A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 379: 0 Beast Formation

   It is reasonable for the disciples of Jinzong to be divided into congenital, zhongtian, and acquired, because the comprehensive ability mastered by the disciples at each level is not at the same level.

  Hou Tian disciples only need to understand basic formation knowledge, learn how to use sufficient resources to form a formation, and play better than others under the same conditions. For example, when Muyu breaks into the third hexagram, he is faced with stars that can change shape, and they are all stars. You have to use your own stars to defeat the stars controlled by the formation method.

   Zhongtian disciples must not only have all the characteristics of acquired disciples, they also need to know how to learn to be flexible. For example, what happens to a formation if it changes certain formations, and how to completely transform one formation into another with minimal changes. Many arrays are actually similar, only because of the different placement of the array base or the array eyes, resulting in different effects.

   Many acquired disciples know how to set up a battle, but they do not know how to change formation, so they cannot compare with the disciples of Zhongtian.

  Natural disciples naturally have the characteristics of acquired disciples and zhongtian disciples, but the quality they must possess is to know how to use the least resources to exert a formation to the most powerful effect. In the eyes of the innate array master, all things in the world are interrelated, as long as the method is proper, you can use anything as a matrix and array.

  The top-notch innate array masters not only need to be creative and creative, but also need to have a strong mentality. Few people have passed the level of mentality.

   And the battlefield of Jinjietang was specially designed for Zhongtian disciples. Many of Zhongtian disciples could not pass the test of battlefield because they lacked creativity in formation. When faced with so many monsters, he seemed overwhelmed at once, especially the opponent is still a monster that exceeds his own level, and his monster strength is only comparable to himself.

   Most of the Zhongtian disciples will directly select the strongest monsters to fight, without knowing how to complement each other dexterously. There is no possibility of defeating the monsters who face a high level of themselves.

  Muha took a closer look at the characteristics of the black monsters. These sixth-order monsters basically represent the most complete monsters on all three continents. Flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in the water, thick skin, agile, sharp teeth, hard claws, poisonous, screaming, all available.

"I can only choose a total of one hundred monsters. These monsters are still imbalanced in strength. How do I choose?" Mu Yu returned to look at his low-level monsters, old and weak, sick and pregnant, like a rush, All happily circled around, making Mu Yu cry and laugh.

  Choose monsters and beasts need to consider many factors, because the opponent is unknown, he does not know which sixth-order monsters he is dealing with, so he has to take into account all kinds of circumstances, not go to extremes. If he knows that the opponent is a thick skinned rhinoceros or a poisonous scorpion spider, he can choose a monster with agile claws and no fear of poison, but since he cannot predict his opponent, he must try his best to do his best. balanced.

   The dead beast formation of the dead tree teaches the wood feather is that these monsters can take advantage of each other in the formation to maximize the advantages of each monster. However, the formation at that time did not consider one thing, that is, the coercion of the higher order monsters will affect the lower order monsters.

   Because of the existence of dragon and vine at that time, its domineering dragon power was able to deter all monsters and beasts, so that they could not use their breath to interfere with each other. And at this moment, when Longteng is not there, you need to consider the issue of the monster's momentum. But these are things to be considered later, he must first classify the monsters.

  Mu Yu feels that these monsters who are slightly comforted can obey his command. Fortunately, otherwise he has to find a way to tame the monsters, and then he can compile his own beast array.

   "Come, listen to my command, on the side of the big power station, on the side of the big body station, in the middle of the fast station..."

   Monsters with high IQ quickly learn to stand up, and monsters with low IQ always stand blindly. For example, three third-order monster monster cerebellar giant ants, this ant is as big as an elephant, but their heads are only two big fists of Muyu, they have low IQ, and they stand blankly and spin around without knowing what they are. Type of. Muyu rushed them to the power team, because although their heads were small, their power was really amazing. This is the inherent advantage of ants.

   There are also some monsters who are hesitant and do not know which side they should stand on. For example, four fifth-order monster beast blood spirit birds, they are both equal in speed and lethality. They stood in the speed team for a while, flew to the attack team after a while, and then after a while, they felt that they were fast and ran back. The speed team gave Muyu a headache.

   "Well, you stand in the speed team." Mu Yu drove four blood spirit birds to the speed team, and then spent two hours to classify the remaining monsters.

   This process is actually very difficult, because Rao is well versed and does not understand the characteristics of certain monsters. He thought that it would be nice if Qiao Xue was here at this time. Qiao Xue has been in the demon clan for a long time. It can be said to be a monster beast encyclopedia expert. She can definitely give very pertinent suggestions.

  Hundreds of monsters are all standing, so the next step is how to choose his lineup of beasts.

