The second heaven is the world of monsters, so even if Muyu is out of the swamp, you can still see monsters with great strength. Fortunately, many monsters of Tier 5 and Tier 6 do not gather in groups, and the territorial consciousness of higher-order monsters is more special. They allow monsters weaker than themselves to enter their territory. After all, they also need prey. But once they encounter a monster that can threaten their status, they will really show up and show their true strength.

Muyu had already broken into the territory of many high-level monsters as he progressed, just because his existence could not pose a threat to others, nor did he mean to be regarded as a prey by others. If you encounter a fourth-order monster with short eyes, just let Xiaoshuai deal with it.

Mu Yu now gave Xiao Shuai a nickname, "Monster Terminator", he had wanted to see if he could throw Xiao Shuai to Tier 5 monsters as a snack, if he could get the monsters of Tier 5 monsters That would be better. But then think about the fifth-order monster beast is too powerful, last time Mu Yu himself was made a headache by a fourth-order purple diamond python, and then stared at by a fifth-order monster, he was destined to finish.

"Did I go wrong? Shouldn't there be a river here?"

Muyu sat on the flying sword, clutching her hair, puzzled. He compared the map of the dead wood. On the map of the dead wood, he turned over the mountain, which was supposed to be a broad river with black gas, but there was only a plain of stones in front of him. .

"The old man has been advancing for a long time. There are so many powerful monsters here. Maybe some high-level monsters like stones, so he might fill the Heihe with stones." Xiaoshuai held a demon with a fourth-order monster in his arms. Lingzheng gnawed with relish.

"Then it's really painful when idle." Mu Yu gestured the direction of the sun in the sky to make sure the direction was correct, before continuing to fly to the stone plain.

Yue Feiyue felt something wrong. He looked up and saw all the bits and pieces of stone around him. He saw no other things. No matter the plants or the creatures, even the monsters and beasts that had been running around just now were gone.

Why is it so weird?

Here seems to have entered a world made of stones. The ground is all strange-shaped stones. Occasionally, one or two peaks are seen, but the thousands-meter-high peak does not even have a plant, only pure soil and stones. It looks extremely abrupt.

Muyu began to suspect, and an unpredictable hunch rushed into his heart. This situation made him very uncomfortable, as if he had come to a place that was both familiar and strange. He couldn't tell where this feeling came from, but this strange feeling lingered in his mind.

The surroundings are very quiet, only the sound of Muyu Yujian flying and the sound of Xiaoshuai, chirping, chiken, spirit. But at this moment, a "boom" sound suddenly sounded from below. Mu Yu's head was crooked, and a fist-sized stone brushed past his ears. The sharp friction sound made his eardrums hurt. His body stagnate and stopped. He wanted to know what happened to this sudden stone? Someone around here?

"Who?" Mu Yu looked around cautiously, but no one responded to him. There was still silence around him, as if the stone had just accidentally flew up.

Of course, this is impossible. The stone will not move by itself, and can hit the head of a Yuan infant cultivator with such great force and precision. Muyu will not believe that this is an accident.


There was another sharp sound of breaking the sky, Mu Yu's body pulled sideways, and two stones passed by. Before Muyu could turn around, he saw a scene of infiltration. The stones on the ground suddenly floated up in pieces, suspended in midair, and at the moment when Muyu was shocked, hundreds of stones were lined up neatly. Charge towards Muyu. Listening to the sound of their friction with the air, Muyu can conclude that if they are hit by a piece, they must be pregnant.

"What the hell?"

Muyu shouted and manipulated the surrounding auras. The whole person flew upwards away from the string arrow. The stones hit each other in his original place. Some stones were even broken. However, it was not over yet. The stones that collided together did not fall back to the ground as Muyu imagined, but stopped for a while and continued to fly toward Muyu.

These stones are like consciousness, chasing Mu Yu unrelentingly, no matter how Mu Yu dodges, the stone can continue to hit him. Moreover, Mu Yu found that he was getting harder and harder to dodge, and the stones on the ground were floating more and more. If he was accidentally smashed, he would definitely be buried by these stones!


His clothes had been scraped off a corner, and he could not get the stones at his speed. He sacrificed the shadow sword and began to resist the attack of these stones, but it was obvious that he was only passively beaten.

Mu Yu folded his hands together, rolled up the surrounding Aura to form a Reiki barrier around him, and the stones hit the barrier, causing a wave of palpitation, but fortunately, the barrier can resist the impact of the stones and can bounce those stones. open.

But Mu Yu hadn't had time to breathe a sigh of relief. He found that the stones didn't rush over anymore, but attached lightly to their barriers. The stones going forward and succeeding seemed to be spiritual. Barrier of feathers.

"Damn it."

