A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 777: Crisis in the Valley of Dawn

"Chenxi Valley is the realm of Luanfeng demon king, are you looking for death?" Zidian Feiyilong frowned. &1t;/

This idea was actually considered by Zidian Flying Pterosaurs from the beginning, but the reason why he didn’t dare to say it was because the master behind Chenxi Valley was Luanfeng Yaowang, even if he looked down on the primitive demon clan Dawn Valley. &1t;/

But Long Keshuang boldly expressed his ideas, which had to admire Long Keshuang's courage. &1t;/

"What's the big deal? We can blame Muyu for everything. Muyu's strength today has been seen by many demon clan people. He has the ability to destroy the entire morning valley. Then we use this as an excuse, Kill Muyu and kill him as a citizen. As for Longteng, it is said that he was also killed in the hands of Muyu in chaos!" Long Keshuang sneered. &1t;/

The other three people looked at the woman in front of them, and they all shouted a chill in their hearts. The most poisonous woman's heart, Long Keshuang was able to sit in this position, not only because of her high cultivation practice, but also with her decisive behavior. Is inseparable. &1t;/

"It should have been done for a long time! The strength of both Long Qi and Long Feiying are only between Bo Zhong and Long Qi, but they can't hold a breath in Muyu's hands. It seems a little bit that we put our hopes on Long Feiying. Stupid, we still have to do it ourselves! I agree to destroy Chenxi Valley!" Yu Jiao Long has no objection to Long Keshuang's proposal. &1t;/

Zidian Flying Pterodactyl and Black Tiger Dragon glanced at each other, and both hesitated to see each other's eyes. &1t;/

"The entire Morning Dawn Valley was killed, which is a big deal." Zidian Flying Pterosaur said hesitantly. &1t;/

He was not sorry for the primitive demon clan in Chenxi Valley, but worried about Luanfeng demon king. &1t;/

"If you are not willing to take risks, then this matter will be done by the two of us, but I can tell you that the blood of Dragon Vine will belong to us by then." &1t;/

Long Keshuang's eyes passed through the bustling crowd and saw those Chenxi Valley demon clan who were still cheering, sneering. &1t;/

Zidian Flying Pterosaur and Black Tiger Dragon will naturally not agree. In order to obtain Dragon Vine, it is nothing to sacrifice thousands of demon tribes in Chenxi Valley. As long as you get the dragon vine and use his blood to cultivate a true dragon, then the emperor of the Qinglong dynasty belongs to them! &1t;/

"Okay! But we must plan carefully. The four of us shot at the same time to destroy Chenxi Valley. The marks of the shot are not concealed from the ancestor of Qinglong. We must find a way!" Zidian Flying Pterosaur said in a deep voice. &1t;/


Longteng and Xiaoshuai were still quarreling, Muyu was sitting on the side, sinking into contemplation. &1t;/

"What's wrong? Muyu, you look a little uneasy." Qiao Xue sat beside Muyu. &1t;/

Muyu shook his head: "No, I just thought of something." &1t;/

He used the power of killing today, and every time he used the power of killing, he would be surprisingly calm, but the quiet killing desire to make his whole person extremely violent, that power has been controlling him to kill more Person, he must refrain from being influenced by that force too much. &1t;/

"Large earthworm, it's my turn again, let you see my performance next!" Xiaoshuai laughed smugly. &1t;/

There are a lot of demon people in the outing period, so Xiaoshuai needs to participate in a total of five competitions today, and there are few people in the splitting period and outing period. Muyu and Longteng have no competition today. . &1t;/

Xiaoshuai, the little fart boy, aroused the doubts of the referees every time he played, so the old doctor kept explaining. &1t;/

A child who looked like a four- or five-year-old beat the demon clan on the Shenglong platform. When he met the original demon clan opponent, Xiaoshuai was still light, but he just threw them down and met the dragon clan. It must be slammed again by various means. &1t;/

By the end of the last game, Xiaoshuai, the image of a young genius in Chenxi Valley, had already gained popular support, and the referee had already known this outrageously high child. Those demon clan who dealt with Xiaoshuai no longer dared to underestimate Xiaoshuai. I don't dare to provoke at will, because the more provocative words, the worse the beating. &1t;/

"Have you seen it? This is called a spike!" Xiaoshuai simply settled the last opponent, this time he even ate a chicken leg while fighting, eating and playing. &1t;/

"What's so good about hitting the trick." Long Teng pouted. &1t;/

"I scored my gods so quickly, did you forget how you were usually beaten by me?" Xiaoshuai sneered. &1t;/

"That's just letting you go!" Longteng snorted. &1t;/

They will soon return to the Morning Dawn Valley, and Thang Long will follow today's comparison process, which may take three days. &1t;/

But today's wins and losses have actually been set, there are Xiaoshuai, those demon clan people who are out of the trick period are not his opponents. And Long Teng has defeated last year's first Dragon Cat, and the remaining Dragon tribes are not enough, as for Mu Yu, he is not worried about the so-called Dragon Flying Eagle at all. &1t;/

Today, Chen Xigu raised her eyebrows and breathed out because of the existence of the three of them. After all, all the exceptions that shined in the Dragon Party in the past are dragons, and this year all three are from Dawn Valley, especially one of them is a real dragon who wants to take the primitive demon uprising. &1t;/

