A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 806: Sitting price

Mu Yu smiled slightly: "Since Uncle Xuan has told me the price on the market, I naturally don't want to lose money. I said that I brought the monster to you for trading. You can pay me later, but I think that If you delay payment, I will naturally raise the price, so I decided to sell it to you for 19.5 million, which means that after you sold these monsters, you have to pay me 19.5 million! "&1t;/

Xuan Zhengtang was taken aback. Why did he think that Mu Yu's intention to ask him about the price was actually to sit on the floor and if he wanted to pay Mu Yu 19.5 million Lingshi, it meant that he could only earn five in this business About 100,000, deduct it and hand it over to the martial arts 90%, you can only get 50,000! &1t;/

   Fifty thousand is not enough even to buy a fraction of Tai Shi Zi Tian Dan! &1t;/

   "Son, how can you do this? I tell you that the market is because I trust you, but it is too much for you to sit on the floor..."&1t;/

  Xuan Zhengtang's breathing became rapid, and the business that could earn five million yuan was only raised by Mu Yu, and he could only earn half a million, and he could only get 50,000. Where is he acceptable? &1t;/

   Muyu spread his hand: "I am such a person, whether you want to do this business is your business, anyway, 19.5 million, this is my price." &1t;/

  Xuan Zhengtang's face was pale, he always thought Muyu was a good person, but he didn't expect to do such a thing, this kind of thing is very immoral in business. He was hopeful that he could raise enough spirit stones to cure his wife, but Mu Yu's doing so would push him into the abyss of despair. &1t;/

   Xuan Zhengtang suddenly sat on the ground, and the whole person became very lost, but remembered that Mu Yu helped them, saved their lives, and even gave them back to them, and he dared not question any more. &1t;/

Muyu looked at Xuanzhengtang's loss of soul, and he couldn't bear it. In fact, he just wanted to let the upright Xuanzhengtang surrender a little spirit stone to the elder. After all, Xuanzhengtang worked so hard to do so much by himself In the end, if he made five million yuan, he was robbed of 4.5 million by his elder elder who was not able to help. &1t;/

   But if the big elder can come here, Muyu can directly kill the greedy guy, which is more convenient. &1t;/

  Money is no big deal for Muyu. He can buy a Taishi Zitiandan and give it to Xuanzhengtang, in another way to help Xuanzhengtang's family. He helped Xuanzhengtang just because Xuanzhengtang was a man, but he would never be cheaper than that big elder. &1t;/

   "Master, why are you doing this?" Xuan Zhengtang asked with a tremble, this business was too important for him, he had already planned everything, but there was such a thunderbolt in the middle of the day, which made him uncomfortable. &1t;/

   "Just tell me if you want to do this business!"&1t;/

  Muyu didn't want to explain it, otherwise people like Xuanzhengtang who were too upright would probably still give their door a fixed amount of money after knowing the truth, and then they would be taken away by a lot of spirit stones. &1t;/

  Anyway, when Xuan Zhengtang got the money, he also went to buy Taishi Zitiandan. Then it would be better to let Muyu buy it. The result is the same. &1t;/

Xuan Zhengtang's face was blue and white for a while. He clenched his teeth, remembering that it would be good to get 50,000 yuan, trembling: "I, I do. But the son must ensure that he will not sit down and raise the price again, otherwise I There is no way to accept it."&1t;/

   This kind of transaction is actually a loss. Xuanzhengtang spent so many days to deal with the monsters and got only 50,000 yuan in the end. The pay is not proportional to the income. It was only because of Mu Yu's love that he agreed to come down. &1t;/

   Muyu smiled slightly: "Yes, but--" &1t;/

  Xuan Zhengtang's heart was raised again. He didn't know what condition Muyu was going to put forward, and asked anxiously: "But what?" &1t;/

   "After you have dealt with these monsters, you can borrow money from me to buy Taishi Zitiandan, in your own name, and pay back later." &1t;/

   Muyu emphasized the word "to pay back", which is a respect for honest people. &1t;/

  Xuanzhengtang gritted his teeth: "Son, I borrowed money from you, I might borrow a lot, and if I had to pay it back, it might take many years to pay it off."&1t;/

   "Don't worry, you'll just be there." &1t;/

After she finished speaking, she left the room and left the house. Now Xuan Sitong eavesdropped outside the door. She saw Muyu coming out and followed, and hesitantly asked, "Yufeng, you... "&1t;/

   "Have you heard?" Mu Yu left the courtyard and came under the willow tree, sat down, and Xiaoshuai yawned on the table. &1t;/

   Xuan Sitong nodded his head, and said something tentative. &1t;/

"Relax, I will buy a gift from Tai Shi Zi Tian Dan for you, so that the elder who crushes your dad can't get what he wants. He didn't do anything, just wait for your dad to earn it. Money feeds him, I don't like your elders," Mu Yu said. &1t;/

