Jiao Dahu's face changed slightly, and he quickly used a smile to cover up the past: "Of course I don't know, I am not asking if you are sure!" &1t;/

"Yes! Ten Square Dogs! There is Xiaobao's blood at home!" &1t;/

The old silkworm responded immediately. After seeing the disappearance of the small silkworm, they all messed up their hands and feet, and almost forgot that there are brothers from all directions who can help trace the blood. &1t;/

Although the silkworm does not leave an odor, even the smell of blood will not remain, but the Shifang Blood Dog has a special ability, he can sense the position of the blood owner, not by odor tracking, but by blood tracking. &1t;/

"But Shifang Blood Dog went out yesterday and said that he would go to the city to find his uncle, and he wouldn't be able to come back in a minute and a half!" Aunt Spider said aloud. &1t;/

"What should I do?" The old silkworm was anxious, waiting for no one at all. &1t;/

"I'm back, I'm back." &1t;/

At this moment, a young man with a red face ran over, it was the ten blood dogs of Chenxi Valley. &1t;/

"How did you come back? I thought you would be back in a few days!" Aunt Spider asked curiously. &1t;/

"Oh, that's it. I met a stranger in Wangcheng this morning. He said something happened to Chenxi Valley..."&1t;/

Shifang Blood Dog is about to explain, but Jiao Taihu immediately interrupted Shifang Blood Dog's words: "Just come back, now no gossip, hurry up and find Tian silkworm Xiaobao!"&1t;/

Mu Yu frowned, and gave Jiao Dahu a cold look, his doubts deepened in his heart. &1t;/

"Yes, yes! Hurry, there is Xiaobao's blood at home!"&1t;/

The old silkworm took the Shifang blood dog's hand and ran into the house. Everyone re-entered the house, watching the Shifang blood dog crouching on the ground, carefully dipping the blood of the Tianfang Xiaobao with his finger, and putting it on his nose He smelt it lightly, and then a red spiritual force appeared on his hand, extracting the blood from his finger and floating in midair. &1t;/

"Blood Spirit returns!" &1t;/

A **** formula was formed in the hands of Shifang Blood Dog, and Lingli was immediately injected into the blood drop in front of him. The blood drop shuddered, and then began to float out of the window. &1t;/

"This drop of blood was cast by me, and it will find Xiaobao." The Ten Blood Dogs had jumped out of the window after they said it, and followed the drop of blood. &1t;/

Other demon people also rose into the air and followed the Shifang blood dogs. &1t;/

The more Muyu thought, the more wrong it was. Both Jiaohuhu and Jiaowolf behaved strangely, and the timing of coming here was very coincidental. If the two of them came to trouble Muyu, they should have been here in the past few days, but Just wait until this time. &1t;/

Not only that, Jiao Dahu asked if there was any blood left, and also reminded everyone that there is a demon of the Ten Square Dog in Chenxi Valley, and the Aunt Spider said that when the Ten Square Dog was not there, the Ten Square Dog came back. When Fang Quan explained why he came back, Jiao Dahu interrupted Shi Fang Quan again, not letting him finish his speech, all of which waited like a deliberate design. &1t;/

Muyu glanced at Jiao Dahu, and now the other party was looking at him, and he also showed a strange smile. He already knew that this matter must be inseparable from both Jiao Dahu and Jiaolang. &1t;/

"How could this happen?" Qiao Xue suddenly exclaimed, attracting Mu Yu's attention. &1t;/

Muyu turned his attention to the blood drop, but now the blood went straight to Qiao Xue's house! His face changed slightly, but it was too late at this moment, because all the demon clan had followed up, and began to discuss one after another, very surprised at the direction of the blood drop. &1t;/

The blood drop turned a corner along Qiao Xue's house, and came to the corridor outside Qiao Xue's house. There was a piece of cloth covering the corner of the corridor against the wall, and the blood drop also floated on the cloth. . &1t;/

"Isn't it... Xiaobao stole Qiao Xue to play here?" The old silkworm was faster than everyone. He had fallen on the corridor, opened the cloth, and then his body shuddered! &1t;/

Muyu flew to the side and saw the situation under the cloth, and his face changed a lot! &1t;/

It was a very **** scene, a two-foot-long silkworm was cut through a mouth, no longer breathing, and his body was shrivelled, as if he had been drained of blood. There was a wooden barrel beside the corpse, which was full of white blood! &1t;/

Blood from the silkworm! &1t;/

"Xiaobao, Xiaobao!" &1t;/

The old silkworm was suddenly frightened. He wanted to go up to pick up his child, but he didn't know what to do. The original chubby body of the silkworm Xiaobao had only left shrivelled skin, and the white bucket of blood appeared beside him. So shocking! &1t;/

"Little treasure, my little treasure! God! My little treasure!" &1t;/

The silkworm aunt burst into tears and cried, holding the shriveled body of the silkworm Xiaobao in her arms. &1t;/