The demon tribes in the Morning Dawn Valley happily greeted the return of the three Muyu. Both Muyu and Longteng did not like this scene, and soon left, but Xiaoshuai likes to do things, plus he looks very cute, every Everyone likes him. As soon as he says what he wants to eat, countless things are brought up. &1t;/

As night fell, all the demon tribes in Chenxi Valley were asleep. &1t;/

Muyu looked over the fence and watched the whole morning dawn valley. At this time, there were still people patrolling around the morning dawn valley. Once outsiders sneaked in, they would touch the alarm, so Muyu didn't worry much. &1t;/

He was thinking about his own affairs. He had been waiting for the demon clan for nearly a month, but a few demon kings still did not come back. Waiting like this, he knew that many things would be missed. &1t;/

He came to the Demon Race because he was able to deal with only a few demon kings in the Mie Palace, which was the key to rescue Master. However, Mu Yu now not only has to rescue the master, but also to find the whereabouts of the soul of the crossing soul. Mu Yu, the real man who thunders against the thunder, has already inquired about it. &1t;/

"Where is thunder where there is frequent thunder?" Mu Yu said to herself. &1t;/

He didn't know where to thunder frequently. There is no such place in the realm of truth. The crowd is vast. It is a very troublesome thing to find a real person who thunders. &1t;/

At this moment, Mu Yu's heart suddenly moved, he looked at a corner of Chenxi Valley, and then the whole person had disappeared into darkness. &1t;/


In the darkness, the four tribes stand far away ten miles away from the dawn valley. A strong hidden spiritual force floats around their bodies, making them seem to blend into the darkness. &1t;/

"Do you really want to wipe out the entire Morning Dawn Valley?" Zidian Flying Pterosaurs was still a little hesitant. &1t;/

"You are still hesitating. With our cultivation and strength, we don't need to be afraid of such a small human race!" Yu Jiaolong shouted. &1t;/

"Don't talk much, just follow the plan!" &1t;/

The black tiger dragon turned around and had disappeared to the east of Chenxi Valley. At the same time, Yu Jiao Long and Long Ke Shuang also flew to the south and back of Chenxi Valley, respectively. &1t;/

It is impossible for Flying Pterosaur to withdraw. He also participated in the planning of the Dragon and Vine bloodline. If something was revealed at night, the three would definitely pull him into the water, and he could not be alone, so he immediately went to the Valley of Dawn Flew west. &1t;/

During the dark night, the four patriarchs of the Dragon clan covered the dawn valley far away in four directions: southeast, northwest. &1t;/

The four of them shot together and it was more than enough to destroy Chenxi Valley in an instant, but in order to blame Mu Yu for preventing the Blue Dragon Demon King from tracing the evidence, they decided to use the formation method to destroy Chenxi Valley. &1t;/

Muyu is a formation master, which is known to most of the demon clan, so the four of them are ready to join forces to perform a huge kill formation. &1t;/

The four masters of the robbery period, the killing array displayed is enough to flatten the entire morning valley! &1t;/

"Four Elephants Burning the Sky!" &1t;/

The four patriarchs stood in different positions and sacrificed a huge white beast bone in their hands. This beast bone was given to them by the Blue Dragon Demon King, and it was made by using the source of the Blue Dragon Demon King. The original intention was that they could use these four bones as a base when one day the demon clan was in disaster. To defend against the aggressor. &1t;/

But today they used these four animal bones as a tool to frame and kill their compatriots! &1t;/

"Four Elephants Burning the Sky" is an array of demon tribesmen. It is a kind of supreme killing array. It is more than enough to destroy the entire morning valley. &1t;/

The use of four animal bones as the base, this is not concealed by the Blue Dragon Demon King, but they have already considered the reasons for the frame: &1t;/

As a spy from the human race, Muyu sneaked into the Chenxi Valley and gained the trust of the Chenxi Valley demon clan. After setting up a formation in the Chenxi Valley, he used the poison of the desert to kill all the people of Chenxi Valley, and wanted to continue to poison the desert Spread to the entire demon clan. The four patriarchs had to cast this killing array to trap Mu Yu in the Dawn Valley and work together to kill it! &1t;/

The reason is so grand, as for the true dragon, he has also been poisoned by the ruins of the desert! &1t;/

"Mu Yu, you killed my son and poisoned me in the ruins of the ruins. Today I will get everything back!" Yu Jiaolong secretly said. &1t;/

He was intertwined quickly in his hands, constantly inputting spiritual power into the animal's bones, and the powerful pattern fluctuations of the Tao were transmitted in two directions centering on the animal's bones, and their movements were very light, as if they were swaying in the darkness. There were ripples, slightly invisible. &1t;/

The four animal bones are connected to each other~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The white brilliance bloomed, but soon the brilliance disappeared and turned into a gray light, which could not be seen clearly in the dark. However, the entire Morning Dawn Valley has been tightly shrouded by the Four Elephants Burning Array. The fluctuation of the pattern is getting stronger and stronger. The square formation method formed by the four animal bones quickly sinks into the ground around the Morning Dawn Valley, just like a The cage was so general that it trapped Chenxi Valley tightly. &1t;/

At this time, all the residents of Dawn Valley are still asleep, unaware that the danger has come! &1t;/

"For the blood of the true dragon, your death is worth it." Yu Jiaolong showed a cruel smile! &1t;/

Uh! &1t;/

The devastating pattern has begun to move from outside to inside, gradually approaching the Valley of Dawn! &1t;/...


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