A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 514: Life is not possible

   Muhao opened his mouth. He didn't know that Muyu did all these things.

   Suddenly realized that he was very naive, and even a little overwhelmed. Muyu, who was "stand by" in his mouth, had secretly done so much for their Mujia.

   "Yes, I'm sorry, I don't know..." Mu Hao understood that he was wrong and was frightened by Mu Yu's anger.

  Every Mu family member dared not speak again. In Mu Rongxuan's impression, Feng Mu has always been a very easy-going person, a little childish, but no one thought that Mu Yu would suddenly have such a big fire.

   "Master Muyu, it's the old slave's fault! The old slave didn't discipline him, the old slave was willing to be punished." Mu Tianhe wanted to kneel, but Muyu still stopped him.

  Mu Tianhe's "old slave" made all Mu family members understand that Mu Yu in front of them was not something they could climb high.

   Mu Rongxuan and others also had hot faces, and they found themselves ridiculous. Mujia hurt someone, but it was funny to ask this person to rescue Mujia.

   They also learned today that Mu Yu has always been an orphan, and broke out of the famous hall as an orphan, and this has nothing to do with their Mu family.

   Muyu took a deep breath, and after some words in his heart were spit out, he felt a lot easier.

   "I want to be quiet, you shut me up with Sikong Gaoming." Mu Yu walked slowly towards the other courtyard, where he lived on the first day of his visit to Mufu.

   "Master Muyu, the room the old slave prepared for you is here." Mu Tianhe hesitated.

   "No need."


   In the night, the stars are a little bit, and the breeze is a practice.

   Muyu was sitting on a chair in the yard, drinking alone.

   Xiaoshuai and Longteng bouncing around the trees in the yard. They are idle and do nothing, they like to pinch each other.

   Muyu looked at the two of them, and felt that it was also a good thing to be a idle dragon and a narcissist who only wanted to find food.

   At least not so many unfounded troubles.

   He found that he was also in love with the taste of wine. The spicy liquid poured into his throat, and the whole body was numb, as if nothing major was worth mentioning.

   His heart gradually calmed down, and things in the daytime did not seem so bad.

   Muhao has been standing outside the door for a long time. He tried to knock on the door several times, but his hand always stopped in the air.

  Mu Hao was very scared. He always wanted to be an adult and share the pressure for his family, but what he said was always so naive, even taking things for granted.

   He understood that he wanted to be the pillar of the Mu family, and he still had a long way to go.

   Muyu had long noticed Mu Hao outside the door. He understood that this stunned young man wanted to apologize to himself, but he hadn't been able to courage.

After all, Mu Hao has always preached the great "Mu Yu brother" in his mind in front of Mu Yu, and constantly depreciated the "Feng Mu" in front of him, but when he knew that "Feng Mu" was "Mu Yu" It is difficult for him to accept this fact.

   Muyu shook his head slightly: After all, he was just a 13-year-old kid. Where do you know so much?

  Children who grew up in the greenhouse will not understand that life is not as simple as he imagined.

   Muyu was not angry with Mu-ho, and he was not angry with anyone. During the day, he got angry just because the phrase "stand by" touched his scar, and he wanted to vent his emotions.

   After venting, it will be easier.

   Mu Tianhe came from the darkness and put his hand on Mu Hao's shoulder.

   Muhao raised his head and saw Mu Tianhe's haggard look, a moment of sadness: "Grandpa, I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

   Mu Tianhe sighed: "You go back first! I know you want to apologize to him, but this thing happened because of me, don't blame you."

   "Grandpa..." Mu Hao stopped talking.

   "Go back!" Mu Tianhe said sullenly.

   Muhao clenched his fists, glanced at the closed door, slowly turned around, and left here.

   Mu Tianhe took a deep breath and knocked on the door of the yard: "Master Muyu, can the old slave come in?"

  Kiwa waved his hand, and the yard door opened automatically.

   Mu Tianhe stumbled over and stood in front of Mu Yu, his face embarrassed for a while, looking a little embarrassed.

   "Master Muyu, this is your five million spirit stone account book. Please look over." Mu Tianhe bent down and handed the account book to Mu Yu.

