A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 781: Chopper snake

Once the poison of the ruins is in the body, if only a little inhalation, it can be restrained by powerful cultivation, but it will often be done. At first, the jade dragon was still suppressed by the Longtan of the North Bin Abyss. &1t;/

However, once the amount of inhalation is too much, these poisons of the ruins will invade the meridian instantly, and they will assimilate the spiritual power, causing the spiritual power to stagnate. Even if the Longtan help of the North Bin Abyss will not help, this jade dragon is better than anyone ! &1t;/

When the black tiger dragon framed the jade dragon, the jade dragon only had a small amount of ruin poison, and the toxins did not add up to as much as a leaf, but only these ruin poisons have already made the jade dragon long during the robbery. In the year, tonight, he and Long Keshuang were more than ten times more ruinous than before, and we can imagine their current situation! &1t;/

The two were struggling non-stop in the air, and the poison of the ruins ruins in their bodies. It seems that there are thousands of ants biting their meridians, and every inch of the skin is contaminated by the poison of the ruins! &1t;/

"Ah--" &1t;/

Yu Jiaolong and Long Keshuang screamed in horror. The voice was torn from heart to lung, and even spread far away, so that the demon people who had just climbed up from the bed to find out the truth were horrified! &1t;/

Every demon clan involuntarily thought: Who on earth makes such a miserable voice? &1t;/

"Even if you die, you have to kill you!"&1t;/

Yu Jiaolong roared to fight Muyu with his last effort, and the spear was dispatched again. The violent gun shadows were picked up in all directions. One shot came and broke into the air. He blinked and came to Muyu's eyes. &1t;/

However, this time, Mu Yu's eyes flashed countless lines, and then quickly reached out his hand, grabbed in the thousands of gun shadows, and firmly grasped Yu Jiaolong's long gun in his hand! &1t;/

The shot of the poisoned Yujiao Dragon has been much less powerful than before, and the shot of the Yujiao Dragon's desperation can't pose any threat to Muyu! &1t;/

"Don't you pull me back? That's a little bit worse!"

Mu Yu turned the jade dragon dragon's spear, and the sword gas circled upwards, crushing the demon power of the jade dragon dragon to the spear, and the whole spear was enveloped by the murderous awe-inspiring sword gas! &1t;/

"Give it back to you!" &1t;/

The spear came out of Muyu's hand, and the blue sword was raised from the ground. The straight spear pierced the night, as if it were a sharp sword. The breathtaking sword gas came from the spear, mixed with the killing of the soul. Italian, lightning struck Yujiao Dragon! &1t;/

Yu Jiaolong looked at Mu Yu's movements in exasperation. His proud spear was no longer under his control, and instead he killed himself. This was a huge insult to him! &1t;/

What surprised him most was that this spear began to tremble around, and thousands of gun shadows flew, each with an unmatched sword spirit, it seemed so weird, but it also showed the intention of killing him. All retreats are blocked! &1t;/

"Dare you kill me?" &1t;/

Yu Jiao Long turned into a humanoid again, mobilizing the last trace of the body's spiritual power that had not yet been invaded by the ruins of the ruins, and wanted to hard connect these gun shadows with sword spirit, but the sword spirit was aggressive and overbearing. Imagination, he could not take it for a while! &1t;/

"No!" &1t;/

Yu Jiaolong showed a desperate look on his face, struggling to escape from this space, but the gun shadow sword was imminent! &1t;/

Shit! &1t;/

When Thousands of Gun Shadows approached Jade Dragon, the gun shadows were all integrated into a gun. The sword of this gun seemed to be able to pierce the heavens into a hole, and it was irresistibly submerged into the jade dragon dragon's chest! &1t;/

boom! &1t;/

boom! &1t;/

boom! &1t;/

Yu Jiaolong's body was pierced by his own spear. The whole body was like a broken sandbag. He was taken by a powerful impact to a thousand feet away. It continuously smashed three mountains on the edge of the desert ruins and was firmly held by his own spear. The ground is nailed to the ground! &1t;/

"I, I'm not reconciled!" &1t;/

Jade Dragon looked at the long gun in his chest with horror. He buried countless lives under his gun and was able to sit in the position of the Dragon Clan Chief. He also secretly killed many demon clan people, but when he thought about his life Will be buried on this proud spear? &1t;/

The killing breath penetrated into his body, his vitality gradually passed away from him, his consciousness began to dissipate, and even his soul did not escape! &1t;/

Yu Jiaolong's body was nailed to the ground by a spear, and it was at an angle to the ground. It couldn't fall down. Only blood flowed down the spear from the wound and dripped on the ground. The blood of sin dyed the land a red! &1t;/

His eyes were round, and he still didn't believe that he would fall to such an end! &1t;/

One of the four patriarchs of the dragon clan, the jade dragon in the north abyss, disappeared! &1t;/

After killing the Jade Dragon, Mu Yu's eyes were not panic, and the killing intentions in his heart were still monstrous. He turned his eyes to Long Keshuang, who was still suffering and trembling in the desert ruins! &1t;/

Long Keshuang has been shocked by Mu Yu's gunshot with a sword! &1t;/

She originally wanted to save Yujiao Dragon at the moment Muyu shot, but all of this was born in the electric light and flint, almost a momentary thing, even if she wanted to shoot, she couldn't stop it! &1t;/

