old man who guarded the pavilion, dead wood seemed to be the first cultivation method to realize "Speed ​​Pill", but he refused to say that as a descendant of dead wood, he picked up a big bargain.

"Speed ​​Pill" is an alchemy of alchemy, from the understanding of Dan Zu. This way of mind can make the alchemist master very accurate in controlling various herbs, and it can forcibly reverse the influence of the spiritual force on the herbs, fuse the originally mutually exclusive herbs together, and enable the alchemist to complete the process of becoming a pill. Very smooth.

However, many disciples found that this mind method can only be effective for the third-order herbs. The mind method will change a person’s spiritual power, and this person will no longer be able to practice according to his original cultivation method, and then practice it again. It's a sad thing that you can't improve one point and stay in place all your life.

Many disciples of the Danding school who have learned "Speed ​​Pill" secretly scolded Dan Zu for injuring their minds and doing harm to their juniors. It is precisely because of this "speed Dan" that many of the originally talented disciples of Danding almost became a waste.

"This "Sudan" seems very evil! Didn't Danzu realize the shortcomings of this "Sudan"? He hurt many talented disciples!" Mu Yu said with regret.

"Huh! How can Danzu's mentality be peeped by them like this! The alchemy mentality like their quick success, can't be a big deal at all!" said drywood disdainfully. He didn't feel sorry for the Danding disciples who had been hurt by "Speed ​​Dan". On the contrary, he still looked down on those people very much.

In the past, many Danding schools practiced "Speed ​​Pill", a large part of it was because they wanted to fly into the sky and quickly become the legendary alchemist. For people like them who practiced "Sudan" in order to take shortcuts, they have an impetuous spirit and no down-to-earth mentality. Impatience is a taboo for alchemists, destined not to go far on the path of alchemy.

Muyu observed that section of the Sudan Heart Method. According to the method described above, he tried to draw the spiritual power in the body to run for a week. It was found that this mental method was extremely difficult. Many spiritual powers were operated in the normal normal practice. The opposite way.

It is a very dangerous thing for spiritual force to retrograde in the body, because it will be rejected by the meridians. If you don’t pay attention, it is easy to cause meridian damage. Over time, it will cause people to become stagnant from then on. The reason for being ruined.

"Enlighten Dantian, retrograde Parkway, is such a dangerous mentality really created by Danzu?" Mu Yu couldn't help asking.

Witherbark didn't speak, he seemed to be thinking about something, and after a while he said: "This "Sudan" is indeed from Danzu, that's right. There is no doubt about it. But do you know what the real secret of this mentality is?"

The real secret?

When Muyu learned that the dead wood came from the Danding School, she was very curious about why the dead wood would take such a different road. Is it just because he likes to study poison? This excuse is never enough. How could a person who was born in the Danding School accept the influence of the elixir from an early age, how could he find another way to practice? Is it really affected by Sudan's mentality?

"Why is Danzu called Danzu, do you know why this is?" When Kumu said these words, his tone was indignant, and he seemed to feel aggrieved at what happened. For so many years, no one has ever heard his explanation, and only he knows what kind of Scripture is "Sudan".

"Because he pioneered the Chengdan system in his later years?" Mu Yu heard some stories about Danzu. Danzu, as the prestigious predecessor of the Danding School and even the entire triple continent, has the status in the alchemy world as the true **** of the triple continent. The status is average, admired by thousands of people.

"Yes! He created the Chengdan system. It can be said that the reason why today's elixir is generally circular is because of the standard he set. In the previous era of Danzu, the final formation of elixir was not circular, but the most Natural powder and medicine liquid form, powder and medicine liquid is particularly difficult to carry, so he found a new way to fuse the elixir into a round solid, later generations found that this elixir is more convenient to carry and more preserved It is stable and the medicine power is not easy to lose, so he continued his Chengdan system and respectfully called him Danzu."

There are not many people who know this past event. A long time ago, medicine was medicine, either ground into powder, or directly boiled medicinal herbs into soup medicine, which is no different from the current ordinary Langzhong. But powders and soups are not easy to carry. Danzu's refining it into a panacea is a great change.

"But the Sudan heart method was created before he created the Chengdan system?" Muyu immediately understood this, and only then could explain why the Sudan heart method could not be used in the later alchemy.

Withered nodded appreciatively, Mu Yu's brain kept turning fast, this is where he was pleased. He continued: "No, no, yes, speed, speed, speed Dan heart method, law, law -"

"Senior man, that old man is forcing you to sign the deed of sale!" Mu Yu seemed to be dead when she saw the dead wood, and he began to stammer again. He quickly stimulated that if he stammered like this, he might talk about tomorrow.

"Damn it! It's okay not to mention this!" Sure enough, Wither thought of what he had just been coerced by the old man in the attic, he was angry and said angrily, "You must write down this account and help me in the future Get back! I'm so mad, Hu Luo Ping Yang was bullied by dogs, he's even more **** than he was.

Mu Yu opened his mouth. He didn't know what the old man in the pavilion had done to him, and even withered Mu's teeth. However, he immediately felt a great responsibility, because he was going to teach an old man who was stronger than Yundan Taoist. This is really a simple death-seeking event.

"The Sudan Heart Method is for powders and medicines. You can usually practice this heart method, but it must not be used in the process of Cheng Dan, otherwise it will cause permanent damage to your meridians. Although this heart method is to enlighten Retrograde, but there is no conflict with your usual practice method, and it will even make your practice speed faster, and there are no side effects. The reason why the disciples of the school are listed as the tasteless heart method, because they practice this method without exception It was used in Chengdan's process." Withered Tree sneered.

"Then why don't you tell them this?" Mu Yu asked~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hum! I have practiced this mentality, and since then I have never made a shaped panacea, only the most precious powder and liquid, but they do not agree with this panacea, so they do not believe what I said. "Witherwood pursed his lips tightly."

No wonder the dead wood medicines are all bottles and cans. When he was robbed by Mu Yu last time, Mu Yu also complained that these bottles and cans were really troublesome to use. Withered wood cultivated this mentality and embarked on a different path. It was a forsaken road that was abandoned by the people, and a forbidden road that was not recognized by the current cultivation realm. Muyu could feel that withered wood alone on this road Walking is uncomfortable.

"In fact, in ancient times, Dan Dao was not called Dan Dao, but it was called Yao Dao. "Speed ​​Dan" was not originally called "Speed ​​Dan", but was called "Speed ​​Medicine". The medicine path is actually more than the current Dan Dao. It's nothing short of, just like the Langzhong who is now being ignored. The current Dao Dao is more used in cultivation, and the drug Dao is used to save people and cure diseases. Will be poisoned."

Withered wood's words have solved Muyu's many doubts, just like why withered wood would save people, and why he would be poisoned into that state again. His "Poison Classic" should be a by-product of the study of drug channels. "Instead of "Medicine Classic", this is purely withered wood personal preference. The outside world gave the dead wood the title of poison master, so he took the name.

"Then what is the purpose of letting me find "Speed ​​Pill"? Speed ​​Pill's mind cannot be used in alchemy at all, and if I want to get the quota, I have to defeat them in alchemy!" Mu Yu asked puzzledly.

"Do you think I have studied the medicine path for so many years, can't I find a method for the transformation between the medicine path and the elixir?" Withered Mu white glanced at Muyu.

"You can make Su Dan's heart method also apply to Cheng Dan without being affected?" Mu Yu was surprised.

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