A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 770: Little genius in the dawn valley

"Hey you kid, disobedient! Who is your guardian?" Uncle Referee shouted to the crowd. &1t;/

The old doctor came out a little embarrassed in the crowd and said: "Uh, let him participate! He is from our Morning Dawn Valley, a...one...a genius child who is not born."&1t;/

When the old doctor said this, he blushed. &1t;/

He doesn’t know what his ability is. He only knows that he usually looks like a little squirrel, nestled next to Muyu and likes to eat. Rarely transformed into a humanoid figure, saying that he wanted to come to participate in the test, Mu Yu agreed, and the old doctor let him up. &1t;/

"Old doctor, are you serious? This little doll hasn't been repaired. It's not good to wait for the injury." The referee saw the old doctor came forward. With the old doctor's status in the demon clan, the referee still politely determined . &1t;/

"Have you no one in Chenxi Valley? Actually sent a little fart boy to participate in the competition, has the primitive demon clan already fallen to this point?"&1t;/

Long Aotian, who was out of his wits, looked at the old doctor coldly on the Rising Dragon Platform. As dragon people, they always looked down on primitive demon people. &1t;/

"Hey, what's this Long Aotian worms, fight, just fight, where are you so much nonsense? In the end will not start?" Xiaoshuai shouted dissatisfiedly. &1t;/

"I won't show mercy to a lowly demon clan." Long Aotian comes from the Demon Dragon Mana family. He was just twenty-five years old, and he already had the cult of Jiu Chongtian. 'S title is popular. &1t;/

"What's so arrogant about a mixed dragon?" Xiaoshuai scolded. &1t;/

As soon as the word "Miscellaneous Dragon" came out, all the demons in the audience were in an uproar! &1t;/

Although it is known that the dragon people are all crossbred and there is no innocent blood, but who dares to say so blatantly in the demon clan? &1t;/

The Dragon people have been reluctant to admit this, insisting that they are closer to the real dragon, and now a little fart child unscrupulously said "Miscellaneous Dragon", which is a big taboo for the Dragon people! &1t;/

Long Aotian was furious: "The base race even dared to despise our dragon race. Today I will teach you your parents a good meal! You have to break your legs!"&1t;/

Long Aotian was furious, and he didn't wait for the referee to start shouting. He already had strong spiritual power all over his body, and his arm turned into a dragon shape. He grabbed mercilessly towards the Xiaoshuai! &1t;/

Everyone saw Long Aotian really shot at a four- or five-year-old child, and his face changed a lot, but it was too late to stop it at this time. Long Aotian blinked in front of Xiaoshuai and wanted to be small. Handsome and dead! &1t;/

But Xiaoshuai shook his arm disdainfully, moved his muscles, and then his body flashed, a white light appeared all over his body, and the whole person had disappeared. &1t;/

"Who do you want to teach?" Xiaoshuai smiled, suddenly appeared above Long Aotian, and little feet kicked on the back of Long Aotian! &1t;/

boom! &1t;/

Long Aotian hadn't reacted yet. He just felt his head sink, and a great force was uploaded from Xiaoshuai's little feet to himself. His body of blood rolled over, and the whole person was smashed out like a broken sandbag. &1t;/

"Ah? How is this possible!" &1t;/

All the demon clan opened their mouths in surprise, unable to close for a long time. This seemingly innocent and cute boy kicked Long Aotian, who was out of luck, on one foot? &1t;/

But things are far from simple! &1t;/

Everyone thought that when Long Aotian would be kicked out of the competition venue by Xiao Shuai, Xiao Shuai appeared again in front of Long Aotian's fall and kicked Long Aotian back to Shenglongtai! &1t;/

"You have to have the ability to teach others!"&1t;/

Xiaoshuai whispered, and then everyone saw a very weird scene. Long Aotian, a young man who was nearly twice as tall as Xiaoshuai, was just like Xiao Shaai on the Shenglong platform. Kick around, kicked from side to side. &1t;/

Xiaoshuai's degree is faster than that of Longaotian flying out. Often, Longaotian has not fallen to the edge. Xiaoshuai is already waiting for him on the other side of Shenglongtai. &1t;/

After kicking for about a quarter of an hour, even the referee was froze in place, not knowing whether to stop. The competition of the Thang Long Club is that one side admits defeat or falls or falls out of the Thang Long platform to count the loss, but now Long Aotian is kicked there and there, he did not shout to admit defeat, he did not fall and did not fall out of the Thang Long platform. Only screams. &1t;/

The old doctor was also stunned. He had always thought that Xiaoshuai went up just because of playfulness, but who could think that Xiaoshuai's baby is so agile and vigorous, and the degree is far above Long Aotian! &1t;/

"The mouse played well and looked relieved." Long Teng said with appreciation. &1t;/

Mu Yu also smiled with interest. He was observing Xiaoshuai's degree and movements. Now, Xiaoshuai's flexibility is not weaker than that of the disintegrator, this guy who has no cultivation at all. , The strength is not fast enough, this is still the mercy of Xiaoshuai's men, otherwise Long Aotian may be scrapped. &1t;/

boom! &1t;/

There was another loud noise, and Long Aotian made the last scream without alive, and then fell under the Shenglong platform, smashing the ground out of a deep pit, as if it had also hit the hearts of all the onlooker demon clan. &1t;/