I never imagined that he and Yu Jiaolong, the two patriarchs of the robbery period, came together to kill Muyu, but they were killed by the other party! &1t;/

"You, how dare you kill Jade Dragon on our demon tribe's territory? You, you will definitely not live out of the demon tribe!"&1t;/

Long Ke frosted and shouted inwardly, but she had panicked to the extreme in her heart, and Yu Jiaolong's death gave her too much shock! &1t;/

The four dragon patriarchs during the robbery period usually even tried to fight each other and even wanted to kill each other, but no one had ever succeeded. I don’t want the four patriarchs to make an alliance for the sake of dragon and vine. I thought they relied on them. In his cultivation practice, Muyu had to die even with three heads and six arms, but they were wrong. &1t;/

Too wrong! &1t;/

Tonight, it wasn’t Muyu who died, not the primitive demon clan in Chenxi Valley, but the Jade Dragon, maybe even herself! &1t;/

"I will not only kill Jade Dragon, but also you!"&1t;/

The wood spirit sword in Muyu's hand cut through the sky again, like a glare in the night, so that the stars in the sky were overshadowed. &1t;/

"Humble people, you dare to start with me!"&1t;/

Long Keshuang gritted his teeth, and showed the body of the magic dragon python. The dexterous and huge dragon python flashed in the air. She saw the end of the jade dragon, and the poison of the ruins in her body made her desperate. Ready to escape here! &1t;/

But where will Muyu give her a chance? &1t;/

"People who want to kill me, I will kill them!"&1t;/

The icy words accompanied by the monstrous sword spirit, like the momentum of the mountains and seas, suddenly slammed down towards the dragon and the frost! &1t;/

Long Keshuang's degree has become less than that of a fit-time cultivator. Mu Yu's sword gas poured from all directions like a violent wind and a shower, covering Long Keshuang in it. Even if Long Keshuang has a more agile posture, In the face of these awe-inspiring sword spirits, it is impossible to resist! &1t;/

"Don’t kill me, I don’t want Dragon Vine anymore, please let me go!"&1t;/

At a critical juncture, Long Keshuang has been frightened, she usually shoots fiercely, kills people like hemp, and has no mercy on depriving others' lives, but when death comes to her, she is more afraid of death than anyone else! &1t;/

The greater the power of a person, the higher the position he is in, the more afraid he is to lose everything, the fear of death, so is Long Keshuang! &1t;/

"Go ask the king!" &1t;/

Mu Yu's sword spirit is unabated, even if he knows whether the four dragon clan chiefs who killed the demon clan will be condemned by all the demon clan, he does not care at all! &1t;/

The desire to kill spreads in Muyu's heart. At this time, Muyu did not have any thoughts of mercy. Only the death of his opponent was what he wanted to do most! &1t;/

Long Keshuang saw Muyu didn't let go of her meaning, and she showed a very bitter look in her eyes. She shouted violently: "Muyu, you want to kill me, even if I die, I will put you on your back!" &1t;/

The terrifying demon power ran away in Long Keshuang's body. Her whole body had swelled up, and the surrounding spirits were scrolling unsteadily, but she was inhaled into her body, and her momentum was becoming stronger and stronger. Terrible point! &1t;/

Long Keshuang wants to die with Muyu by detonating the only demon power left in her body. With Long Keshuang's cultivation practice, if you force yourself to explode, I am afraid that it will be smashed into pieces within a thousand miles, and the grass will not grow! &1t;/

"Want to explode? I won't give you a chance!" &1t;/

Muyu's swordmans turned into thousands of flying swords, and crossed Long Keshuang's body with various clever angles. Each sword was stabbed on the acupuncture point of Long Keshuang's body, and she was picked 'S meridians, Long Keshuang's body instantly became riddled with holes, like a ball being pierced with countless holes! &1t;/

The originally violently condensed Lingli suddenly leaked out of Long Keshuang's body, her swollen body began to shrink gradually, and the screaming came out of Long Keshuang's mouth again! &1t;/

boom! &1t;/

Long Keshuang's huge body fell from the air and fell heavily on the ground, smashing the ground out of a deep pit! &1t;/

"Kill us, the demon ancestor will definitely not let you go, we are the pillars of the demon clan! He will kill you to avenge our hatred for us!"&1t;/

Long Keshuang screamed sternly, but her muscles and veins were broken and she couldn't move at all. She turned into a humanoid and curled up on the ground. &1t;/

But the flying sword in Muyu's hand had been cut off, and a human head rolled out! &1t;/

The blood splattered, the vitality disappeared, and the invisible white soul tried to escape, but was sucked into the bag by the wooden spirit sword! &1t;/

"Demon Clan's Pillar? The stupid demon who wants to destroy Chenxi Valley is also called the Demon Clan's Pillar?"&1t;/

There is no emotion in Muyu's eyes: "If you don't want to die~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then I can't kill you today. Unfortunately, you are very sad and have been abandoned!"&1t;/

Muyu raised his head and looked at the sky in the distance, the dark void was quiet, but the void made Muyu feel threatened. &1t;/

He nodded thoughtfully and sneered meaningfully. &1t;/

"Chop two, there are two, let's kill them together!"&1t;/

Mu Yu said lightly, as if talking to herself, as if to speak to some people. The sword in his hand was swayed down again, and the head of Jade Dragon was cut off. With two heads on, he headed towards the valley of dawn. &1t;/...


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