The next day, Mu Yu bumped into Xuan Sitong in the courtyard when he walked out of the door. &1t;/

   Xuan Sitong is wearing a pink skirt today, looks mature and charming. She is several years older than Muyu, and she is also a member of the Jixian list, but just behind the ranking. Xuan Zhengtang does not want her to fight other Jixian. &1t;/

   "Master, you are awake." Xuan Sitong just came out of her mother's room, and Muyu's expression on her face was a little weird, and she was very restrained. &1t;/

   "Your mother is okay?" Mu Yu asked casually. &1t;/

   Xuan Sitong nodded: "Thanks to your son for your care, my mother is much better, thanks to my son's rejuvenation, or we may not know when we can save enough money to buy Taishi Zitiandan." &1t;/

   Rejuvenation is already 20,000, and it costs 20,000 in two days. Without Muyu's help, 5 million will not know when it will be. &1t;/

Mu Yu smiled and didn't say anything. She sat on the stone chair and stared at a weeping willow on the side. The weeping willow just bloomed with tender leaves, full of vitality, and there was no morning dew on the leaves, and there was a spider. There is a small fly struggling in the web. &1t;/

   These were originally prosperous lives, but now they seem to have changed their taste in Muyu's eyes. &1t;/

  What does life mean? &1t;/

   He thought about it all night last night, but did not want to understand it. &1t;/

   Xuan Sitong secretly looked at Muyu. She was at the scene when Muyu killed her yesterday. She still remembers the horrible killing of Muyu. She had never seen anyone's killing intentions so heavy, like a demon bathed in blood, which could not be avoided. &1t;/

   But she also felt that this "Yufeng" son was not like a murderous person. &1t;/

   "Sister, why are you peeking at my brother?" Xiaoshuai walked out of the room rubbing his eyes and yawned. &1t;/

  Xuan Sitong's face turned red and quickly concealed: "No, no, I didn't peek." &1t;/

   "Are you thinking about who I am?" &1t;/

   Muyu could see Xuan Sitong's thoughts. No matter who saw that horrible murderous intention, he would doubt his nature, and Xuan Sitong was no exception. &1t;/

Xuan Sitong hesitated for a while, and said, "Son, although I don't know what you have in the past, but what I want to say is that you killed the one-eyed snake yesterday and survived. The one-eyed snake has no evil, and is fighting against himself and the emperor. There is a cooperative relationship with the door of the beast Zhai, and it always makes things difficult for other demon hunters. If you kill him, it will be regarded as the elimination of the people."&1t;/

   "Well." Mu Yu said casually. &1t;/

   If he knew it was comforting, he had to clear himself about the killing: what kind of person would he be? &1t;/

  Xuan Sitong continued: "No matter what, the son is our life-saving benefactor. Whatever the son does, we will definitely do it for the son despite the orders."&1t;/

   Muyu glanced around and asked, "What about Uncle Xuan?" &1t;/

"My father was dealing with the monsters hunted by my son yesterday night, but I haven't finished it yet. The prince has no idea, because the sixth-order and seventh-order monsters are very precious, and each body of the monster has different functions and needs. It is carefully sold separately, so it takes at least one day to process a sixth-order monster. The son’s monsters may take ten days to complete." Xuan Sitong said. &1t;/

When they hunted monsters and beasts in the forest that day, they only did a little simple treatment. After bringing the monsters back, they had to do further dissection and dissection. The fur, bones, and blood all have different functions, so the process is very complicated. . &1t;/

"Ten days, plus contacting the seller, it's been too long. I can't get enough money to buy Taishi Zitiandan. Why don't you hire a few more folks in Xuanbeifang? Young disciples are." Mu Yu asked curiously. &1t;/

  Xuanshoufang only has three members of Xuanzhengtang's family plus an apprentice, which is too few. Although the Fenhai School is not as good as the Eight Schools, it is considered to be a middle-upper school for those who have a period of intimacy, and should not be so short of manpower. &1t;/

Xuan Sitong said distressedly: "It's true that my father is too upright and was excluded by other elders in the school. A few years ago, my father couldn't stand the elusiveness of those elders all day, so I applied to the head. An industry brought us here."&1t;/

   It is impossible for an upright person to be alone in a swindled martial art, and he will definitely be excluded by others, which Muyu can understand. &1t;/

   It is difficult for people with integrity to live well in the realm, because their character will violate the interests of many people, and it is normal to be excluded, but it is also the integrity of Xuanzhengtang that just won the respect of Muyu. &1t;/

Nowadays, the realm of realm is controlled by the triple palace. The realm believes blindly that the triplet will lead them to defeat the Yumon demon, but they don’t know that they are only the tools of the triple palace. Muyu feels that the realm of realm is like being covered with mud. , Muddy. &1t;/

   But Xuanzhengtang, a rare integrity straightener, let Muyu see the beauty of the realm, and he was not too disappointed with the instructor, so he chose to do his best to help Xuanzhengtang. &1t;/

   "Since it is your martial arts industry, how much do you have to pay to the martial arts every month?" Mu Yu continued to ask. &1t;/

"Our martial arts are special. Anyone who works out during the period of hacking can apply to the martial arts for an amount, and then buy a piece of land in a certain city to open a store to make money. Generally, as long as 30% of the monthly income is paid to the martial arts. That's fine," Xuan Sitong said. &1t;/

