A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 333: Father and son

   Cultivation of evil immortality is terrible, but cultivation is only the dead wood of the golden pill period. Using the powerful nine-day seal demon array as an introduction, it can even resist evil immortality! This formation was arranged by the three of them, relying on the powerful formation of the ethereal land. No matter how old the evil is, it is impossible for him to completely resist the power of the entire ethereal land.

  Think about how long it takes the talented person to refining the small five elements to know how strong this ethereal land is. The Nine Heavens Seal Demon Array is based on five elements of evil immortality, and these five elements are pulled by the balance of the five elements in the ethereal land. This force cannot even be offset by evil immortality.

  Evil Elder glared at the dead wood, but he did not expect that the dead wood evergreen still had a hand. Both of them are the top guru of the lineup. Xie Bulong knows that if the nine days of the Demon Array at the moment are controlled by the dead wood, he will have no choice but to withstand the initiative of the formation.

"Withered trees and green evergreens, do you really want to fight against me? Those five elements are my refinement. Believe it or not, let me put those five elements back in place and lift the Nine Heavens Seal Demon Array, I think you still take What fights me!" Xie Bu Lao Xie Qi looked at the dead wood in the Nine Heavens Sealed Demon Formation.

  Since this powerful formation was laid down by the three of them, Xia Bu Lao naturally knows how to deal with the withered and evergreen trees that control Jiu Tianfeng Demon Array. He can't directly compete with the dead wood and evergreen at this time, but he can directly take out the five elements he refined from the Nine Heavens Seal Demon Array. At that time, the Nine Heavens Seal Demon Array will be invalid!

Withered said coldly: "If you have the ability, you can directly destroy the five formations! You don't need to say that you also know what the end of doing so! You forcefully disperse the five elements, and then all three of us will be bitter, Feng Haochen doesn't care if he has a trapped immortal prison. It doesn't matter if I die as a waste person, just try it if you want to die!"

  Evil not always clenched his fists, and the withered tree is provoking his limit! The evil spirit in him was restlessly restless, and the red evil spirits of the six evils were looming.

"After one hour, the Nine-day Sealing Demon Array will end. You wait for an hour. If something goes wrong, you will be dealt with by that time!" Wither Wood is covered by the nine-day Sealing Demon Array. Not always the kind of decisive person who doesn't like to be threatened by others. But whether it is dead wood or Feng Haochen wants to give Muyu five people a chance, rather than let Xie Bu Lao directly shoot to kill.

   "Okay!" Evil old teeth clenched their teeth. His eyes shone with evil energy, and he was resented by the threat of dead wood. However, once the Nine-day Sealing Demon Formation is over, the dead wood is nothing in front of him. At that time, he wants to kill the dead wood quite easily.

   But the dead wood was not at all afraid. He turned around and looked at Jumang in the formation.

  Jumang and others did not take any measures when they saw the dead wood break into the Nine Heavens Seal Demon Array. Even the evil is not old can only do nothing but the dead wood repaired in the Jindan period, they can't. However, the five Yumengling masters such as Ju Mang originally intended to force Xie Bu Lao to strike on them, so they did not fear the dead wood at all.

   "Why? Do you want to come in and be sealed?" Ju Mang sneered.

   "I'm here to seal you."

  Withered wood didn't give him a chance to talk nonsense. With a grasp in his hand, countless wires rushed out of the Nine-day Sealing Demon Array, and he immediately tied the sentence to the dead wood.

   "You are looking for death!" Jumang was exasperated, the black and white light in his eyes looming, the life and death energies criss-crossed, and wanted to activate his life and death ability in the blink of an eye. But the dead wood just waved, and two golden lines burst into Jumang's eyes, breaking away Jumang's black and white eyes.

"In my formation, what are you?" Withered wood coldly knotted his hands, and countless golden patterns swelled at his fingertips, and he extended his fingers and clicked on Muyu's forehead— —

Powerful force swept through again, a steady stream of golden patterns flowing into Mu Yu's mind along his fingertips, and the withered eyes flashed golden patterns from time to time, and then his eyes shot two rays of light , Rushed into Mu Yu's consciousness.

   Withered wood appeared in Liushui Village in an instant, and he saw Muyu mocked by Da Zhuang and a group of children from a distance. Mu Yu's eyes were very confused. He curled up on the threshold of the hut and looked at it all unknown.

   Xuan Ming's affection is too strong, Mu Yu has irreparable regrets in his heart, so he was also confused by these things. The dead wood was surrounded by patterns, and he pushed away a group of children who surrounded Muyu and squatted down to look directly at Muyu's eyes.

   "Muyu, wake up. It's me!" Withered wood shook Muyu.

   When Muyu saw the dead wood, his heart was wrapped in ice. He murmured, "Master, are you really using me?"

The withered tree took a deep breath, and then slowly said: "Muyu, I admit that I was using you at the beginning, but then I don't even know what is going on. You are not that wooden feather, and I am not that withered tree. Your appearance changed me and made me understand many things. No matter whether Feng Haochen will resume cultivation to save Miao Yuyan in the future, it is no longer so important to me. Your safety is my concern. No matter what you see now, there is nothing wrong with what I said that day. You are indeed the pride of my life."

   Muyu's eyes flicked slightly.

   Withered, he never likes to say sensational words, nor is he good at encouraging others, but he knows that Muyu needs some words at this moment to get rid of the confusion.

