Luo Mo's intention to kill aloud said aloud: "Are people in the Sanchong Palace?"

The man in black chuckled a little: "I thought I was doing things very carefully, but I didn't expect the two of you to deceive me, it was really powerful!"

"You are too stupid." Luo Di had already ignited a black flame.

The man in black glanced around. His eyes fell on the side table. Although he could not see the people there, he could clearly perceive the killing intention.

"Your brothers and sisters are really powerful, pretending to leave, actually waiting for me here." The man in black did not move, just stared at Luo Di, and his attention was placed on the invisible Muyu.

There were a lot of corpses lying on the ground, filled with a depressive atmosphere, the air seemed to freeze in an instant, and even the noisy sounds on the street could not pass in. It seemed to be isolated from the world, only Xiaoshuai was beside Eating pies, making a chewing sound.

No one spoke again, let alone directly, the irritable breath became stronger and stronger, both sides are gaining momentum, want to defeat the opponent in an instant!


The clear voice broke the silence.

Xiaoshuai blinked innocently: "Sorry! I bit the peanut kernel."

However, Xiao Shuai's voice was like a fuse, and the three figures became illusory in an instant!


The mahogany floor at the foot of the man in black suddenly pulled out green branches, leaving a phantom in the air, with an extremely powerful killing intention, rolled towards the man in black.

A white light flashed, and the man in black had jumped into the air and headed towards the second floor. However, the entire house of Jixian Pavilion is made of wood, and all the staircase handrail beams have begun to be covered with green leaves branches, spreading in the air, completely blocking the black man's retreat!

"Good ability to control wood!"

The white light at the feet of the black man lit up, and a holy radiance appeared around him, turning into a barrier to block the oncoming wicker.

But the black flame has been entangled in the branches, without igniting the branches, but it is the barrier that directly burns the black man's illusion.

The barrier looked indestructible, but the branches of Muyu pulled out extremely slender roots and merged into the barrier, and the black flame spread on the roots!


The barrier transformed by the man in black using his soul power was actually directly broken by the roots and even lit by flames!

A dark shadow erupted from the sky's black inflammation, but before he could stand firm, a horrible sword rushed through, and straightly pierced the dark shadow.


The sky full of sword energy, instantly shattered the black man's robe, revealing his face!

This is a young man with a white mantle all over his body, dressed in a blue dress, but the blue mantle is also covered with white mangoes, his face is like a knife, his eyebrows are long snakes, and his eyes are flooded with white light.

The holy light on him made him the focus, and there was an awesome momentum on his body.

This awe was shown to the instructors. For Muyu and Luo Shao, this kind of light made them disgusted.

This is the 19th in the Jixian Ranking, one of the geniuses in the triple palace, Ye Fei'an!

"Good!" Ye Feian exclaimed involuntarily.

Both Mu Yu and Luo Shi didn't like nonsense, Luo Shao's figure jumped out again, the black flame suddenly turned into bright red, and the bright red flame splashed into a blaze of flames in the air, but it came !

Thirteen white holy beads appeared around Ye Fei'an, about the size of a fist. Among the thirteen beads, there seemed to be countless flying shadows flashing, followed by a circle around him, and then quickly spun up, In an instant, Ye Fei'an seemed to have countless beads linked, so Luo Luo's attack should be accepted!

At this time, Mu Yu's sword spirit came quietly, and his goal was Ye Fei'an's head!

"Soul Faroin, open!"

Ye Fei'an couldn't see Muyu, but he could perceive the direction of Muyu's sword. The killing breath was extremely strong, and he couldn't be ignored by him.

Before Muyu's shadow sword stabbed him in the throat, his beads suddenly made a heavy sound, which sounded like a knock on Muyu's ear, causing an illusion in front of him!

Muyu instantly felt as if he had arrived in the Drywood Valley, and saw that he had successfully resurrected the dead father and even rescued his master.

But Muyu was awe-inspiring, just torn apart the illusion in front of him in a blink of an eye, and returned to reality. The whole process did not even reach a breath. However, it was such a stagnation that Yefei'an had stepped back and escaped the wood Yu's killing blow!

Muyu's sword spirit swept across the walls of Jixian Pavilion——


The whole Jixian Pavilion shook violently, attracting the attention of the instructors coming and going on the street. They all listened to the loud noise with surprise, watching the extremely swaying Jixian Pavilion. , I don't understand what happened in Jixian Pavilion.

The Jixian Pavilion has already been filled with countless murderous branches, but the appearance has not changed. More and more instructors have begun to stop and want to explore the movements in the extremely immortal pavilion.

At this time, Ye Fei'an's complexion finally became serious.

