A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 735: Sky keeper

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Only Yaozu and Muyu are left on Yaodao. The soul of the human race has left, and the soul of the Yaozu has gradually dissipated on the Yaodao, and can no longer be seen. &1t;/

"Mr. Yu Yu, there is one thing I must discuss with you." &1t;/

The Siren King came over with a very friendly tone, like an approachable uncle, even if he was a demon king with the power of the sky, the sea could be changed by raising his hand, but he did not deliberately pose his own demon king’s Shelf makes people feel good. &1t;/

"What's the matter?" &1t;/

Muyu doesn't resent the Siren King, at least compared to the White Ape Demon King who always shamelessly wants to be his old man and desperately abandon him, the Siren King is still a normal demon king. &1t;/

"Dragon vines on you, I need to take him back to the Qinglong Dynasty." The Siren said. &1t;/

Mu Yu frowned slightly. &1t;/

"I won't go." Long Vine simply replied. &1t;/

"You are a real dragon, and you have only such a little cultivation right now, there is no self-protection ability in the outside world, only my Qinglong brother can help you." The sea monster king is not annoyed by Long Teng's cold attitude, and is still gentle. Said. &1t;/

"I have lived for several years without the ability to protect myself. I don't want to go to a place full of miscellaneous dragons." Dragon Vine said proudly. &1t;/

The Qinglong dynasty has now evolved to respect the possession of the true dragon blood, which means that the Qinglong dynasty is full of mixed dragons. &1t;/

Muyu pondered for a moment and asked the Kraken King: "Will you leave here?" &1t;/

Here is the dynasty of the siren king, the palace of the siren king, and the home of the siren king. Now that the siren king is out of trouble, he should re-establish his dynasty. How can the siren king be willing to leave? &1t;/

The Kraken King smiled and said, "Here are all the things. The demon people in the sea have almost disappeared. I stayed as a bare-bones commander. I need to meet Qinglong to learn about the realm and discuss what to do next. It’s okay."&1t;/

"The next step? Do you want to compete with the Terran for the next step?" Mu Yu asked lightly. &1t;/

Competing with human races for territory is a very sensitive topic. Muyu represents the human race, and the Kraken King is the leader of the Kraken, but Muyu inadvertently helped the Kraken King again, so it seems not wise to discuss this kind of problem at this time. &1t;/

The Kraken King looked at Mu Yu and said thoughtfully: "You are worried about some things, but it is not like worrying about the competition for the territory with our demon race. What are you worried about?" &1t;/

Muyu shook his head: "It doesn't matter whether I'm the rise of the demon clan, I don't care if you want to compete with the human clan. It's just that the Mie Palace has formulated some rules of the game. If you want to participate, you must consider the Mie Palace." &1t ;/

Mu Yu didn't even care who had the bigger site and who had the smaller site. What he was most concerned about now was Master's safety. The most regrettable thing was that the dead father had not yet been resurrected. &1t;/

He only wanted to do two things, resurrect his father and rescue his master. &1t;/

"Triple Palace? In fact, I am looking for Qinglong not for the rise of the demon clan, but for the people of the moon clan." The sea monster king put his smile away, and his expression suddenly became serious. &1t;/

"Yue clan? The Yue clan detained by Zhenyao Tower are already dead. There is no need to worry about this." Mu Yu touched the shadow sword in his hand, and the spirit of the wood was hidden in the shadow sword. The winged horn monsters have been transformed into the power of killing and become the nourishment of the wood spirit. &1t;/

"You are wrong, it is precisely because all the Yue people in the town demon tower are dead, so we need to worry." The sea monster king said solemnly. &1t;/

"Dead, what's there to worry about?" Mu Yu asked puzzledly. &1t;/

"I heard that Jianying Chen is your master. Your master is a very powerful person. Didn't he tell you about the Yue people?"&1t;/

There are certain splendors in the elegant eyes of the Kraken King. He must know much more than Muyu, which makes Muyu more and more puzzled. What truth is covered in the dust of history? ? &1t;/

"Master hasn't told me about the moon clan." Mu Yu answered truthfully. &1t;/

Master didn't mention many things to him. He had always thought that Jianying Chenfeng was only the leader of the Luochen School. He could leisurely practice in Luochen Mountain, accompany Master, and fight with his brothers. &1t;/

But this is far from the truth. The arrival of Gui Xuanyue a few years ago unveiled Master's dusty past, and Mu Yu slowly learned what kind of person Master is. &1t;/

The true **** of the three major 6s, the immortal, the seal demon king, and the people who trapped the moon clan, even guarded the Tianyan reincarnation and explained that he was a person who lived in the past. &1t;/

What identity does Master still have? &1t;/

"Then you haven't thought about one thing? It is more than enough to kill the Moon tribes with the power of sword shadow dust wind, but why not kill them, but trap them in the town demon tower for so many years?" The sea monster king knew the matter The truth is that his complexion is uncertain, as if he recalls certain past events, making him frown deeply. &1t;/

Mu Yu moved a little in his heart. He really didn't think about this problem. At first, he just thought that the meat-winged horned monster could not be killed, so he was locked in the magic weapon of Xuanjizi. &1t;/

