A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 223: Lower abyss

"Hello, are you okay?" Qiao Xue eagerly wanted to help Muyu, but the pain left by those demon spirits on her still didn't disperse, and she couldn't gather her spiritual strength for a while.

However, at this moment, the blue light suddenly burst out from Muyu, and the majestic breath of life erupted like a volcano, instantly shaking all the demon souls.

"Damn, did you bite enough!"

Muyu roared loudly, her body trembling violently, and all the demon souls fled Muyu's body as if they saw a natural enemy. The endless spiritual force rushed out of Mu Yu, thriving, vigorous and open, as if the life in full bloom bloomed the most gorgeous flowers, dispelling all the coldness and darkness in the cave.

The shadow sword in Muyu's hand drilled out of the pothole and dilapidated wood spirit. The wood spirit exudes a faint blue light, and the source of the majestic vitality comes from it. Its sword trembles slightly, freed from Muyu, and flies to the demon soul that flies around in the air. Those demon spirits saw Mu Ling as if they had encountered a disaster star, and fled into the desert, just like the verdict of the fierce **** just now.

"Broken sword, get me these bastards!" Mu Yu gritted his teeth with anger, although the pain on his body was alleviated by the appearance of Mu Ling, but the pain that penetrated into the bone marrow made him almost unable to himself. He really hated these demon spirits. .

Mu Ling floated in mid-air, the breath of life rippling from it, covering everyone, there was an unspeakable comfort. The hole in Mu Ling's sword body glowed with a little blue light, and all the fleeing ghosts suddenly seemed to be pulled by a great force, and flew towards the hole in Mu Ling's body involuntarily.

The demon soul struggled unceasingly, uttering a heartbreaking scream, but to no avail. The vitality exuded by Mu Ling was their favorite nutrient, but once the vitality exceeded their range, they would be destroyed! These demon souls wanted to escape, but Mu Ling didn't give them any chance, but in the blink of an eye, all the demon souls were sucked into the holes in Mu Ling's sword body, and no one had time to escape.

Then, Mu Yu clearly saw a pinhole-sized hole in Mu Ling's body began to heal!

Mu Yu eased his mind, the pain on his body gradually disappeared under the wash of life breath, and some vitality sucked away from his body gradually recovered. He rubbed his head, remembering the moment when he was possessed by thousands of demon souls, he still had palpitations, and it would be uncomfortable for him to be bitten by a lot of demon souls, not to mention these demon souls were more like biting wood Yu's soul is so ordinary, it really hurts!

The breath on Broken Sword had dissipated, as if it had turned back into a piece of decaying broken wood, and in the voice of Xiaoshuai's cursing, he re-drilled back into the Shadow Sword.

"What magic weapon is that?"

Qiao Xue sat up and looked at Mu Ling, who disappeared in Muyu's shadow sword, with a look of doubt in her eyes, apparently very curious about what saved their lives.

Muyu didn't answer her immediately, but just touched the bite all over her body. There were no wounds, but she felt like she was exhausted and extremely uncomfortable.

"Why didn't this guy come out at first, causing me to be bitten to death by so many demon souls!" Muyu muttered.

In fact, he was able to survive the bite of so many demon souls, and he was alone. In exchange for other people to be touched by these demon souls, they would be scattered in an instant. How can ordinary people have his perverted vitality.

"That ugly sword seems to have an extraordinary origin." Qiao Xue said.

"The picked goods are spread out, no matter what it is, what should we do now?" Mu Yu didn't want to explain the origin of Mu Ling. This matter involves many complicated relationships, and it will be unclear for a while.

However, a question suddenly appeared in his heart. The old tree chief had told Mu Yu that if he wanted to repair this wooden spirit, it would need to be filled with the lives of many innocents, which also caused Mu Yu to be very unwilling to see this broken sword. . However, after breaking the sword and absorbing the hundreds of monsters today, a small hole in the body healed. This shows that the old tree leader did not tell him all the facts about this piece of wood. The wood spirit can also absorb the dead. The restored ones don't look as evil as imagined.

Qiao Xue glanced at Mu Yu meaningfully, and didn't pursue it. She adjusted her breath slightly, then stood up and said, "We have no escape route, just go on."

This decision Muyu was not surprised. After the cave brought them here, the back road was blocked. Now there is no other way than to continue jumping into the abyss.

"Okay! Let's rest for half an hour before we talk." Mu Yu reluctantly said.

The spirit of Erzhong is very strong, and practicing here will achieve twice the result with half the effort, so they quickly recovered. Qiao Xue's face was still pale, she didn't have Muyu's vigorous vitality, and it was uncomfortable to be attached to several demon souls. Although Mu Yu has been patronized by all the demon souls, but he has Mu Ling body protection, plus his own recovery ability is very powerful, but it is not a big deal.

