A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 773: Referee shot

The contest between Muyu and Longqi has attracted the eyes of many demon clan people, most of them came to the name of Longqi. &1t;/

Long Qi Nai is the leader of the younger generation of demon races, and is also the winning candidate for the competition during the fit-up stage. His competition is certainly wonderful, even those primitive demon people are not willing to miss. After all, this is a stage of genius, and it is also a pleasure to be able to watch the style of the younger generation. &1t;/

Long Qi said with a sneer face: "Boy, today I will let you understand well, don't have the strength, don't come out and be disgraceful!"&1t;/

Two golden dragon scales suddenly appeared in the hands of Dragon Seven. The dragon scales sacred and majestic light. As soon as the dragon scales came out, there was a dragon chanting on the rising dragon platform, and every dragon family under the platform Everyone was amazed. &1t;/

But then those primitive dragon tribes' faces changed greatly, and the demon tribes of Chenxi Valley shouted: "Shameless! Qinglong Patriarch made it clear that no external force or dragon scale inversion is allowed on the Shenglong platform. Heaven's magic weapon, do you still use dragon scales?"&1t;/

"Yes! It's ridiculous! No one ever dared to use Dragon Scales in the past. As a Dragon Clan, did you take the lead in violating the rules set by the Blue Dragon Ancestor?"&1t;/

The primitive demon clan people began to scold, dragon scales were made by the blue dragon demon king personally, containing a powerful dragon element, which can let people wield a powerful attack of their own cultivation in an instant, and even advance and retreat It can be kept, especially for the Dragon people, its value is self-evident. &1t;/

Not to mention that Dragon Seven even took out two dragon scales at once, and the Dragon Seven with two dragon scales was even comparable in strength to the innocence in the early days of the Crossover Tribulation! &1t;/

Long Qi said without hesitation: "The Clan of Dragons would not have allowed the Terran to participate. The presence of this Terran has changed the rules. Since the rules have changed, why should I use Dragon Scale? Not only that, I will kill you!"&1t;/

The breath on Long Qi's body soared, the clothes on his arm shattered sharply, two pieces of dragon carp had been firmly attached to the back of his hand, and he merged with him, and his body also showed a dazzling light. It’s just a nine-fold fit! &1t;/

"Wait!" Muyu said suddenly. &1t;/

"How? Do you want to beg for mercy on your knees? If you are begging for mercy on knees now, I might consider letting you go!" Long Qi smiled fiercely. &1t;/

"You just said that you wanted to kill me. Can you kill someone on the dragon platform?" Mu Yu asked curiously. &1t;/

Long Qi's face was sullen, and the test of the Dragon Club was all over, no dead people were allowed. But remembering that you can own two dragon scales of the Blue Dragon ancestor, and remembering the entrustment of the other four patriarchs, there is even a jade dragon beside him as the referee. This competition is already a matter of stability for him. &1t;/

Long Qi laughed and said: "On the Shenglong stage, regardless of life or death, only talk about winning or losing! The rules so far are relative to the demon, you are not a demon, so you are not subject to this rule!"&1t;/

"So I killed him, shouldn't it be okay? Yu Jiaolong referee?" Mu Yu turned his head and looked at Yu Jiaolong. &1t;/

Mu Yu's idea was simple. Let Yu Jiaolong, the referee, confirm the rules in full view. &1t;/

Yu Jiao Long's eyes were awe-inspiring, but his face was very indifferent: "Since Long Qi has already said, no matter life or death, just talk about winning or losing. Then whoever died on stage today, we will not pursue this matter!" &1t; /

He is full of confidence in the Dragon Seven with two pieces of Dragon Demon Dragon Scale! &1t;/

"That's it!" Mu Yu nodded thoughtfully. &1t;/

"Human tribe, let's die!" &1t;/

Long Qi's hands have turned into sharp dragon claws, his body is like a quick lightning, leaving a golden afterimage on the spot, and rushed to Muyu mercilessly. &1t;/

