A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 980: The first person under the robbery

There are a lot of people outside Ruyi Restaurant, but not everyone is eligible to enter Ruyi Restaurant. Those who can be invited have already entered. At best, they are just a group of busy comprehensionists. Dust ↖ Fate ↗ Text √ Learning? Net

"Chou Guzhu, gratifying!"

An old man from Meteor Mansion came to meet us, and he was called Wei Ziqian. Meteor Mansion and Golden Wolf Valley are also old grudges, they are considered dead enemies, but today they were afraid to come because of Qiu Jinghuan's invitation. Even if they don't give Qiu Jinghuan face, they should also give Tian Jiancheng face.

"It turned out to be Wei Daoyou! I haven't seen you for a long time, but unfortunately, Wei Daoyou still can't break into the fit period after so many years!"

Qiu Jinghuan looked at Lai Ziqian with a smile, the playfulness in his mouth was not concealed, and his tone was quite arrogant, even with a provocative look.

Wei Ziqian was very angry in his heart. In the past, Qiu Jinghuan saw him, and he didn't dare to make a sound like a grandson. Now he dares to challenge him.

However, Wei Ziqian had no choice. They were cruel and kill his master and nine brothers, and gathered six thousand soul points to become Tian Jiancheng's apprentice. Endure it.

"Chou Guzhu laughed, how can he be compared to Chou Guzhu's cultivation behavior and ability?" Wei Ziqian smiled with a beard.

"You are already a decayed tree, and Xiuwei has stopped here, of course, not as good as me. You say it?" Qiu Jinghuan scorned nakedly, even if his Xiuwei didn't look enough in front of Wei Ziqian, Wei Zi, who was divided into the ninth heaven, could shoot him with a slap, but he dared to talk like that, because he was confident!

Wei Ziqian's face twitched, and instead he usually killed Qiu Jinghuan directly, but now he dares to do so, but he can only smile with his hands: "Chou Guzhu is a talented person, so you laughed."

Qiu Jinghuan looked at Wei Ziqian proudly, and said, "Wei Ziqian, I heard that you have a daughter who looks like a country, and looks good. I can't as well marry your daughter to me. It’s an honour for Master to mention you a bit, to be my father-in-law!"

Wei Ziqian's face changed. He is now more than seventy, and he has a pearl in his palm in his old age. It can be said that he is very affectionate. He is only 18 years old now. Qiu Jinghuan is not a gentleman. If he marries his daughter, it is equal to I sent my daughter to the fire pit!

"Lord Qiu Gu, you laughed! Where can the girl deserve you, Lord Qiu Gu? Not dare to climb high, dare not to climb high!" Wei Ziqian said quickly.

"This is your fault. I think your daughter is your blessing. You should be grateful to Dade. How come Gao Panyi said? Become my father-in-law, but your ancestors appear spiritual. You should be more happy. I What's wrong, Master Father-in-law?" Qiu Jinghuan reached out and patted Wei Ziqian on the shoulder.

"But Lord Qiu Gu, this matter..."

Wei Ziqian couldn't wait to slap Qiu Jinghuan with a slap. This guy was so arrogant that he dared to be so rude to him. Too many people!

A little threat appeared in Qiu Jinghuan's eyes: "Old Man Wei, I called you father-in-law, you should be flattered, don't kneel down, thank you, and dare to talk nonsense in front of me? Is it because you look down on my master and think I am not worthy of you ?"

Wei Ziqian thought of Tian Jiancheng, who was in the ninth heaven, and was sweating behind his back. If he offended the Star Gate, it would not be as simple as his daughter's accident. I am afraid that the entire Meteor Palace would also be destroyed. He quickly bowed and said, "Master Qiu Gu, the old man is afraid that my little girl is ignorant and cannot serve Master Qiu Gu."

Qiu Jinghuan looked at Wei Ziqian who was bending down in front of him, and was very proud. He said: "Whether the service is good or not depends on your daughter's ability. The service is not good. I will be fine-tuned at that time. You can rest assured. . I think the sixth day of this month is a good day. Three days later, I will send someone to meet me at the Meteor Palace. Please hurry up! I have to greet other guests!"

what? Three days later!

Wei Ziqian was shocked, and then the shock turned into resentment, but he dared not show anything, and he only walked aside with a sullen complexion, found a seat and sat down, his face gray, thinking about how to spend it Overcome this difficulty.

He even thought about killing Qiu Jinghuan directly, even if he struggled with his old fate, he would not allow his daughter to be tainted by such treacherous villains. But this restaurant has gathered a lot of distracting masters, so many people have paid attention to his actions. Once he shoots to kill someone, someone will stop him, he is not sure to kill Qiu Jinghuan.

Qiu Jinghuan looked at Wei Ziqian, who was sitting in the corner with hatred, and sneered: "Old guy, I heard that you killed a lot of Yumon demons on the battlefield this time, waiting for me to kill your daughter Get it, use your daughter as a threat, and kill you, then your soul point will be mine too!"

