A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 339: Life and death

   Muyu has been curious about what the dead wood saw in the illusion here, but unfortunately the dead wood always looked impatient, never killed, and kicked Muyu from time to time.

   "Did you see yourself and Mother Miao Yuyan doing shame?"

  The dead wood kicked Muyu.

   "Not a master, that must be Elder Leng Bingbing!" Muyu snickered.

  The dead wood kicked Muyu.

   "Oh my God! Do you like the third one besides the two of them? Wait a minute! Is that uncle controlled Wan Wan? Wow! The old cow eats tender grass?" Mu Yu fussed.

  Withered wood kicked Muyu's feet this time.

"This kind of thing won't affect me." Withered trees looked around with Muyu's chaotic hopes, and he said impatiently, "Think of something sad, you can get rid of these fantasies, sad things will make you Hope is shattered, and the direction of death will be determined."

   Muyu shrugged his shoulders, let him imagine the sad things in the beautiful moment is really difficult, he asked in a puzzled way: "Senior man, what sad things are you thinking about in your heart? You can tell me for your reference."

  The dead wood gave him a glance and shook his head, "You don't want to know."

   The two of them continued to walk forward, passing through various hopeful fantasy, the scenes were so real that Muyu could linger. He likes this prosperous scene. If it wasn't for the dead wood to pour cold water on Muyu from time to time, he didn't want to leave here at all.

   Gradually, the breath of hope gradually weakened, and a strange gully appeared on the ground in front, so abrupt in the world of vitality. This gully is located under the ground, and it is not bottomed out, as if someone had torn the ground apart.

   The gully is filled with desperate breath, and the gray air is surging continuously, wanting to invade this hopeful world. But whenever the gray air flow is to be scattered from the gully, there will always be a slight white light to separate it, so that the gray gas of the gully will not enter the world.

  Kiyu Iki: "Should it be a world of death through this deep ditch?"

   The dead wood looked at the gully thoughtfully, then nodded and said, "It should be."

"Then what should I do? Where is the balance between life and death?" Muyu walked to the edge of the gully and looked down. The gray air flow was endless, and the air of despair was flowing in the gully, full of hope with the outside world. World is very different.

   Withered wood walked along the edge of the ravine, stopping from time to time to look for some anomalies. The gully is about ten feet long, two feet wide, and the span is not very large, but he does not know how deep it is.

   "The turfgrass itself is a plant, and your consciousness is in the turfgrass, and it should be possible to know where this point is." The dead wood raised his head to the wood feather road.

Mu Yu gently stroked the edge of the gully with his hand, and suddenly an excited consciousness flashed in his mind. This consciousness seemed to have existed for a long time. Everything here seemed so natural to him, and the structure of the nethergrass was also under his control. At heart.

   He felt a moment of inexplicable joy and said, "I know how to do it!"

   Muyu was lying on the edge of the gully, staring at the cold gray air below, and gently moved her hand forward. There is always white light intercepted at the moment of the gray air flow, and then the white light and the gray gas collide with each other and disappear.

   It is such a point that he wants to catch!

   The collision of white light, black and gray gas was fleeting, and Rao Yimu's speed could not easily catch that point. He kept trying, and there was a strong desire in his heart, and at this moment, his hand rushed forward.

   What he felt, the whole vibrant world suddenly quaked, as if someone was deliberately stirring something. The gray of the gully circulates rapidly, galloping, and gradually becomes dark, and the surrounding scenes full of hope, including the imaginary appearance of Muyu, including Qiao Ran, Qiao Xue, Feng Haochen, and dead wood, are slowly deformed and twisted. , Turned into a white mountain, endless stream, leaping toward the dark gully.

   White and black began to entangle the battle. They both seem to want to devour the other, but they are always evenly matched. The chase between the two cannot still erode the two sides.

  The whole world is left with pure black and white, black and white interlaced with each other, becoming the most primitive force entangled. Mu Yu looked at the black and white in front of her in surprise, the prosperous anger and the desperate desperation of death rushed past him from time to time.

   He stretched out his hand, grabbed the white airflow with his left hand, and grabbed the black airflow with his right hand, and then yanked it. The black and white were suddenly pulled away by him. His consciousness began to roll and suddenly returned to reality!

The black grass and white grass in front of him have been completely separated, and anger and death swept out. They suddenly enveloped the four people in the room. Muyu hit the white leaves of the green grass into the wind and dust. The huge energy wave came, and Feng Haochen suddenly looked up to the sky and screamed, and then instantly resumed cultivation...

   Muyu's heart was full of excitement, and Master resumed cultivation, which means that the guardians of the Mie Palace also have to pay a huge price!

   "Go! We have destroyed the Mie Palace!" Feng Haochen waved his heart with pride, and the imprisonment of the trapped Xian prison disappeared in an instant, and millions of people in the Moyun Mountains no longer had to wait to die. Mu Yu's heart was surging, and Cheng Yan and others followed Master's pace and began to declare war on the Sangeong.


