"Stop it!"/

Qiao Xue screamed angrily, and the whole person had flew up and stood in front of Mu Yu. He resisted the ghost's pitiful blow. The water spirit rolled on Mu Yu and touched Mu Ling Sword, but it was here At that time, the force of the killing surged along the water spirit towards Qiao Xue! /

That terrible force made Qiao Xue's mind a mess, as if someone had stirred her body, and Qiao Xue's eyes also showed a strange blue light in an instant, and an endless killing suddenly appeared in his body. . /

Unlike Muyu, Qiao Xue did not maintain her consciousness in this killing force. She seemed to have lost herself. The whole person stood like an iceberg beauty, standing in the air, so cold that people could not get close. /

This killing power does not belong to Qiao Xue, so she can't keep awake in this killing power, just like the killing power given by Muyu in the old tree can’t keep her consciousness, Qiao Xue It was also affected by Muyu's killing. /

"Frozen Miles!"/

With a cold drink, the air of the whole demon island seemed to freeze at a certain moment, a little water droplets turned into ice edges, the snowflakes began to float, and the air fell suddenly, as if stepping directly into the winter from the three days, everyone felt themselves The blood on the body is about to freeze! /

Qiao Xue's body glowed with blue light, and with the help of Muyu's killing power, her cultivation practice was also skyrocketing, and countless ice crystals immediately surrounded the ghosts. /

Even if there are countless killings of ghosts, even under such low temperature, they are threatened. The blood soul emerges from him, bombards on the ice crystal, tears the ice crystal out of a mouth, and his head turns into a blood shadow He rushed out, but his blood souls stopped moving in the air and were frozen by the terrible low temperature! /

Qiao Xue's frozen Qianli is too horrible. Ghost has already learned his life once, but he dare not take it for the second time! /

However, using Qiao Xue's current physical condition to freeze thousands of miles will cause his body to be destroyed by low temperature. Without the help of Shui Youmengling, Xuan Ming, Qiao Xue's ability is equivalent to hurting one thousand and injuring 800. The skin on her body also became ice crystals, and the whole person was gradually being eaten by ice crystals! /

These ice crystals have also covered Mu Yu. Mu Yu has been seriously damaged, and no spiritual power can flow in the body. At this moment, he can't resist this terrible cold, his body temperature also drops rapidly, and his life is at stake! /

"Qiao Xue, you will cause Muyu to be more seriously injured!"/

Xiaoshuai had jumped over, and his little hand popped a thin blade like a cicada wing, traversing a thin light in the air, destroying all the ice crystals in front of him, and then turning it into white light, jumping on Muyu. /

"Don't stop me from killing people!"/

Qiao Xue said with no emotion, she raised her hand and slashed towards the Xiaoshuai. /

This killing power belongs to Muyu, not Qiao Xue. After contacting this killing power, Qiao Xue will completely lose herself and cannot retain her consciousness. She only kills in her heart, and there is no enemy or friend. Never let go! /

"This is not your killing power, wake up quickly!"/

The little handsome screamed with a milky voice, and the fluffy big tail had flicked to disperse all the surrounding cold currents, and the sharp blade of the small claws protruded towards the water spirit. Don't be afraid, go down with one paw, and have separated the water spirit and wood spirit that are tightly connected together! /

The killing gas suddenly disappeared like snow and ice melting, and was quickly absorbed into the wood spirit, and the wood spirit changed into a black and white flying sword again. Shui Ling also regained her docile and flexible appearance, floating gently in the air, but the breath between them still echoed with each other, and it seemed she couldn't wait to join together again. /


Qiao Xue suddenly exhaled suddenly, and she looked at Shuiling in amazement. The killing power in her body gradually dissipated, the ice crystals in the air began to melt and disappear, and the temperature rose again. /

"What happened just now? What did I do?" Qiao Xue's chest undulated, his face panicked, as if he were the same as the decisive image of cold frost. /

"It's nothing. You accidentally touched Muyu's killing power. That belongs to Muyu. You can't control it. It's none of your business." Xiaoshuai grabbed Muyu's clothes and had taken Muyu out of the battlefield. /

Qiao Xue followed, she was afraid for a while, although she lost consciousness, but at that moment her heart was full of infinite killing, this feeling is still haunting in her mind. /

What the **** is that power? /

Ghost Cherish and Ghost Leopard didn’t dare to shoot at random anymore. Mu Yu suddenly couldn’t kill Gui Yeming. This strange ability was far beyond their imagination, and the power of Qiao Xue was exactly the same as Mu Yu. , Far from being able to contend with these two ghosts. /

Deer Boss is still contending with Gui Yuzi. At this time, Deer Boss is like a blood man, and blood even oozes out of his skin. But the blood did not wet his clothes, but flowed rapidly on his body, constantly blending into the totem in front of Deer Boss. /

The light of the totem is getting stronger and stronger, and the roar of the ghost domain is getting more and more rapid. He can't completely suppress the Kraken! /

