A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 766: Demon equality

The aborigines of Chenxi Valley are all demon races without true dragon blood. Since the Qinglong Dynasty has been exhibited, the Qinglong demon king has been descended from other demon races for the continuation of the race. Atmosphere. &1t;/

Although no dragon clan's blood is 100% pure, as long as a demon clan has some blood, the status of the demon clan will be much higher. Some demon clan even only have a little relative relationship, no real dragon blood relationship, but for the sake of face, they insist that their dragon clan. &1t;/

Those demon clan without real dragon blood began to be looked down on by the dragon clan gradually. Unless they have strong strength, they can't even look up in front of the dragon clan. &1t;/

So far, there are fewer and fewer demon clan people in the Qinglong dynasty without the real dragon blood, but it is not completely extinct. At least two layers are primitive demon clan people. &1t;/

For so many years, the life of primitive demon clan people is not happy, unless they are very high, otherwise they will be first-class. If it were not for the appearance of Luanfeng Yaowang ten years ago, the establishment of Chenxi Valley and the gathering of those primitive demon clan people, I am afraid that primitive demon clan people are still under oppression. &1t;/

The appearance of Luanfeng Yaowang has made Chenxi Valley a clean place, but once the Luanfeng Yaowang is not present, the Dragon tribe will attack them. After they leave Chenxi Valley, they will also be excluded by the Dragon tribe. &1t;/

The demon tribes in the Morning Dawn Valley hated the dragon tribes. They respected only the real dragon. At the moment, Qiao Xue suddenly stood out and said that the dragon vines would lead everyone to no longer be bullied by the dragon tribes. &1t;/

"Ancestral Qinglong said that the emperor of the dynasty would pass on to the true dragon. Doesn't that mean you are the next emperor?" Aunt Spider suddenly said. &1t;/

"After you become the emperor, will you really clean up those arrogant and long-dragon people?" The old man of the silkworm asked excitedly. &1t;/

In the eyes of the demon tribes in the morning dawn valley, the dragon tribes are just bullying, not enough for them to reach the point of surrender, but a real dragon is not the same. &1t;/

"Emperor? Uh... I'm not very rare--"&1t;/

Longteng originally wanted to say that he was not uncommon in this emperor's position. After all, he was lazy, but Muyu had already interrupted him, saying, "Yes, we will help you deal with the arrogant dragons, everyone They are all demon races, and they should be in the same position, so as to achieve equality between demon and demon, rather than look down on each other, are you right?"&1t;/

"Yes! We are equal, and they are not real dragons. Why should they look down upon us!" said the old man of the silkworm, clenching his chubby fists again. &1t;/

"Right!" &1t;/

"Demons are equal!" &1t;/

"Demons are equal!" &1t;/

"Demons are equal!" &1t;/

Suddenly the demon tribes of the Morning Dawn Valley roared fervently and thunderously, and the sound rang loudly, echoing through the entire Morning Dawn Valley for a long time. &1t;/

Their emotions were instigated by Muyu's "demon equality", as if they couldn't wait to let out the anger that had accumulated over the years. &1t;/

"But now the people of the four dragons want to persecute the real dragon in secret. They want to take the blood of the real dragon and integrate them into their own bodies, and cultivate themselves into real dragons. We will never let them live, so we must To protect the real dragon!" Mu Yu continued to shout. &1t;/

"Yes! Protect the real dragon!" &1t;/

"Protect the real dragon!" &1t;/

"Protect the real dragon!" &1t;/

"Protect the real dragon!" &1t;/

Everyone looked at the dragon and vine in the air with awe and shouted with excitement. &1t;/

Xiaoshuai whispered, "Mu Yu, how do I think you are a bit awesome! That village grandpa grandpa in that running water village looks just like you, did you learn badly?" &1t;/

"Bah, is this a good leadership ability? Has Wang Hou Xiangxiang heard anything about it? The uprising must be famous, we have dragons and vines as a benchmark, and we are afraid that we will not find a supporter? Besides, where is it? Where there is oppression, there is resistance. I just guide it appropriately. I can't fight alone in other people's sites, right?"&1t;/

Mu Yu shrugged his shoulders and had to find some words for the uprising slogan. The four words "demon equal" are the most appropriate slogans in view of the current contradiction between the primitive demon and the dragon. &1t;/

From the perspective of the demon clan, he actually feels sympathy for these primitive demon clan without real dragon blood. &1t;/

The primitive demon people have always been the members of the demon social structure, but since the demon king violated certain rules and was sealed five thousand years ago, the demon clan is almost on the verge of extinction, and thus the rise of the dragon clan. &1t;/

