A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 815: The Yumon Demon Attack!

"What's going on? What is this voice?" Mu Yu asked. &1t;/

Chishan said anxiously: "This is the sound of Dongsha City's emergency preparations, which was the sound when the Yumeng demons invaded!" &1t;/

"How do you know?" Mu Yu asked. &1t;/

"Because the last time Yumen demons attacked, Dongsha City also made such a voice!" Xuan Sitong also rushed out of her mother's room and said quickly. &1t;/

Muyu didn't know this. Although he was in Lanxi City before, Yumen Demon attacked Lanxi City, but he didn't hear such a voice. &1t;/

At that time, Lanxi City's moat formation was destroyed by people, and no alarm was issued, and Dongsha City was still able to issue an alarm, which clearly proved that the formation was intact. &1t;/

Chishan said anxiously: "Sister, son, we have to help!" &1t;/

"Help? Should we help too?" Xiaoshuai asked curiously. &1t;/

"Yes, once the Yumon demons invade, all practitioners who have cultivated above the infancy period must dress up and obey the orders of the city master or the eight gates to defend against the Yumon demons!" Xuan Sitong explained . &1t;/

Muyu nodded, and indeed knew this when he was in Lanxi City. At that time, there was no moat, which caused the Yumen Mozu to rush in and wreak havoc. Then what is the situation with the moat in Dongsha? &1t;/

At this time, the sky of Dongsha City had flown through countless innocents, and seemed to be rushing to the gate gate. The repairs of these integrators are basically above the infancy, and the figure of each integrator appears to be in a hurry. &1t;/

"Go! Let's go out and see." &1t;/

Muyu said that he had flew out of the courtyard with Xiaoshuai, and came to the sky above Dongsha City, where he mixed with the infidels. The small alleys on the ground, in the yard, on the street, there were cultivating circles everywhere The ground flew, and the whole Dongsha city seemed to be in a mess. &1t;/

"Sitong, Chishan, you two should be careful." &1t;/

With a wave of his hand, Muyu rolled up the two of them, and quickly ran through the chaotic innocence, and quickly rushed to the edge of the gate. &1t;/

"All the practitioners who cultivated above the Yuan infant period will gather at Dongcheng Gate! Prepare to meet the enemy!"&1t;/

At this moment, a majestic and loud voice spread to all directions, pointing out a direction to the chaotic innovators in the air. &1t;/

Dongsha City is an extremely large city with four gates, but there is a main gate and the largest gate, located in the east. At this time, the chaotic crowd heard this majestic voice, and did not hesitate at the moment, and rushed to the East Gate. &1t;/

Mu Yu also took Xuan Sitong with them to Dongsha City. At this time, countless integrators were surrounded by the gates. The dense integrators stopped in the air at different positions, and their faces looked a little flustered, and their eyes were fast. Swept across the sky. &1t;/

Muyu was not very familiar with the Yumeng Demon War. Although Yumeng Demon left a deep impression on him when he attacked Lanxi City, Muyu was just a small golden pill at that time. At this time, he already has the cultivation of the fit period, and there is also a terrible killing power. The Yumeng Demon is not so terrifying in his eyes. &1t;/

What he would like to know more is, when the Yumen Demon attacked, how should the human race respond when the moat was intact? &1t;/

At this moment, the sky above Dongsha City shuddered abruptly, and there was an earth-shattering sound. Then the huge fireball did not know where to shoot from, like a meteor shower, and hit the Dongsha City heavily. &1t;/

The fireball is like the fall of the sky, and it will destroy the whole world, with a terrifying roar of sound, deafening, so that all the innocent people will look horrified! &1t;/

Huomeng's attack was too horrible! &1t;/

boom! boom! boom! &1t;/

The pattern over Dongsha City instantly emerged, forming a transparent barrier, gently rippling and catching all the fireballs. Layers of ripples appeared above the pattern, and the powerful fireball seemed unstoppable, but it was still swallowed by the pattern and disappeared! &1t;/

The powerful moat was actually directly blocking the offensive of Huoyoumen! &1t;/

The comprehension face calmed down a little, and the moat was able to resist the Yumon demons, which was a blessing for them. &1t;/

However, before they could breathe a sigh of relief, suddenly there were countless sharp sounds of breaking the sky outside the moat. A human-shaped flame left a virtual shadow in the air, floating in the air, and densely appeared outside the formation. &1t;/

Fire Yumon Demon! &1t;/

These fire Yumon demons have a human form, but the body is blazing with a transpiring flame. The flames have different colors, most of them are bright red or dark red, gold, but there are also a few blue-brown flames. Some are strange blue flames. &1t;/

The flames seemed to ignite the sky of Dongsha City, and reflected the clouds and clouds all in a reddish red. The air flow over Dongsha City seemed to be burned a little twisted. Even if there was a moat, all the instructors felt an unspeakable heat. Feelings came from the air, and it seemed that even the spiritual power of his body could not stop this overwhelming heat wave! &1t;/