This time they climbed out of the cave very carefully, stepped on the flying sword and slowly descended into the abyss. The demon soul Qiao Xue just wandered in the abyss beneath the cave is to prevent the invasion of outsiders. If you don't know how to crack this monster formation, and you don't have the broken sword in Muyu's hands, you will easily be swallowed by the monster soul.

"It's a little weird around," the little handsome whispered.

Surrounded by black paint, the visibility of the flying sword underneath was very low. In order to stop disturbing things like demon souls, they deliberately suppressed the magic weapon's light to the darkest. The two were back-to-back, guarding carefully to prevent some unknown attackers from jumping out of the darkness.

"What are those flickering things?" Mu Yu pointed to the distant point that seemed to be a light on a cliff, flashing a dim red awn, flickering, feeling strange.

"If I guess right, it should be a blood bat." Qiao Xue lowered his voice.

"I think so, blood bats like this kind of dark place the most." Muyu had heard of blood bats, their eyes are red, but they have no vision, and live in the darkness, but they are a third-order monster. They can emit strange sound waves to disturb people's minds. A blood bat is not afraid, but it is not a joke that thousands of blood bats call together to form a choir.

They bypassed these blood bats and did not disturb them. Everything here is unfamiliar, who knows what other monsters will appear after these blood bats are alarmed, in case some difficult monster in the abyss below is woken up, it will be troublesome.

Fortunately, the blood bats did not intend to attack them in the process of descending, and the two of them continued to descend. The abyss is bottomless, and it has been carefully dropped for an hour, but when Muyu looked down, there was still no end.

"Isn't this abyss leading to hell?" Mu Yu murmured involuntarily, and there were more and more blood bats around. The den that just stabbed the demon soul and entered the blood bat's nest, this strange journey still It's really helpless.


However, at this moment, Muyu felt like he was hitting the hard ground under his feet. A huge reaction force came from his feet. If they were not afraid of alarming these blood bats, the rate of decline would be relatively slow. I am afraid but this resilience can make them vomit blood!

"What the hell!" Mu Yu eased over, and the magic weapon under their feet seemed to step on the ground, and could no longer advance by one point. He squatted down to look around, and found that he was still in the air, and there was still a dark abyss underneath, but there seemed to be an invisible barrier to prevent their downward trend.

"Enchantment?" Qiao Xue put away the magic weapon and removed his spiritual power. She walked a few steps to the left and back again, her face very grim.

"This should be an enchantment of formation. We can't fly up or down. How do we feel trapped in the cage?" Mu Yu squatted down and tapped the enchantment on the ground lightly with his hand. The sound of "hoop" echoed on the cliff.

"Be careful, don't disturb the blood bat." Qiao Xue looked at the dense red dots around the cliff. But the blood bats only flickered slightly, without any movement.

"The taste of jelly beans, this side! This side!" Xiaoshuai grabbed Muyu's hair, hopped on the shoulder and pointed to the right.

Both Mu Yu and Qiao Xue both nodded slightly, and then walked slowly slowly towards the right. There was a slight muffled sound when stepping on the enchantment, so they just chose to fly in case.

The abyss spans one or two hundred meters, and they quickly touch the cliff wall on the right. The cliff wall is very rough, the hand feels very cold, and a little wet. The strange thing is that there is a large area on the cliff here without blood bats. They seem to deliberately keep a distance from here.

"There's nothing here." Qiao Xue groped for the rock wall, except for the uneven, wet and cold rocks~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She didn't find anything unusual.

"No, it's a little weird here." Muyu's split shadow sword lighted slightly, illuminating the rock wall in front slightly, his fingers crossed the rock wall, and his brow furrowed, as if he had found something, he retreated After a few steps, I looked at the rock face roughly and slowly said: "This is a stone gate."

Qiao Xue's face moved slightly, a look of surprise clearly flashed in her eyes, but the surroundings were too dark, Muyu didn't notice. She retreated to Muyu and said, "Can you point out the outline of this stone gate?"

Mu Yu nodded, and made a circle on the cliff with a shadow sword. The door is square, about five meters wide and twelve meters high. When the shadow sword crossed the top of the door, with the faint blue light, they clearly saw like a relief on the top, and the expression was a little grim, like a fierce monster, lifelike, and they startled them.

"How do you open this door?"

Mu Yu let the shadow sword stay in front of the relief, and carefully looked at the fierce monster, but he didn't recognize the species. If you insist on giving a metaphor, Muyu feels like a gorilla with fangs reaching to her chin, but it looks like a sloth again, and it seems nondescript.

When Qiao Xue saw the statue, he immediately widened his eyes, a little unbelievable. She seemed to know something and pondered for a while, saying: "I know how to open this door."

"How to open?" In Muyu's opinion, this door was not a formation. He had thought about breaking the door directly with brute force, but thinking of the strangeness and heavyness here, this door would certainly not be so simple. It was broken by external forces. If you didn't break the door and instead alarmed the surrounding blood bats, you would have to fight thousands of blood bats again.

"The primitive demon clan of Erzhong, likes to sacrifice." Qiao Xue said in disgust.

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