A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 836: Destroy the city!

The moat is based on the statue of the true god. If the statue of the true **** is destroyed, the moat will be destroyed!

The Yumen demons in the sky saw that the moat that resisted them shattered, and then all roared, and made a strange cry, just like a hungry wolf rushed to the panicked sheep on the grassland, and began to enjoy the feast of killing!

Countless flames, countless boulders, countless metals, hit all the instructors in Dongsha City.

The flame instantly ignited the trees in the city, lit the clothing, lit the weeds, and ignited the innocence who hadn't had time to react, and all the streets became a sea of ​​fire in an instant!

The stone slabs on the ground began to roll up one by one, and all the houses shattered in a flash, the sand was flying, and the boulders flipped over, directly burying the innocent composers on the street.

Many self-cultivators who have become superb have already jumped into the sky, but they are greeted by countless sharp metal blades, with cold flashes in the air, tearing the void, penetrating the body of the comprehension, and cutting them into Countless paragraphs!

However, their corpses had been ignited by the flames flying in the air before they fell to the ground, and then smashed by the gravel.

"No! I want to live!"


"Master Lord, save us!"

"You Yumon demons, you should kill the demon, he is the one you want, we are just innocent victims!"

"You demon, use the teleportation array to save us! I am the elder of the Xuanlingmen! If I were to die, you would have to be chased and killed by my Xuanlingmen forever!"

Various ridiculous voices echoed in Dongsha City for a long time, and they would never understand how ugly their faces were.

They are still thinking of asking Tian Ziming, the city owner, to rescue them, and they are still thinking of asking the Yumon demon to kill Muyu and let them go, and they still think that their status as a decent person can let themselves Survive.

But they can only think about it!

A horrified scream sounded everywhere in Dongsha City. The comprehensions fled around and became a mess. Most of them were crowded into the gate tower. When they fled, they all collided with each other. A fireball went down. A sea of ​​hell!

And they trust the respected master of the city, and now they have rushed to the place where there is no Yumon demon, his cultivation is the highest, and the speed of escape is also the fastest!

But he didn't have time to escape, because Mu Yu blocked his way with a terrible murderous intention.

All the integrators who wanted to kill him were trapped by Muyu's formation, and all the integrators in the decent period were stopped by Luo Di.

The handsome stood silently next to the remains of the old city master and others, looking at Muyu and Luo Marty who were entangled in the killing breath.

Gao Yixing was terrified. He was pinched by Mu Yu.

"You can't kill me! You can't kill me! I am now the head of the Burning Sect, we are affiliated with the Stargate, you..."

Gao Yixing shouted, he wanted to struggle, but Muyu's sword had penetrated his Dantian.

Mu Yu was expressionless, and there were already a lot of people in the Stargate who died in his hand. Sooner or later, he will destroy the poisonous tumor of Starstar!

Gao Yixing's breath has subsided, he made an inhuman scream, and the cry was miserable. Like a dead dog, he was dropped on the ground by Mu Yu.

"Don't kill me! Please! Please, please!" Gao Yixing clutched his abdomen, crawling continuously.

Mu Yu's arm had stretched out and broke into Gao Yixing's chest. Gao Yixing's body was like paper, which could not stop Mu Yu's hand.

Mu Yu held Gao Yixing's heart and held that dirty heart!

"The heart of the Old City Lord and Xuan Zheng Tang should have been the most worthwhile to continue beating, not you."

Muyu is like a demon, looking at the star with a terrified fear.

Gao Yixing's heart has been picked by Mu Yu, beating in Mu Yu's hands.


Gao Yixing's eyes glared round, looked down at his empty chest, and then looked up at the heart in Muyu's hands.

"You, you are a demon!"

Gao Yixing spit out these words from his mouth, and the expression on his face gradually solidified.

He still doesn't understand what kind of person he offended.

His head fell down, but Jianguang crossed it, and his head had fallen to the ground, and Muyu stepped on his feet.

Muyu turned his head and looked at Tian Ziming, who was firmly bound by the pattern.

Tian Ziming was completely terrified, and Gao Yixing's death made him all paralyzed, his eyes full of despair.

"Yes, I am a demon."

The spirit power in Muyu's hands was shocked, and Gao Yixing's heart turned into a sky of blood rain, which was sprinkled on Tian Ziming's body and dyed Tian Ziming into a blood man.

Gao Yixing's blood dripped down on Tian Ziming's face, making Tian Ziming completely frightened, and there was no longer the awe-inspiring posture that he had just shown.

"But I was originally an innocent demon, and you are dirty devil!"

Muyu was spotlessly clean, and he would not let dirty blood splash on himself.

"Who are you?" Tian Ziming shuddered.

