A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 840: People in the valley

The wind blew the figures of three people, and the clothes hunted.

"Where to go?" Luo Di asked.

"I want to go back to my dad's valley." Mu Yu said.

He wanted to put the remains of the five old men of the old city into the valley, because Muyu felt the most at ease. As for the future, I will talk about it in the future.

Luo Mo didn't ask again, so he followed Mu Yu.

Xiaoshuai turned into a small beast again, fell asleep in Muyu's arms, snored, turned around, scratched Muyu's clothes, and touched his mouth.

Five coffins floated behind, looking very weird.

But neither of them felt that this was awkward. Their speed was very fast, but Dongsha City was far away from the Drywood Valley, and it would take at least a day.

This day, Mu Yu and Luo Shi didn't talk much. Xiaoshuai woke up and sat on Mu Yu's shoulder to eat, the atmosphere was a little depressed.

The next morning, Muyu landed above the valley, but he just fell to the ground and suddenly frowned.

"What's wrong?" Luo Di asked.

"Someone in the valley."

Mu Yu's figure has flashed into the valley.

This valley is the home of old dead wood. Muyu does not allow anyone to defile here, but he will not show mercy to anyone who does not have long eyes to destroy everything here.

The celestial demon tree is still rippling there, covered with fake celestial berries that can bite people. These celestial berries look fruity, but if anyone wants to pick them, they will be bitten directly by the celestial berries. At first, Xiaoshuai was a lesson.

A delicate wooden bridge spans the small river in the valley. The river flows cleanly, splashed with splashes of water from time to time. Some purple flowers are planted on the shore. It is a common herbal medicine used in alchemy and some edible vegetables and fruits. .

This place seems to have been made into a place where some people can live.

Muyu's expression moved, but a sword hung across Muyu's neck.

"This is private territory." A cold voice came.

"This is also my place."

Mu Yu turned around and saw a frosty, glamorous woman, whose cold temperament was even better than him, just like an iceberg that hasn't changed for thousands of years.

Leng Bingxue, the master of the cold peak of Danding School.

"It's you."

Leng Bingxue withdrew his sword and glanced at Luo Luo, who said nothing, without expression.

"You know we are here?"

Leng Bingxue walked towards the back of the Heavenly Demon Tree, where there was a medicine garden filled with various precious elixirs. Leng Bingxue continued to look down on her medicine garden.

"now I know."

Muyu seemed to perceive something. He looked at the Heavenly Demon Tree. The Heavenly Demon Tree was large. Inside the trunk was a tree house, and there was a person lying on the bed in the tree house.

He knows who this person is.

Muyu walked silently towards the Heavenly Demon Tree. The Heavenly Demon Tree shook gently, doing nothing. He pushed open the door of the tree house, the room was very bright, and there was a huge night pearl above the ceiling, exuding a soft light.

There is a row of bookshelves in the corner, filled with various books for recording herbs, pots and jars are placed on the table, I don't know what to hold, and there is a wooden bed next to it.

Daddy Drywood was lying on the bed with a calm look, as if she had just fallen asleep.

All kinds of strange emotions suddenly flowed into my heart, destroying Mu Yu's cold temperament for a few days, just like tearing wěizhuāng, countless memories poured into his heart, and the whole person trembles involuntarily.

"Sorry, dad."

Mu Yu's cold heart seemed to have been severely arrested by someone, and an indescribable pain came into being. It seemed that everything returned to many years ago. At that time, the old man withered wood captured him from Fuxianyu and closed it. This valley forced him to learn various herbal knowledge and formation methods.

At that time, he didn't like the feeling of being locked up. He never talked big or small. He sweared at the old stuttering old wood dad. He was very fluent. The grumpy old man could tolerate Muyu's rudeness. Shooting dead wood feather is really a miracle.

Now things are right and wrong, everything can never go back.

"I have been working hard, really, I work hard, trying to make you make up for those regrets."

Tears seemed to want to come out, all kinds of regrets, anger, sadness all poured into my heart, like a helpless child, confided to the father the pain of these years.

In front of the dead wood father, Muyu is no longer the shārén devil that day, but a child who bears too much pressure, so many things make him almost breathless.

But in any case, Muyu never thought of giving up, because Muyu said that he must let his father open his eyes.

