A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 662: can not touch

  Walking on the stone steps of the mountain, surrounded by red forests and green trees, flying bees and butterflies, a piece of peace makes people feel relaxed and happy, just like entering a piece of paradise.

  The road up the mountain is not steep, just a few twists and turns. He was meandering around the mountain road. During this time, he saw the mountain stream clearing in the stone ditch, and there were birds singing in the forest. The voice of nature echoed in his ears.

   was originally a clean place, but Mu Yu didn't relax his vigilance, because he was worried that ghosts might die somewhere near here, and once encountered, it was a fierce fight.

   walked up the mountain for about half an hour, which also passed a peach forest covered with peaches. The fragrant fragrance of peach attracted the sleeping Xiaoshuai to waking up, but the things here were so weird that Muyu didn't let Xiaoshuai pick the peach to eat.

   Soon, Muyu walked to a mountain cliff stone platform, where an old banyan tree covered the sky, and there was a stone table under the banyan tree with purple teapots and tea cups on it. A waterfall cascades down the river, crisp and beautiful, and below the waterfall is a road blocked by a water curtain.

   And next to the banyan tree was the cave, and a cloud of nebula enveloped the cave, covering the scene in the cave.

The nebula Muyu knew it, but it was the Tianyan Nebula that was obtained by the ghost at the time. After the Tianyan Nebula and the Tianyan Reincarnation were fused together, the Tianyan Nebula circled into the cave of this mountain. .

   At this moment, Muyu watched the Tianyan Nebula up close, and she was also very shocked.

The Tianyan Nebula is slowly rotating, and thousands of stars are shining in the nebula, as if to contain the entire galaxy. The stars of various colors are gleaming and looming, and they are also filled with vague mist, showing an unspeakable word. The hazy beauty.

   "Is this cave the way to the past?"

   Muyu pondered, he didn't know if the ghost had died and came to this place, and whether he had returned to the past to see where "the soul of the surviving soul" was. He also wanted to know the whereabouts of the soul of crossing the soul, and find the soul of crossing the soul to save the dead father.

  Although he didn't even know what "Return to the Heart" looks like.

   Muyu approached the Tianyan Nebula and reached out to touch those hazy starlights. His hand did not encounter any obstacles, but the Tianyan Nebula seemed to be very far away from him, out of reach.

   He tried to take a step inside, but he was still not hindered, but no matter how he walked, or at the entrance of the cave, he clearly felt that he was walking, but he was still standing still.

   "The formation near the horizon is too mysterious. How do I get in?" Muyu thought for a moment, shaking the snoring little handsome in his arms.

   Xiaoshuai half-opened his eyes and asked vaguely: "Why! I'm eating peaches."

   said Xiaoshuai took another sip.

   Muyu reluctantly said, "Let's not let you do anything in the formation of "Chaos First Open", you have to give up your energy to be happy. Do you know how to enter the cave of the Tianyan Reincarnation?"

   Xiaoshuai glanced casually at Tianyan Nebula, and turned to fall asleep again.

   "There is a roast duck in this cave!" Muyu shouted.

   "Roast duck! Roast duck! Where is my roast duck!"

   Xiaoshuai opened his eyes violently, jumped up and sniffed hard twice, and found that he didn't smell any food, and then lay down again.

   Muyu simply wanted to beat Xiaoshuai, when he talked about eating, he jumped higher than anyone else. He didn't smell the smell and slept to death again. He fell off the chain at a critical moment. He could only put the handsome guy back in his pocket and find a way for himself.

   This cave's "near the horizon" Muyu can't be cracked, he can guess that going back to go through this cave, but he can't cross the sky.

   On the other side of the old banyan tree was the road up the mountain covered by the water curtain. Muyu wondered whether to continue to the top of the mountain and go to the top to see the scenery. I just thought that if I had gone to the mountain by myself, the guy came here with a ghost, and tried to get into the cave, then I missed it.

   He walked to the edge of the cliff and looked up, surrounded by clouds, as if he were in a fairyland, but he didn't see any scene.

   "I really didn't expect you to find it here." The unharmonious voice suddenly sounded, and then the ghost walked slowly down the mountain road under the curtain of water.

   Muyu turned around cautiously, staring at the ghost and cherishing his life. This guy really arrived earlier than himself, and it looked like he had just come down from the mountain. Obviously he could not enter the cave, so he went to the top of the mountain.

   "How? I thought you were back in the past!" Mu Yu responded nonchalantly. He was actually not sure if Gui Xixing had seen the past and came back, so this question was only for the purpose of exploring the ghost Xixing.

  Ghost smiled coldly: "The first thing I need to do before I go back is to kill you first!"

   During the speech, the soul was lighted up on the ghost, and the five twins rushed toward Muyu.

  Do not speculate more than half a sentence, greet me first when we meet.

   Muyu has been guarding against ghosts for a long time, and this guy suddenly felt trouble for him. Muyu was not surprised. When he wanted to fly, he found that he could not leave the ground. Obviously, he was not allowed to fly here.

   "It's really troublesome!"

