A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 372: Dominate fear

   The dead wood was still hanging in the air by the sky, and still smiling, he watched Muyu walking slowly step by step, not even surprised why Muyu would recover so quickly.

   "Are you here to die?" said God gently.

   But Muyu looked at the dying of dead wood and tried to suppress the anger in his heart.

"You can't escape all this, you are afraid of me, so you will never be able to defeat me. You can only watch how I torture the people you care about. Your fear is exactly what makes me strong." God waited and appeared A whip was raised high and pumped on the dead wood, and the blood suddenly soaked the dead wood's clothes.

   "Save me..." Withered wooden half-open eyes, extremely weak.

   Muyu clenched his fists.

"I know, you are still afraid that the dead wood knelt in front of me like a servant, right?" The sky waited, and the dead wood fell heavily on the ground. "He served the slave, you are afraid to see the dead wood at will At my mercy, you are really a coward. Come, my servant, you know what to do."

   The sky was about to kick a dead wood, and the wood's breath was disordered, but Nudan made him unable to resist the order of the sky, and he slowly got up, and then knelt down under the sky.

   "You are not only afraid of these, but you are also afraid that your master will be taken away by the Mie Palace." A figure appeared next to the sky.

   This figure exudes a holy light, and its appearance can't be seen clearly, but there is a familiar person lying on the ground. Feng Haochen's eyes widened, and he lay aside, no longer alive!

   "The undead body, finally got it." The guards of the Sannomiya Shrine glowing with holy white light sneered. White light bloomed from him, and then all the white light poured onto Feng Haochen. Feng Haochen's body also began to glow with white light, and then Feng Haochen slowly began to move. He stood up and his whole body was covered with white light.

  The Miyanomiya guards have been attached to Feng Haochen's undead body!

   Muyu's anger is burning, he can't escape these, he must face these.

   But what does it mean to face your fears?

   Feng Haochen often teaches him to be worthy of his heart in doing things, as long as he is worthy of his heart, then this matter is correct.

   Muyu's eyes showed a trace of clarity, and he calmed down slowly.

   "Worthy?" Mu Yu nodded thoughtfully.

"You are more afraid of your death, aren't you? Although I am your fantasy, but in your fantasy, I killed you, and in reality you will die. You are afraid that you will not be able to blood-blade reality after you die. I in the middle of it can’t avenge the dead wood. Your fear is correct, because you know that whether it is reality or fantasy, you are not my opponent after all!"

   Waiting for the day, a chilling sword appeared in his hand, pointing directly at Muyu: "So, I will end your fear as soon as possible, and you will be free."

   Sword vigour, terrible coercion slammed down Muyu's face, and the endless killer rolls on Muyu. With this sword stab, Muyu will die!

   "Fantasy, fear. Face your heart." Mu Yu repeated these words, looking at the overwhelming killing breath, he suddenly realized what.

   Muyu's mouth outlined a smile, the sword that had been waiting for had already been split against Muyu!

   The terrifying sword gas penetrated Muyu's body, but did not cause any damage to Muyu. Heaven can't wait for that invincible sword gas to split a huge crack under Muyu's feet, but Muyu was unscathed.

   "You -" The smile that the sky is waiting for is finally frozen.

   "I don't deny the fear you said, I know you have the ability to kill me, because this is my fear." Muyu raised his head slowly, and a strange breath rose from him.

   Waiting for the horror to find that he could not move!

"I'm afraid Daddy Drywood asked me for help, and I'm helpless. This is a fear that I can't get rid of, because I feel guilty. Daddy Drywood's death is inseparable from me." Muyu lifted up firmly In the footsteps, the sky walked past.

   "But I figured out one thing, the dead wood never asked anyone for help, even if he died, he never asked for mercy." Mu Yu continued to walk.

  Withered wood had stood up, he looked at Muyu in the distance, like the image left in the blood jade ink crystal, he showed a gratifying smile, this smile made Muyu's tears want to come out of the eye. The dead wood rarely smiles at him, and he only smiles when he does something occasionally to make Muyu deflate. The stubborn old man was often kicked by Muyu, and when he occasionally kicked Muyu, he would smile with relief.

