Muyu took two steps back, this guy was originally just a demon soul, who could think he could be integrated with the demon soul under control, let alone, the breath of his body made Muyu difficult to bear. There is more than one grade difference between the distraction period and the dissipation period. He now has a five-day cultivation practice that is not worth mentioning before the distraction period.

   But the other party is a combination of corpse and demon soul, no matter how powerful they must be in front of Mu Ling! The wooden spirit sword is now a black and white all-you-can-eat, killing without blinking, what demon soul corpse, how much to pack up!

Xiang Ma looked at Mu Yu coldly, twisted his neck, and made an unpleasant creaking sound. Not only that, he also made a crackling body all over his body. Listening to this sound, it seemed that the bones had not been moved for thousands of years. Rusted.

   "Violating my dignity, you should be guilty of death!"

  The axe in the horse's hand suddenly chopped down against the wood of Muyu, with a trace of incomprehensible power, and the air shattered. Mu Yu was slightly shocked, quickly flashed into the trees to hide, and a small piece of wood where he was standing was suddenly chopped into pieces by an axe of Xiang Ma. Fortunately, these stumps and fallen leaves again germinated and turned into Lush woods.

   He controlled the branch to swarm toward Xiangma, as long as the branch touched Xiangma's body, and let the black gas on Mu Ling's body invade the opponent's body, he would be able to surrender him!

   But Muyu soon discovered that Xiang Ma was completely different from those stupid stupid corpses that only knew about chaos. Those corpses didn't know how to avoid his branches, so he could easily make Mu Ling handle them. However, Xiang Ma is a conscious corpse. He understands the strangeness of Muyu's trees, so he doesn't let the branches come close.

   "Angry Axe Goes to the Sky!"

   After the horse merged with the corpse, there was actually a powerful spiritual force spread out. His axe instantly became very huge, a tragic green light shrouded the entire axe, the violent spiritual power was raging, the surrounding aura became a little unstable, and the corpses ran back in panic. , Seems very afraid of this big axe.

   "Two corpse brothers, give me!" Muyu moved branches to send out the two distracted corpses, and they have been stripped of the corpse array at this moment, becoming a puppet in Muyu's hands. Without any hesitation, these two corpses directly waved their powerful fists towards Xiangma!

   "Dare to use my corpse to deal with me? Don't limit yourself!"

  The giant axe in the horse's hand suddenly chopped off, and numerous shadows of the axe poured out, and overwhelmed the two corpses. These two corpses faced the axe shadowily and fearlessly. Their bodies were so powerful that they couldn't even hurt Muyu. After being invaded by the dead spirit of Muling, Muyu even felt clearly Their bodies are even harder.


The fist of the corpse collided with the axe shadow in the sky, and the powerful impact suddenly dispersed, tearing all other corpses close to each other into pieces, and the two divided corpses controlled by Muyu He fell heavily and hit the ground. The ground is very hard, and the two bodies are torn apart!

   This horse's strength exceeds Muyu's imagination. It is simply impossible for Muyu to defeat each other with these two distracting corpses.

  The two dismembered corpse bodies and heads have been separated and got out. But the ground quickly drilled many branches to reassemble them, and then the black gas in the branches again wrapped the corpse and merged into the body.

   "Ka -"

   The two distracted corpses suddenly opened their mouths and spit out a syllable with great effort, the death energy of the whole body became stronger and stronger, and the cracks on the body that were split by the axe shadow began to heal.

   "Yeah? They seem to like the dead energy on Mu Ling." Mu Yu was a little surprised. The dead energy on Mu Ling could quickly repair the wounds on them and make their body toughness a grade again.

   Muyu remembered that the black and white spiritual power in his body was also very strange. Once his body was damaged, the black spiritual power would eat away the injured tissue, and the white spiritual power would regenerate the tissue. The change of black and white spiritual power in his body is also due to the nethergrass, in a sense it is interlinked.

  The two distracting corpses have rushed towards Xiangma again under the control of Muyu. They don't know anything about the unbeatable problem, they only know how to strike arrogantly. Xiang Ma was frightened. He also found that the two corpses were not right. The giant axe waved again in his hand, and the green axe shadow had been split!

  The two distracting corpses once again collided with the axe shadow. Unsurprisingly, they couldn't stop Xiang Ma's strength at all, and fell heavily on the ground again. But to Ma Xiang's heart, this time, the two divided corpses did not split apart as before!

   Then the two corpses climbed up again and continued to charge.

Mu Yu was not idle on the side, he could only control two corpses to circulate with Xiang Ma constantly, and at the same time he also stretched out tentacle-like branches from time to time to want to be in touch with Xiang Ma's body, but Xiang Ma was already prepared. , The spiritual power of the body always destroys the branches of Muyu in time.

"Boy! I'm in control of the entire corpse formation, my power is endless, do you want to spend my life with me like this?" Xiang Ma couldn't help Muyu for a while, but Muyu couldn't help him either, the two fell into Deadlock.

   "Hold on for a while, I will definitely get you!"