  The place where the five million spirit stone flowers that Muyu gave him was, he remembered every account clearly.

   Mu Tianhe looked at Mu Yu who was drinking alone, his face full of guilt. It's a very sad thing to dare not speak loudly in front of your grandson, but only to call adults and call yourself an old slave.

   Muyu also looked at Mu Tianhe. This old man demolished Muyu's parents because of his arrogance in his youth, causing Muyu to become an orphan.

   Muyu should have hated him, but the moment Mu Tianhe gave up his face, Mu Yu actually forgave him. Everything the old man did was protecting his family.

  Compared with the fallen wood folding star, this old man made him respect more.

  Mu Tianhe only did one wrong thing in his life. After the wood star fell, he wanted to save it, but the death of Zhu Qiuqi made things beyond his control.


Call me Muyu! Muyu was silent for a long while, took the account book, put it on the table, and said, "Sit! "

   "Sir, the old slave is just standing." Mu Tianhe was nervous.

   "Sit!" Muyu repeated another drink of wine.

   Mu Tianhe hesitated for a while, and then sat down. He secretly looked at this grandson who had been orphaned by him since he was a child. He was so strange that he didn't even pull Mujia back from the edge of destruction in a special way.

   Mu Tianhe knew that Mu Yu did it because he couldn't let go.

  The grandson is an apprentice of the true God, and his cultivation is unfathomable. As a grandpa, he should be proud and proud. But he didn't dare to have this kind of thought, because the grandson's achievement had nothing to do with him.

  The strange grandpa and grandson haven't spoken for a long time.

   Because they don't know what to say.

  I don’t know how long I sat, Mu Tianhe didn’t move, and Mu Yu just drank. There is a lot of wine in the bottle, as if it can never be drunk.

   The wine industry really can't finish drinking, because Muyu has set up a space array method for the wine bottles and filled countless wines.

   Finally, Mu Tianhe broke the silence and sighed, "Sorry!"

   This was a belated apology, and I was late for twenty years.

  This apology dissolves some emotion in Muyu's heart. He knows that his grandpa's "sorry" is sincere.

   "Old Slave——"

   "You don't need to use the term "old slave" in front of me, it sounds awkward." Mu Yu said softly.

   Mu Tianhe pressed his lips tightly. He didn't understand what Mu Yu thought of him. Is it still resentment or something else.

   He did not dare to expect Muyu to forgive him, because the damage he caused to Muyu was too great, but Muyu chose to help Mujia.

   "Did you tell Mu Hao Ning to stand dead instead of kneeling?" Mu Yu asked suddenly.

   Mu Tianhe was surprised, he didn't understand why Mu Yu suddenly asked this. He suddenly remembered that it was because of facial problems 20 years ago that Mu Tianhe chose to break up the wooden zhexing and Zhu Qiuqi. When Mu Yu appeared as Mr. Yan, he once told him to let go of his face.

   But today, for his strength and dignity, he chose to let Mu Hao die, which is undoubtedly a ridiculous face.

   Mu Tianhe was a little flustered: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't teach Mu Hao. I'm not a good grandpa, I still pay much attention to face, I should ask Sikong Gaoming..."

Mu Yu shook his head: "You misunderstood. Face and dignity are different. When you broke up my parents at that time, it was a question of face, that was an inexplicable vanity. You want all Mu family to take Your way of life. You refuse to pull your face down to be a steward, but also your vanity. It’s your dignity that every one of us needs to insist on. It’s not about vanity, it’s a principle that cannot be lost.”

   Mu Tianhe's old face turned red. For a moment, he really wanted to abandon his dignity and ask Sikong Gaoming for mercy, let him let all Mu family go. At that time he thought he was right to do so, and let the Mu family live the most correct choice.

"In short, for Mu Hao, you are a good grandfather, and the sons you teach have the courage to be afraid of death. You knelt down in front of Sikong Gaoming today, indicating that you no longer only think about your face, It's considering your own family. If you don't kneel, it means you are a man of strength. Whether you kneel down to Sikong Gaoming or not, you are a person worthy of my respect." Mu Yu said slowly.