Muyu held tightly the hand of the dead wood, and the dead wood had ice crystals under Qiao Xuebu, cold and biting, just like the previous day's wooden feather, but Muyu's heart was slowly recovering, and the people in front of him made his heart feel Warm.

Others don't understand what Muyu wants to do, he can only walk this path alone.

He has been working hard to do what he thinks is right. He thinks he has a clear conscience. In order to make his father wake up, and in order to rescue the master from the Mie Palace, he has been insisting.

"But even you object to me doing this, you don't want me to resurrect you."

Mu Yu's expression was bleak, and he returned to the past in Tianyan's reincarnation seal. When he saw the young Daddy withered wood, he told him the truth about everything, and hoped that Daddy withered wood could help him. But the young father withered wood refused Muyu's request, and even if he knew he would die, he didn't want Muyu to resurrect him.

"But the realm of comprehension has become more and more unsightly. I just want the people who deserve to live better. I won't listen to you, just like I didn't listen to it before."

Tears were about to shed, but Mu Yu laughed, and the tears dispersed again.

He doesn't like crying because he feels he needs to learn to be strong in life, and all tears are hypocritical.

Father Drywood closed his eyes so slightly, as if he would wake up at any time, and then scolded Muyu for a while.

Muyu hasn't heard the disgusting scolding of Daddy Drywood for a long time. He is used to those scoldings, and even Daddy Drywood, who has lost his cultivation behavior, slaps him in the back of his head without any pain.

But few people have scolded him so brazenly these years.

"I don't want to be a savior of the real world, nor do I want to be a great hero of the human race. I just want to be a good self and a son and apprentice."

Muyu looked at Daddy Drywood's face and remembered that one hundred thousand self-cultivators were destroyed in front of him, and he was the initiator of all this, and he was in a bad mood. He wouldn't do this kind of thing before, even Daddy Drywood would not Things to do.

But if time goes back, he will still do it, because he can't forgive those people!


For two days, Mu Yu stayed in the Heavenly Demon Tree for two days. He sat on the ground, backed by the dead wood daddy's bed, staring blankly, as if he had forgotten the passage of time, as if returning to his original self.

Carefree quarreling with Lan Ling'er in Luochen Mountain, working with Kong Miao Miao everywhere, and everyone complaining about how uncle Uncle's dishes are, and listening to Master's various stories at night in Luo Chenya with everyone .

Mu Yu was also willing to go back to the moment when he met Dad withered wood, he made Dad angry all day long, and then was scolded by Dad for various lessons, but his skin was very thick, because he was scolded for two sentences. Will not hurt muscles and bones.

But never go back.

Xiaoshuai pushed the door open, with a leg in his mouth, and said, "Muyu, two days later, would you like to have some food? The cold elder elder cook is not bad, I really can't see it."

Muyu stood up, glanced at Father Drywood, and then went out silently to bring the door.

Luo Di sat down and practiced at the foot of a distant mountain. In the past two days, he had not disturbed Mu Yu or spoke to Leng Bingxue. The five coffins were placed beside him.

Leng Bingxue stood on the small bridge and silently looked at Mu Yu.

Muyu walked over and said softly: "Sorry."

"No need."

"Why are you here?" Mu Yu asked.

"Because if you are in Danding School, I will kill that person." Leng Bingxue did not hide anything.

Mu Yu was silent for a long while, and he knew who Leng Bingxue was referring to, the culprit, and when the sky was not waiting for tígòng Nudan, he went to heaven!

"I will kill him." Mu Yu said indifferently.

His tone was calm, as if killing someone was a simple matter.

For him today, shārén is indeed very simple.

"They will not let you kill, he is a pulse master." Leng Bingxue said.

"I know, but I will still kill him."

Muyu shārén never looks at identity, identity will not let the **** people survive.

Leng Bingxue did not speak again.

"And I will definitely resurrect my father." Mu Yu said.

"I don't know what you want to do, but he believes in you, I believe in you." Leng Bingxue said.

They didn't have a lot of intersection between them, and they didn't even say a few times, only because of the dead father, so Mu Yu regarded Leng Bingxue as his own.

For a long time of silence, only the wind blew across the sky monster tree, and the river under the bridge gurgled.

"I want to borrow a piece of land here." Mu Yu said.

"This is what he left to you." Leng Bingxue said.

