A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 794: Robbing goods halfway

"Yufeng? Why did your father and mother give you such a strange name? Are you born in the wind and rain?" Xuan Sitong asked strangely.


   "Born in the wind and rain? No, I am a feather floating in the wind."


   Muyu soon realized that Xuan Sitong had misunderstood and explained casually. He feels that he is indeed like a feather in the wind, living in no fixed place, drifting in the wind.


Xuan Sitong nodded thoughtfully and said, "That's it! I think you are quite real, not bad! When we sell this Jinghong Bao in the future, if we can meet you again, then Give you a bit of compensation!"


   Muyu smiled slightly, he didn't lack money.


   Xuan Zhengtang and Xuan Sitong's father and daughter began to deal with Jinghong Leopard's body, but at that moment, Mu Yu frowned suddenly and turned his head to the depths of the woods.


   "What's wrong?" Xuan Sitong just asked Muyu what he was looking at, and asked curiously.


   "This forest is not only where you two came in, it seems there are three people coming here." Muyu said casually.


   "Three people? Could it be the public Xuan--" Xuan Sitong's face changed slightly.


  Xuanzhengtang also looked serious: "Sitong, let's leave here quickly!"


   "Yo, Xiaotong, where are you going to leave in such a hurry?"


   During the talk, the three had walked out of the depths of the woods, led by a 30-year-old man with a dark complexion, thieves' eyes, violent teeth, and a mole on his chin.


  To tell the truth, this man looks ugly, and he is really sorry for passers-by, but his cultivation base is not low, and he also has the strength to distract one day.


  The man was followed by two middle-aged men, with a calm atmosphere. He was also distracted by cultivation, and was comparable to Xuan Zhengtang.


   "Public Xuan, how did you find us?" Xuan Sitong looked at the public Xuan in disgust and seemed very disgusted with this man.


"Haha! We naturally came to chase this Jinghong leopard, we hit this Jinghong leopard hard, we didn't expect to be benefited by your fishermen!" Gong Xuan touched his chin and looked at Xuan Sitong with evil eyes. .


   "You are shameless! This scared Hongbao has nothing to do with you at all!" Xuan Sitong scolded.


   "It doesn't matter if it's up to you to decide, today we're going to make this panther!"


  The public Xuan stared at the Jinghong leopard lying on the ground. The Jinghong leopard was of great value. He was able to auction a very high price. With the strength of these people, it is impossible to kill them. Now seeing a panther, the public Xuan became greedy and wanted to take it as his own!


   "Public Xuan, this is what we got first, you don't deceive people too much!" Xuan Zhengtang shouted.


  Guan Lixuan's eyes swept across Xuan Zhengtang's arm, where there were still Yin Hong's blood stains. It seemed that after being injured by Jinghong Leopard, it was not so easy to heal.


The greedy look in his eyes revealed undisguisedly, Xuan Zhengtang had a distracting spirit, and he would be afraid of one or two points in a dozen fights, but today there are two in his side who are also divided in the same period. The people, together with Xuan Zhengtang who are now seriously injured, are simply not their opponents.


   As for the little kid cooking next to him and the wooden feather yawning sitting on the treetop, he didn't put it in his eyes at all. He just ignored it as a country gangster who had never seen the world.


"It's too deceiving? Then what? I'm not afraid of you to burn the Haipai at all, and your acquaintances obediently leave the Jinghong Leopard and leave me, otherwise I will kill you!" Said cruelly.


   "If you guys in the astrological house dare to start with our Fenhai School, you will certainly regret it!" Xuan Zhengtang does not seem to be afraid of the other party's power. From his tone, the Fenhai School is stronger than the Xingxiang House.


However, Gongxuan laughed: "Xuanzhengtang, I'm afraid you don't know yet? Our astral house is now an affiliate of Stargate. Even if I kill you here, the head of your sea-burning school can only swallow it! "


   said that Gongxuan took out a token in his hand, and it was a token of the Star Gate!


   "Star Gate? Did you actually turn to the Star Gate?"


   Xuanzhengtang was shocked. As one of the eight gates, the Stargate Gate has the means to reach the sky, its strength is extraordinary, and it can climb a little relationship with the Stargate Gate. That is what all the small schools want!


"Yes, when it comes to this, I have changed my mind now! Xiaotong, I have always been affectionate to you, but you always do not want to see me, now I am a person of the Star Gate, the status of the status is not ordinary, you should also follow me Right?"


   The public porch looked lascivious. His gaze glanced freely at Xuan Sitong, and he also bitten a certain place severely.


   "Public Xuan, you don't have daydreams! You don't **** your urine to take photos of yourself, you are not even a starry gate's stooges, you are pretentious, what is so great?" Xuan Sitong scolded.


   "If you don't follow, then I will force you to follow me! Two elders, help me catch Xuanzhengtang, as for Xiaotong, I will do it myself." Public Xuan Hehe smiled.


   "Yes! Young Master!"