"How could the Huomeng Mozu suddenly attack today? Before, they only occasionally appeared outside the city, and did not come to our city. What happened?" Chishan asked in horror. &1t;/

"No matter what happens, the Huomeng Demons are unforgivable!"&1t;/

An angry look appeared on Xuan Sitong's face. It was these dense fires in the sky that Yumeng had caused her mother to be tortured by the sky fire for more than a month, and she did not want to live. &1t;/

"By the way, Master? Master does not know where it is now!"&1t;/

Chishan looked around anxiously, trying to find the trace of his master Xuan Zhengtang, but countless innocent people surrounded him, blocking his sight. &1t;/

"He went to the Baicaotang, he should be here now, it's alright, don't worry!" Mu Yu said in a deep voice, his attention was still on Huo Yumeng, who suddenly struck the sky, and there were countless doubts in his heart. . &1t;/

At that time, the old tree leader once said that if there were no five Yumeng Lingzhu, then Yumen Mozu would not rashly attack the human race, but why are there so many fire Yumeng in Dongsha City today? &1t;/

Is it...&1t;/

Xiaoshuai took Muyu's hand and asked in a low voice: "Brother, would you say it would be Luo Si?" &1t;/

"Let's watch the changes first." &1t;/

Muyu didn't make too many guesses, Huo Yumeng wouldn't be able to attack for no reason. There must be an instructor behind him, but Muyu was not willing to believe that this person would be Luo Di. &1t;/

The moat was very reliable, and fireballs appeared from time to time in the hands of Yumeng, hitting the formation, but the pattern blocked all the flames. But even so, the Huomeng Demon still have no plans to stop their hands, and they are still attacking tirelessly. &1t;/

However, there was a sudden commotion in the crowd, and many innocent people exclaimed: &1t;/

"Not only the Huoyoumen, but also the Tuyoumen!"&1t;/

"There are also Jinyoumen Clan! Oh my god! How could it be?" &1t;/

"Are we in Dongsha City surrounded by three Yumon demons?"&1t;/

The sharp-eyed self-cultivators all pointed to the Yumeng Demon in the air and suddenly flew out of the formation. The Tuyumeng Demon and the Gold Yumeng Demon, these two types of Yumeng Demon and Huo Youmen Very different, but the number is no less than the Huomeng Demon! &1t;/

The three types of Yumeng demons all appeared above Dongsha City! &1t;/

The Tuyoumeng tribes look different, not the same. Some of them seem to be composed of granite, some are composed of lapis lazuli, some are composed of red clay, and some are composed directly of sand. &1t;/

But no matter what kind of Tuyoumeng demons, their bodies are very solid, seemingly invulnerable, the whole body seems to be full of endless power, even the fists are extremely huge, and the whole body is still surrounded by gravel and sand, surrounded by On the huge fist. &1t;/

These Tuyoumeng also punched each other with their fists, and they made a very dull and huge blast, staring at the innocent people under the Dongsha City. Their hard skin makes people seem to have no desire to fight, and it seems that they can't hurt them at all. &1t;/

The side of Jin Youmeng is also different. There are many kinds of metals, basically white, just like the blade, and some are composed of Jin Cancan's gold, and more Jin Youmeng look like one. The white thick viscous water is generally rare mercury in the realm! &1t;/

Each of the Jinyoumen demons looks very thin, with sharp edges and corners, and a cold awn flashing all over the body, even their fingers seem to be like sharp swords, and each of their movements is like cutting the void around. It's like a long sword with a ready blade, like a spear that can pierce the sky, the terrain is unstoppable! &1t;/

Many comprehensioners saw Jin Youmeng, and they were immediately frightened, and they didn't even have the confidence to fight one, because every Jin Youmeng seemed to have a courageous impact, which overwhelmed everything in its momentum! &1t;/

"Three kinds of Yumon demons! I didn't expect three kinds of Yumon demons to appear!"&1t;/

"What about the remaining water Yumeng and Muyumen? Did they come too?" &1t;/

The invigorators all around started to discuss one after another, and all looked up to look into the air, trying to find out the figures of Shuiyoumeng and Muyumeng. &1t;/

Muyu was also the first to see so many forms of three types of Yumeng~www.wuxiaspot.com~Because the forms of Yumeng he saw before were very monotonous, such as the fire Yumengdu once seen outside Lanxi City It is red, and there are no other colorful colors. As for the Tuyoumeng seen on the second day, they are only composed of gravel, while Jin Youmeng has not seen much. &1t;/

But he quickly remembered one thing, because the former Yumon demons were all besieged to the Moyun Mountain by his master, and the aura was wiped out, and when Muyu saw them, they were all The moment of weakness. &1t;/

Nowadays, youmen demons have all kinds of strange forms, which shows that youmen demons have completely recovered their vitality, which is also the guts of their daring to appear in Dongsha city and besiege Dongsha city! &1t;/

The whole Dongsha city was caught in a very tense atmosphere! &1t;/...


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