   Muyu grunted, flashing across the entire body, and the shadow sword had been pierced from the void, and he succumbed to the ghost. A **** long axe also appeared in the hands of Gui Ximing. The long axe slashed towards Muyu with a sense of ghostly spirit!

   Swords are shining, ghostly


  The movements of the two are extremely fierce in the air, and they both issued their most powerful blows mercilessly, and they both wanted to kill each other!

   But time seems to be stuck at that moment.

Whether it's Muyu's shadow sword or a **** long axe with ghosts, the powerful spirit is violently surging, and the murderous intentions rush across each other, and then their distance is always a little short. He was about to hit it, but he couldn't get close.

   Muyu's eyes narrowed, his face calm, and he withdrew his shadow sword, and walked a few steps to the side, looking at the still murderous ghost, but suddenly smiled.

   is close to the horizon, no one can touch anyone.

  Gui Xiong has been rushing forward in the air. After he rushed for a long time, he realized that Mu Yu had withdrawn his sword and stood on the spot, he realized it.

   Ghost's misfortune also fell down, walked to Muyu's side, and cut an axe towards Muyu. Mu Yu didn't move, because he didn't need to dodge, and the **** long axe had clearly chopped to the top of Mu Yu's head, but he couldn't always fall.

   "Aren't you still giving up?" Mu Yu reached out and tried to push the ghost away, but his hand couldn't touch the ghost.

This is a very strange feeling, two people are only one inch apart, but no one can touch anyone, as if they are in two parallel worlds, there is no intersection of parallel lines, they can not touch each other .

   "Fortune telling you, this weird place saved you!"

   Ghosts snorted coldly and took back their ghost spirits. Even the twins who were souls could not get close to Muyu, and no one could hurt anyone.

   "Life is big? That may not be necessary."

   Muyu walked under the banyan tree and touched the banyan tree. The banyan tree is real, he can touch it, and even the shadow sword that he shot can be recovered, but why can't he touch the ghost alone?

   Ghost reluctantly walked back to the cave entrance, no longer ignored Muyu, and continued to ponder the mystery of this place. They came to this place with painstaking effort, but they did not know how to open the Tianyan reincarnation to return to the past.

   Muyu first thought that Gui Yan had obtained Tianyan Nebula and knew how to use Tianyan Sacred Seal. Now it seems that Guixi Mingxing is just bluffing, and Tianyan Nebula is not the instruction manual of Tianyan Sacred Seal.

  Gui Xixing wants to go back to the past and see who has been stolen from the soul of the soul. To some extent, Muyu also wanted to know. Since "Driving the soul to the heart" can save the dead father, he doesn't mind going back to the past.

It’s just that he couldn’t go back to the past alone, because Muyu didn’t know in what year the ghost treasure’s treasure “The Soul of the Heart” was stolen and what it looked like. These things are only the ghosts of the ghost gate people. Is the clearest.

  Muha didn't know these things, so he didn't know where he should go back to find the person who stole the soul of the soul.

"Hey, little devil, when did you say that your soul stolen heart was stolen? Your precious treasures can be lost so easily? You didn’t put it in a safe and locked it with a large steel chain. Send hundreds of little devils to be guarded?" Mu Yu asked.

  Ghosts still pondering around Tianyan Nebula, ignoring Mu Yu.

   "Since it's your ghost door, don't you have any special spells to sense it?" Mu Yu asked again.

   Ghost glanced lightly at Muyu, but still did not answer.

   "What kind of soul do you want to look like, is it the heart of an ugly little devil? Or is it the hard stone in the pit?" Mu Yu continued to ask.

   "Asshole! Dare to compare our treasure and Maokeng stone, I tell you that our soul crossing is one..." Guilaoqi snarled.

   "Shut up, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, ghost old seven!" Gui Ximing sent his twins back to the body with a wave of his hand, and they were not allowed to speak at will.

  Ghost looked at Mu Yu with regret: "What the soul of the soul looks like, it has always been known only by the senior level of our ghost gate. Even our ordinary ghost gate people don't know it, and outsiders have no possibility of knowing it. You are not worthy to know!"

   Muyu laughed: "No one knows that it has been stolen. It's really a big smile! Do you even see a traitor in your ghost door? Oops, unfortunately the door!"

An angry look appeared on Gui Ximing's face, but he couldn't get angry. Then he seemed to think of something and sneered: "Don't think I don't know what you want to do, you want to learn from me the whereabouts of the soul-crossing heart, Then come to stop me, right? You are wrong, I will not tell the year and day when the soul of the soul is stolen, nor let you know the whereabouts of the soul of the soul, you will die of this heart!"

   Shit, this little devil, really shrewd!

  Ghost has always wanted to kill Muyu. His temperament is arrogant but not as stupid as other little devils. It is easy to get out of the way. Although this guy is very annoying, he has to admit that he is a thoughtful person, otherwise he will not be sent by Gui Yeming to do such a thing.

   Ghost is still looking for clues at the entrance of the cave. Muyu couldn't get out of the mouth of the little devil, and didn't know what to do, so he simply walked to the stone table and sat down.

   It doesn't matter this sitting, he suddenly found that there was no one sitting on the stone chair opposite!

   This person is not mysterious!

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