   "Why did my parents abandon me?" Mu Yu was so upset that he couldn't understand this, why would he give up his child ruthlessly?

Son's parents?

   Deadwood was silent. He didn't know how to answer Muyu's question. Muyu lacked the care of his parents from an early age. Although he was always optimistic, he was also envious when he saw other children being able to be spoiled in their parents' arms. Today, he was inadvertently bewitched by Xuan Ming, causing the sadness hidden in his heart to flood into his mind uncontrollably.

  Withered wood has an unspeakable emotion for Muyu. He has no children in his life. Because of the loneliness and stuttering, no one is willing to communicate with dead wood until Muyu appears. Muyu is the only one who really cares about and understands him. Although the dead wood is often annoyed by what Muyu said, on many principles, Muyu never let the dead wood suffer.

  Even if the dead wood loses its cultivation practice, now it has only the strength of the Jindan period, but Muyu still has the self-esteem of the dead tree everywhere in the outing period. When the dead wood wanted to beat him, Muyu would never dodge.

  The dead wood hesitated for a while, and said slowly: "I know I may not be qualified, but if you want, you can-you can-you can treat me as your father."

   This is what Drywood always wanted to say to Muyu.

   Deadwood is a very hard-mouthed person, and hard-mouthedness also causes him to never say good things to Muyu. It is quite rare that he can say these words at the moment!

   The big stature on the side gradually turned into the image of Xuan Ming, and she laughed: "It really touched the dead! Do you think you can wake up the kid like this? Don't disgust me!"

   However, her smile suddenly froze! Because a light suddenly appeared on Muyu, and that light made her feel terrified.

   Muyu looked at the dead wood in front of him, and the image of the dead wood gradually became clear in front of him. Although Kumu always scolded him, but those words had nothing to do with it. Kumu was always worried about Muyu, guiding Muyu with a special identity and helping Muyu solve all difficulties.

   Muyu often deliberately provokes dry wood to get angry, and between them is like a grumpy father and a rebellious naughty son. The son angered his father, and the father broke his mouth and yelled at him if he couldn't. But they never resented each other, only trust.

   belongs to the trust between father and son.

   A trace of clarity appeared in Muyu's eyes.

   "I'm waiting for you outside."

  Withered wood stood up, and finally glanced at Muyu, and then countless patterns wrapped him again, and his entire person had disappeared into Muyu's memories.

  The sentence in the Nine-day Sealing Demon Array shouted angrily, and he was frightened to find that Muyu seemed to be gradually struggling. Ju Mang closed his eyes and drunk, trying to suppress Muyu in his body. But the dead wood's words suddenly worked, and Muyu began to rebel against Jumang and wanted to regain his own body. Then Ju Mang's voice gradually decreased, and the whole body stopped struggling.

   Muyu opened his eyes slowly, his eyes looked very clear, reflected in the dead wood eyes, let the dead wood breathe a sigh of relief.

   "I heard clearly this time, am I proud of you?" Muyu grinned with a grin.

  Like the silly son of the landlord's family, I don't know what makes me happy.

The dead wood let out a sigh of relief, and the stone at the bottom of his heart finally fell to the ground. Then he shook his face and scolded: "Go away and play! Hurry and wake up Qiao Xue. Only Xuan Ming's affection has been lifted, and other talents have broken free opportunity!"

   Muyu is still the heartless and stubborn wooden feather, and dead wood is still the grumpy old man.

   Muyu scratched his head. He knew that the dead wood was always like this, but some of the words that the dead wood had said were quite satisfactory to him. After a pause, Mu Yu said: "So how do I deal with Xuan Ming?"

   "I have long seen that the girl is interesting to you. Your words may awaken her! It is not good. You just say something nice with conscience as I did just now." Wither coughed twice and suggested.

   Withered Mu's words were of course not conscientiously said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's just that withered Mu has always been a hard-mouthed person, he doesn't want Muyu to be too smug.

"Shall I also say sensational words to Qiao Xue?" Mu Yu touched his chin, and suddenly remembered something, shouting, "Master, I know what to do, help me, I'm going!" "

Suddenly Mu Yu flew towards Qiao Xue. His movements were quick, but Xuan Ming's reaction was not slow. Xuan Ming stared coldly at the oncoming Mu Yu, and directly flew away, making Mu Yu flutter. air!

   "Hey, what are you going to do, stinky boy? Do you still want to play hooligans in broad daylight? Can you be serious!" Withered wood froze, scolding angrily.

"Master, what are you thinking about? Is your life's pride that kind of person? Less nonsense, help me hold Qiao Xue!" Mu Yu pouted, and the wooden spirit sword in his hand turned into a sky branch, Chao Xuan Nether entangled in the past. Mu Ling is not something in the ethereal land, so Mu Yu can completely control it here.

   Hold Qiao Xue? How does it sound like something you want to do?

   Withered wood simply wanted to beat Muyu again, but he still had a chain of chains in his hands, trapping Xuan Ming. At the same time, Mu Yu's Mu Ling has become entangled in the water spirit floating around Qiao Xue's waist. Wood Spirit and Water Spirit are like long-lost friends, and they merge together at once.

   Just like the wicker chair outside the yard that day, the collision between Mu Ling and Shuiling made the two minds without any separation. Mu Yu had already seen Qiao Xue's heart, and he instantly entered Qiao Xue's memories.


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