And Mu Yu had already grasped the shadow sword, and the seal used to block Mu Ling in the shadow sword had long since disappeared, and a terrible killing intention spread from Mu Yu. &1t;/

Muyu raised his head slowly: "This is easy to handle!" &1t;/

His voice was cold to the bone marrow, like a thousand years of unfrozen ice, which made everyone present shudder. Obviously it was sunny weather, but the onlookers of the demons felt as if they had stepped from summer to winter! &1t;/

Long Qi vaguely felt something was wrong, he met Mu Yu's eyes, his heart trembling, the eyes had already changed shape, the left eye glowed with white light, the right eye flashed with black cold light, without any emotion, That is not human eyes at all, nor monster eyes. &1t;/

"What's going on?" &1t;/

Long Qi Xian was like he was stared at by death, and his body was cold. When he came back, he realized that his chest had revealed a black and white sword tip! &1t;/


Long Qi's eyes widened in horror. He didn't know how Mu Yu did it. The other party was still standing in the same place, still holding the black and white flying sword, and didn't even move, but why his chest would Feeling a tingle? &1t;/

boom! &1t;/

The figure of Long Qi fell from mid-air and fell to the ground. He went to see his chest again. Where is the sword tip? &1t;/

But why is there a big **** hole? &1t;/

Mu Yu had already appeared beside Long Qi in a blink of an eye, and stepped on Long Qi’s chest. His look returned to normal, and the black and white light disappeared, and even the horrible killing was turned into nothingness, as if it never existed. Ever. &1t;/

"You just said so many unpleasant words, I don't want to respond to you, because I don't want to spend a lot of time talking with Joker Jumper. People who talk too much generally die fast, you are nothing in front of me, don't be too self-righteous." &1t;/

Muyu's shadow sword flashed blue in the air, and he showed an ironic smile: "And, in our human race, only those under the age of 40 are called the younger generation!" &1t;/

The shadow sword fell in the air, and Dragon Seven's eyes widened in horror! &1t;/

He only now understands what kind of person his opponent is. Originally, he thought that he would humiliate Muyu and torture Muyu to death, but he didn't expect that he couldn't even pass a trick in Muyu's hands! &1t;/

Recalling his arrogant and ridiculous just now, he has not changed the rules of Shenglongtai voluntarily, he realized how ridiculous he is. If he is given another chance, he will never break the rules so stupidly! &1t;/

Long Qi wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it anymore. &1t;/

"Stop it!" Yu Jiaolong shouted hurriedly, his body flew up sharply, and grabbed Muyu. &1t;/

But before it was too late, Long Qi's head flew high from the dragon platform and flew towards the jade dragon. Yujiao reached out his hand subconsciously and grabbed Long Qi's head. &1t;/

silence! &1t;/

Both the primitive demon clan and the dragon clan were stunned. They looked at the human clan youth on the stage incredulously. They were ridiculously mocking Muyu's dragon seven, but they were killed by Muyu. &1t;/

That's Dragon Seven! Only then did he use two dragon scales of the Blue Dragon Ancestor, and one dragon scale was enough to make the demon tribe crazy. When Dragon Seven took out two dragon scales, everyone thought that the result of this competition was no suspense. Muyu will definitely die. &1t;/

But I didn't expect the dead to be a dragon seven with two dragon scales! &1t;/

How did this Muyu do it? &1t;/

This is a question in everyone's mind. They just felt a horrible murder just now, and Muyu just pulled out the sword in his hand. He didn't even move anything, and the sword didn't move. Everyone only saw the air rising. After a ripple, Long Qi's chest was already pierced by a black and white sword tip, and fell down directly. Then Long Qi's head fell on Yujiao Dragon's hand. &1t;/

Everything is born between the electric light and flint, and even the jade dragon in the robbery period can't stop it! &1t;/