  The two middle-aged people behind the public porch responded respectfully, then flew up and went directly to Xuanzhengtang!


   "Sitong, I hold them, you leave here, you are not their opponent!"


  Xuanzhengtang pushed his daughter, and he greeted him, trying to give his daughter a chance to live.


   "Dad, I will not leave alone, we fight with them!"


   Xuan Sitong had sacrificed his sword, the sword light crossed the treetops, rolled up a fallen leaf, the sword awns crisscrossed, and split towards the public porch.


   Xuan Zhengtang's arm was injured, and at the same time, he could not resist the two intact period of comprehension at all, but he flew out in one face.




   Xuan Sitong exclaimed, but the public Xuan's hand had already bypassed Xuan Sitong's flying sword and grabbed Xuan Sitong's throat.


   "Let's care about yourself first!"


  The public Xuan Xiu was much taller than Xuan Sitong. He easily subdued Xuan Sitong, and at the same time closed his eyes, twitched his nose and sniffed **** Xuan Sitong, revealing a perverted intoxicated look. A wicked fire came out of him, and he could not wait to drag Xuan Sitong into a place where no one was there to do something.


   However, at this moment, the indifferent voice sounded.


   "The thing I hate most is the people at the Star Gate."


   suddenly pulled a big hand into the sky and slapped it on the face of Gongxuan. He couldn’t find Gongxuan in the face of Venus, and Xuan Sitong was also held by the other hand and landed on the ground steadily.






   In the distance, two more voices sounded, and then the two elders of Xingxiangfu were also smashed and flew high, falling on the ground motionless, life and death unknown!


   Muyu looked coldly at the three people in the astrological house lying on the ground like a bereavement dog. He started with no mercy.


   "You, how dare you hit me?" Gongxuan was frightened.


   When I saw Muyu and Xiaoshuai just now, I saw that there were no spiritual fluctuations in them, and I thought they were just country gangsters. After I cleaned up the father and daughter of Xuanzhengtang and then killed them, I didn't expect myself to look away!


   This is the flood rushed to the Dragon King Temple. Where can it be as simple as a redneck?


   But the public Xuan said angrily: "Dare you dare to deal with us, you will offend the Star Gate, are you living impatiently? Our Star House is now the Star Gate..."


   "It's the debris of the Star Gate, I know."


A black and white sword swept through and cut the throats of three people. Public Xuan covered his neck and opened his eyes wide. He thought he would report the name of the Star Gate, and everyone else would be afraid of them. Unexpectedly, the young man in front of him killed them directly and neatly!


   He didn't understand until he died, why did this happen?


   The white soul disappeared in a flash, hidden in Muyu's shadow sword, and the vitality gradually passed away from the three people.


   Muyu's heart flashed a bit of anger, and the killing power seemed to flow in his body.


   He settled down and frowned slightly. Although killing people related to the Star Gate, he would not feel any guilt, but now he seemed to like the feeling of killing.


  Since the power of the killing has been used several times in the demon clan, he feels that there is something in his body.


   "Hey, it's dinner!"


   Xiaoshuai was holding a shovel in the pot and mixing it around. During the whole process, he didn't even lift his eyelids, and he was still devoting himself to cooking.




   Muyu recovered, glanced indifferently at the bodies of the three men, and then walked towards Xiaoshuai to start tasting Xiaoshuai's craftsmanship.


   and the father and daughter of Xuan Zhengtang and Xuan Sitong were already shocked!


   just shot at random, and actually killed three innocent composers directly!


  What is the young man in front of?


   For a long time, Xuan Zhengtang just got up from the ground, looked at Mu Yu in shock, and said: "Thank you, thank Yu Feng for your help."


   "Well, hurry up and leave!" Mu Yu said without looking up.


   Actually, he didn't want to intervene casually. It was just that the three words of the Star Gate made him disgusted like the Mie Palace, and the father and daughter of Xuanzheng Tang were still upright, so he only helped.


   "You, are you a composer in the fit phase?" Xuan Sitong asked shockedly.


   She suddenly remembered that at the beginning, she rebuked the plume in front of her for taking away their frightened leopard~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now think about it for a while!


   Xiaoshuai happily ate with chopsticks, Muyu didn't want to explain too much, but just waved his hands to the father and daughter of Xuanzheng Tang, instructing them to leave here quickly.


   Xuan Zhengtang looked at Mu Yu with palpitations, quickly grabbed his hand, and bowed to Mu Yu at the same time: "Thank you for your help, please forgive me for the offense!"


   Xuan Sitong also wanted to ask some other questions, but Xuan Zhengtang gave her a wink. People clearly did not like to be disturbed, so it would be really bad if he asked them in case of annoying the other party.


   They hurried back, and Xuan Sitong kept looking back at Muyu. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, where would she believe that such a young person would have such strong strength.


   "Wait." Muyu said suddenly.


   The father and daughter of Xuanzheng Tang were shocked when he saw Mu Yu killing the three of the Xingxiangfu mercilessly. Was he shocked by the son in front of him? )!!

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