"Of course, it can be recycled. The celestial array base and the acquired array base are one-off, and the innate array base can slowly absorb the external aura to replenish themselves, but this speed is actually very slow. When people fight, they completely exhaust the aura, it takes about a year to recover. In order to prevent the aura from suddenly becoming insufficient, it is recommended that you transfer the shift to another formation after fighting with the person." Lu Xianshi said.

   "Can the array technique be transferred?" Mu Yu always thought that the innate array technique was also engraved on the innate array base. If the aura of the innate array base was exhausted, it would need to be redrawn on another innate array base.

"I just told you that the space array method. Every piece of the innate array base needs to describe a space array method, like the sleeves in the sleeve, storage bags and the like. The innate array technique is depicted on the innate array base In the space array method, it can be taken out at any time, but transfer also requires skills, and I will teach you step by step."

  Master Lu explained very patiently, and Muyu learned very seriously. The array technique was something that Duke Mu was proud of, but Mu Yu didn't learn anything at all. He felt that this was unreasonable. Now that he meets such a straightforward senior as Lu Xianshi, he will naturally seize the opportunity.

   Muyu finally understood why he used "Jiaoyan Homing" only a few times before taking a break. The way of using the formation was simply wrong. Only by following Lu Xianshi's instruction was it right. He calculated a little and found that according to the method taught by Master Lu Xian, a congenital array base can use at least one hundred times to "return the nest to the nest", which is a real difference!

   However, the use of array technique is not only related to the aura of the innate array base, but also closely related to his own cultivation. Just like Muyu used the strength of the outing period to deal with the split-phase item, he consumed his own spiritual power at that time.

  Master Lu has specially built a quiet isolation array for him, which can shield the outside interference, and can not let any prying eyes to him, want Muyu to truly be mindless. This segregated formation method is in the middle of Muyu's arms, he needs to try to sacrifice his transfer.

  Generally, before creating their own transfer formation, a formation division needs to sacrifice the formation formation of the movement formation and integrate their own spiritual power into it, so that the formation formation can be controlled by themselves more flexibly. With the help of Lu Xianshi, he first chose two innate array bases, and then used spirit to depict a simple Qingyan seizing array.

  Qingyan seizure array is a very effective auxiliary array method, which belongs to congenital array technique. Its function is to shield the opponent's hearing. In battle, many intellects use hearing to determine the direction of the opponent's attack. Once they lose their auditory strength in battle, they will be greatly discounted, and they will instantly disrupt the opponent's combat mentality, and they will have a greater chance of winning.

The formation of Qingyan seizing the tone is also limited. It can transform many green swallows in the array and quickly attack the opponent. Only after hitting the opponent can the effect of Qingyan seize the sound be applied to the opponent. Obviously as long as the opponent Without being touched by Qingyan, this formation will be completely invalid.

   This is the same reason as Jiaoyan returning to the nest, but the effect is different.

   How many green swallows can be transformed, and how fast the green swallows are, these are closely related to the cultivation of the master. Similar to those of Lu Xianshi, the speed of his transformation into Qingyan reached an extreme. Those who were close to him could hardly resist it. This is the terrible part of the formation.

The first time Mu Yu tried to use Qingyan to seize the sound array, he was very rusty, because he did not completely cultivate the array base to the point where he wanted, but when he suddenly turned out 20 Qingyan, he still took Master Lu Xianshi. Startled!

   "How can you, a monk in the foundation period, transform so many green swallows?" Master Lu Xian couldn't help asking.

   "Is there more than twenty? I don't have as many Qingyan as I am!"

Mu Yu felt very strange, because when Lu Xianshi demonstrated to him just now, he transformed at least one hundred green swallows, and Lu Xianshi's green swallows were quite fast. Mu Yu's eyes completely looked down on these green swallows. Where, he was the last time Lu Xian master let all Qingyan stop to see these Qingyan clearly.

   Master Lu Xian couldn't help but say, "You know Mu Chenghong, another innate disciple of our sect, how many green swallows can he transform now?"

"How many?"


   Muyu opened his mouth and realized that he had done too much. Although Mu Chenghong only heard about his name but didn't see him, but as the only congenital disciple in Zhenzong for ten years, who hadn't heard of him in Zhenzong?

  Mu Chenghong is the only extremely fairy in Zongzong, ranking 70, higher than Muyu, and Xiuyu is certainly above Muyu. Even people like him can only transform 20 green swallows now. If Mu Yu behaves better than him, then it really raises doubts.

   "But Brother Mu's Qingyan must be faster than me!" Mu Yu quickly pretended to be crazy, and his speed was even slower than that of a bee flying. At last, there were only five Qingyan left.

   "I feel a little overpowered." Mu Yu lied and gasped heavily, and it was time to fight acting again.

Qingyan's flying speed and number will consume the tremendous spiritual power of the formation. The more the number, the faster the flying speed, and the more spiritual power it consumes. The repair of Muyu's "foundation period" should not fly Fast.

Master Lu Xian exclaimed: "You are really a genius. No one can transform 20 green swallows during the foundation period, and can maintain the spiritual power of 20 green swallows far beyond the foundation period. It is quite good to say that a green swallow can be transformed into a foundation period. It seems that I did not mistake you! Haha!"

