A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 744: Dawn Valley

The other guards saw the commotion, and they had come back to prevent it according to their duties, but their heads said nothing, and the guards were anxious. &1t;/

One of the guards said anxiously, "Boss, that human race has made Jiao Xinghua like this, don't we really stop it?" &1t;/

"Yes! Didn't you just receive the order from above, would you want to make this human race difficult? Would it be best for him to be arrested?" said another guard. &1t;/

"Nonsense! Give me your position! Didn't listen to Jiao Xinghua say? Our rules are invalid to human race, Jiao Xinghua can't blame others for finding death. Our duty is to protect the city gate, not to be a playboy. Guardian, when can you guys learn to be smart? Are you worthy of your parents by being gunned all day long? Does your parents work hard to raise you up easily? You just repay your parents in this way? Whites give blacks but... "&1t;/

All the guards opened their mouths in stunned silence, and the chief of guard even told everyone about the principle of life with heartache, from parents to teachers, to the outlook on life, the concept of good and evil, right and wrong, and finally even to Other guards started psychological counseling...&1t;/

The guards listened to the explanation of their boss, who could not help but wonder if the boss was evil. This big boss usually went to the Red Demon Green House except for drinking and swearing. The big characters didn’t know one, why did they suddenly jump out like this? What sounds more reasonable? &1t;/

"Master Xiongzhong, some people gather at the gate of the city to make trouble, but you still haven't stopped it?" one of Jiao Xinghua's entourage shouted angrily. &1t;/

"What are you? Dare to yell at me? Come, come here, and I will explain to you a philosophy of life. Your parents raised you so painfully that you were treated like a dog by others? Dog legs, dog legs, two dog legs, are you ashamed..." Xiong Zhong began to speak again. &1t;/

The onlookers of the demon clan burst into an uproar! &1t;/

Why did this Xiongzhong suddenly become a cultural person? &1t;/

Xiaoshuai and Longteng laughed out of breath for a long time. What Xiong Zhong said was controlled by Xiaoshuai, Muyu gave the control of Shenshen Array to Xiaoshuai, Xiaoshuai had all kinds of reasons The truth is that Xiongzhong can speak out in a discreet manner. &1t;/

Mu Yu even heard Xiaoshuai ask Xiong Zhong to say, “Being a man is like roasting chicken legs. You must know how to settle down, withstand high temperatures, and stand the hardships, so that you can smell fragrant and be loved when you release it.” Strange words. &1t;/

It’s quite like that. It’s really a profound philosophy of life when I think about it carefully. I don’t know what this snack is thinking about all day. Sometimes it’s silly, sometimes it’s so good to talk. The man stunned. &1t;/

Muyu's mouth also smiled, to be honest, although his cultivation base is only one body, he is far more powerful than the guardian of the body, and it is more than enough to control this guy with Divine Soul Array. &1t;/

There were more and more demon clan people around, and Mu Yu didn't care. He didn't come here to please the demon clan, but just to see the demon king and discuss something before leaving. Those demon tribes who love to watch him stand there, anyway Muyu thinks he looks pretty. &1t;/

Half an hour later, Qiao Xue walked out of the Wangcheng. She also showed that the atmosphere of the city gate seemed to be a bit off. Seeing Xiong Zhong's generous speech on the ground, she felt even more incredible, and finally found Muyu in the crowd. &1t;/

"Are you all right? How did they not treat you?" Qiao Xue asked worriedly. &1t;/

"No, we get along very well. Xiaoshuai also popularized the philosophy of life for everyone." Mu Yu smiled. &1t;/

Qiao Xue saw what Xiong Zhong looked like, and immediately understood what Xiong Zhong was under control: "Okay, let's leave here! Can't live in Wangcheng, Wangcheng are all four dragons, go to me. "&1t;/

"Leave? Don't you see the Blue Dragon Demon King and Siren King?" Mu Yu asked in surprise. &1t;/

Qiao Xue said solemnly: "They are not here, even Uncle White Ape left, I heard that he left seven days ago, and no one knows where to go."&1t;/

"All left?" Mu Yu frowned, which was not what he wanted to see. &1t;/

"No wonder the guardian just asked you to get the pass of the Kraken King! How dare he knew that the Kraken King was not here and deliberately set you apart to trouble us." Long Teng grunted. &1t;/

"Trouble you?" &1t;/

Mu Yu briefly told Qiao Xue about the course of the event, and Qiao Xue was also annoyed: "That Jiao Xinghua is not a good thing. He usually stays with Long Xing, but his father is the Yu Jiao patriarch. Don’t you take him, confidante?"&1t;/

"No." Mu Yu shrugged. &1t;/

"That's good." &1t;/

"It's just that he may not be able to get out of bed in half a year." Mu Yu said lightly. &1t;/

"Ah? Is this still okay? This is a big trouble, so you don't want to cause trouble!" Qiao Xue was anxious. &1t;/

"I don't like people to mess with me." Mu Yu spread his hand. &1t;/

Qiao Xue shook her head helplessly. She knew Muyu's character, so she didn't say anything else, just took Muyu away from Wangcheng and went in the other direction of the forest. &1t;/

"I just heard one thing that after the Longxing accident, the patriarch of the Beijiao Abyss Yujiao was so angry that he wanted to avenge his son." &1t;/

"Revenge? Then go to the ghost door chant! Shut my ass!"&1t;/

Mu Yu strictly has nothing to do with the death of Longxingyu. Longxingyu, who is greedy for life and fears death, chose to surrender the ghost gate, and was killed by the ghost gate directly. &1t;/