   Mu Tianhe found that Mu Yu in front of him had seen this matter so thoroughly. At that moment, he really didn't know what to choose. He wanted to protect his family, and wanted to maintain dignity. Finally, it was Mu Hao’s courage not to be afraid of death that made him decide to choose dignity.

   He thought Muyu would scold him for his face in anger, regardless of Muhao's life and death, just as he had ignored Muyu's life and death.

   But Muyu didn't.

   Mu Tianhe couldn't see through this strange grandson.

For a long while, Mu Tianhe laughed at himself and said, "I know you hate me and you hate me as it should be. I did wrong and didn't give myself a reason. If you hate me and want me to pay the price, I have only one life. My death will make you feel better, and I will die now, and I am willing to atone for my mistakes."

   Mu Tianhe lowered his head, like a desolate old man, willing to use his life to make up for the mistakes. He demolished the wooden zhexing and Zhu Qiuqi for the Mu family. Now he is willing to die to repay his grandchildren, but also for the Mu family.

   Mu Tianhe took out a dagger and was extremely cold in the moonlight. He put the dagger on the table and gave a weak smile: "If you hate me, don't want me to live, I won't live."

   Muyu picked up the dagger and flicked it gently. The dagger made a crisp sound and echoed in the yard.

   Mu Tianhe looked at Mu Yu and said: "If you don't want to do it, I will do it myself! I know my death will not change anything, but at least let the resentment in your heart vent."

   However, the dagger in Muyu's hands shattered into powder and dissipated with the wind.

   "Why do you think I hate you? Do I have to hate you?" Muyu asked back.

   "You, don't you hate me?" Mu Tianhe was startled, "I broke up your parents and made you homeless, didn't you?"

   Muyu smiled slightly and shook his head: "I want to hate

There are too many people and don’t want to hate more people. "

   He hates going to the sky when he hates, he hates the sky, he hates the guardians of the Mie Palace, and everyone he hates is his powerful opponent. He has so many people to hate, and he really doesn't understand why he hates someone who hasn't really hurt himself.

"I'm not homeless. I have my own master, my own brothers, my own dead wood father, my favorite people and my favorite people, and a few true friends. You make me An orphan, but also let me have the life I like, I am already content, why should I go to another life that does not exist?"

   Muyu poured himself a glass of wine and sipped it out.

  Maybe Muyu was originally in Mujia, he would grow up in all kinds of pets, he would have a good life and have another carefree life.

However, this also means that his current life is in vain. He can't meet the calm and Qiao Xue who likes himself, can't meet the withered dad who scolds himself and cares about himself all day long, can't meet the master who teaches his swordsmanship, Can't meet the confused little handsome and the straightforward Dragon Vine, can't meet the grandfather who likes to deify himself...

  Although there are regrets in his life, he does not want to let those who meet him disappear.

   Another life may meet better people, but it may be worse.

  Many things and people, Mu Yu doesn't like to use "maybe" instead.

  He cherishes what he now owns~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So he doesn't expect the kind of "maybe" life.

   Life is impossible.

   "Thank you for forgiving me."

   Mu Tianhe nodded gratefully. He understood Mu Yu's meaning. Mu Yu liked his current life and didn't like it to change.

   Many people will choose to make a big fuss if they encounter such things, choose to play with various tempers, choose various accusations and complain, and ridicule.

   But Muyu didn't. After he was enraged by Muhao's words, he still chose to forgive the Mu family.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." Mu Tianhe stood up and stumbled around. "In the future, the entire Mujia is yours. We will do what you want us to do. I will resign. "

   "You don't have to apologize to me, you don't owe me anything." Muyu paused and continued, "Really, I don't blame you anymore, grandpa."

   Mu Tianhe's body stiffened in place.

   "You, what did you just call me?"

   Mu Tianhe turned back suddenly and looked at Mu Yu tremblingly, thinking he had heard it wrong. Although these two words are just a title, they are of great significance to Mu Tianhe.

   "I will help Mujia, grandpa." Muyu smiled and poured herself another glass of wine.

  Two lines of hot tears flowed along the cheeks into Mu Tianhe's white beard.

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