  Xuan Sitong's heart just fell a little bit. At first, she felt that Muyu would definitely not be that kind of person. Although the origin is mysterious, there is no need to do such a detrimental thing. &1t;/

   "Son, I will find a way to return it to you in the future. My father said that he would not eat sorrowful food, so I will remember this kindness. In the future, I have to repay the son as a cow and a horse." Xuan Sitong said seriously. &1t;/

   "Be a cow and a horse? Do you mean to marry by body?" Xiaoshuai asked curiously beside him. &1t;/

   Xuan Sitong blushed and shook his head quickly: "Ah? No, no, I'm not such a casual person!" &1t;/

   said that he glanced at Muyu again and looked away. &1t;/

   Muyu flicked Xiaoshuai's small head melon: "Don't talk nonsense, do you know what it is to marry by body?"

   "I know, it was mentioned..." Xiaoshuai is continually preparing to show off his skills in reading books. &1t;/

   "In the future I will consider killing Simon unfortunately." Mu Yu said seriously. &1t;/

Xiaoshuai's lovely big eyes rolled around and continued, "But Sister Sitong has been secretly watching you. I saw her when I was watching. Only people who like me would think so?" &1t;/

   Xuan Sitong blushed like an apple, and said in a panic: "No, I am just because of, grateful and curious." &1t;/

   "But I have a sister-in-law!" Xiaoshuai said naively, "And I promised my sister-in-law to take care of my brother and not let him take the flowers."&1t;/

   Muyu touched his head with some headache. This silly boy with a big view can speak regardless of occasion. &1t;/

   "Little handsome, really my good brother! One day I sold you to save trouble." Muyu threatened. &1t;/

  Xuan Sitong said with a smile: "Come on, little brother, I don't like your brother, I just appreciate him because he helped me a lot, understand?"&1t;/

Xiaoshuai walked away casually and said in a low voice: "Sister Sitong, my brother, you don't have to think about it, he is not as handsome as me, and there is a companion, but I am single! Not only that, I am also a foodie, Not only can conquer your heart, but also your mouth."&1t;/

   Three black lines were erected on the head of Muyu's forehead. This little **** actually learned how to sell herself! &1t;/

"Xiaoshuai, after reading the unfortunately written book by Ximen, I will definitely find Yu Jiang to match you with Xiaomomo!" Mu Yu held Xiaoshuai in his arms and wiped the grease off the corner of his mouth. "And, You little wet baby, wipe your mouth clean before conquering others' mouths!"&1t;/

   "Ah? It's Momo again, don't you?" Xiaoshuai showed a bitter gourd face. &1t;/

   "Who is Momo?" Xuan Sitong asked curiously. &1t;/

   "He is a little girl for life," Muyu said without thinking. &1t;/

   "Little handsome brother looks so cute, then the little Momo must be cute too?" Xuan Sitong touched Xiaoshuai's head. &1t;/

   "Yeah, it's so cute!" Muyu thought of the orangutan big octopus in the sea and suddenly wanted to laugh. &1t;/

   "I didn't hear anything." Xiaoshuai bite the drumstick hard. &1t;/

   Xuan Sitong laughed out of flutter. She smiled beautifully, and she had two dimples. &1t;/

   Muyu said to Xuan Sitong: “In short, it’s free to be a cow or a horse. Don’t tell your father about it, hide it from him!” &1t;/

  Xuanzhengtang is still frustrated and lamented, Muyu feels overwhelmed, but he really can't get used to them. The big elders of the Burning School send Xuanzhengtang to be honest, so even if he is overwhelmed, he should do the same. &1t;/

   "Master, we are poor and we can't help you, but why do you help us so much?" Xuan Sitong couldn't help asking. &1t;/

   They just met Muyu Pingshui, and they bought Jinghong Leopard from Muyu at a low price. They didn't help each other to do anything, and they didn't have any precious property worthy of the other side, so Xuan Sitong was very puzzled. &1t;/

   "Why help you?" &1t;/

   Muyu was also asking himself, he smiled and said, "No reason, maybe you have something in my body that makes me worth shooting!" &1t;/

   Cultivation realm is full of scams, and most of the cultivators fight against each other without saying a word. In the future, they will become victims on the battlefield and become the source of strength in the triple palace. &1t;/

  The power of killing made Mu Yu understand some things. If he had to face the problem of the life and death of the instructor in the future, then at least he had to determine which kind of person is worth living and which kind of person is worth his help. &1t;/

  Let the worthy person live, let the **** person die. &1t;/

   The honest person is easy to suffer the loss of others, but it is precisely because of Xuan Zhengtang's integrity that Muyu wants to help him. &1t;/


