A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 317: 9 days of magic

   Feng Haochen said to others: "The three of you don't have to hide, the dead wood is his own, he knows the ability of Muyu."

   politely bowed to the dead wood: "Predecessor dead wood, the junior will control the metal."

   Several black metal spheres appeared around him, turning around him. Those metal spheres began to change a variety of dexterous shapes, and even turned into a sword, dancing incessantly. In the end, it covered all of Yan's arms directly, like armor, shimmering with metallic luster, but cold and tough.

   Luo Shi was not so polite. Without saying anything, flames sprang directly out of him, and these flames were beating, but he didn't burn his clothes. A scorching breath came across, making it uncomfortable.

   "Can you take it easy! Why is it so hot because it's so hot?" Muyu didn't like the steaming flame, maybe more did not like the second brother.

   "I will take you to heaven?" Luo Ji glanced at Mu Yu, his eyes were very polite, and then the flames all over his body disappeared. The two looked down on each other. Mu Yu didn't like Luo Shao because of Lan Ling'er, Luo Luo didn't like Mu Yu because Mu Yu nearly killed Master. Due to the status of Brother Two, Luo Ji rescued Mu Yu several times, and he was in a bad mood every time he rescued Mu Yu.

   And Mu Yu is grateful for Luo Shi is one thing, dislike Luo Luo is another thing.

   "Who else is there?" asked Drywood.

  Lan Ling'er ran over and kicked south to wake up lazily in the hammock, and ran south with embarrassment, saw Muyu greeted in surprise. Hearing to reveal his ability to control the soil, he quickly recruited a few stones from the side of the flowerbed, the soil of the flowerbed poured into the ground, and the orchids were scattered.

   "Then I planted flowers!" Lan Linger didn't get angry, and went south again.

   Sorry to the south, said: "Sister, I am sorry, I will help you get better later, there will be no less stone and a little dirt, I promise!"

   Muyu had never seen his brothers show their abilities in person before, only when they met the ghost in Ertian, they had seen it in a dream. But at that time he always thought it was just false, and that scene was too unbelievable, Muyu didn't take it seriously.

  It is said that if you have the ability to keep the Yumon Demon abilities secret, even if you are not aware of it, even outsiders will not find out. Cheng Yan and Xiang Nan both hide their abilities very well, but Mu Yu has been very careful.

   But Muyu still didn't understand.

   "Can someone explain what is the Nine Heavens Sealing Demon Formation?" Mu Yu asked puzzledly.

"The Nine-day Sealing Demon Formation is a very old formation with terrifying power. It is a formation invented by the human race to deal with the Yumon Demon Clan. The conditions of the nine-day Sealing Demon Formation are too harsh and will be restricted everywhere. This formation is used exclusively. To limit the ability of the Yumon Demon Clan," Feng Haochen explained.

   Withered wood glanced at Muyu. He didn't care about the others, but it had to do with Muyu's safety. Although he always scolded Mu Yu and said Mu Yu was useless, Mu Yu's weight in his heart was extremely heavy.

Witherbark said: "The power of the Yumon Demon Clan in your body can be limited by the Nine-day Sealing Demon Array, because the power you have is not pure, and the consciousness of the five Yumeng Lords is sleeping in your body. The mood changes, sobering up. The Nine-day Sealing Demon Array can prevent the consciousness of the Eminent Lord within you from awakening, so that you will not lose control."

  For the first time, Mu Yu had heard of the Nine-day Demon Array. He felt a little ashamed. He clearly knew that his two masters were experts in formation, but he seemed to have only learned a little bit of knowledge of the formation method, not even fur.

   This is not to blame him. Feng Haochen did not teach a few formations at the beginning, in order not to let them discover the existence of the trapped Xian prison. Withered wood teaches Muyu a lot of formation knowledge, but unfortunately, Muyu puts more energy on the medicine path. The opponent only knows more about the formation, but the understanding of the formation is far from the level of deadwood.

   "How to do this formation?" Mu Yu asked.

"Based on your body, seal the power of the Yumon Spirit Lord, which means that the Yumon Spirit Lord in your body will not wake up again. Muyu The power in your body is the most unstable, and this time I come back to me I found that your breath is getting stronger and stronger. After you left the Moyun Mountains, you lost control more than once or twice. Your control of plants is becoming more and more stable. I think about it. Your wood spirit has been restored. ?" Feng Haochen said meaningfully.

   Muyu opened his mouth and nodded helplessly. Sure enough, nothing could be concealed from Master. He was out of control once when he was in Fuxianyu, and was taken away by the dead wood; in the second day, he was created by a phantom in a dream, and he was out of control in his dream.

   Feng Haochen defeated the true **** of Yumeng Lingyu by one person. He is familiar with the things of Yumeng demon.

