The gate did not obstruct him. He knew at least some of the techniques and did not appear to be so unrestrained.

   The moment I stepped into the formation, all the scenes began to rotate and changed into another kind of scene. There was a soft white light around him, wrapping him in it. Around him appeared eight simple and vicissitudes of wooden doors, as if the mountains were steady.

   All the wooden doors suddenly opened together, revealing eight exits, each exit glowing with all kinds of lights, respectively writing eight characters: open, rest, life, death, shock, injury, Du, Jing. There is a passage behind these eight characters, and I don't know where it leads.

   "Open a door in the order of fierce door, middle door and ji door, you can pass a gossip. Your choice has a lot to do with the test behind, so please choose carefully."

   An old voice slowly resounded all around. At the same time, the eight identical wooden doors slammed shut with a violent echo, and then all the wooden doors began to alternate positions quickly, dazzling. Immediately after the wooden door landed heavily on the ground, the lines of Dao Dao extended from the position of the eight wooden doors, and a huge gossip was outlined on the ground, and Mu Yu was standing on the Yin Yang fish of the gossip at the moment.

  It is actually very simple to crack a hexagram, as long as you have a general understanding of the gossip, basically a hexagram is easy to live through.

  Among the eight gates, open, rest, and life belong to Jimen, death, shock, and injury belong to fierce gate, and Du and Jing belong to middle gate. According to the requirements, it is only necessary to open one door in the order of Xiemen, Zhongmen and Jimen.

The next step is to determine the orientation of the eight doors, open the door to the northwest Qiangong, Xiumen to the north kan palace, the birth gate belongs to the earth, to the northeast Fanggen palace, the wound gate to the eastern earthquake palace, Dumen to the southeast Sun Palace, Jingmenju In the south of the palace, the dead gate is located in the southwestern Kun Palace, and the shock gate is in the west.

   Each orientation of the eight diagrams is different, and the orientation is determined according to these inscriptions, so this is a simple reasoning process.

"It's too easy to crack a gossip? When I was in the valley, when the dead wood forced us to learn the gossip knowledge, he brought eight monsters with different levels of brutality to guard the gate..." Xiaoshuai was on Mu Yu's chest Said with a lip.

   "Little mouse, will you die if you don't mention dead wood?" Dragon vine wrapped around Muyu's arm and scolded in a low voice.

   Xiaoshuai realized that she had said something she shouldn't say. She sneaked a glance at Muyu and found a trace of sorrow in Muyu's eyes. She seemed to remember the fact that she was forced to learn "Xuan Zhen" by dead wood. But he quickly disguised his past, because he knew that the dead wood might still come alive!

"I'm also smooth! It's not intentional. Besides, the test of this hexagram is already very pediatric!" Xiaoshuai muttered. "And there are big earthworms. I can remember you were almost swallowed by a water snake. You’re still Dragon Vine! What a shame."

   "Damn, wasn't I blocked by the dead wood at that time!" Longteng said angrily.

   "Large earthworms, let you not mention the word "withered wood", you also mention it!" Xiaoshuai scolded.

   "Did you mention it first!" Long Teng's voice weakened.

   Muyu took a deep breath, remembering that she had been half-familiar with the game, and she was rushing around. She stepped into the dead door and was almost swallowed by the most brutal dragon. The water snake mentioned by Xiaoshuai refers to Jiaolong. Jiaolong didn't have a dragon shape like a dragon vine, nor did it have the breath of a dragon, but it was a fifth-order monster at the time, and its strength was still the wooden feather of the infancy.

  For this reason, withered wood rescued Muyu, and then hung him upside down the valley all day, as a punishment for not studying well.

   Now that the person who always likes to get along with Muyu is gone, Muyu is in a state of sadness again.

   "I'm going to choose life gate, dou gate and death gate, my ability always seems to be inseparable from life and death." Muyu said softly.

   Xiaoshuai and Longteng didn't speak. They didn't matter. Anyway, they didn't need to use them to fight, they just need to move their mouths. Mu Yu opened the three doors along the direction of the gossip on the ground, and then retreated to the Yin Yang fish.

At this time, the other five doors around them gradually transformed into a pattern and merged into the gossip of the ground, while the three doors pushed by Muyu were refused into a door, and then the door slowly opened. , Revealing a dark channel without light.

  Muha hesitated and stepped into the passage.

   The passage is made of stone walls, the crevices are covered with moss, and it is still a little damp. Every time you walk, a candle floats in the air, like an invisible hand holding it. The candlelight emits a pale light and only illuminates a little bit.

   The passage is not long, Muyu quickly came to the other end of the passage, pushed open a door, and stepped into the second hexagram.

   For a moment he thought he was blinded because he found himself on a prairie. Bees and butterflies are dancing and dancing on the grassland, and the grass is flying, but it is strange that the sky he saw when he looked up was also a prairie.

He found that the scene in the sky was exactly the same as the ground scene he was standing on, just like who installed a super-large mirror on the ceiling, and even the movement of butterflies and bees flying was quite consistent, but it was diametrically opposite, not far away. There is a mountain peak, and there is also an inverted mountain peak in the sky, the peaks of the two mountain peaks are against each other.

  However, there was no reflection of Muyu in the grassland in the sky.

   "What's going on?" Xiaoshuai protruded his head and looked around. "Is there a mirror above us?"

   "Little mouse, if there is a mirror on top of his head, what

Didn't show you! "Dragon Vine Road.