After Jianguang crossed, Tian Ziming's Dantian had been destroyed. He screamed heartbreakingly, and it seemed so harsh throughout Dongsha City, even covering the roar of the sky-burning flame boulder Jinmang.

"You ruined my cultivation, our Star Gate will definitely make you pay a painful price! Let you live forever and never be born!" Tian Ziming's face was mixed with hatred, resentment and fear.

"I don't know if your young master is overborn."

Muyu's hand protruded like lightning again!

Tian Ziming's heart has been held by Mu Yu in his hand.

"You, you, don't you just--" Tian Ziming stared at Muyu in fear, he had already thought of Muyu's identity!

"Your heart is not worthy of beating!"

Mu Yu squeezed Tian Ziming's heart again, and blood was sprinkled on Tian Ziming again.

Tian Ziming didn't finish talking, his last memory of life was a red blood, and a murderous Tsing Yi man.

The green branches roared in the air, and Tian Ziming had been pierced through the whole body, and then trembling gently, the branches instantly shattered Tian Ziming's whole body, and turned into a sky of blood rain, and the spirit and soul of life were all wood spirits Devour it!

"But I am no longer an innocent demon."

Muyu looked back at the old city master and the family of Xuanzhengtang. They were also destroyed to Dantian and pierced the heart. Muyu was revenge for them in the same way.

He didn't have fùchóu's pleasure, but only deep sorrow. This sorrow spread in his murderous and awe-inspiring heart, and it seemed so abrupt, as if his calm heart suddenly became emotional.

"I'm sorry, I have the ability to kill all the people in the city, but I can't protect you."

He tried his best. He always wanted to protect the old city host and the Xuanzhengtang family and let them live, but he could not stay by their side forever. As long as he left, there would be an accident.

He understands that the most effective way to protect good people is to kill the wicked!

He wanted the whole city to be buried with the old city owner and Xuanzhengtang family!

Mu Ling turned into countless branches, swept up, and entangled those who supported the self-cultivation of Tian Ziming during the fit period.




The branches pierced the Dantian of these comprehension like a sharp blade, and penetrated the heart of these people. In what way they killed the old city master and the family of Xuan Zhengtang, how did Muyu kill them!

There was only a look of fear on the faces of these integrators in the fit period. They were unwilling to break free and wanted to escape from Dongsha City, but they could not escape, no one could escape. In front of Muyu, selfishness and ungratefulness No coward can escape!


Countless branches and leaves of vines broke out of these people's bodies, from their mouths, from their eye sockets, from their ears, from their skin joints.

They seemed to be parasitized by trees, their skin and flesh were shrivelled, their skin was broken by branches, and no blood flowed out. The people parasitized by the trees suddenly bounced up, like a dexterous tree man in Dongsha City. Those self-cultivators who fled around threw them!

Once the cultivators are entangled by the branches, the sharp branches of the branches will invade them immediately, sucking their flesh and blood, absorbing their spiritual power, and turning them into a tree person, continue to the next cultivation Rushed over!

Just like a sudden virus outbreak, the branches of terror spread rapidly from the center of the city gate like tentacles, and the green leaves scattered in the air. Even the flames, boulders, and golden awns did not destroy these plants, these plants were all over the body. The cold murderousness is harvesting one life after another.

The Dantian of every comprehension is destroyed, every dirty heart is broken, and the soul of every soul is swallowed by trees.

The Huyoumeng Demon, the Jinyoumeng Demon, and the Tuyoumeng Demon have all entered the Dongsha City, and they are deliberately creating terror killings.

The residual sun was bloody, shining a mess in Dongsha City, and also shone on Mu Yu, dragging Mu Yu's figure very long and long.

Mu Yu walked on the street like no one else, watching the self-cultivators who were lit by the flames rolling on the ground, trying to extinguish the flames, but the giant stone pressed them instantly, and the Jingeli blade also cut them into Countless paragraphs~www.wuxiaspot.com~Save me, please! help me! Teleport me out with teleport, I don’t mean to kill you, I swear. "

A young man dragged half of his body and crawled slowly beside Muyu. His body was severely severed by himself, because Skyfire ignited his legs, and he could not extinguish Skyfire, but even if he cut his legs, Skyfire still burned at his wounds. His left arm was gone, smashed by a boulder.

He was crawling on the ground like a dirty poor dog, and he had forgotten that he was one of the loudest shouts against Muyu. He wanted to hold Muyu's clothes with his right arm in panic, asking Muyu for help. , Save his humble life.

But if Muyu was unheard of, the branches burrowed out of the ground, piercing the hearts of young people and Dantian!

"You could have saved your life."

Muyu looked up at the sky, and the afterglow of the setting sun stained the sunset, which seemed to make the clouds of the whole sky burn up, revealing a strange beauty.

That was the funeral at dusk. (https://)

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