A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 577: No-brainer

  In a spooky coffin shop, it was found that a coffin containing dead people was a bit evil. Which coffin shop sells coffins with dead people? Not to mention the fact that this dead man does not seem to die right now!

   Xiaoshuai vigorously drilled into Muyu's clothes, leaving only half of his head outside.

   "Is he still alive?" Long Teng stood on Muyu's shoulder and surprised, it was more courageous than Xiaoshuai.

   Muyu shook his head and said: "There is no vitality in the body, only a yin qi is supporting it, it should be dead."

   The perception of vitality Muyu is the person with the most say. He knows how death is manifested in a human body. The passage of that vitality cannot hide Muyu's eyes.

   Muyu looked at Mr. Zhao's whole body and wanted to find a special place from him. Mrs. Zhao is very old, and the wrinkles on his face are like a muddy mess. There are still a few beards. The shroud he wears is very new. I am afraid this is the only new dress he wears in his later years. There is nothing unusual except that the chest undulates slightly.

   "Mu Yu, wouldn't you still want to take someone's shroud down?" Xiaoshuai asked disgustedly.

   Muyu ignored Xiaoshuai, he didn't understand why Chen Erzhuang offered the body of the old man in his own store, one who was in the dead business, and one for the dead. Why is it so weird?

   He swayed Mr. Zhao's neck carefully, and suddenly saw two sharp blood holes behind Mr. Zhao's ear, as if bitten by some monsters, the blood on the wound had not coagulated.

   "Xiaoshuai, can you see what bit him?" Muyu asked.

  The handsome turned his head in disgust and looked carefully: "Can it be illuminated with the Pearl of the Night? You have to use the green light of the Shadow Sword to see the panic."

   Muyu smiled dumbly and quickly took out the Pearl of Night. The soft white light suddenly illuminated the entire dark coffin and dispelled the green light.

   Xiaoshuai stared at the wound carefully, and then let out a small hum, then stretched out the small paw and pressed Grandpa Zhao's forehead, yanked back the paw, its brows were all wrinkled.

   "What's wrong?" Mu Yu asked curiously.

   "It's disgusting! This old man has no brains." The little handsome said angrily.

   "A little conscience? Everyone is dead, do you still scold others?" Longteng scolded.

"I mean, the old man's brain was eaten by something! After eating the old man's brain, that kind of thing is equivalent to the old man's brain, and he can control the old man's words and deeds." Xiaoshuai put The claws rubbed against Mu Yu. I didn't see it complaining when I was looking for the demon spirit in the monster's stomach before. Now I have to rub my hands when I touch the dead.

   "How come there is such a disgusting thing?" Mu Yu also finds it very unacceptable, eats the human brain alive, and then comes to control the person? What kind of monster is this?

   "Can we leave here?" Xiaoshuai flinched into Muyu's arms. He was not interested in the dead Xiaoshuai except that eating would make him move forward bravely.

   "Xiaoshuai, do you know what monsters are?" Muyu has never heard of eating brain control stuff.

   "Forgot, I feel very familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere, but I can't remember it." Xiaoshuai mumbled.

   Muyu searched the surroundings again, but still found no abnormalities in the shop. He remembered that the funeral that Chen Erzhuang had set up at the moment was in the village next door. He felt that he needed to see what happened.

  For the funeral of the dead, Xiaoshuai didn't like it, but Longteng told him that there will be a lot of delicious at the funeral, so Xiaoshuai immediately got excited.

   cast a stealth formation, Muyu was hiding over the village. It is easy to find which one is doing funerals, because the paper money is all over the sky, the grief and joy are the same, and the crying is bursting, it is impossible to miss.

  When Muyu arrived, the family was preparing for funeral.

He saw Chen Erzhuang walking at the front of the team at a glance. At this time, Chen Erzhuang's face was very solemn, even with a touch of sorrow. This is his professional expression. Old Xutou once said that he has never been Never seen Chen Erzhuang smile.

  Chen Erzhuang exuded a seemingly indifferent yin, exactly the same as the atmosphere of Chaobu Valley. Muyu didn't notice the last time Muyu went to his shop. It seems that the mysterious guy was most likely hiding in Chen Erzhuang.

The number of funerals is not too large, probably about 70 or 80 people. People who think that Mr. Zhao’s age is as large as the people in the village need to be buried in the village. Long.

  Since the incident of Grandpa Zhao, nearby villagers no longer dared to bury the relatives in heaven, but buried them on the mountain.

   The hillside is not high. The place where ordinary rural people bury their relatives is their own head in the mountains.

   The entire funeral lasted for about two hours. Xiaoshuai has been scolding the dragon and vine liar, because it did not see delicious food, only some sacrifices, and did not enter the eyes of Xiaoshuai.

And Mu Yu has been paying attention to Chen Erzhuang's movements, but Chen Erzhuang did not move anything, only doing what he should do, saying what he should say, there is no extra movement, even the coffin is buried in the soil At that time, he backed away, and did not step forward to help, only let his four friends join hands.

  The four guys didn't do much, they just picked up the shovel and filled the soil, nothing more. Then Chen Erzhuang greeted his buddies down the mountain and drove back to his house, leaving those

Sad and crying family members stayed for a while longer.

   "Do you think something is wrong?" Long Fuji asked.

   Muyu shook his head. I'm afraid the biggest error was that he didn't find anything wrong.