   "You control me! It's too handsome to show it!" Xiaoshui said with a lip.

   Muyu stepped on the flying sword and slowly rose into the air. He touched the top of his hand with his hand, trying to touch the boundary of the top of his head. He also thought that the top of his head should be a mirror. But he didn’t touch any borders after flying for ten meters. He continued to fly upwards for more than a hundred meters, and at this moment, he suddenly felt his body turned upside down, and then the whole person turned upward. The grassland fell!

   He adjusted his body in time and stood on the ground, still a grassland above his head.

   "Are we coming to the grassland just above the ceiling?" Xiaoshuai asked strangely.

   "There is a way to verify, Xiaoshuai, you fly up!" Muyu said.

   Xiaoshuai jumped out of Muyu's arms and flew towards the sky. Its speed is very fast, but at this moment, its center of gravity is also reversed, without the time to brake, with a thump, it hit the grass directly.

"Oops! It hurts me to death." Xiaoshuai spit out the soil in his mouth, stood on the grass, looked around dissatisfiedly, then raised his head, and suddenly found Muyu on the grassland above it, looking upside down on it. !

   "This is an upside-down world." Muyu understood that a weird formation was set here, with a certain place in the sky as the boundary, and then turned the two worlds upside down. There is no concept of sky and ground here. No matter which grassland you stand on, another grassland becomes your sky.

   "Then how do we pass the second hexagram? No newbies were given!" Xiaoshuai flew in the direction of Muyu over his head again. This time he learned his lesson and flew slower. Sure enough, when flying over a certain height, the center of gravity of the body changed from below to above, and the whole person no longer needed to fly, and fell directly to another piece of grassland.

Mu Yu simply lay on the grassland, looking at the grassland upside down, and touching the grass on the ground. He nodded thoughtfully, and then said lightly, "I know what this hexagram wants us to do. "

   "What to do?" Xiaoshuai asked puzzled.

"This is the inverted array method, also called the mirror array method. Except for us outsiders, everything in this grassland and the grassland above us is the same. If you want to crack this mirror array method, you have to find them. different places."

   Muyu glanced across the grassland in the sky, as if searching for something. He saw the two peaks in the distance where the peaks were close together, knowing that this peak was the passageway connecting the grasslands.

He remembered that he had accidentally broken into the Drywood Valley when he was doing Jindan practice, and was trapped by a mirror formation. No matter which way he walked at that time, he would be teleported to the origin when he reached the dividing line. When breaking the line, you need to find the dividing line.

   But the boundary of this formation has been very obvious, which is completely different from the mirror formation set by the dead wood.

   "Look for the difference? I'm the best at such a fun game." Xiaoshuai swayed up with his big tail and started looking up and looking down at the difference between the two grasslands. It's a pity that this grassland is really too big. Xiaoshuo found for a long time that he didn't find any difference, even the flight path of the butterfly is the same.

   "Damn, no more, no more, no cervical spondylosis." Xiaoshuai scolded. He turned around and found that Mu Yu was still lying there, unmoved.

   "Hey, don't be lazy!" Xiaoshuai complained.

   Muyu seemed to be thinking about something, and then said: "No need to find it, the two grasslands are exactly the same, the only difference is at our feet."

   "Under our feet?" Xiaoshuai puzzled, it had been flying in mid-air.

"We stepped on a grass and caused the two grasslands to be different, so if we want to find the difference, we don't have to go anywhere, just look at our feet." Muyu sat up and wanted to unplug A grass, but this grass has a different pattern and cannot be destroyed at all. Not discouraged, he pressed the grass down with his hands, then nodded slightly, and said, "Xiaoshuai, haven't you found anything wrong with the aura on the ground?"

   Xiaoshuai landed on the ground, then touched the land, and suddenly understood: "The aura where we stepped on will automatically move away."

   Xiaoshuai took another few steps, and found himself like stepping on the calm water, each step of the footsteps will leave a circle of aura with small ripples.

   "If the grassland above is not stepped on by us, its aura does not fluctuate. This is the difference between the two grasslands."

   Muyu has to admit that this is a very magical formation, it tests a person's perception ability. Many people come in and find two identical They will also think of looking for differences. But many people can't find a difference even if they search the whole grassland. In fact, the real difference is at their feet, but it is habitually ignored.

   "Since we know what is different, what do we do next?" Although Xiaoshuai knows a lot of things, he doesn't know much about the game.

"We know what is different, and of course we are trying to make this place exactly the same." Mu Yu motioned to the young handsome to leave the ground, and then he also took off from the ground, and then his shadow sword waved and pierced the ground. in.

He flew towards the sky, and after another upside down, he came to another piece of grassland and said, "Crack the second hexagram, in fact, first create a different point, and then make up the difference to make it the same point. ."

   When the shadow sword pierced the ground, it caused a change in the previous grassland, so

What Muyu needs to do is to make the same change in another piece of grassland. He drew out another shadow sword, fixed the position of the shadow sword on the grassland above his head, and then stabbed towards the same grass under his feet.

   The two grasslands suddenly shook violently, and the grassland behind him was like a mirror shattered, and there were road cracks, and many turf began to fall down.

   "Boom!" Suddenly the grassland above him was all over the grassland where Muyu was located.

   "Lying trough, I didn't say that it would collapse even if I broke the sky!" Xiaoshuai cried and got into Muyu's arms.

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