"You usually use some of the powers of the Yumon Demon Clan, because this is already integrated into your spiritual power. As long as you don't wake up the sleeping power in the body, it will be nothing. But if the power in the body wakes up too much, it will soon They will no longer be quiet in you, they will become more and more active. When you get out of control again someday, maybe they will suppress your own consciousness, and then you will really return! "Feng Haochen put on a serious tone.

  Everyone was silent, Luo Luo tightened his lips. He was actually out of control like Muyu, but he was able to wake up in time. But this kind of thing is still not easy to say, what if they wake up after a certain runaway?


  Chenyan and Xiangnan are probably the least out of control. The Yumeng Demon in the body is the most stable, and Xiangnan is second. They are not as restless as Muyu and Luoshu.

   "Then if I can control the plants after the Nine-day Sealing Demon Array is cast?" Muyu asked.

"Yes, this ability has already been incorporated into your spiritual power. Now the Yumon Demon Clan is ready to make a comeback. I don’t worry about the four of you. If you are out of control and you are occupied by the Yumon Spirit Master, then it will be more Trouble. The Nine-day Sealing Demon Array can completely seal the power of the Yumon Spirit Lord in your body, so that he can't wake up. It is set in your body, even the Yumen Demon Clan can't crack it." Feng Hao said.

   Drywood frowned: "But I am afraid that the two of us will not be able to lay the Nine Heavens Sealing Demon Array? There must be one more person, who else did you find?"

   "Evil is not old." Feng Haochen said lightly.

  Evil not old is the leader of the evil faction, his disciples are very evil, just look at the misfortune of Simon and Wan Wan know. When Feng Haochen said that evil is not old, the dead wood was surprised, as was Muyu.

   "Xie Bu Lao will help you? Xie Bu Lao can't wait to kill you!" Kumu said sarcastically. Just now some disciples of the evil faction were so interested in Muyu's fingers because of a command from evil old, evil old would be strange if he would help sword shadow dust wind.

Feng Haochen reluctantly said: "I used to have some grudges with Xie Bu Lao. I think about this time because of the White Ape Demon King, I also spent a lot of time before letting him agree to negotiate with the demon clan and let the demon clan agree to stand. From the standpoint of our human race, otherwise how could the guy in the Mie Palace let go of Muyu?"

   "It turned out to be Master's trouble that you helped me to solve." Mu Yu said gratefully, he didn't know how big the basket he stabbed.

Muyu's release of the White Ape Demon King is equivalent to a greater threat to the survival of the human race. This matter is unforgivable in the eyes of the Mie Palace, especially at the point where the Yumon Demon Clan is free from the trapped Xian prison, the White Ape Demon King His birth undoubtedly brought great pressure to the human race.

   If Feng Haochen persuaded Xie Buchen to negotiate with the demon clan, the demon clan agreed to deal with the Yumen demon clan together with the human clan. I'm afraid the Mie Palace will not let go of Muyu and will not recognize the demon clan. The younger generation of demon clan appearing on the Jixian list is the best explanation.

   "Master, since the people of the Miyanomiya have already known that the Yumon demon has escaped from the trapped Xian prison, why don't the Mie guards help you to remove the trapped Xian prison?" Muyu asked.

  Yumeng Mozu is ready to make a comeback. Although Mie Gong is picking the immortal to deal with Yumeng Mozu, it is obviously a better choice to choose Jianyingchen. As long as Sword Shadow Dust Wind resumes cultivation, then the Yumon Demon Clan cannot go rampant, and will certainly be suppressed again.

"The Sanchong Palace is not a kind force. You have to understand this. They can do whatever they can to win the human race. Anyone who can threaten their status will be cleared. So they dare not let me restore repairs. Because, they knew that I would not forgive certain untrustworthy things." Feng Haochen's voice lacked the peace of the past, and an unspeakable majesty, which made his disciples stunned. Stunned.

   Muyu was also curious. His master never showed any dignity as a master. He always tolerated his disciples, never got angry, and never scolded them. In their eyes, Feng Haochen is an affable elder, without a shelf, only doing plain things and living a plain life.

   Feng Haochen never showed such dignity in front of his disciples, this dignity made everyone feel very strange.

   When Feng Haochen made an agreement with the people in Sannomiya, he made sacrifices to trap the Yumeng demons on the condition that all the people in the Moyun Mountains be rescued. However, after the trapped immortals were set up, the Mie Palace chose to violate the agreement and allowed millions of people in the Mo Yun Mountains to spontaneously die. If Feng Haochen resumes cultivation and becomes a monstrous sword shadow dust wind in the past, then sword shadow dust wind will surely make a good deal with the Mie Palace.

   "The guardians of the Mie Palace are afraid that I will kill him. He is afraid that he will be right. I will indeed kill him." Feng Haochen said lightly.

  'S invisible killing intention flickered, and despite this faintness, Muyu's heart shivered. The always easygoing Master actually had a killing intention on people? But soon he was relieved.

  Can clean up the sword shadow dust wind of the Lord Yumeng Ling, how could it be a person without blood!

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