The demon clan looked at each other unbelievably! &1t;/

Grunt! &1t;/

I don't know who swallowed it, and made a clear and audible voice. &1t;/

Yu Jiao Long looked at the head of Long Qi in his hand. Rao was stunned for a while during his robbery. He was shocked by the **** head in his hand. Then he reacted and threw Long Qi's head on the ground, angry. Sip: "What a human race fanatic, dare to kill my demon race!" &1t;/

The repair of Yu Jiaolong's body was completely exploded. He suddenly shot at Muyu, and the terrible coercion swept over. He ignored the rules of Shenglongtai and went directly to the killer! &1t;/

Mu Yu's eyes narrowed, and Yu Jiao Long was a real repairer during the robbery period. He now has no poison to the Yu Jiao Dragon and must be treated with caution. &1t;/

The icy killing intention covered the entire dragon platform again, and the black and white sword spirit swept out. The endless killing force greeted the Jade Dragon and the Jade Dragon violently blasted together! &1t;/

boom! &1t;/

Mu Yu and Yu Jiao Long each took a half step back! &1t;/

Although only half a step, this half step shocked everyone again! &1t;/

Yujiao Dragon is the dragon patriarch during the robbery period. It is extremely powerful. It is one of the four most powerful masters under the demon king. However, when fighting with Muyu, Muyu made Yujiao Dragon back a half step? &1t;/

"Why? When can the Dragon Clan of the Demon Race even participate in the referee? What a magical conference! I have been wondering why the Dragon Clan won the first place every year. It turned out that the referee interfered!"&1t;/

Muyu's voice was not too small, and it just happened to reach the ears of all demon clan people, especially those primitive demon clan people. After hearing Muyu's words, he was even more uncertain. &1t;/

"Jade Jiaolong, can you be a little more mean? As a referee, you actually acted against the people at the Thanglong meeting? You are too much! Muyu is right, don't you think that the first place of your dragons is the referee every year? Did you win with help?" the old doctor suddenly shouted. &1t;/

"Humph! He killed our demon clan, I'm here for the demon clan!" Yujiao dragon angered. &1t;/

"It's too much. Just now Dragon Seven said on the Shenglong stage, no matter life or death, just talking about winning or losing. Why do you do anything against Muyu?" Aunt Spider's voice was the loudest and she shouted loudest. &1t;/

"Yes! I now seriously doubt that the Thang Long in previous years will have an inside story. You will be in the dark box to operate the Tsang Long. It will be shameless!" Uncle Tian silkworm also scolded with excitement in his face. &1t;/

"It's too unfair. What's the point of such a dragon-dwelling meeting?" Uncle Toad yelled violently. &1t;/

The death of Dragon Seven does not make the primitive demon people feel sympathetic, because the dragon people have always been arrogant and arrogant, and the contradiction with the primitive demon people is extremely deep. &1t;/

Other demon clan in Chenxi Valley also started to scold, and those primitive demon clan who did not belong to Chenxi Valley were also angry. &1t;/

Every year, the Dragon tribes shine at the Thang Long meeting. There are almost no primitive demon tribes in the top three. Now, with Muyu's reminder, everyone begins to doubt the fairness of the Tall Dragon. &1t;/

Thang Long will be noisy again~www.wuxiaspot.com~Dragon people once again started scolding against the primitive demon people, and the scene fell into chaos again. &1t;/

Since the Qinglong Dynasty exhibition, there have been more than 10 million people, of which 80% are dragon people and 20% are primitive demon people. Although there are few primitive demon people, it also means that there are about two million people, which is not a small number. &1t;/

There were no fewer than tens of thousands of people who came here to watch the Rising Dragon Party, so once the primitive demon clan clamored, it could be regarded as a big force. &1t;/

Although the dragon clan despise the primitive demon clan, it is impossible to completely obliterate the primitive demon clan. &1t;/

So once arouse a lot of anger, it is difficult to suppress it! &1t;/...


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