A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 414: Genius Development Plan

   "Success, success?" Luo Feilong's face froze.

All the disciples of Zhongtian also exclaimed. They always thought that even if Mu Yu broke the first monument, the second one would not be so successful because both Luo Feilong and Ji Wenkai ended in failure. Understand how difficult this monument is.

   But I never imagined that Mu Yu had just tried it once and destroyed the second battle monument!

   Is this person really so powerful?

   Muyu walked to Lu Xianshi and bowed: "Disciple Fengmu, have seen Lu Xianshi."

   "Fengmu you... My God! How could it be... This is too unreasonable..." Master Lu Xian still didn't close his surprised chin, and he spoke incoherently.

Where can Lu Xianshi think that this mysterious genius disciple turned out to be Fengmu who has been swaying around him all the time, and he has always let Fengmu act as a guardian boy in front of others, last time he tried to fight him in front of Fu Zong Brought a sinister corpse formation.

  The sinister Lu Xianshi still has a fresh memory, and even he will be buried in it as a part of the cultivation period, let alone he also brought Fengmu into it. Thinking of Fengmu almost becoming a member of the Corpse Army, Master Lu Xian felt scared for a while!

   "Fengmu, you... God! I actually took you to the zombie formation, and almost caused you to lose your life. I almost became a sinner in the lineup!"

Master Lu Xian was full of regret, but soon he frowned up, "But that's great! You're okay! Haha! I'll say that my gods will never die! No, I have to report this news as soon as possible." To the patriarch. That’s right, but I prepared a genius development plan. It’s important to get this done first! Congenital disciple, hahaha..."

   The sudden appearance of the mysterious genius really pleased Lu Xianshi. He was not organized when he spoke. He said whatever he thought, which shows how great the surprise that Fengmu brought to Lu Xianshi.

   Muyu shattered the second battle monument in front of so many people and satisfies the title of his talented disciple, which will naturally cause a sensation in the battle.

   Muyu touched his forehead. Master Lu Xian was really a straightforward person. The appearance of an innate disciple made him happy like this. It seems that the situation of the Patriarch is really not optimistic.

   After a long time, Master Lu Xian slowly calmed down his inner excitement. He looked at Muyu with satisfaction. For a disciple who is just getting started, Muyu's age and "foundation period" are indeed poor, but what does it matter? Since he showed such a talent, Master Lu Xian could spend all his energy to train him.

Master Lu Xian didn’t even want to question why Mu Yu was hiding for so long, but Mu Yu felt that it was still necessary to explain, saying: "Please first forgive your sins, the disciples just started to learn soon, because you have to follow the teacher to learn the basics Courses, so the first teacher is usually not present when he is looking for a disciple. Just now the teacher was late because the teacher wanted to teach the disciple more knowledge."

"Just because of this?" Master Lu Xian froze for a moment. Although he didn't want to ask why Fengmu didn't stand up after convening the disciples to mobilize the disciples three times or five times, there were still some doubts in his heart. The reason given by Fengmu was unexpected. So simple!

"Just because I was going to class, so I didn't come to my impassioned mobilization meeting? Doesn't it mean that I have done so many elaborately prepared speeches?" Lu Xianshi was angry when he remembered that he wasted so much. .

Master Lu Xian then said angrily, "Which **** middle school teacher gave you the class? Almost a delay for a good seedling! What qualifications does he have to teach you? Really annoying old man! I will say, you are a **** It’s impossible for a disciple to play a big name in front of me, and there must be something wrong. You tell me which junior teacher is in the end. I have to scold him hard!"

To be honest, Song Qingyu was quite patient with him. Mu Yu didn’t want Song Qingyu to be criticized, so he quickly said: "Don't blame the teacher, the teacher is very patient in teaching the disciple. The disciple is very grateful to him, and please ask the teacher not to blame him. "

   Master Lu’s complexion eased down, seeing Muyu being so polite, and feeling doubled in his heart, he said: “There is courtesy and talent, it’s really a piece of jade! Good! Good!”

   Then Master Lu Xian turned and waved to other Zhongtian disciples, "The rest of you hurried back to me to practice! A new disciple is more productive than you! How can we do it without further effort?"

  Luo Feilong and Ji Wenkai looked ugly. The two looked at each other and realized that they needed to find a place to discuss how to deal with Muyu.

   These two spies sent by Fuzong deliberately pretended to be dead rivals in Zhenzong, so they must find a secret place to meet to avoid causing doubts from others. Since this Zhongtian disciple stepped forward without knowing it, both of them would definitely guarantee that he would not survive!

   All the Zhongtian disciples in Jinjietang have left, leaving only Mu Yu and Lu Xianshi. Lu Xianshi immediately began to rush out of his training plan. This training plan was made after Muyu broke the first monument.

"I think about it. If you broke the second battlestone today, you certainly have no energy to break the third battlestone. Soon after you started, the knowledge of many formations is still limited. I must let you know more deeply. Go to the core battle of Patriarch. In a few months, it will be a contest of contests. I must train you to be a contestant. Our congenital disciples are not enough. , Even if you make up the number, you just came this year and it’s okay to lose, but next year we will definitely be able to beat them..."