Muyu rushed out of the stone circle from above while the stone dumplings hadn't been emptied by the stone, and the shadow sword was spinning on his chest. A blue light centered on the shadow sword and exploded. Crush the trailing stones. However, more and more stones jumped from the ground, and there was nothing at all around that could be used as a shield, so that sooner or later, they would be hit by the pile of stones.


At this moment, Mu Yu suddenly heard a soft drink, he looked at it, and not far from him there was a woman in a blue dress who was also circling with a pile of stones.

"It's not easy to finally find someone!"

The people I can see here are generally disciples from a triple school like Mie. Although Muyu doesn't know this woman, he is still happy that there is a living person in this quiet stone world.

The woman seemed to be about the age of Muyu. I don't know which school she came from. She had a blue aperture surging around her. It seemed to be some kind of powerful weapon. The stones moved by the aperture were shattered.

Muyu repelled these stones while approaching the woman. The woman also found Muyu and hesitated and flew over.

"Hi! Does the girl know what's going on with these stones?" Muyu's shadow sword crossed, chopped a row of stones, and asked.

"Don't you know?" The girl in blue frowned, Muyu could see clearly what the blue iris around her body was, a delicate smooth silk ribbon made of some unknown material.

"Should I know?" Mu Yu asked puzzled.

The girl in blue glanced suspiciously at Muyu, and then she said, "Are you from Santian?"

"Yeah! My name is Muyu, from the Danding School. I don't know the girl's name? Which school did you follow?" Muyu introduced herself happily and murmured at the same time. If he didn't come from Triple Heaven, would it be Double Heaven? Aboriginal people?

"Resolve these Yumengs first!" The blue girl's words made Mu Yu stunned. Why are these stones Yumons?

Mu Yu hadn't had time to ask more. Suddenly the abrupt change occurred. The stone in the air seemed to be called by some sort of thing, and began to fly quickly in all directions, gradually converging on the ground. After a while, the stone pieces were put together into an adult shape and became Living stone man. These stone men have vague features, especially the eyes are formed by two gemstones with purple light, which makes people panic.

"What kind of thing is this? Stone demon? Is there a demon spirit?" Xiaoshuai shouted excitedly. It shuffled the remaining demon spirits in his arms three times and five, and then jumped to the wooden feather head. Go ahead and prepare for another big fight!

"This is Yumeng! Tuyoumeng Demon! It's not a stone you want, you don't even know?" The girl in blue frowned, the stones around her no longer attacked them, but she didn't dare to care, the blue ribbon was still Around her.

"Ah? Yumeng? Youmeng has no demon spirits?" Xiaoshuai shook his tail and quickly returned to Muyu's arms.

Of course Muyu knew Yumeng, let's not talk about the relationship between him and Muyoumeng. He had also seen Tuyoumeng in Lanxi City. Strictly speaking, he has never seen the true face of Yumeng, but at that time Tuyoumeng was attacking him in Lanxi City but it was true. These Yumeng are all made of stone, which seems to be different from the earthy yellow that the village head grandpa said.

"This is Tuyumeng's territory. There are too many stones. We should not stay for a long time! Hurry and leave here!" said the girl in blue.

Her voice just fell, and those Yumeng suddenly kicked **** the body hit the two like a huge sandbag, Muyu could clearly hear them stretch out their huge fists Howling, as long as you get a punch, it is estimated that you have to vomit blood directly.

Mu Yu didn't dare to make a hard connection. His figure flashed dexterously, avoiding the fist of the wind, and his feet were a little on one of Yumon's arms, pulling away from the other party, but the other Yumeng deceived himself and issued A dull roar shattered towards Muyu.

"Be careful!" The blue ribbon of the girl in blue suddenly rolled around the waist of Yumeng who attacked Muyu. The slender arm pulled, and Tuyumeng's heavy body was picked up by her and thrown out, smashing On the other Yumeng, two Yumens fell heavily on the ground, stirring a burst of smoke.

Mu Yu hadn’t had time to say thank you, his shadow sword had come out, and passed through the blue girl’s hairline, just stabbing another Yumeng’s right eye, that Yumeng was supposed to hit the blue girl’s waist The fist between them stopped suddenly, and it cried out dullly. Both hands grabbed the fragrant sword. The fisted sword had been pulled out by Mu Yu. The purple stone had shattered. The girl in blue took the opportunity to kick in Yumeng’s Flying Yumeng out of the chest.

"you are welcome."

"you are welcome."

The two said coincidentally, and then glanced at each other, only Muyu smiled smirkfully, and the girl snorted disdainfully, looking very proud.

Mu Yu slapped her tongue and touched her nose without asking, thinking that the girl was really arrogant, she just said hello, why is that kind of tone. But after all, the girl's strength is not small, and Yu Meng's heavy body was actually swept away by her, and she was free of a female man!

"Hurry to leave here, we can't cope with so many Yumeng." The girl in blue finished rushing in one direction, Mu Yu hesitated and followed.

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