"It's you! It's you! It's you who killed my little treasure!" &1t;/

The old silkworm's head was about to crack, and he suddenly turned and rushed towards Muyu directly. However, he was only in the cultivation stage, and where could he hurt Muyu, Muyu just raised his hand and restrained the old man silkworm. &1t;/

"This is not what I did!" Mu Yu said in a deep voice. &1t;/

"The human race that was killed by the sky, said you didn't do it! It's not what you did. Why did the body of Xiaobao appear in Qiao Xue's house? Only you and Qiao Xue live in this house. Qiao Xue is the one we looked at. Big, she won't do it, only you can do it!" Auntie Tiancian was crying to death. &1t;/

"It can't be done by Muyu, I guarantee it with my life."&1t;/

Qiao Xue couldn't bear to look at the miserable situation of Tianbao Xiaobao, and she was also in a panic, because Tianbao Xiaobao was cruelly drained of blood, leaving only a layer of skin, and a bucket of blood next to it. This murderous method was too cruel. &1t;/

Others couldn't help turning their eyes away, and they were able to start with the baby silkworms who were still in their babies without any self-preservation ability, and they also drew blood, which is really awesome. &1t;/

"Also said that it wasn't Muyu? Only you humans came here in the past few days. Could it be that the demon clan did it yourself?" Jiao Dahu exasperated. &1t;/

"That's it! Tianbao Xiaobao hasn't been in trouble for so many years, but it turned out to be such a miserable situation. Everyone may not know that Mu Yu was just a few days ago at the entrance of the Wangcheng city. Hua is still comatose!" Jiao Big Wolf said loudly. &1t;/

At this time, the demon tribes in Chenxi Valley also began to whisper. When Muyu rescued the two brothers of Jiuwei cat, everyone reluctantly recognized him, but recalling that when Muyu rescued people, he forcibly drew the blood of the old silkworm. And now seeing the miserable situation of Tianbao Xiaobao, together with the Jiaolang wolf fanning the flames, the eyes of these demon clan people have turned to Muyu. &1t;/

"Isn't it really Muyu?" &1t;/

"I don't know, he alone knows that the blood of the celestial silkworm can detoxify the ruins and ruins, isn't he? He definitely wants to use the blood of the celestial silkworm to do unspeakable activities!"&1t;/

"I said that foreign human races are untrustworthy. How did Qiao Xue bring the human races back!"&1t;/

The demon tribes began to accuse Muyu. Everyone had already determined that this matter could not be separated from Muyu, because only Muyu knew how to match the blood medicine of the silkworm. &1t;/

Mu Yu said in a deep voice: "I don't know why the body of Tianmian Xiaobao appears here, but anyone can be stolen and framed, and anyone can take the body of Tianmian Xiaobao while Qiao Xue and I are away. God put it here without knowing it."&1t;/

Muyu knew that this must have been done by Jiao Dahu and Jiao Big Wolf, but now he has no evidence, even if there are doubts just now, he can't prove the relationship with these two guys. &1t;/

"Listening to you means that a tribe of Chenxi Valley killed Xiaobao?" Jiao Dahu sneered. &1t;/

Uncle Toad said, frowning. "How could we kill Tianbao Xiaobao?" &1t;/

"Yes! What are you talking about!" &1t;/

Muyu stared deadly at Jiao Dahu: "The two of you will come to Chenxi Valley as soon as something goes wrong. Isn't the two of you suspected?" &1t;/

"Don’t think about blood-spitting people, our brothers are here to find you. It seems that you not only seriously wounded people in the Wangcheng, but also killed Tianbao Xiaobao here. Our brothers were specifically named after the order of Lord Jade Dragon. Harmless!"&1t;/

Tianbao Xiaobao naturally killed him, but Jiao Dahu was not worried at all, because in this matter, as long as a little agitation of the demon tribe in Chenxi Valley can elute the suspicion, they did not appear here for no reason, but The teacher is famous! &1t;/

Mu Yu was annoyed. He now has no evidence to excuse himself. Besides, Jiao Dahu and Jiao Big Wolf are both demon clan after all. The demon clan in Chenxi Valley does not welcome the dragon clan, but in the demon clan and the clan Between, the demon people must believe in themselves more. &1t;/

Unexpectedly, he kindly saved the two brothers of Jiuwei Cat, but it led to the killing of Tianbao Xiaobao. Both Jiao Dahu and Jiao Big Wolf were really poisonous. In order to frame him, he didn’t let the children of his own family escape. ,frenzied! &1t;/

"There is only one celestial worm's corpse. Where are you going to hide the other two celestial worms? Hurry up and hand over the other two celestial worms. I will leave you with a whole corpse!"&1t;/