   This smile is so precious to Muyu. He wanted to cry into his father's arms and cry out loud, like a helpless child telling his inner grievances, but he held back. Now Daddy Drywood will never smile at him again, he can only make his smile appear again.

   Dry Wood's soul is still sleeping in the blood jade ink crystal, Mu Yu will definitely make him come alive.

  Because Muyu said, he wanted to let Daddy Drywood really live for himself once.

"I'm afraid of all this, I know all this is false, but even ignoring all this is useless, break this hexagram, I can't ignore my fear, I must face my fear." Muyu walked to the sky In front of me, the grinning smile was gone.

   "You are my fear, your strength comes from my heart. In my heart, because

I know I can't beat you at all, so I don't have the courage to fight you now. The more I fear this, the stronger you are. "Mu Yu has won the sword that God doesn't wait for," but I understand that it is not me who needs to be afraid, but you, because you will definitely die in my hand. "

   "Plop!" God waited to kneel at Muyu's feet, and there was an indistinct horror on his face.

   "Even if you are strong, I shouldn't be afraid of you, because you don't deserve to make me feel scared!" Muyu's sword slowly crossed the throat, and his eyes widened.

   "When I am no longer afraid, your strength will disappear, how can you hurt me?" Mu Yu's hands are hard, and the head that has been waiting for has been cut off by him.

  'S unwilling eyes appeared on Tianbuai's face. His corpse was separated, without any ability to resist. It was once alive, but now it became a dirty slug, lying on the ground.

"You are stronger than me in reality, but how can I let you affect me all the time? If you can beat me in the illusion, how can I go to avenge the dead father?" Mu Yu stepped coldly. On the smiling face of the sky, and then kicked the head of the sky, he turned his head and looked at the guardians of the Mie Palace, "How can you covet my Master's body?"

   The white light on Feng Haochen's body began to flicker erratically, and then it seemed that something was tearing these white lights, pulling them out of Feng Haochen's body.

"You wage war for your own **** of the triple continent, so selfish and self-interested, even if there is no more powerful force, it will surely be destroyed by me!" Mu Yu slashed past clearly, and the white light of the sky was suddenly split by sword gas Broken, swallowed by endless darkness.

   Many people encounter the things they fear the most when they break into the Eighth Hexagram. Everyone knows that this is an illusion and wants to ignore it directly and leave through that wooden door. But escaping from fear is not a way to unravel gossip, they can only return to their sanctuary again.

   However, the refuge will gradually decrease, and the fear will gradually erode the refuge. When the person who breaks the hexagram finds that the illusion can kill himself, the person with the firmest determination will also panic. Because they cannot overcome what they fear in reality, they will naturally think that they cannot beat it in illusions. Illusions are no different from reality in the minds of people who break into Gua, and their fear becomes a real threat.

  The more you are afraid, the fear in the illusion is also strong enough to threaten your life. Ignoring fear is not going to work. It must be faced with fear.

  When you do not fear fear, then fear can never hurt yourself!

   But who has really faced fear so far? Fear is called fear because it is an insurmountable barrier in everyone's heart and an insurmountable gap in everyone's heart. If you can't face the fear squarely, just blindly ignore it and escape it, you will eventually be eaten up by your own fear.

   The terrible convenience of the Eighth Hexagram is that there is no difference between illusion and reality. What can make you retreat in reality can still make you feel invincible in illusion; what can kill you in reality can still destroy you in illusion! When many people find that their lives are threatened, they will panic and make fear more rampant invisible!

  Muyu, like everyone else, is dominated by fear. He knows that Heavenly Waiting is invincible to himself now, and he also knows that Heavenly Waiting can kill himself in illusion. But he realized the origin of fear, and the way to overcome it was to look at it properly.

  You must dominate fear, not let fear dominate you!

   Muyu looked at the dead wood and Feng Haochen, his heart was clear, it seemed that nothing in the world could stop his footsteps.