"Thank you."

Mu Yu turned around and walked towards Luo Luo. Luo Di opened his eyes and looked at Mu Yu, his eyes fluctuating.

"You wait for me for a while."

With a wave of his hand, Muyu lifted the five coffins and walked slowly along the upstream of the valley.

The riverbanks here are reclaimed by cold snow and snow, planted with various herbs, and various vegetables and fruits, which is very different from the barren valley that was once full of poisonous fog.

Muyu stopped in the middle of the river and looked up at the mountain wall, where there was a cave, not far from the ground. When I first entered the valley, because the dead wood father set up a mirror array here, trapping them, at night the river will crawl out of various fierce beasts, Muyu and Lao Tan took refuge in this cave.

He stood up and fell in this cave.

Jianmang swept out, expanding the entire cave, and then slowly placed the five coffins in the cave.

The coffin has extremely powerful vitality and was carved by Mu Yu in a formation, enough to ensure that the remains of these five people will not rot.

"I said, I will let those who should survive survive."

Muyu looked at the five coffins silently. A whole person in Dongsha City was buried with the old city owner and the family of Xuanzhengtang. Their lives were more important than all the people in the city.

He turned around, the formation had covered the entire cave, and the verdant trees were also covered with the hole, no one could enter except him.

Luo Mo looked at Muyu falling from the cave entrance not far from the river bank.

"What are you going to do next?" Luo Di asked indifferently.

Muyu looked at this familiar valley and remembered that the old dead wood father had been brought here by the sky, and then was forced to kill Wan Tianming here. The Sanchong Palace took the opportunity to kill the dead wood dead father. Can live.

Every time Mu Yu thought of the person in Star Gate, his heart was filled with anger.

The seizure of power in Dongsha City encourages everyone to compromise with the Yumon Demon and kill the old city owner and Xuan Zhengtang, Tian Ziming, also from Tianxingmen!

"I'm going to collect debts."

Muyu's voice was full of murderous energy. He used to be so weak, he couldn't fight against the behemoths like the Star Gate, but now he has the killing power. With the killing power, he can fight the robbery. !

"Where to collect debt?"

"Star Gate!"

The person in the Star Gate has the shadow of the triple palace behind. Muyu wants to deal with the triple palace, you must first remove the minions of the triple palace!

Luo Luo stared at Mu Yu for a long time before saying: "Any school of the Eight Gates has existed for thousands of years. It has a rich heritage and it is impossible for you to be so easily destroyed."

The Triple Continent has eight gates as its esteem, and the Star Gate is one of them. Any small martial art wants to stifle these eight marches. The small school prides itself on meeting the elders and disciples of the Bamen. Once they can relate to the Bamen, the people of the small school will be more confident in walking in the realm.

No one dared to provoke the authority of the Eight Gates, because there are countless masters of fit in the Eight Gates, just like a giant who is unattainable, unshakable!

"The seven Shenfeng Peaks of the Star Gate also fell."

Mu Yu walked slowly to the river. His heart was hard to calm like running water, and the grass under his feet grew rapidly as his mood fluctuated.

"Have you been to the Star Gate?"

"Have been there." Mu Yu said indifferently.

When he was studying array formation in Patriarch, he had once visited the Star Gate. The Star Gate was composed of seven **** peaks, and he used a powerful array to float in mid-air.

This array was arranged by Zhentian Dao personally. Mu Yu had all the inheritance of Zhentian Dao, and naturally knew the weakness of the Tianxingmen array.

"As far as I know~www.wuxiaspot.com~Each of the eight schools has at least three masters during the robbery period, and there are no fewer than forty or fifty integrators during the fit period. How do you deal with masters?" Luo Di asked.

Mu Yu didn't answer, he could cope with one master during the robbery, but he couldn't cope with three at the same time.

"You and I can each cope with one, but we can't deal with the third person, especially the owner of Tianxingmen, Tianyuehen. It is said that Xiuwei is a cultivation person who is about to reach the Mahayana period, far more than you and Me." Luo Mo continued.

Muyu looked up at Luo Di and shook his head: "This matter has nothing to do with you."

Luo Di didn't go to see Mu Yu: "I have nothing to do."

Muyu's mouth moved, and there was no sound.

"So we have to find the third person." Luo Mo said.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Southward!" (https://)

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