"Dragon Star Meteorology has ninety percent true dragon bloodlines, and the Yujiao Patriarch tried his best to cultivate people who became true dragons, but suddenly died unclearly. No one knew the scene at that time, except us, the only one who knew the truth. Only Longyeli! But Longyeli was sent by the Yujiao Patriarch to protect the dragon star. Now that the dragon star has died, he is alive and alive. In order to extricate himself, do you think he will tell the truth?"&1t;/

Qiao Xue took Muyu through the forest and flew towards another mountain range. The cliffs of the mountains along the way are also covered with all kinds of cabins. &1t;/

"Then to what extent can he distort the lies? Dragon Star Meteor, but it's invincible, stealing the body of the Kraken King, you know this Kraken King!"&1t;/

Muyu has been appreciating the customs and customs of the demon tribes. Now that the demon tribes have some peculiarities in construction, they actually look similar to some villages in the tribe, and they even have criss-cross farmland and grow rice and corn. &1t;/

"The Siren King is not here, and the Yujiao Patriarch will not prove to the Siren King. He must find someone to be responsible for the death of his son. Only in this way can he express his hatred." Qiao Xue looked at Mu Yu. &1t;/

Mu Yu stretched out his hand, rubbed his fists and crackled, and crossed the cold air that was hard to conceal in his eyes, and smiled: "It's okay, I can be responsible for many demon people who came to die." &1t;/

Murder is not a problem for Muyu now. &1t;/

"Ah! The four dragons are not as simple as you think. If Grandpa Qinglong is here, I don’t worry. The four dragons dare not openly deal with you. Now that they are not here, the patriarch Yujiao will definitely trouble you. The Chief of Guards and Jiao Xinghua just sent you to test your strength, and you will understand by then. And not only you, have you considered the safety of Longteng?"&1t;/

Qiao Xue was annoyed at Mu Yu's indifferent attitude. She was half anxious on her side. Mu Yu was still indifferent. &1t;/

"The demon who dare to fight Longteng's idea, just kill it! Your water spirits are worried that there is no place to collect the power of killing!" Mu Yu touched Longteng's head. &1t;/

"That's right, I have long been unhappy with Zalong." Dragon Vine said proudly. &1t;/

Qiao Xue shook his head helplessly: "No matter what, we have to wait for several demon king adults to come back. During this period, you have to stay with me in Chenxi Valley for a while. There are no demon people with dragon blood, which is safer." &1t; /

"Well, I want Sister Qiao Xue to sleep in a bed." Xiaoshuai happily turned his **** in Qiao Xue's arms. &1t;/

"Xiaoshuai, you are not obedient to hunt monsters, I will sleep with you, okay?" Qiao Xue worried that the greedy Xiaoshuai ran into the woods and slaughtered some kind of fasting monsters. There is a lot of trouble. &1t;/

"Sister Qiao Xue said what it is." Xiaoshuai smirked happily in a soft place. &1t;/

Muyu couldn't wait to drag this shameless little three out and beat it. &1t;/

Chenxi Valley is not far from the Qinglong King City, and it is about half an hour away. Qiao Xue usually lives here, but she also has a separate courtyard in the Wangcheng City, which the Qinglong Demon King prepared for her. &1t;/

Dawn Valley is a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters. It is somewhat similar to the canyon just entered. The only difference is that there is a waterfall flowing down from outside the valley, and the spring water is running happily in the valley. However, the crisscross wooden bridges were built on the spring water, and there were gaps between the wooden bridges, and the spring water could be seen vaguely flowing through. &1t;/

There are also houses built on the cliffs on both sides of the valley, and all the facilities here should be complete. &1t;/

At this moment, there are many demon clan babies running around on the wooden bridge, and some adults are busy, coming and going trading their animal skins and magic equipment in their stores. &1t;/

Qiao Xue just walked into the valley with Muyu, and came across a charming woman, twisting her waist and walking. &1t;/

"Yeah, isn't this Qiao Xue? Qiao Xue is back!" The charming woman laughed, and her voice was crisp and pleasant, making her ears numb. &1t;/

"Sister Meihu, I'm back." Qiao Xue was very happy to see the charming woman and said happily. &1t;/

Soon there were many Yaozu people passing by, stopping and saying hello to Qiao Xue. Qiao Xue's popularity seemed to be very good among the Yaozu. &1t;/

"Qiao Xue, where have you been in a while? Come over to my aunt to see if you are thin." &1t;/

"Maid Spider, I'm not thin." &1t;/

"Qiao Xue is hungry, do you want to eat a pork bun?"&1t;/

"Grandpa Silkworm, don't you say you will be a vegetarian in the future? Why did you eat pork buns again?" &1t;/

"It's strange that he wants to be a vegetarian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ ignore him!"&1t;/

Qiao Xue greeted the demon clan, and laughed with joy, Mu Yu suddenly understood why Qiao Xue didn't like the clan, because the demon clan here treated her well, no wonder Qiao Xue was willing to treat himself as a part of the clan clan. &1t;/

Meihu looked at Qiao Xue and suddenly exclaimed: "Qiao Xue, you are no longer a virgin."? &1t;/

All the demon people calmed down and looked at Qiao Xue one after another. Qiao Xue smiled embarrassingly and was planning to introduce Muyu to her. At this time, Meihu had set her weird eyes on Muyu: "The breath of Chu Zi was taken away by him. This is what you have been The long-cherished human race Xiao Qinglang?"&1t;/

The other demon clan noticed Muyu, and the glance at Muyu seemed unfriendly. &1t;/...


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