   "So Xuanshoufang also turned in 30%?" Mu Yu thought about it, and 30% was not too much. &1t;/

   Xuan Sitong shook his head: "We Xuanshoufang will turn in 90%." &1t;/

   Muyu frowned: "Ninety percent, isn't it too much? Why is your Xuanshoufang different from other peers?"&1t;/

  If there are multiple schools of friends in Xuanshoufang, and the funds for the acquisition of monsters are all funded by the schools, then 90% of the income will be taken away. Here is the family of Xuanzhengtang, no one from the sect, even Xuanzhengtang himself went to hunt and deal with monsters and beasts, everything was done by Xuanzhengtang himself, and the sect received 90% of the income. Profitable. &1t;/

Xuan Sitong reluctantly said: "Before my mother's accident, Xuan Beufang and other industries of the martial arts only need to pay three achievements. But my father has borrowed two million spirits from the head for my mother's affairs. Shi. ​​Those elders of the school took the opportunity to find trouble, and forced my father to make sure my father would pay 90% of the monthly income of Xuanshoufang. If 90% of the income was less than 10,000, I would make up To 10,000."&1t;/

"This means that if your Xuanshoufang only earns five thousand spirit stones every month, you have to pay ten thousand? Why don't they grab it?" Mu Yu raised his eyebrows, which is obviously the elders of the Burning School. It's hard to tell the honest man. &1t;/

Xuan Sitong said: "No way, the elders of the sect said that if they did not agree to this condition, they would put pressure on the head and not lend us two million spirit stones. Not only that, but the two million will also slowly Also, it has nothing to do with offerings."&1t;/

Then Xuan Sitong seemed to think of something again, his face showing an angry look, saying: "In fact, this matter is that the elder is playing ghosts. Our Xuanshoufang's worship will come to check it every three months and collect it personally. Let’s go. In the past few years, the offerings that were originally handed over to the martial arts will be deducted by the elders, and very few have been handed over to the Zongmen."&1t;/

   Muyu asked: "How do you know about the deduction of deduction?" &1t;/

Xuan Sitong clenched his fists: "After my mother was attacked by Huoyoumeng a month ago, my father returned to the school and asked the master of the master for help. The master of the master accidentally mentioned that our Xuanshoufang only paid two per month. Thousands of offerings, now borrow two million per mouth, which is too much. But before my mother’s accident, our monthly income will be at least eight thousand spirit stones, and even tens of thousands can be paid in good times. My dad knew that every month's offerings were secretly taken away by the elders, leaving only two thousand to the martial arts!"&1t;/

   Muyu felt annoyed when he listened. This big elder was so full of money that he withdrew so much? Really a vampire. &1t;/

   "Did your dad not reveal the elders?" Mu Yu asked. &1t;/

A faint expression appeared on Xuan Sitong's face, and he shook his head: "With my father's upright personality, he wanted to do this, and he felt the need to protect the interests of the martial arts. But at that time my mother had an accident, I Dad wants to borrow money from the martial arts, and the elders threaten my dad if he tells the story, don’t want to borrow two million."&1t;/

  If it is not to borrow two million, I am afraid that Xuanzheng Tang will not agree to the request of the elders, but will choose to sue the elders to protect the interests of the martial arts from loss. &1t;/

   It is a pity that Mrs. Xuan was attacked by Huoyoumeng, so Xuan Zhengtang can only choose to swallow his voice. After all, the elder is greedy for his money, but at least two thousand to the martial arts every month, there is no total corruption. When it comes to the loss, it is not the faction, but Xuan Zhengtang himself will leave the same reputation as "there is no ability to make money for the faction but also borrow money from the faction". &1t;/

Xuan Sitong sighed continued: "Two million is not a small sum. It needs to be agreed by all the elders and the heads, especially the elders, so my father can only agree. Later, the elders intensified and proposed that in addition to the specific offerings each month, 90% of the operating income should be handed over to Zongmen, and two million spirit stones would have to be paid back in the future."&1t;/

   "Your big elders are so lawless, you don't want to ask your boss?" Mu Yu was really worthless to Xuan Zheng Tang. &1t;/

"Master Master is old. I have been retreating and practicing in recent years. I can't control that much. My father has no choice but to bear it. I don't need to know that 90% of the operating income of Xuanshoufang is also deducted by the elders. My dad said anyway that he would rather drop a reputation that he didn’t have the ability to deceive his conscience, so it doesn’t matter.” Xuan Sitong was helpless. &1t;/

   A self-cultivator who is divided into gods, even if he was bullied by the forces of Yuzuzhai, even his own people squeezed Xuanzhengtang in this way, and did not give Xuanzhengtang a way of life at all. &1t;/

Xuan Zhengtang wanted to raise money for his wife to buy Taishi Zitiandan everywhere. In this case, when she met Muyu in the woods, she could still keep her bottom line. It is quite rare for her daughter to leave the one million spirit stones found in Xingxiang House and pay Mu Yu only 120,000 as the price for the acquisition of Jinghongbao. &1t;/

   Muyu felt it necessary to intervene in this matter. &1t;/


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