   "Muha!" Withered wood kicked Muyu's ass.

  Kiwa staggered and fell

On the ground, all the beautiful scenes around him suddenly shattered, and he returned to the world of turfgrass, the dead air ravine on the ground was still circulating, and the white light disappeared.

   "I have entered the illusion again." Mu Yu gasped with a big breath, and the brave spirit that Yun Tian wanted to fight against the Mie Palace just now was still circling in his mind. He climbed up, looked at the gully on the ground in surprise, and looked at the dead wood next to it.

   "I told you to be careful, it is easy to fall into the world you longed for here." Withered wood still stands in the same place, a distance away from the dead ravine, he seems to have never passed.

   "That gully is--"

"It’s fake. You imagined the gully leading to death. You must have seen this kind of eerie gully before. You think there must be a gutter-like dividing line between anger and death, so just cross the dividing line The boundary can be balanced, so this gully appears in front of you." Withered Wood hadn't walked past just now, everything was imagined by Muyu himself.

   "Ghostly gully? I'm really impressed if you say that."

   Muyu suddenly remembered, there is a burial valley in the Moyun Mountains, where many people abandoned the unclaimed corpses, and it is also the best place to kill and kill the mouth. In order to find Master Mu Yu Feng Haochen, Gui Xuanyue killed forty-nine Jindan period cultivators in the Chaodang Valley, and used the soul of the Jindan period to perform the technique of Soul Soul. The ravine in front of me is the same.

  It seems that this gully is not a so-called balance point at all.

   "This is troublesome. Just now I was inexplicably entered into the illusion, and I can't prevent it at all." Muyu said helplessly.

   Surrounded by some of Muyu's fantasies, these fantasies were so real that Muyu almost confuses reality with falsehood. He also encountered such a situation that could not distinguish between reality and dream. In the double sky, the phantom implanted false memories into him, which caused him to nearly collapse, and the ghost grass was handed over by the phantom. His, the illusion and the netherworld must have some relationship.

   "It would be nice if the handsome guy was here."

At that time, Mu Yu relied on Xiaoshuai to escape from the dream of the phantom. The phantom once said that Xiaoshuai was bound by all kinds of laws between heaven and earth, and was beyond the five elements, so Muyu's dream was not small. Handsome figure.

Muyu still can't understand what the "Fantasy" said "there is an inexplicable force like ours that restricts each other". What exactly does this mean? Muyu is unclear, but Muyu can be sure that Xiaoshuai This kind of guy is not easy. In the scene around Muyu Ghostgrass, the figure of Xiaoshuai was indeed not found. Muyu tried to fantasize Xiaoshuai and found that it was impossible to do at all. The scene here seemed to deliberately avoid Xiaoshuai.

   "What can Xiaoshuai do for you?" Withered asked.

   This thing Muyu didn't tell Kumu in detail. At that time, because of some disliked memories related to the dream, he deliberately concealed the dream. But now he can't take care of that much anymore. He told Drywood that he had fallen into a illusion in the double sky, and he specifically mentioned the situation of Xiaoshuai.

   Withered brows closed, he nodded and entered into contemplation.

   "You will describe the dream at that time in detail." Drywood Road.

  Kiha had no choice but to say it all over again. This time it was extremely detailed, and even his own thoughts and emotions were well described.

   At this moment, the dead wood seemed to perceive something, and whispered: "I know how to find the dead air."

   He walked back, stopped next to Fake Tianran, watching Fake Tianran and Fake Muyu snuggling there without speaking, just staring at the grass in front of him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't know what he was doing. Then suddenly there was a trace of black gas on the grass in front, and the black gas circled, gradually forming two daggers.

  Withered wood picked up the dagger, threw it to Muyu, pointed at Tianran and said, "Kill her."

   Muyu held the dagger and puzzled: "Why?"

"Her death means despair for you, doesn't she?" The dead wood looked at everything around her and continued, "When you described the dream with me in detail, I thought of something. Xiaoshuai is a very simple one. Existence, I know this. And the phantom and the handsome in your mouth seem to have the ability to restrain each other, and the so-called life and death are actually relatively mutually restraint. There is death in the place where there is life, so what you see in front of you The hope I see actually contains despair."

   "You mean, we don't have to go anywhere to find the edge of the dead air, the dead air melts into these hopeful worlds?"

   Muyu suddenly realized that he was looking at the vitality around him, full of infinite hope, and he couldn't think of despair in this scenario anyway.

"Yes." Withered Wood looked at the dagger in his hand and said, "There is nothing in the world full of hope that can hurt people. This dagger comes from the despair in my heart. If you can't do it, then I will help You got one. To get rid of your dream, you have to kill Tianran."

   Muyu looked at Tian Ran's extremely real back, remembering that he had fallen into endless darkness in the dream because of the calm death, how could he have the heart to start with Tian Ran?

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