The dragon people are also combined from the primitive demon people, but they have forgotten their ancestors after they gained power, and they look down on their ancestors. of. &1t;/

Muyu thought about being able to help one by one. Now, if he wants to protect Dragon Vine, he must rely on everyone's strength. He pushed Dragon Vine a bit, and motioned Dragon Vine to say something, at least to express his attitude. &1t;/

"But I don't know what to say!" Long Teng's face was depressed. &1t;/

The wind and the heart immediately connected the dragon and the vine, Mu Yu said in his heart: "I will say what you say!" &1t;/

Longteng understood Muyu's meaning, and followed Muyu's words and said aloud: "Everyone is assured, as a real dragon, I will protect everyone! The dragon people are a group of ungrateful and forgetful guys who have seriously damaged the demon. The unity of the clan, if none of us can be one-minded and still frame each other, how can we make the demon clan shine? Remember, the dragon clan is nobler than the primitive demon clan, and we adore the demon The spirit of equality, even me, is the same as everyone's. We allow for differences in strength, but we don't allow for blood and blood!"&1t;/

"Master Zhenlong, what you said is so good!"&1t;/

"This is the king's style, and the real dragon is right, why are the dragons born to be more noble than us?"&1t;/

"That is, it is also a **** job. Why do the Dragons enjoy a higher allowance than us?"&1t;/

"Abolish the noble system of the dragons and achieve equality between the demon and the demon!" &1t;/

"Down with the mixed dragons and swear to follow the real dragon!"&1t;/

"Down with the mixed dragons and swear to follow the real dragon!"&1t;/

Longteng or Muyu's words mobilized everyone's emotions again. Every demon clan roared fervently as if they had found an emotional vent. They would swear to follow Longteng to achieve demon demon equality. Ethnic society. &1t;/

"I didn't expect the honorable Real Dragon to dare to put himself on the same height as us. This is really the hope of our demon tribe!" The old doctor heard tears in his eyes and finally wiped out his tears with a handkerchief. &1t;/

Mu Yu couldn't help crying or laughing. Originally, he just casually said such a general meaning, saying a form, and making the words sound like that. Who could think that the primitive demon clan in Chenxi Valley would react so much. &1t;/

I didn't expect even the old doctor to listen to the drama, and wiped tears. &1t;/

It's no wonder that the primitive demon people were used to being bullied. Even when Luanfeng Demon King was there, she wouldn't do too obvious because of the relationship between Qinglong Demon King. &1t;/

But now the major demon kings are not here. At this time, Dragon Vine stands out and speaks differently. That's a real dragon! Even the real dragon said that the blood of the real dragon is not important, so what can the dragon clan with blood lines be mixed? &1t;/

Xiaoshuai laughed: "The big earthworm will definitely be a puppet emperor in the future, Muyu is the big man behind the scenes, and the regent king of Quan Qingchaoye!"&1t;/

"What about you? Manager Ouchi?" Muyu Shinobu couldn't help. &1t;/

Everyone of the primitive demon clan in Chenxi Valley began to wait in line to protect Longteng’s safety. Their philosophy is: fight for a better tomorrow! &1t;/

Under the arrangement of the old doctor, everyone consciously shouldered the obligation to protect the dragon and vine. Many people began to go to the Morning Dawn to take the initiative to prevent any Dragon people from taking advantage of it. Others deliberately left Chenxi Valley to pass on the birth of the true dragon to all the demon clan. &1t;/

Anyway, everyone knows now, Chenxi Valley is also guarded by Muyu with the formation method, which can resist the demon people in the fit period. Although the four patriarchs during the robbery period cannot be stopped, the existence of the dragon vine has spread throughout the entire demon clan, so the four patriarchs during the robbery period have not dared to shoot at will. &1t;/

None of the four people would like to be caught by others and sue for disrespecting the true dragon! &1t;/


"Mu Yu, that emperor's position, I'm not at all rare! It is better to go around and enjoy the scenery."&1t;/

At Qiao Xue's house, Longteng stretched a lazy waist on Muyu's shoulder and said. &1t;/

Qiao Xue laughed dumbfounded: "The other four dragons are greedy for you, you are good, and you push three and four."&1t;/

"I am indifferent to fame and fortune." Long Teng raised his head and said. &1t;/

"Cut, you parasite, don't you just want to rely on the spiritual power of Mu Yu's body! Still indifferent to fame and fortune, it's really nice!" Xiaoshuai pierced Longjiu's Xiaojiujiu. &1t;/

