A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 760: Swamp reeds (Part 1)

The old doctor understood that he would not be alive today, and he simply escaped, saying as if he was dead, "Jade Jiaolong, you look down on other demon races without the true dragon blood, so even if you become the emperor of the Qinglong dynasty, you are worthy of the name! Without popular support, it will only lead the demon to extinction!"&1t;/

"People's hearts? I don't need that kind of ridiculous thing. In the demon clan, only the true dragon bloodline and cultivation behavior are supreme!" Yu Jiaolong laughed wildly. &1t;/

The old doctor ridiculed: "True Dragon Bloodline? It's a pity! The Blue Dragon Patriarch will not allow you, a kind of demon with impure bloodlines, to take over the entire demon!"&1t;/

"True dragon bloodline is not pure? It seems that you still don't know what secrets the humanoid kid Qiao Xue brought back? As long as I catch him, get the dragon vine of the dragon beside him, and absorb his bloodline , I am the real dragon!"&1t;/

Yu Jiao Long attaches great importance to the matter of Dragon and Vine, and has already arranged a series of plans. After he has removed the poison from the desert, he will personally find out Mu Yu. Now the demon king is not here, and God is helping him! &1t;/

"What? There are dragon vines with chemical dragons around Muyu?" &1t;/

The old doctor was shocked, he never knew all this! &1t;/

As a demon of the Qinglong dynasty, he knows the rules set by the Qinglong ancestor. If he wants to take over the Qinglong dynasty, he must be a real dragon! &1t;/

The four dragon tribes are fighting openly for this matter. Many demon tribes with ninety percent true dragon bloodlines, such as the Dragon Star Meteor Stream, have secretly achieved their own by depriving other dragon people's bloodlines, but so far there is no A true dragon with 100% bloodline appeared. &1t;/

But if there is a dragon vine of the dragon, then the four dragons are doing useless work for so many years! &1t;/

"Yes, the reason for telling you this is to make you die more clearly, now you can die!" &1t;/

Yu Jiaolong smiled fiercely, no longer talking nonsense with the old doctor, the breath of the robbery period swept out, and he shot the old doctor's forehead with one hand! &1t;/

The old doctor only had the practice in the fit period. He couldn't resist it. He could only watch Yu Jiao Long start to himself. &1t;/

"The dragon vine of Hualong, that's the body of Qinglong ancestor! Muyu, you must protect the real dragon!"&1t;/

The old doctor closed his eyes and said silently in his heart. &1t;/

But just then a familiar voice came over the swamp! &1t;/

"Sure enough, the upper beam is not correct, the lower beam is crooked. I always thought that Dragon Star fell is annoying enough. I didn't expect you to be sicker than him!" Mu Yu's voice suddenly burst into the ear of the old doctor like a thunder! &1t;/

The old doctor opened his eyes in shock, but now Yu Jiaolong's hand stopped in mid-air, and he didn't start to kill him. The other party's attention was attracted to the young man in the desert swamp. &1t;/

Muyu stood on top of a reed, looking at the jade dragon in the distance with a look of indifferentness, playing with a reed in his hand, and he was quiet. &1t;/

"Yu Muyu, what are you doing? Hurry and leave here, you are not his opponent!" the old doctor shouted eagerly. &1t;/

In his view, the cultivation practice of Yujiao Dragon is during the period of robbery, and it is only a matter of raising his hand to kill Muyu during the fit period. If Yu Jiao Long said the truth about Dragon Vine, then Mu Yu must not have an accident! &1t;/

Yu Jiaolong looked at the young man in front of him, he asked in a cold voice: "You just killed my son's Muyu?" &1t;/

Mu Yu thought it was ridiculous. The death of Long Xingyu was not caused by him at all. Even the Siren King knew this, this guy would dare to blame Long Xingyu for his death? &1t;/

Muyu asked in a playful way: "Dragon Yeli told you that Dragon Star Meteor was killed by me?" &1t;/