  Master Lu Xian began to fantasize about how Zongzong would defeat Fu Zong's rise in the future, and then there was a trace of pride in Master Lu Xian's chest, saying:

"The most powerful part of the innate array division lies in its ability to integrate everything into its own formation. No matter how powerful the formation is, it will always run out of aura, so this time we will learn to use what we see around us. To maintain the formation, this is the difference between our innate array division, acquired array division, and Zhongtian array division."

For the innate array master, there is no need to worry about the exhaustion of the array base. As long as you are smart, the understanding of the array is strong enough. You can even find the right things from flowers, grass, trees and stones to temporarily act as the array. Basically, after all, everything in the world is composed of Reiki, depending on whether you will use it.

   Innate Array Masters are the real powerhouses. They understand the superiority of the battle method and can turn everything into their own use. However, the Houtian Array Master and the Zhongtian Array Master do not have this sense of randomness, so they can only rely on the known array to maintain their strength.

   Of course, relying on everything for the formation is naturally not as good as these precious innate formations. The quality of the formation determines the power of a formation. Relying on everything as a formation is just a last resort, and the effect is quite poor. Even the innate array divisions prefer to fight with the precious innate array base.

Master Lu Xian also taught Muyu several very effective attack formations, one of which was his best "Thunder Thunder Snake Disease Shadow". The power of Muyu had been taught earlier by this formation, and it was also Lu Xian. The attacking method created by the division himself, except for Muyu, he never taught others.

   Thunder Remnant Snake's shadow can transform its own spiritual power into thousands of small thunder snakes, which are mixed with fierce thunder. If they are hit by the thunder snake, they will be paralyzed and will not move.

At that time, when Master Lu Xian used the Thunder Thunder Remnant Snake Array, it really made Mu Yu feel shocked. The blue electro-optics were mixed with thousands of explosions, with a world-destroying momentum, as if only being struck by a thunder snake. In the middle will be bombed to death, the power is like thunder, coming overbearing and powerful!

   Muyu specifically asked Lu Xianshi when he first tried the Thunder Remnant Snake Array. The general number of "foundation period" novices can be summoned, so that they can save too much. Master Lu Xian said that it was good to call two, Mu Yu rolled his eyes, and finally called three. Then after Master Lu Xian left, he directly summoned a thousand pieces. The blue thunder snake flickered in the air with electric sparks, and it was very emotional.

   "Xiaoshuai, would you like to experience the taste of being struck by lightning again?" Mu Yu remembered that Xiaoshuai had been struck by lightning when he was born. Unfortunately, this guy's skin is too thick, so it doesn't hurt.

   "Go to the big earthworm! It needs the baptism of thunder and lightning." Xiaoshuai said.

   "You're dead, little mouse!" Longteng snorted twice.

   "It seems that I have to find some guys who are doing experiments." Mu Yu couldn't wait to see how powerful this Thunder Remnant Snake Shadow Array was, and he thought of those ancestors from Fuzong.

   The time has passed for two months. In the past two months, Mu Yu has put all his energy on the battlefield taught by Master Lu Xian, and successfully promoted his cultivation to the "Golden Stage".

  He also did not forget to deal with the affair of pests, because of his reputation, he has now followed his Zhongtian disciples to more than 80 people. When he was occasionally free, he would gather these people and start to really give these people some benefits and instruct their formation. He even fulfilled his promise and gave a piece of innate array foundation directly to a Zhongtian disciple.

There were more people responding to him now, and Luo Feilong and Ji Wenkai both began to swallow their voices in a world of arrogance and did not come forward to fight Muyu. This is a pity. Muyu wanted to bring his own people Go for a little conflict with them! After all, most of the followers around Muyu are fuzong spies. If there is a conflict, Muyu will only watch their dogs bite the dogs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But Luo Feilong and Ji Wenkai both know this Point, so has been forbearing.

   "I think how long you can be proud!" Duan Yang was almost violently summoned several times by Muyu, but he just put down the unwillingness in his heart and pretended to have a smile that even he hated.

   Muyu is still doing his own thing. He just likes to look at Duan Yang and Wu Wenxing who look down on themselves and dare not start against themselves. But tired of playing, it is time to satisfy their little wish.

   "Is it my turn to go out again?"

  Muyu had his turn three times this month, but he refused directly. His reason was justified, and he needed to learn formation with Master Lu Xian. Duan Yang and Wu Wenxing are always angry, but they are helpless, so as soon as they are free, they will remind Muyu to go out to work.

"Fengmu, you can get more exercise opportunities if you go to the field with the first teacher or the middle teacher. You have been studying hard for two months. If you don't touch the real formation, it is difficult to integrate the knowledge you have learned." Duan Yang has said this to Muyu ten times. He has always tried to trick Muyu out of the battle, and then killed him outside the battle.

   "You're right to say that, okay! Five days later, you will arrange an opportunity for me to go out for work!" Mu Yu smiled slightly. How did he not know the abacus played by these two people? Since you can’t wait to die so much, I’ll give you a ride.

   My Thunder Thunder Snake Shadow Array is already hungry and unbearable!

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