Longteng snorted blushingly: "What matters to you, Muyu doesn't mind!"&1t;/

Muyu shook his head helplessly, raising a "parasite" had to protect his life at all times, it was really tiring. &1t;/

"Anyway, before several demon kings come back, we must be vigilant. Now that the news of the real dragon has spread, then the dragon people are not afraid to act rashly, but they will definitely not give up." Mu Yu said. &1t;/

"The thing I hate the most is the hybrid dragon. I feel that my image is tarnished. Either just be an ordinary demon, look comfortable, or be a complete dragon, and be awesome. Really annoying!" Long Teng said. &1t;/

"Actually, Grandpa Qinglong doesn't like the four dragons. He valued the native-born demon even more, because he didn't like his noble image to be inconsistent, so he stipulated that only a real dragon could take his place. This is very similar to you." Qiao Xue smiled. &1t;/

"Then why did he condone the four demon clan to bully the primitive demon clan?" Long Teng asked puzzled. &1t;/

"Because the overall strength of the demon clan with the real dragon bloodline is much stronger than that of the original demon clan, the demon clan must rely on these dragon clan people to rise, so as long as the dragon clan does not do excessive things, he will keep his eyes closed. Eyes." Qiao Xue said. &1t;/

"Then do we count as a pole uprising?" Xiaoshuai asked excitedly, "overthrow the rule of the evil monarch Qinglong demon king? Subvert the Qinglong dynasty!" &1t;/

"What are you thinking about? You are always interested in this strange thing? We are just doing it for the sake of dealing with the four dragons, understand?" Mu Yu flicked Xiao Shuai's head. This guy is afraid of chaos in the world. &1t;/

"It's exciting to think about such fun things! Big earthworms should we join forces to overthrow the old dragon king!" Xiao Shuai said with a fist. &1t;/

"No, I prefer to sleep." &1t;/

"No ambition." &1t;/

"Don't mess with the two of you, we need to figure out how to get through this period when there is no demon king." Mu Yu said. &1t;/

"We are in the light, they are in the dark, I am afraid it will be very troublesome next." Qiao Xue worried. &1t;/

"I don't like to sit still, we have to take the initiative to attack."&1t;/

Muyu poured himself a glass of rice wine, which was given by Master Tianxian personally as a thank you. Muyu now found this wine quite delicious. &1t;/


The emergence of the true dragon in the demon clan is in full swing, and many melon-eating people of unknown truth are beginning to boil. Among the demon clan, not only the primitive demon clan live in Chenxi Valley, but also in other tribal villages. &1t;/

In the entire Qinglong dynasty, the dragon clan occupied 80%, and the primitive demon clan only 20%. &1t;/

I heard that the real dragon appeared and thought of the rules of the heir set by the blue dragon demon king. Many demon people are not far away and want to come to Chenxi Valley to see the true dragon. &1t;/

There are more and more demon tribes in Chenxi Valley, but the old doctors strictly control and prohibit the Long tribes from entering. In case of any accident, those outsiders are also under surveillance, worrying that they are the spy sent by the Long tribes. He personally guarded outside Qiao Xue's house, and did not allow anyone to come close. Even people were patrolling at night, which was a strict guard. &1t;/

From time to time, Dragon and Vine will roar twice, meaning two rounds in the air, to let those demon celebrities come here to see what is the real dragon power, and everyone is more convinced of the real dragon. &1t;/

Hearing that Longteng will lead the primitive demon tribe to Xiaokang, and enter the Datong society of "demon demon equality". There are countless responders who do not close their doors at night, do not pick up roads and the like. &1t;/

The dragons are unhappy. &1t;/

In order to make a living, many demon clan without real dragon blood will also join the dragon clan and work for the dragon clan after having certain cultivation. &1t;/

But working for the Dragon Clan will still be excluded~www.wuxiaspot.com~The status of the Dragon Clan for fellow initiates is still much higher than those of the primitive demon clan. &1t;/

Therefore, after Longteng's "demon demon equality" call was released, many primitive demon clan people who worked for the Dragon clan responded to the call actively, resigned, and went to Chenxi Valley to serve as a guard. &1t;/

These are naturally going through layers of checks by the old doctors, carefully confirming that they are not the criminals of the Dragon tribe. In fact, I used Muyu's testing methods. The primitive demon people who came to surrender were interrogated by Muyu's Divine Soul Array. Most of them were surrendered in good faith, but they also caught one or two criminals and directly beat them. A dip in the pig cage and throw it out. &1t;/

The patriarchs of the four dragons finally realized that something was wrong, and if they continued this way, they would have no chance to catch the real dragon. &1t;/...


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