At that time, among the demon tribes who had survived on the demon island, there was Long Yeli. Long Yeli was the jade dragon dragon sent to protect the dragon star. The things that were born in the demon tower in the town were not clear. But the master was dead and the guard survived. Long Yeli could hardly justify it. I'm afraid to put all the responsibility on Muyu's head for self-protection. &1t;/

"Kill my son, you should go to the funeral!"&1t;/

The jade dragon was full of anger, and Dragon Star Meteorology was nurtured by him with nine layers of true dragon blood. Although the body is a dragon python with his mother, this is irrelevant. The most important thing is that Dragon Star Meteorology is most likely to become true. Dragon demon! &1t;/

He poured countless resources on Dragon Star Meteor. This time he went to Yao Island with the White Ape Demon King. He thought everything was foolproof. Who could think that what he got in the end was the bad news of Dragon Star Meteor! &1t;/

He was very sad, and tortured Long Yeli's incident. Long Yeli told him that the death of Long Xingmei was caused by Muyu, and he also said that Muyu had dragons and vines. After that, they will come to the demon clan, so Yujiao Dragon has been waiting for the arrival of Muyu. &1t;/

"I didn't kill your son. Can Long Yeli take you seriously?" &1t;/

There was a yellow poisonous mist floating around Muyu, but he didn't care. Longteng was locked in the plant by him, and Xiaoshuai was lying on his shoulders. Xiaoshuai was thick and not afraid of poisonous fog, but Longteng had no physique that was not poisonous. &1t;/

"You not only killed my son, but also hijacked Longteng. I will get rid of you wicked man today and rescue the real dragon!" Yu Jiaolong said coldly. &1t;/

He stepped closer to the swamp, but stopped at the edge of the swamp, he was still very afraid of the poison of the desert. &1t;/

"For the first time, I heard the excuse of killing people so clear-cut, but are you sure you can kill me?" &1t;/

Mu Yu didn't panic at all. Being in a ruinous poisonous poisonous fog was fatal to others, just like him. This is how he dared to confront Yujiao Dragon. He believed that Dragon Star would not dare to cross the boundary! &1t;/

"I didn't expect that the poisonous fog of the ruins of the ruins would be invalid for you, but do you think I can't kill you by hiding in the poisonous fog?" Yu Jiaolong was very bitter in his heart, and the spiritual power gathered in his hands. The light shined from his hand, forming a dragon image in the air. &1t;/

"Go to die!" &1t;/

The dragon in the air suddenly rushed into the swamp and drove towards Muyu. &1t;/

The blow during the robbery period should not be underestimated, but Muyu didn't fight hard with the jade dragon at all. When the dragon fell, Muyu had disappeared into the reeds. &1t;/

The dragon blasted the swamp out of a huge deep pit, and the whole land seemed to tremble, and the ruins of the ruins were stirred by the dragon, and they began to turbulently, and floated towards the jade dragon. &1t;/

Yu Jiaolong's face changed slightly, and he quickly backed away, he dared not be invaded by poison mist again. &1t;/

"Why are you so timid? I thought you had mastered the way to understand the poison and no longer feared the poison of the desert ruins!" Mu Yu's figure slowly appeared on the other side of the reed swing. &1t;/

Yu Jiao Long was very angry. He was already merciful with his first blow. If he is not worried about igniting the poisonous mist, I am afraid that the swamps in this area will be blown into waste! &1t;/

"Are you going to hide in the swamp all your life?" &1t;/

Yu Jiaolong looked like a bitter snake, staring at Mu Yu who didn't change color in the poisonous fog, thinking of his son's death, the volcano in his heart had already exploded. &1t;/

"Hiding in the swamp? I didn't plan to do that!" &1t;/

Mu Yu smiled indifferently, stepping on the reed and walking slowly towards the Jade Dragon. Yu Jiaolong saw Mu Yu walking towards him without knowing it, and the hatred of losing his son had already drowned his brain. &1t;/

"Mu Yu, don't come! What are you doing! Yu Jiao Long is a cruel man, he will kill you!" the old doctor shouted anxiously. &1t;/