If you continue to fight, I am afraid that the entire Jixian Pavilion will be destroyed. They will appear directly in Lanxi City. Mu Yu and Luo Shi are not afraid of anything, but Ye Fei'an is worried about their identity exposure.

The people in the Triple Palace do not want to appear in the realm of integrity, so they naturally have their concerns.

"Why? Don't you dare to face all the innocence with your true face?" Mu Yu had noticed the change in Ye Fei'an's expression.

"Even in the face of the self-cultivators, they are on my side, not on your side!" Ye Fei'an snorted.

"Then why don't you try it?"

When Mu Yu waved, the wall of Jixian Pavilion suddenly cracked.

Ye Fei'an's face sank, and a rainbow of light flashed in his hand, covering the gap in the wall of Jixian Pavilion!

"Jianying Chenfeng's apprentice is really powerful. Unfortunately, I can't play with you anymore!"

Thirteen beads around Ye Fei'an's body rolled again and collided together, then a strange texture appeared under his feet, and the texture gleamed above it, followed by the holy white light again!

"We will meet again!"


The ground of Jixian Pavilion was blown away by something, all the floor mahogany was turned into debris, and a colorful light suddenly burst out from the ground. This time it was no longer pure white light, but red and orange. , Yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple, the different rays of light interlace with each other, forming a circular beam of light, covering Ye Fei'an in it!

"Soul Faro, disillusioned!"

The colorful brilliance flashed, sending out a very powerful breath, and this brilliance could not even approach Muyu. When the two of them came back to God, Ye Fei'an's figure had disappeared!

Luo Mo's killing intentions spread throughout the Jixian Pavilion, but he still didn't see any figure of Ye Fei'an, as if disappearing out of thin air, without any fluctuation of breath.

"How did he leave? Teleportation array?" Luo Di asked.

If it is a teleportation array, Muyu can't be unaware, because Muyu has used the array method to isolate everything from Jixian Pavilion.

"This is a sacrificial texture, I have seen it."

Muyu recalled the strange texture that flashed under Fang Caiye Fei'an's feet. The texture he had seen on the twenty-fourth floor of the town demon tower and the moon temple.

At that time, the Moon Temple was inadvertently triggered by Dragon Vine, and the situation at that time was the same.

"Xiaoshuai, do you notice anything wrong?" Mu Yu asked, turning his head.

Xiaoshuai blinked and nodded: "Yes, I just smelled the smell of meat-winged horns."

"Meat-winged horn monster?" Mu Yu didn't find it.

But Xiaoshuai's words wouldn't be fake, because they were also present when they faced the meat-winged horn monster.

"Doesn't that mean that the people in the triple palace can't be killed at all? Once they can't fight, they can escape directly?"

The flame on Luo Luo's body gradually disappeared. Whether it was him or Muyu, this was the first time he faced the men of the Sanchong Palace, but they didn't expect that the two teamed up to give Ye Fei'an, who was ranked nineteenth in the extremely fairy, to take it. under.

Mu Yu shook his head: "It shouldn't be, there is a retreat under his cloth in Jixian Pavilion."

He fell on the ground, only then he only focused on the Jixian Pavilion, but suddenly the thing on the Jixian Pavilion ground.

The branches spattered and quickly opened up the dirt covered by the ground, revealing a huge slate. The slate has been torn apart, but the strange textures on the slate can still be clearly seen, the same textures that were seen in the Temple of the Moon of.

"He used this to leave."

The branches rolled up the stone slab and wanted to put it together, but a white awn suddenly came from the stone slab, and then the stone slab turned into powder.

"It can also destroy the leftovers. It seems that they had made all the preparations when they built the Jixian Pavilion." Muyu stood up.

The whole Jixian Pavilion is already covered with winding branches. Whether it is on the room beams, the stairs, the counter or the fence, the green branches and green leaves have bloomed vigorously, and each leaf is alive. Vigorous, yet extremely terrifying killing intentions If you are fighting this person alone, what is the probability of killing him? Muyu asked.

"I can't kill him alone," Luo said.

Mu Yu nodded thoughtfully. The two of them joined forces to deal with Ye Fei'an and could not leave this person. This person's strength far exceeded their imagination.

This is only the 19th person in the Jixian List. In addition to the south, there are still 17 in the front. What will be the strength of these people?

"But I still don't understand why the people in the Sanchong Palace are unwilling to show their faces in front of the comprehensions? If you and them appear in front of the comprehensions at the same time, the comprehension will definitely stand on their side!" Xiaoshuai asked curiously. Road.

On the one hand are the Mie people who are respected, and on the other are Muyu and Luo Di, who have the ability of Yumeng. You don't need to think about which side the instructor will stand on.

But Ye Fei'an chose to retreat.

This thing is really weird! (https://)

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