But now think about it, there can be no death in the world, there are always more powerful people hiding in the dark, Jianyingchenfeng is one of them. &1t;/

It is impossible for a person with sword shadow dust wind to cultivate the sky to kill the moon clan. At least he can find something like "Ji Di Xuan Ling" to destroy the moon clan. What happened? &1t;/

The Siren King sighed and said, "As soon as the Moon tribe dies, it means that Mie Tian will fall into crisis again."&1t;/

This made Mu Yu even more puzzled. The fact that the Moon tribe is alive means that Mie Tian will fall into crisis. Why would the Kraken King say that the death of the Moon Tribe will make Mie Sky fall into crisis? &1t;/

Muyu knew that the destruction of Erzhong was due to the fact that the white ape demon king rebelled against the moon tribe and offended some powerful existence. &1t;/

But why did the White Ape Demon King rebel, and where did the Moon tribe come from, and why only the Seal Demon King can protect the Demon King, and the truth of these things Muyu did not figure out. &1t;/

After being silent for a long time, Mu Yu asked: "What kind of existence does the Yue clan exist?" &1t;/

The Siren King looked up at the distant sea, and his expression suddenly became lonely and unwilling. He sighed slowly: "Moon clan is not terrible, they are just tools on the battlefield. What is really powerful is the main messenger behind them. There are various rules in this world, you and I can't escape, think There is a price to be paid if you violate the rules."&1t;

"What rules?" Mu Yu still didn't understand. The Siren's words were too general. &1t;/

"Everything in the world lives and dies, and reincarnation relies on certain rules. Heaven is the master of the rules of all things. When we cultivate to reach the Mahayana period, we will understand our domain ability. The domain is a rule. Mahayana period. The comprehension of the people will initially glimpse the rules formulated by Heaven, the power will make you understand everything. But now even if I tell you, you will not realize it."&1t;/

The Siren King didn’t want to explain too much. He thought about it again and again and said, “You just need to understand that if someone wants to violate a certain rule, the Moon Clan will be sent to wipe out everything. The Moon Clan is specifically used to clean up aliens. There is no deadline for them to perform tasks. Once all the moon tribes who perform the task are dead, the people behind will realize that this time the task has failed, and they will send a more powerful race until the killing task is completed." &1t;/

"Is this why the Yue people are locked up rather than killed?" &1t;/

Mu Yu was a little shocked in his heart. He couldn't imagine the mastermind behind instructing the Moon clan to kill Mie Tian. Who would have the power to destroy a world? &1t;/

"Yes, we call the existence behind the Moon Clan the Sky Clan. The Moon Clan is a slaughter tool on the battlefield. Each time their number decreases, the Sky Clan will know that when all the Moon Clan die, then the Sky Clan will understand It's time to reassign someone to perform the obliteration mission." The Kraken King seemed a bit angry, but he was helpless. &1t;/

The so-called sky-keeper is too strong, far from what he can deal with. &1t;/

Mu Yu's mood suddenly became very heavy, because all the detained moon clan were swallowed up by death due to his mistakes. Doesn't it mean that he put Mietian into crisis? &1t;/

"Sorry, the destruction of the Yue people was caused by me. I thought that they would not be forgiven and should be destroyed."&1t;/

Muyu never thought about these things when he killed the meat-winged horned monster. He had always thought that the meat-winged horned monster could not escape from the town demon tower, nothing more. &1t;/

"They are indeed wicked, and they deserve to die. You don't need to blame yourself. This time the ghost door people are bold and want to control the moon clan. If their strategy is successful and the moon clan jailbreak appears on the triple sky, then the consequences will be more serious than now! You Master is a very powerful person. Everything he did was to protect this world, and the Moon Clan came to destroy this world."&1t;/

The Siren King does not have any sympathy or regret for the death of the meat-winged horned monster, on the contrary, he feels very resentful! &1t;/

But Siren's words made Mu Yu realize an unreasonable thing! &1t;/

From the mouth of the Siren King, we can know that the Moon Clan is even more powerful than the Yumon Demon Clan. Since the Master’s ability is enough to seize the Moon Clan, then you can completely destroy the Yumon, which is much weaker than the Moon Clan. Mozu, but why set up a trapped immortal prison at the expense of self-cultivation to deal with Yumeng Mozu? &1t;/

This simply doesn't make sense! &1t;/

Master can completely use the magic weapon such as the town demon tower to deal with the Yumon demons directly like the moon clan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ does not need to rely on trapping the immortal jail to hurt people. &1t;/

The most important thing is, how can he fail to perceive the wolf ambition of the white world in the Sannomiya with his ability? &1t;/

Or is the trapped Xian prison not only used to trap the Yumon demons, but also for other purposes? Is there any hidden reason for Master's loss of cultivation? &1t;/

The Siren King continued: "Your plan to destroy the ghost gate is right. At least we are in control of the opportunity now. We have time to prepare when the sky-keeper returns. We have time to prepare for the sword shadow dust wind to hide from the sky by powerful means. , Blinding the perception of the sky-keeper, I think as long as the sword shadow dust wind does not die, you can still hide the sky-keeper for a period of time."&1t;/

Muyu clenched her fists, and Master could live with her, could he hide the sky master? &1t;/

But is Master still alive now? &1t;/


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