They were really scared by this innocent and cute kid! &1t;/

Is this really something that only a three or four year old child can do? &1t;/

Xiaoshuai clapped the dust on his hand and picked up the shadow sword that was thrown by him. Everyone noticed that this little baby didn't even use magic weapons when he was fighting! &1t;/

"God! Who the **** is he born?" &1t;/

"He just beat Long Aotian, who was out of luck, into a mud with his bare hands?"&1t;/

"Good fight, who makes him always say that our primitive demon people are humble!"&1t;/

"That's right! Old doctor, you are really awesome! You actually have such a talented child!"&1t;/

"Yeah yeah! Old doctor, can I move to Chenxi Valley to live?"&1t;/

Most of the primitive demon people living in other places praised the Xiaoshuai enviously. It is a miracle that such a genius can appear in Chenxi Valley. &1t;/

"Old doctor, is this really your child in the Morning Dawn Valley?" There are demon people who still do not believe it. &1t;/

The old doctor coughed twice and lifted his chest. He said seriously: "Yes, he is our genius child in Dawn Valley. We have genius children like Dawn Valley in our country. There are countless!" &1t;/

The old doctor did not blush this time, and was very proud, and then said: "With the real dragon, we will have more such talented children in Chenxi Valley in the future!" &1t;/

"Oh my god! This is the blessing of Master Real Dragon!"&1t;/

"Yeah!" &1t;/

The demon clan onlookers were all amazed, especially those primitive demon clan who did not belong to Chenxi Valley were envious and could not wait to join Chenxi Valley. &1t;/

As for those Dragon tribes, their faces are very ugly. Many Dragon tribes are surrounded by Long Aotian, and carefully check the situation of Long Aotian. At this time, Long Aotian has been kicked out of the concussion by the handsome. &1t;/

"Dirty little fart boy, you actually started so ruthlessly!"&1t;/

A dragon clan with fangs in his mouth stood up angrily and pointed at the little handsome on the stage. &1t;/

Everyone looked at this dragon clan with weird eyes. This guy was so shameless and dare to say this? &1t;/

"Hello, you Dragons are too arrogant? Just now Long Aotian wanted to put the baby to death! He clamored to break the baby's legs!"&1t;/

"You, a man in his twenties, talked cruelly, and was beaten by a four or five-year-old baby boy to find his teeth, even if he was not as good as a person. You jumped out and blamed others. You are so shameless. Are you?"&1t;/

The long fangs of the Dragon clan said angrily: "What are you, dare to call us dragon clan! You lowly race!" &1t;/

The melon-eating crowd under the stage was not happy. The Dragon tribes were arrogant and despised, and they looked down on the primitive demon tribes. In the ordinary time, everyone might swallow their voices. After all, the Qinglong dynasty was originally a dragon tribe, but now it is different. &1t;/

"You dragons are really forgetting their roots! Are they cheap? Have you forgotten that half of your ancestors were also primitive demon people?"&1t;/

"That's right now, there is a real dragon in Chenxi Valley, who has pure blood and advocates equality between demon and demon. Why do you people with impure bloodline look down on us?"&1t;/

"That's it! You dragons are really shameless! Your former ancestors are also like us!"&1t;/

The primitive demon clan were scolded with dissatisfaction, and the scene was immediately chaotic. There were even primitive demon clan and dragon clan scuffle together. The competition of the Dragon Club has not only been confined to the stage, but also spread to the stage, even the referee announced The voice of Xiaoshuai's victory was drowned in the ferocious scolding. &1t;/

"It's fun. Everyone can participate in the Dragon Party. This is the annual meeting, the national entertainment." Xiaoshuai happily jumped to Muyu's side and stuffed the shadow sword with Muyu. &1t;/

Mu Yu didn't care about the demon clan who oversaw him, but he was not interested in persuading him. He pinched Xiaoshuai's face and asked, "Xiaoshuai, I don't think your strength is at all out of date?" &1t ;/

"Yes! Can't I fight big earthworms to find teeth in the usual fights? What's weird." Xiaoshuai didn't know where to pull out another chicken leg. &1t;/

"Little mouse, when did I fight to lose to you!" Long Teng shouted. &1t;/

Xiaoshuai, the little guy whose strength and degree can be compared with the gods, it is more than enough to make a comparison period. The point is that no one will say that he is in violation of the rules, because he is really not cultivated, and pure reliability wins. &1t;/

"What's going on here? Give me a stop!"&1t;/

A loud voice rang in everyone's ears, and the figure of Jade Dragon appeared in the crowd. The turbulent breath deterred everyone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Everyone stopped. &1t;/

"Sir, you have to make the decision for us, this humble group of people attacked us!"&1t;/

The fangs of the fang dragon who cried the loudest just now cried out with bruises and bruises, and a fang in his mouth had been broken. &1t;/

"Do you lowly primitives want to rebel?" &1t;/

Yu Jiaolong glanced coldly at all the demon tribes, and the killing intentions in his breath were present. &1t;/

All the primitive demon clan retreated back, frightened by the jade dragon during the robbery period. &1t;/...


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