  Master Lu Xian spitting narration

After a lot of plans for his genius were developed, Muyu heard it in a daze. In fact, it is no wonder that this old man was so excited. Zhenzong had been suppressed by Fu Zong for so many years. Now many businesses have been robbed, not to mention that in the past ten years, the innate disciples have no more than one Mu Chenghong.

   Every year, the innate array masters of the battle array battles were secretly humiliated by Fuzong, and their old faces were long gone. Nowadays, there is a second quasi-innate disciple with excellent talents. Where can I easily let go?

   Master Lu Xian explained Mu Yu for an hour, and finally he didn’t know how to say it: “Well, let’s talk about such a tenth for the time being, do you have anything else to ask?”

Oh my God! The genius development plan just now feels that I can write a thick book. Master Lu Xian told one hour and only one-tenth. Doesn’t it mean that if you let Master Lu Xian finish all of it, it would take almost a day time?

   Muyu touched his head and said, "That, too much to remember!"

   "Okay! Then I will say it again." Master Lu Xian began to talk about it again.

   lying trough!

   Muyu really wanted to slap himself, because his mouth was cheap, he had to ask for trouble, he couldn’t remember a fart! He couldn't hear much after saying it several times. Mu Yu quickly wanted to stop Lu Xianshi's speech, but he repeatedly interrupted by Lu Xianshi and ignored it, and then another hour passed.

   "Do you have anything else to ask? I can say it again if I don't understand." Master Lu Xian looked at Mu Yu with a loving face.

   "Don't use it. The disciples understand it! Really!" Mu Yu said solemnly, his head was like a chick pecking rice. I'm afraid Lu Xianshi would give him one more time.

  As for those jade Perry in Zhenge, the opening remarks made by Master Lu Xian bothered Mu Yu. At that time, Mu Yu had an impulse to strangle him.

"Okay, then you go back to rest first. Three days later, we will proceed according to the original plan. This is something I prepared for you. You can use it casually, not enough." Lu Xianshi handed a storage bag to Muyu On hand.

  What are you going to do in three days?

   Muyu looked at a loss. He was yawning for an hour just now, and he really didn't listen at all. When he took the storage bag, he wanted to ask, but when he first contacted the spiritual force with the storage bag, he was suddenly scared by the contents of the storage bag.

Oh my God! So many precious innate arrays?

The spirit stones in the storage bag alone are absolutely no less than 500,000. These spirit stones are not attractive to Muyu. If he really lacks money, he can sell a sixth-order elixir and earn millions. . What really moved him was these innate array foundations!

   formation method to play a role, first of all need to provide spiritual power formation. The more Aura contained in the formation, the longer the formation will last. When Mu Yu tried to correct the Swallow Homing Array, he deeply realized this point. A congenital array base is not enough to use several times to correct the Swallow Homing Array. He wants to learn the Innate Array to use the Zhongtian Array. The base is not enough, you must use the innate array base.

The storage bag given to Muyu by Master Lu Xian was like a lot of valuable sugar beans, including the ghostly ice jade, snow rock spirit, and even the heart of the seventh-order monster beast. All!

  Know that the seventh-order monster is a cultivator equivalent to the fit period. This monster has already been turned against the sky, and it is extremely difficult to be killed, but I did not expect it to be available in the hands of the sect!

   However, Muyu saw so many high-level monster monsters in the sand eagle king's palace, so it's not surprising.

   In order to cultivate Muyu, Master Lu Xian really made his blood. Some of them applied to Zongmen, and some were from Master Lu Xian's own collection. These things were ready when Muyu broke the first battle monument, but unfortunately Muyu didn't stand up early to admit that until now, Master Lu Xian did not give things to Muyu.

   "Is this really all for me?" Muyu asked again with confirmation.

There are not many resources that Zhongtian disciples can receive every month~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are only a hundred spirit stones, six other acquired foundations and two Zhongtian formation foundations, of which five spirit stones and one acquired Zhen Ji also had to pay Luo Feilong and Ji Wenkai as protection money.

   Muyu suddenly got so many good things for no reason. It was something that Zhongtian disciples didn't dare to think about. He felt sorry for Lu Xianshi if he didn't help Zhenzong.

"Of course! How can I be stingy? You must be tired of breaking the second battle monument today. Hurry back to rest. I will tell this matter to the suzerain immediately! Haha! Our congregation finally has another innate disciple, Renaissance is expected!"

   Master Lu smiled even when he walked. Mu Yu estimated that the old man might dance when he walked to a place where no one was there.

   But Muyu knew that this matter was far from simple. He revealed his identity, and he was pleased with the innate array masters of the sect. However, there were fifty-seven criminals who could not have killed him!

"I want to see what tricks you guys can play!" Mu Yu didn't tell Fu Xianshi about the matter of Fu Zong. He had no solid evidence and couldn't persuade Lu Xianshi. Name.

  Luo Feilong and Ji Wenkai must solve the matter himself.

   Muyu had just returned to his residence and found that Luo Feilong and Ji Wenkai had declared war on him. Cheng Zhuo, who lived with him, was gone and replaced by two young men of tall height.

   "How about Cheng Zhuo?" Mu Yu asked coldly, frowning.

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