A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 336: Shunxintang

   returned to the south and resumed his lazy look. There was nothing abnormal in front of Lan Ling'er, Qing Mei and Uncle. Everyone also thought that nothing had happened, and they still talked and laughed. It's just that everyone carefully avoided mentioning the matter of the Nine Heavens Sealing Demon Array, and didn't want to touch the scars facing south.

Qiao Xue didn't leave immediately, she chose to stay because it was said that after all things were finished, the five of them would go to Lanxi City to explore the news of Yumeng Demon Clan. No excuses.

  Now that the matter of the Nine Heavens Sealing Demon Array has been solved, the rest is to separate the anger and death of the grass, and use the grass to help restore the cultivation of Feng Haochen.

   However, the risk of this matter is too great. If the grass is careless, it may cause a big disaster, so it needs the help of evil spirits. Xie Bu Lao is very active in helping Feng Haochen to resume his cultivation, and he has not pushed back three things.

   But because the three of them just finished the nine-day magic circle, it took a lot of energy, so they need to rest for a while. Mu Yu is the key person to separate the nethergrass. He has chosen to practice seriously in recent days to promote himself to the best state.

  Life in this small courtyard on Liuli Street seems to be back in peace, but an uninvited guest has already come to the South Fifty Mile Garden.

  Want to walk on Sanshilili Street with a warm smile on his face. Walking through the door of the Zhuxin store with a dry head, a small red wrinkled face like a chrysanthemum sits on the threshold as usual, and yells like a silver bell like a little girl: "Boy, very handsome, play with the old one? "

   turned around and waited for Xiaohong to smile slightly. The smile was so gentle, without any trace of pretentiousness, just like a polite and weak scholar, but Xiaohong suddenly changed his face suddenly, and then crawled into the store in a panic. He didn't care about it, he continued to walk forward, and then stopped at the door of "Shunxin Hall".

   Although Shunxintang opened on 38th Street, it is not a sect, but belongs to the "Shadow Man" organization. The Shadow Man organization is the strongest underground force in the realm gathering intelligence, and the degree of mystery may be limited to the Sannomiya. Their members are everywhere in the realm of comprehension. Whether it is to hire a comprehension person to find people or to kill people, it is absolutely wrong to find them.

   They named their branch office "Shunxintang" because they claim to be able to help people solve any troubles, as long as the price can be paid, they even claim to be able to assassinate the eight gatekeepers!

As for whether the filmman can assassinate the gatekeeper, no one has ever confirmed that because the status of the eight gatekeepers in the realm of the realm is really respected. The strength of the eight gatekeepers has already exceeded the strength of the gods. And the terrible strength of the once ten demon kings. If you want to kill a master, the price is astronomical!

  Heavenly walked into Shunxintang, which was very dark and seriously lack of light, which made the smiling face look very gloomy. There were nine entrances, each of which was covered by a tattered black curtain. The black curtain seemed to be gnawed by mice, and it was covered with holes of all sizes. However, if someone wanted to use these holes to spy on them, he could see nothing.

Numbers from one to nine are written on the nine curtains, and a wooden sign hangs beside each entrance. The business of each entrance is scribbled on it, including disputes such as "treasure hunt", "tracing people", "hunting monsters" "Employment", "information", "identity", "killing", "extinguishing the door".

  Shunxintang encompasses the needs of any cultivator. The most common ones are "hunting treasure", "hunting people" and "killing people". As for "disputes", including debt collection or wanting to turn someone into a **** and need a mediator in the middle, this kind of thing will also be provided. And the "identity" business is when a cultivator can’t get along and wants to change a new identity to live anew, or because a task wants a seamless identity, Shunxintang can also do it for you.

Shunxintang has a rule that if someone pays to kill a person, they will no longer accept the business of the target, avoiding the target and hiring a person from the film to protect themselves, resulting in two film organizations Members kill each other. In other words, businesses with conflicts will not be picked up, and they will investigate clearly before the mission.

At this time, there were only three or four sneaky cultivators in Shunxintang. They were whispering to a sloppy young teller who should choose their business. The young people were spitting and explaining tirelessly. , Quite enthusiastic.

   Waiting for the sky to go directly through the curtain of "intelligence", into a dark room glowing with green light, there is a figure sitting in a chair in front of him. He wore a hood and his entire face was hidden in the shadows, and he couldn't see what it looked like. He didn't wait or admit his life, and sat down directly in front of him.

   "Which kind of information do you want to collect? Martial art information, super fairy information, or business information?" Shadow Man asked.

   "Look for someone." The sky said gently.

   "Find someone to go to the second entrance." Shadow Man said coldly.

   "I'm looking for detailed information about two people. I think the second entrance shouldn't provide this?" I wasn't angry at all when I waited. On the contrary, he also showed a kind smile.

   "Which two people's information?"

   "Wood feather and dead wood evergreen."

   "The two men have a starting price of five million spirit stones, a detailed information is one hundred thousand spirit stones." Shadow Humane.

   "Yes." God said with a smile.

   "It's five million per person." The shadow person emphasized.

   "Okay." God waited and replied with a smile again.


   Deadwood and Muyu walked on the street and walked towards Jiuli Street. They wanted to return Ziguang Jiyu to Gu Xiaomin and Ji Zitang. Ziguang extremely jade is a very precious treasure, containing a magnificent aura. Withered wood used to use it to form an array to promote the growth of herbs. Later it was discovered that there was a wooden feather, and the growth of herbs was not a problem.