Because the opponent is very powerful, the momentum of the sixth-order monsters can deter the lower-order monsters, so it is necessary to gather the momentum of all the lower-order monsters together to resist the coercion of the sixth-order monsters. This is the first thing to solve The problem.

   The right formation can disperse the opponent's momentum. Muyu has thought of several wonderful formations to solve the problem of momentum.

   "Nine-year-old porcupine pig, black shield turtle, five thunder speed eagle..."

  Muha must clearly understand when setting up

Every monster's advantages and shortcomings, he counted the monsters, and several hundred beast formations quickly appeared in his mind. As long as the formations of the beasts are properly formed, it is hardly difficult to defeat a strong one.

   Soon, the ferocious command of Muyu sounded among the monsters, which echoed the monsters' crying. However, because the command is after all monsters and not humans, the difficulty factor has increased a lot.

   "Cerebellar giant ant, you stand in the center, yes! Just don't move there, stare at the black turtle's buttocks in front of you, follow wherever you turn!"

   "Sleepy wolf, if you close your eyes and fall asleep, I will let the fire spirit fox burn your tail!"

   "Armor piercing beast, you move four steps to the left, four steps are not ten steps, is my Mandarin not so standard?"

"My little bee, let me see your wings! Beat your wings a little slower, otherwise I can't see it, slower, slower, yes, that's it... Hey? How did you fall? I didn't let you Don't flap your wings!"

   "Tianyin, you can't use you now, you can sing a song to enliven the atmosphere for everyone!"

   "Senrow skunk, you are not allowed to let go of the farts anymore, smoked all your teammates, and bear your farts to me, I will let you put enough!"


   Muyu shouted dryly, but fortunately, his Beast Formation had taken shape. Because he does not know which sixth-order monster the opponent is fighting, he must adjust the formation to the most compatible state, both offensive and defensive, and also prepare several changing formations to deal with emergencies at any time.

Among these 100 monsters, there are less than ten Tier 5 monsters, most of them are Tier 4 and Tier 3. If these monsters are indiscriminately directed to launch a total attack on Tier 6 monsters, it is estimated that Tier 6 monsters With a roar, these low-level monsters all fell down.

"Come on, let's rehearse again. Everyone remembers their respective positions, don't squash. Cerebellar giant ants, how many times have I said, it is staring at the **** of the black turtle, not the **** of the armor-piercing beast! Black turtle, the body of the piercing beast is piercing beast, how can you confuse this?"

   "Yes! That's it. Move quickly, follow the little buddy in front of you. Sleepy wolf, burn your buttocks, are you still sleeping?"

   "Nine-year-old thorn-pig, don't erect your own thorns when you move, you see all the faces of the Senro skunk pierced into cactus."

   "My little bee, you can shoot your wings faster now, just to slow you down just to see your figure."

Although the monsters can understand Muyu's words, they all obey the command of Muyu, but their cooperation with each other is still very rusty. Muyu must strictly tell them the distance they move, no more or less, otherwise it will seriously disrupt Formation.

   Muyu spent another ten hours to train his formation, and then continued to improve, replacing monsters, to make the formation more fault-tolerant. Because of the existence of the stupid third-order monster cerebellar giant ant, it is quite laborious to get a good formation. Their IQ is too low, and they will not be remembered for ten times, but because they are the most suitable monsters, Muyu can only consider how to make up if they make mistakes.

   From the beginning, all the monsters behind can obey the command, and it only took more than a day~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It has been quite rare to achieve this effect.

"Dear monster friends, we need to sing songs from time to time to encourage morale, enliven the atmosphere, and relax the mood." Mu Yu used the rest of the time to engage in the choir according to the tone of different monsters. This is his best thing. When I was in the Drywood Valley, I sang the whole dead valley into singing, let alone being more active.

   "Dou-du-du-du-du-" Before Muyu said, the three cerebellar giant ants started croaking.

To be honest, the tone of the cerebellar giant ant really doesn't match Muyu's song, but he can't bear to attack the cerebellar giant ant's enthusiasm, so he can only helplessly wait for it to finish, then waving the branch in his hand and knocking on the black armor Turtle's shield, said loudly: "Unity is strength, prepare! Sing!"

   All the monsters watched the branches in Muyu's hands and started to sing, and even hummed like a decent. Their voices are background music, and the lyrics are sung by Muyu alone. This choir that Muyu has nothing to do is quite shocking!

   After a song, every monster is full of blood, and even the sleepy wolf who likes to sleep is full of energy.

"We will definitely defeat that sixth-order beast tomorrow! We want to make that sixth-order beast regret our enemies! We want to let it know that although we are not as good as it is, we can beat it! "Muyu glanced confidently at these little partners, full of hope for tomorrow's fight.

   All the monsters yelled very excitedly, and their morale skyrocketed!

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