  Muha doesn't really think that if you continue to play like this, you will win or lose. Xiaoshuai said that there are more than 10,000 formations under the ground. More than 10,000 formations are not simple objects, and they can persist for thousands of years.

Not just talking about it.

A formation will easily consume the aura, but the combination of 10,000 formations will greatly reduce the aura consumption of the formation. When using a large formation, the formation will try to find a way to use the formation. The time limit has become longer. This is part of the advanced formation. This corpse formation may not be a problem for thousands of years.

   His hands are already shimmering with black and white spiritual power, and are quickly interlaced in the corners, marking the spiritual power lines on the ground. He is going to use the "swallowing home" technique to find the weakness of Xiang Ma's shot. No matter what the horse's behavior is, he will have weaknesses when he shoots. Only if he shoots from his weakest place will he have the opportunity to defeat this guy. .

   But the limitation of this formation is too great, he still hasn't solved the formation problem, so he can only grind his gun. Moreover, even if he had set up the "Swimming Swallow's Home", a congenital formation foundation would not last a few times. In addition, the object to be displayed was the distraction period. First of all, he had to ensure that the swallow swallowing him hit the item, This difficulty is quite high, but if you can hit a swallow, it is enough for Mu Yu to catch the door of the opponent.

   Once is also a chance, otherwise it will really finish playing!

   Muyu is much faster in arranging "Rehabilitation of Swallows" this time. He has fully understood the essence of this formation, so it only took about a quarter of an hour to set it up. In this quarter, two dismembered corpses and Xiang Ma had already played hundreds of rounds, and neither side was exhausted.

  Nine black-and-white corrective swallows suddenly rushed out of the formation at the foot of Muyu. Their speed was very fast. However, it took Muyu a long time to figure out how to control these corrective swallows to make them fly faster. Numerous branches twisted around and encircled the Xiangma group, and the nine swallows were hidden in the woods, ready to go!

   victory or defeat is here!

   Muyu rushed out of the woods this time and attacked Xiangma with two distracting corpses. Xiang Ma saw Mu Yu rushing over, and immediately smiled coldly: "Boy, have you finally come out and died?"

   The axe in his hand has become two, and this time a more terrifying atmosphere is shrouded towards Muyu.

Xiang Ma's heart is quite angry now, but he is a demon who has been divided into gods. Although he was sacrificed into a corpse formation and survived in the form of a demon soul, it is not a period of out of wits. The young people of the human race can look down upon.

But I did not expect that this young man of the human race was so difficult to tangle. Those black branches and green leaves trees were very strange. They were wiped out and grew up in a blink of an eye. They could not be touched and let him tie his hands, and he did not know that the wood feathers were hiding in the woods Where. Seeing Muyu take the initiative to die at the moment, let alone say it is an axe to serve!


  The attack speed in the split-phase period is so incredible that the wooden feathers in the out-of-phase period are completely incapable of responding, and they are immediately chopped by Xiangma's axe. When Xiang Ma was about to show the winner's smile, he suddenly froze, and then his face became very difficult to look!

  Because he found that the wooden feather that had been split in front of his eyes did not become two halves as he had imagined, but directly exploded and turned into dots and pieces of dots, which diffused in the air.

   Phantom Formation!

   A very basic celestial array technique, can use the formation method to create an illusion of its own. Whether the illusion is real and whether it can hide the sky and the sea is related to the array master's understanding of the formation. Muyu's array technique is actually not very real. If it is outside, it can be seen that the phantom is fake during the ordinary out of luck period. However, Xiang Ma really wanted to kill Muyu, so when Muyu's phantom came out, he killed it without thinking.

   Such a kill, there was a gap behind him!

   "Like a pig, die!"

Mu Yu's real figure appeared behind Xiang Numerous branches took him towards Xiang Ma's back, and at the moment two corpses of distracting stage also punched Xiang Xiang horse. Xiang Madun was enemies at the back of his stomach, but his reaction was approaching to the extreme. Isn't it a general to be the guardian of the Sand Eagle Demon King?

   "My name is Xiang Ma!"

Xiang Ma snarled, a spiritual barrier emerged from his body, and immediately shattered all the branches, without giving Mu Yu any chance, and the two corpses were kicked in the head by him, and flew directly He went out and hit the ground fiercely.

  However, the nine black swallows directly penetrated the spiritual barrier of his body and merged into his body and disappeared.

  Everything is just a feint, and the key is to let Jiao Yan return to the nest!

"What stuff? How could it break my spiritual barrier?" Xiang Ma was shocked. He quickly checked his body, but no abnormalities were found in his body. After the nine black and white swallows rushed into his body Like the sea sinking into the sea, it became silent.

  The swiftlet's homecoming has no lethality. Although it has many shortcomings, the advantage is that the spiritual barrier is ineffective against it. Only some special attacks can stop it. Xiang Ma was only distracted by Mu Yu, which caused Jiao Yan to hit Xiang Ma quietly.

   "Is Huaquan embroidering legs like knocking me down?" Xiang Ma moved his muscles and bones again crackled and looked at Muyu's voice disdainfully.

   But Muyu's figure had disappeared, and he was hidden in the surrounding trees again.

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