   They had just walked out for a while, and Wanwan appeared, twisting his thin waist without knowing where he was. Wanwan seemed to have eaten the dead wood, and didn't stop until she got it. All kinds of teasing and charm along the way made the deadwood very annoyed.

   "Wanwan, why are you so persevering? Also, you wouldn't be squatting at the door all day long at the door, right?" Muyu spread her hands helplessly.

"My favorite uncle has never escaped from me! I like those uncles who don't like me, especially the masculine man who is the poison king." Wanwan's slender hands are like snakes winding in the dead wood The arm crossed, but was swept away by Muyu.

   "I don't want to talk." Muyu's impression of Wanwan is not bad. Although she is notorious, the middle-aged man whom she has had a good relationship with does not end well, but at least she never does sneaky things. She likes the man to take the initiative to follow her, instead of forcibly taking the man by herself, otherwise Wan Jia was caught by Wan Wan that day to do hum and haha.

   "Oh, brother Muyu, just touch it, why are you so sensitive!" Wan Wan groaned dissatisfiedly, her voice dripping. She has changed no less than twenty crunchy tones along the way, and it is estimated that other people would have been fascinated by the sound of Wan Wan.

   Muyu tried hard to hold back the goose bumps, and Wan Wan's voice was too scratchy, making him feel uncomfortable. He asked: "When do I say you will die? I have said that my father is very innocent."

   "I like uncles who are innocent, and I like uncles who are innocent to me alone." Wanwan looked at the dead wood with a smile.

   "I guess you are no longer alive, the old man is a famous elm head, incomprehensible person." Mu Yu reminded in good faith. The withered tree stared at Muyu fiercely, and then strode into the Sapphire Medical Hall. Muyu followed with a chuckle, Wanwan turned around and found a place to sit down, she didn't like the smell of the hospital.

   Gu Xiaomin and Ji Zitang were treating a comprehension man bitten by a green snake, but the dead wood and Muyu did not disturb them. They went directly to the backyard and came to the medicine garden. This time the dead wood didn't let Muyu come to the formation, but he did it himself. Obviously, he barely agreed with Feng Haochen's words, and wouldn't let Muyu touch any knowledge of formation.

   Muyu is also happy, he is yawning, looking left and right, withered wood has already set up the formation, Ziguang extremely jade has also been returned to his original position.

   "Leave through the back door and save yourself from encountering annoying guys." Withered wood walked through the courtyard and walked towards the back door.

   Muyu stretched and stretched his waist. He knew that the dead wood didn't want to meet Wanwan's wicked evil woman. However, withered wood just opened the back door, and Wanwan was already waiting for the withered tree with a smile.

   "Lying trough, how do you know we are going to go through the back door?" Mu Yu was taken aback.

"All said, my uncle and I have the same mind! I will know where the uncle is. You said it is uncle." Wanwan leaned up against the dead wood again and scratched the deadwood restlessly. A lap.

   The dead wood was so annoyed that he was about to be half-dead by this dog skin plaster. He turned his head and left the hospital. His pace was very fast. He didn't want to stay outside at all and couldn't wait to go back. Muyu found out that the evil sect really had some evil means. Wanwan knew when the dead wood would leave and where to leave, and then appeared in front of the dead wood on time.

   "We are going back, are you going to send us back?" Muyu asked.

   "Where am I going, where is Uncle, and shopping with Uncle is my favorite thing." Wan Wan said without hesitation.

   Muyu shook his head helplessly, he and Kumu walked in front, and Wanwan twisted her thin waist and slowly followed.

   But at this moment, Wan Wanxiu frowned slightly, as if she sensed something, she turned her head and looked back. Then there were only a few composers walking slowly in the alley behind, and there was nothing unusual.

   "What's wrong?" Mu Yu looked strangely along Wanwan's gaze, but didn't see any way.

   Wanwan raised her eyebrows: "I felt a seemingly prying spy, aimed at the uncle."

   Someone peeping?

   But Muyu didn't notice any weirdness of those comprehension people behind him. Those people were doing their own thing, and they didn't see suspicious characters~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Are you sure? "Mu Yu frowned and wanted to target the dead wood. In his impression, only Deng Tian was in his mind. Did Deng Tian even send someone to track them?

   Wanwan lightly smiled and said: "Why don't he! With me in, no one can take away uncle. Oops! Uncle, don't go so fast! Wait for me!"

   Wanwan twisted her waist to chase the dead wood, and touched the dead wood from time to time. Mu Yu was lost in contemplation. If someone is really bad for the dead wood, he must solve this trouble. But he couldn't find out where the man was hiding, so what should he do with the so-called voyeur?

   Wanwan's words Muyu didn't doubt it, because this woman's evil door was a evil door, and her preference for men was also unacceptable to the good young people, but her strength should never be underestimated. On the issue of dead wood, Wanwan does not need to lie to Muyu.

   Deadwood and Muyu crossed the alley and walked towards Liuli Street. Many streets in Fifty Mile Park in the south are vertical

With crisscross patterns, they can come to another street through small alleys, Muyu did not use the teleportation array.

And at a tea stall on Bali Street, the sky slowly held up a cup of tea, sipped, and said to himself: "The wads of the evil golden boy and girl are really not to be underestimated. I can see that I’m spying on them. Such a keen sense is really rare in the world. But fortunately, I found you, and the efficiency of doing things is more reliable than a million businesses."

   Waiting for the tea cup to be gently put down, and then the whole person has disappeared on the tea stall.

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