   "You put my words in your heart very well, good." Feng Haochen stroked the white beard.

   Muyu nodded his head. This was his fantasy. He thought Master would definitely say this after knowing how he defeated fear.

   "It's really useless, you're almost done." Withered Mu scolded.

   "Dad, can't you boast me a sentence like "A good boy is really good"?" Muyu asked.

   "No." Withered Wood snorted.

   Muyu laughed. He knew that the dead wood wouldn't praise him. The dialogue with the dead wood here was also what he imagined. Withered wood has always been a tough-mouthed person. A word of boasting Muyu would make him feel dignified. Muyu wanted to maintain the ridiculous self-esteem of withered wood, so he didn't intend to change anything deliberately.

   Both Feng Haochen and the dead wood turned into stars, dissipating in the darkness. Subsequently, the sun began to rise from the east again, dispelling the darkness, and the bodhi tree reappeared in front of him. He saw the door in the distance, and he understood that this time he walked through the door and passed the Gua himself!

   He opened the wooden door, but found himself walking back into the room just now. There are two doors in the room, one with death and one with life. The dead door has been closed and the live door has just opened.

What Mu Yu didn’t know was that when he broke through the Eighth Hexagram, the entire array sent another wave of palpitation, which did not disturb anyone, but spread directly to the middle-aged generation of the forbidden area. Around people.

   The middle-aged man opened his eyes again, and his eyes showed great shock!

   "Someone finally broke through the Eighth Hexagram?" The middle-aged man's eyes fell on Mu Yu like the stars and the sea. His heart was surging. Has the person finally come after so long?

/>   "He traversed the most difficult eighth hexagram as the fourth hexagram, and the remaining hexagrams couldn't stop him!" The middle-aged man nodded slightly, "as long as you traverse the remaining hexagrams, then The doors of the entire sect will be open to you!"

   has gone through the gossip, and is the most talented among the disciples of Zhenzong. Jinzong will teach him all the techniques without hesitation!

  Zhan Bing and Fan Wen's two disciples on duty also showed a shocking look. They never expected that Mu Yu would actually break through the most difficult Eighth Hexagram! Especially Fan Wen, remembering that he had looked down on Mu Yu just now, who knew that people were actually talented people, and he suddenly sweated in cold sweat.

   Muyu watched the Shengmen wide open. He knew that he had broken through the Four Hexagrams and was already a member of the Zhongtian disciple. Entering the Shengmen is the fifth Hexagram.

   But he didn't move~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Struggling a little bit in his heart, he finally gave up. Fang Cai Muyu already knew that the fourth hexagram was replaced by the eighth hexagram, he broke through the eighth hexagram, then the remaining few hexagrams were simply not enough to affect him. However, he didn’t want to be too flamboyant, he just wanted to learn some basic formations, and then concentrate on the profound Xuan Zhen left by the dead wood father. In order to explore the news of the formation of Heaven, I hope he will not be tripled Damaged by the guards.

   The most important point is that the gossip used his inner fear to let him see how the dead wood was tortured. He was very uncomfortable in his heart. He didn't want to be dominated by gossip next. He was ashamed of his dead wood father, and he didn't want his father to be used as a test of passing.

   He could have gone through the remaining hexagrams and became a highly anticipated existence of the Zongzong, but he chose to give up, for the sake of the dead wood father and himself.

He hoped that Daddy Drywood would always be the image of a stubborn old man who scolded himself but was full of concern in his heart. Although Daddy Drywood's way of expressing his father's love was rude, but Muyu was used to this way and did not want any Something to tarnish the image of the dead father.

   "I don't want to go any further, how do I end the gate?" Mu Yu asked aloud.

"What?" Both Zhan Bing and Fan Wen were taken aback. They were still shocked when Mu Yu became the second person in Zongzong to cross the hardest Eighth Hexagram, but what Mu Yu said next was Let them almost stare out!

   The middle-aged man in the forbidden forest was also stunned. He never thought that Mu Yu had chosen to give up!

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