"Why are you still stunned? Quickly stop them!"/

Gui Yuzi also noticed that Gui Yeming was killed, he was too late to shock, because he was unable to protect himself, the Kraken King had been struggling to get out of control in his body, he was bound by the demon boss's kind of magic, and could only Ghost cherished his life and shouted. /

Ghost Cherish and Ghost Leopard glanced at each other. They had no other choice but to bite the bullet and rush towards Qiao Xue and others again. They didn't know the source of that power, and they were still afraid of Qiao Xue. /

Long Yeli and Crocodile Wen Mao also greeted each other, and transformed into a powerful body, fighting with the two ghosts. /

"Xiaoshuai, you take good care of Muyu."/

Qiao Xue was a little more tiptoed and rejoined the battlefield. Yingyu and Longteng were also circling in the air, fighting with two ghost gatemen. But without that killing power, Qiao Xue could never threaten Guiximing and Guibao, and they obviously realized this, and the offensive became more and more fierce, once again gaining the upper hand! /

"Let me see, the rejuvenation pill, Gu Yuan pill, these are useless, how can even the black and white spiritual power in the body be exhausted?"/

Xiaoshuai inspected Muyu's injury. Muyu's spiritual power had dried up at this time. He had a constant flow of black and white spiritual power, but they were all drained, and Muyu's cultivation practice had returned to the distraction. /

Mu Yu originally had black and white spiritual powers in Dan Tian chasing, and then circulated his whole body, but at this time Dan Tian's black and white energies seemed to lose momentum, spinning slowly and listlessly, unable to recover quickly. Spiritual power. /

"By the way, everything goes back to the original! Taring, Taring!" Xiaoshuai struck Mu Yu's body. /

A hazy and beautiful figure flew out of Muyu's body. She stayed in the air, but her eyes were very confused: "Who are you? Are you calling me?"/

After the town demon tower suffered continuous damage, her memory has become more and more blurred, even if she has seen Xiaoshuai, she has forgotten. /

"It doesn't matter who I am. The Zhenyao Tower possesses the field power left by Xuan Jizi. Can you use this power on Muyu?" Xiaoshuai said quickly. /

"Ways to return to the realm? What is that?" Taring had forgotten even this! /

"Why are you stupid than me! I'm right, I'm not stupid when I'm wrong, why are you so stupid! He is now your master, you need to help him restore the missing spiritual power in his body!" Xiaoshuai pointed at Mu Yu said. /

"Isn't that the missing spiritual power that will slowly recover on my own?" Taring asked puzzlingly. /

"You haven't forgotten this! He can't recover his spiritual power in this state, and Qiao Xue's frozen thousands of miles ability has made him more traumatized. You quickly help take the hand." Xiaoshuai urged urgently. /

"What should I do?"/

"All things go back to the original! You are the tower spirit, there must be some domain abilities of Xuanjizi remaining!"/


Ta Ling stretched out his slender jade hand, and a white light appeared in his hand. The strength of the field rolled out of her hand and hit the spot of Muyu Dantian. /

Returning everything to the original can restore everything to its normal state. There are only a few territorial forces possessed by Taling, but because Muyu has become the master of the town demon tower, this remaining territorial power still has a role for Muyu. /

The movement of black and white in Muyu Dantian began to become faster. One black and one white spiritual force finally got out of Dantian and wandered in Muyu's body. /

Although this spiritual force was very small, Mu Yu's weak breathing gradually calmed down, and the meridians in his body began to be filled with black pen spiritual force. /

Spiritual force wandered around in Muyu's body, covering every place on Muyu's body. Fang Cai and Gui Yeming battled him very badly. At this time, the black spiritual force constantly engulfed the place where his body was injured, and the white spiritual force gradually began to repair his damaged meridians. /

Mu Yu's body felt the pain of Wan Ant's phagocytic body again. Every time the black spirit swallowed him, he endured pain. He endured in a coma, but his breath gradually recovered. /

His true cultivation practice is that only the dissipation of the ninth heaven and the heavens have always relied on Heliankong’s Horcrux to reach the fit period, but the black and white spiritual power in the body at this time is constantly washing his meridians, the black and white in Dantian The qi is constantly expanding, and the entire Dantian has undergone earth-shaking changes. /

His Dantian is no longer a pure place to contain spiritual power to produce spiritual power~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Instead it turned into a black and white fog, just like two pure breaths in the original chaos, entangled with each other Entangling, competing with each other for territory, no one wants to subdue anyone, they want to suppress each other. /

Muyu's meridians are constantly expanding, and then he feels that his body suddenly seems to be combined together, and a powerful force emerges from his body. /

That is the power of the fit period, he has already broken through the fit period! /

But this force is still growing continuously, like a tide that has been squeezed for a long time, and it will be released unhurriedly. The whole person is surging like a cocoon and a butterfly. The aura between heaven and earth also swept toward him frantically, he was like a powerful vortex, absorbing all the spiritual power on the demon island. /

The Zhenyao Tower made a strong wave, which seemed to react to Muyu's changes. A little bit of brilliance diffused from the town demon tower and fell on Muyu, not only the demon island, but also the spirit in the sea of ​​thousands of miles was stripped by the town demon tower and converged on Muyu! /


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