   He followed Chen Erzhuang back to the shop. The four guys went into the backyard silently and continued to carve wooden men. Chen Erzhuang also shut himself into the room.

  I really don’t know what he does alone with so many realistic hanging wooden people in the whole room. Is his eyes wide-eyed?

   And after they returned to the store, the breath disappeared inexplicably.

   Muyu pondered for a long time, but finally decided to go back and look at the situation of Lao Xutou. After all, according to Xiaoshuai's death announcement, the old Xu head might be dead soon.

   Old Xutou was still busy in the field, and it was not until Muyu called him that he quickly threw down the **** and ran over.

   "Adult? What's so anxious?" Lao Xu's head was all smiles and spirited, and he couldn't see how he would die in the evening tomorrow.

   Muyu looked at Lao Xutou, and found nothing wrong with Lao Xutou.

   Xiaoshuai said that the evil insanity transferred the vitality of Lao Xutou to the wooden man, but Muyu found that the vitality of Lao Xutou was still very strong. What happened?

   "Old man, are you okay? Is there any discomfort in your body?" Mu Yu asked worriedly.

  Old Xu Tou smiled happily and said, "There is nothing uncomfortable, but I am guilty of rheumatism again. If I am old, I am used to it."

   Muyu glanced at the sky and said, "Old man, don't do your work today, go back and let me check your body."

   Old Xu first heard it, and was somewhat flattered, and quickly said: "Hey, good! Thank you Master Muyu."

  Although I don’t understand why Master Immortal Master would suddenly want to help him check his body, Old Xu Tou quickly ran to pick up the hoe, and followed Muyu with an air of energy. Along the way, I saw other villagers who were all old Xu heads, with their heads tilted up and walking with the fairy master, but he could not be more beautiful.

   "Xiaoshuai, are you sure you are right?"

   Muyu carefully helped Lao Xutou to check his body, and found that besides the common rheumatism and drought and smoke caused by shortness of breath and chest tightness, there was nothing abnormal. Mu Yu still didn't see any phenomenon of the passing of vitality from Lao Xu's head.

"His vitality is the same as that of the wooden man. This is a very common situation in Guzhu. Basically, no signs can be seen before the onset, but once the onset occurs, you have no way at all." Xiaoshuai seriously Said.

  The old Xu head next to him heard a mist, he whispered, "Master Muyu, is my rheumatism a good one?"

   "Rheumatism is not a big deal, but it is dying." Xiaoshuai said simply.

   Old Xu's face turned white with a “shoo”, he asked nervously, “Mu Yu, sir, am I going to die?”

   Muyu glared at Xiaoshuai and quickly comforted: "Relax, uncle, don't listen to it nonsense, I will help you cure rheumatism."

  Since I met him, Muyu would simply do it well. Rheumatism, a disease that afflicts many elderly people, is actually a simple massage for Muyu. Because the meridians in the mortal body cannot directly bear spiritual power, Muyu uses a few small wooden needles to pierce the knee of Lao Xu’s head, and then uses this as a guide to indirectly introduce his own spiritual power to remove moisture. Off.

   "Master Muyu personally treated me, I must have accumulated a lot of Yinde in my last life, haha!" Lao Xutou said softly and quietly.

   "Well, it's okay, don't smoke dry smoke in the future, it's bad for the lungs."

Mu Yu pierced the chest of Lao Xu's head with a wooden needle, letting the wooden needle stick out the fine root hairs in his body, and absorbed all the harmful substances that could not be exhausted by the dry smoke of the lungs of Lao Xu's head. The wooden needle came out.

   He can only do this. The death declaration of Xiaoshuai has never been biased. He is not sure how to deal with it now, and the cause has not been found out.

After Xu Yu helped him to massage, Old Xutou leaped a few times and found that the soreness that had plagued him for many years had disappeared. He took a few more breaths and found that his chest tightness and shortness of breath were gone, and his face suddenly opened up. In that case, walking is windy.

   It was too late~www.wuxiaspot.com~Lao Xutou ran to cook quickly, his wife died early, and the only daughter married to the neighboring village, so they live alone.

   In order to show that his legs and feet are flexible, he was trotting all the way, fearing that others would not know that his rheumatism was better.

   "I still have a chicken in my pot, wait a minute, wait a minute!"

   Old Xu headed up to serve a few dishes, and Xiaoshuai had the most enjoyable food alone, anyway, he always refused to eat.

  Only Muyu has no appetite, thinking that he must think of a way to bring out the mysterious guy behind Chen Erzhuang. That guy can still eat other people's brains, how disgusting it is!

   "Master Muyu, you eat quickly, if not enough, I will do it again." Lao Xutou said across from Muyu.

"Old man, you will recall in detail the scene of Grandpa Zhao crawling out of the coffin that day, Ranbu Valley, oh no, there are other strange places around Tianbu Valley, such as smell, sound and so on." Mu Yu is right now The mysterious guy knew too little, and had no idea how to deal with it.

   "I think about it, sound

Sound? It seems that there is nothing special, it may seem like something was rumbling under the sky in the Valley of Heaven at that time, I thought it was lightning and thunder underground! Smell? right! There is an unpleasant musty smell that makes people sick. "Old Xu Tou said.

   "The sound of thunder and thunder?" Mu Yu frowned, and what happened under the sky of Tianbu Valley would cause thunder and thunder?

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