   There is a room above Yuzuzhai's attic, which contains many small and beautiful specimens of flying birds, as well as the heads of various powerful sixth-order monsters. But the whole room looks neatly organized. &1t;/

   At this time, two people in the room were sitting on a chair made of saber-toothed tiger's long teeth, which was also covered with a soft and bright tiger skin. On the table is the fragrance lighted by the heart powder of the sixth-order rare monster Ningxiangyan. At this time, the room is filled with a strange fragrance, which makes people feel relaxed and happy. &1t;/

  Ningxiangyan is a very small sixth-order monster, quick and difficult to grasp. Their body is only the size of a fist, and the heart is as big as a small thumb cover. The heart of a Ningxiangyan is ground into a trivial powder. At least 100 hundred sixth-order monsters Ningxiangyan are installed in the censer on the table. &1t;/

   Such a generous pen can only be seen at Yuzuzhai. &1t;/

   "What? The one-eyed snake is dead?" Yi Feiying leaned on the tiger leather chair and frowned slightly. &1t;/

"Yes, the one-eyed man said so. After hearing the news from us, the one-eyed snake went to Xuanshoufang to find fault. According to the people under his command, it was the young man who hit you yesterday. And it took only one move to break the neck of the cyclops of the six-fold heavenly god!" said Yue Wenyang, the director of Yusuzhai. &1t;/

  Yi Feiying is playing with two crystal-clear cobblestones in his hand. Upon closer inspection, this cobblestone is the eyes of the sixth-order monster beast spinner amethyst. &1t;/

The spinner amethyst beast is full of crystals, and a pair of eyes is extremely strong. Even the integrator of the combined body can’t destroy it. Those eyes will still glow in the night, and they can exude a powerful aura, which is very precious. . &1t;/

   "That kid has such a skill? Doesn't that mean he is a fit-fitting practice?" Yi Feiying said thoughtfully. &1t;/

   "It should be." Yue Wenyang said. &1t;/

   "Did you find out his identity?" Yi Feiying asked. &1t;/

Yue Wenyang shook his head: "Not yet, I thought he dared to make trouble in our beast control, and his identity background must be some genius of our eight doors, but I checked, and there is no such number among the other seven doors. Character. He appears as if he appeared out of thin air, his name is unknown."&1t;/

   Yi Feiying snorted coldly: "I don't care what his origins are, he dares to run into me, then I will definitely let him pay the price!" &1t;/

"Over the past year, countless black horses have appeared on the Jixian list, and he is not surprising, but you can rest assured, Mr. Yi, I will definitely investigate this matter." Yue Wenyang said respectfully . &1t;/

   Yi Feiying released his hand, and the two cobblestones in his hand floated in the air, slowly turning. A flash of light flashed in his eyes, saying: "You just said that the man next to the young man was the shopkeeper of Xuanshoufang yesterday?"&1t;/

   "Yes, Master Yi." &1t;/

   "Xuan Beast Square is also doing monster and beast business, why did he come to us to control the beast to trade?"&1t;/

Yue Wenyang is also quite puzzled. Before, he had never cared about the existence of Xuanshoufang. After all, Xuanshoufang was not worth mentioning in front of them. Behind Yushouzhai was the Emperor's Gate~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Where is the little Burning School comparable? &1t;/

"Yi Gongzi, they heard that they only bought Tier 3 and Tier 4 monsters. Since they are here to do Tier 7 monsters, I think they can’t afford the Tier 7 monsters. Right!" Yue Wenyang guessed. &1t;/

"You go to find out which inns, refining shops and pharmacies the monsters that Xuanshoufang usually buys after they are dealt with. Since the kid is now in Xuanshoufang, it means that he is very likely to let Xuanshoufang helped to deal with the seventh-order monsters. Xuanshoufang dared to fight against us, then I wouldn't let them open this shop!" Yi Feiying sneered. &1t;/

   "Yi Gongzi, do you want to cut off their channel to sell monsters? Let others not buy their monster treatment products?" Yue Wenyang asked in surprise. &1t;/

   This is indeed a vicious strategy, in order to control the power of the beast, it is more than enough to force other businesses to not accept the monster treatment products of the Xuanshoufang. &1t;/

Yi Feiying's fingers gently turned the two cobblestones floating in the air and laughed playfully: "After the monster is processed, if there is no sales channel, it can only let it rot. I first cut off their Cailu, let the boy plant a big heel, and then I will come forward and teach him a good meal to relieve my hatred!"&1t;/

   The two cobblestones quickly separated in the air, and then they slammed together, making a thunderous noise, mixed with Yi Feiying's sneer. &1t;/


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