Jiao Taihu has exposed sharp tiger claws, with fierce light in his eyes. The big wolf also roared in a low voice and waited. &1t;/

"Quickly return my other two children to me!" the old silkworm shouted with grief. He was still restrained by Muyu, but he had already determined that it was Muyu. &1t;/

"Old doctor, you are the most respected person in Chenxi Valley, you have to decide for us!" Aunt Tianxian cried. &1t;/

The old doctor stood up, gave Muyu a complicated look, and then said to everyone: "I think this matter is strange, I believe it was not done by Muyu, and there is no direct evidence to prove that it is related to Muyu." &1t; /

The old doctor is still on Muyu's side. A man who can generously speak of the antidote to the ruins of the ruins, why do he still need to kill the small silkworm? &1t;/

But Jiao Dahu shouted: "Old doctor, we respect you as the predecessor of the demon clan, but it is not good for you to protect an alien like this in every way? Could it be that you have nothing to do with this matter?" &1t;/

"Boldly, when will it be your turn to take the lead in the Morning Dawn Valley?" the old physician said angrily. &1t;/

"Well, I'm just talking about myself as a demon clan. If you stop us from catching the murderer, your suspicion is great!" Jiao Dahu even wanted to pull the old doctor into the water. &1t;/

More and more demon clan people have come over, and there are demon clan people with high strength in Chenxi Valley. Although Muyu is not frightened, if you hurt any of the demon clan in Chenxi Valley, I am afraid that you want to make things clear It's even harder. &1t;/

"This thing wasn't done by Muyu. It was completely framed by stolen goods!" Qiao Xue stood next to Muyu and eagerly faced all the demon people. &1t;/

"Qiao Xue, you let go! This matter has nothing to do with you, we don't want to hurt you!" said Shen Sheng, a demon who fits. &1t;/

Muyu let go of the old silkworm man he held, shook Qiao Xue's hand, and said in a voice that no one else could hear: "Don't be impulsive, I will find out about this, you stay here to let I’m so happy that if you work against them, it’s not good for you either."&1t;/

Mu Yu knew that the anger was hard to come by now. Jiao Taihu and Jiao Wolf were prepared. He didn't have any evidence to wash his innocence, and staying here would even prevent his old doctor and Qiao Xue. &1t;/

"Can you do it alone?" Qiao Xue was anxious. &1t;/

"The triple palace will not kill me, the ghost door people will not kill me, just because these two people still want to kill me? I will leave Chenxi Valley first, and investigate this matter in secret." &1t;/

After finishing the speech, Mu Yu turned his head and said coldly to Jiao Dahu and Jiao Big Wolf: "You two, I know Xiaotian silkworm was killed by you. I will ask you to settle the bill!" &1t;/

The pattern under Muyu's feet flashed and disappeared. &1t;/

"No! He wants to escape, chase me!" &1t;/

Jiao Dahu shouted that he was the first to chase Muyu, but Muyu's degree was much faster than these demon clan people. When they chased out of Chenxi Valley, where is Muyu's trace? &1t;/


In a forest, Muyu was sitting on a branch, annoyed. &1t;/

The methods of Jiao Da Hu and Jiao Da Lang are too fierce, and I did not expect to deal with him in this way. I thought Chen Xinggu was a paradise, but I didn't expect that the clean land would still be contaminated by adulterers. &1t;/

"Damn, it's still too careless." &1t;/

The life in Dawn Valley in the past few days has been very peaceful, and Mu Yu has forgotten that there are people outside who are looking for him to trouble. &1t;/

What happened today must have been that the old man of the silkworm was missing his little treasure, attracting everyone's attention, and then the two of the big tiger and the big wolf took the dead body of the little silkworm Xiaobao while Qiao Xue and Muyu were away. Put it in Qiao Xue's house, and then come over to guide everyone, this method of framing people is completely unpredictable. &1t;/

He alone is difficult to reason with Yaozu people on the territory of Yaozu, especially today this matter is clearly done by Jiao Dahu and Jiao Dalang, but he has no evidence to prove it. &1t;/

"Kiha, you should let me come out and give them a great drink~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We don't need to escape at all." Longteng also sighed in his heart. &1t;/

Indeed, as Longteng, as long as he stood up and roared once, all the demon clan would not dare to deal with him. &1t;/

But after scaring these demon people? I still can’t get rid of the suspicion, and if I don’t leave Chenxi Valley at this time, and wait for Beibin Abyss Jade Dragon to come over in person, he can completely ignore the majesty of the dragon and vine, and first control Muyu. Then, Dragon vine and he are in danger. . &1t;/

"Our top priority now is to find the other two silkworm babies, and we can't reveal our whereabouts." Muyu must check this matter clearly. &1t;/

"What if the other two silkworm babies were also killed by Jiao Taihu and Jiao Dailang?" Xiaoshuai asked. &1t;/...


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