"Who kills who is not necessarily!" &1t;/

Every time Muyu took a step, the reeds under his feet seemed to be trembling slightly, and there was a rustling sound. When he stepped on the shore of the swamp, the reeds around him suddenly looked like a sharp arrow. , Even shot out of the swamp! &1t;/

The roots of the reeds were extremely sharp, and they all stabbed towards the jade dragon. &1t;/

"Are you relying on this skill?" &1t;/

Yujiao Dragon screamed, and the majestic spirit of his body swayed out, destroying all the reeds that had been blasted at once. &1t;/

But his face quickly changed! &1t;/

When the reeds were destroyed, each reed even released a yellow ruin poison. The ruin poison was stimulated by the spirit of the jade dragon and became very irritable, covering the jade dragon. &1t;/

"Damn it! Damn, you dare to secretly count me!" &1t;/

The Yujiao Dragon was furious and furious, so much of the ruins of the ruins could not be resolved even during his period of robbery. He immediately blocked the strong spiritual power in front of him, and the whole person has quickly retreated out, away from The ruins of the ruins of poison. &1t;/

"I guess you? Idiots will say this!" &1t;/

Muyu disappeared into the bushes, and when she reappeared, she fell to the old doctor and the family of the silkworm. &1t;/

"You guys, kill me!" &1t;/

At this moment, Yu Jiao Long and Mu Yu were still separated by the poisonous fog of the ruins of the ruins. He did not dare to rush forward, and immediately ordered the big tiger, Jiao Lang, and Jiao Guanwen to order. &1t;/

The three did not hesitate to fight Muyu. All three of them were demon races in the fit period. They were so close to Muyu. All of them made the strongest blow and wanted to kill Muyu. &1t;/

But Muyu shot countless reeds again and flew towards the three. &1t;/

The three of Jiao Dahu's faces changed slightly. They just saw that when the jade dragon attacked these reeds, they all saw that once the reeds were destroyed, they would emit terrible ruins. They did not dare to take these ruins. &1t;/

The three of them withdrew their attacks and avoided the drizzle reeds, fearing that they would be contaminated by the poison of the ruins in these reeds. &1t;/

"Don't you dare to destroy these reeds? Then I will help you!"&1t;/

Mu Yu smiled slightly, all the reeds in the air exploded in an instant, and the yellow desert ruins suddenly blasted out. The three of them were scared, and their bodies receded in a hurry, leaving the poisonous area of ​​the ruins. &1t;/

"No, the ruins of poison will hurt Xiaobao!"&1t;/

The old silkworm exclaimed, and the two of them were instantly transformed into the body. Two ten-meter-long chubby silkworms hugged each other and protected their children. Their husband and wife are eager to protect their calves, preferring to be poisoned rather than hurting their children. &1t;/

The old silkworm even pulled the old doctor under his own body. In their view, the old doctor must never have an accident. &1t;/

Mu Yu did not worry about them, he controlled the direction of the reed explosion very well, and the poisonous mist in the reeds flew to the three giant tigers. &1t;/

Jiao Dahu and the three men kept going back a few hundred meters before stopping. They quickly checked their bodies. They were not contaminated by the desolation of the ruins of the ruins, which made them relieved, and they were all angry at Muyu. See, I wish I could peel Muyu's skin! &1t;/

"What are you three wastes afraid of? We now know how the antidote to the desert ruins is configured. Are you still worried about poisoning? Go kill Mu Yu and **** back the silkworm family!" Yu Jiao Long snorted. &1t;/

He said this on his mouth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But he didn't want to pass through the raging poisonous fog of the ruins. Obviously he could let his hands go to die, but he didn't want to get more poisonous fog. &1t;/

The three of Jiao Dahu glanced at each other, and Yu Jiaolong's orders did not dare to disobey them. &1t;/

"You dare to rush!" &1t;/

Muyu looked at the three people who rushed up like an idiot, and controlled more reeds to explode in front of her. &1t;/

The ruins of the ruins can not be completely resisted by spiritual force. After being blocked for a while, these ruins of the reeds successfully broke through their spiritual defenses and got into their mouths and noses! &1t;/...


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