Qiu Jinghuan smiled in a venomous manner. He even dared to kill his master. What could a so-called father-in-law do?

In the next half hour, some elders came to congratulate each other. Qiu Jinghuan stood at the door with arrogance and faced everyone with his head in the face and no one in his eyes. , The tone of speech is also very polite.

Although these guests looked down on Qiu Jinghuan from the bottom of their hearts, they did not dare to show it. Even if they were insulted by Qiu Jinghuan, they could only smile to each other.

"Elder Tian Jiancheng is here!"

A loud voice rang in the crowd, and the entire street suddenly became quiet. The crowd suddenly gave way to a crowd, and a spirited white-haired old man slowly walked towards Ruyi Restaurant under the crowd of divided gods. Coming.

The old man has a ruddy complexion and a magnificent temperament, but it seems to have a sense of immortality. A calm and restrained atmosphere circulates faintly, which shocks the people around him and makes people awe-inspiring.

Tian Jiancheng, the ninth heaven, is now a pivotal figure in the realm, and is called the first person under the robbery period!

He had just appeared, and everyone was awe-inspiring. If Jian Cheng was called the first person under the robbery stage today, his name would naturally resemble thunder, and no one dared to disrespect him.

"Strange." Muyu stared at Tian Jiancheng softly in the crowd.

"What's wrong?" Xiaoshuai asked.

Mu Yu shook his head, he always felt something strange in Tian Jiancheng. Once in Qingshui City, Tian Jiancheng was arrogant and arrogant, and was later controlled by the southward demon soul, becoming a chess piece that Xiangnan was inserted in the Tianxingmen.

Because Tian Jiancheng, possessed by the demon soul, knew Mu Yu, so Mu Yu planned to use him to enter the Star Gate. But Muyu had seen some people possessed by demon souls. Their eyes were more or less filled with a trace of demon beast wildness, but when Muyu saw Tian Jiancheng, they found Tian Jiancheng and other demon souls. The person controlling is different.

Tian Jiancheng looks like a normal self-cultivator. He raises his hands and throws himself in the style of a predecessor, even his eyes are no different from normal people. Anyone who sees Tian Jiancheng will treat him as a mature and stable master.

Mu Yu didn't want to understand, but Tian Jiancheng was now walking towards Ruyi Restaurant with a smile on his face.

At the entrance of Ruyi Restaurant, Qiu Jinghuan, who was pretentious and unprecedented in his eyes, heard Tian Jiancheng coming, and immediately changed to a humble and flattering look. This look changed quickly and naturally on his face, without any abruptness, as if This is a natural skill.

"Disciples visit Master, and wish Master a happy life and a healthy life, and immortal power forever!"

Qiu Jinghuan stepped forward in two and two steps, knelt down on the ground, and buried his head on the ground, completely without the arrogance of the talent, as if he were a humble and obedient good apprentice.

Many people are also disgusted with Qiu Jinghuan's different attitudes before and after, but they have to admit that every movement of Qiu Jinghuan is just right, as if he really regarded Tian Jiancheng as his master. . I am afraid that it is his ability to please others that will make his master and brother relax their vigilance and successfully realize the plan to kill the master.

Tian Jiancheng walked to Qiu Jinghuan and stopped, nodding slightly: "We must keep our promise when doing things at the Star Gate. Since you have already set your merits on the battlefield and exchanged enough soul points to become my apprentice, then in the future you Then follow the battlefield to kill the enemy well and make a contribution to the realm."

Tian Jiancheng's speech sounded approachable, and there was no shelf, which made people feel twice as good. Everyone thought that this person was worthy of being called the first person under the robbery period. This kind of temperament is indeed enough to bear this title.

"Disciples keep in mind Master’s teachings, and they will follow Master’s example in the future and do their utmost to swear to follow Master, behead and kill Youmon Demon Race, and seek benefits for the real world!"

Qiu Jinghuan said these words sincerely, if not everyone around him knew the character of this person, I am afraid he would really take what he said seriously.

Do you want to follow Master? Huh, the bones of the Golden Wolf Daoist are not yet cold~www.wuxiaspot.com~He can't wait to worship others as a teacher.

Everyone secretly scolded Qiu Jinghuan in their hearts.

"Get up!" Tian Jiancheng said lightly.

"Thank you Master!" Qiu Jinghuan stood up from the ground and stooped in front of Tian Jiancheng. "Master, please!"

Tian Jiancheng walked towards Ruyi Restaurant in a big step, and Qiu Jinghuan always maintained a courteous attitude, and did not dare to be negligent.

The people around discussed it again. Tian Jiancheng's words undoubtedly gave everyone a dose of stimulant. It seems that no matter what means everyone uses to collect soul points, the eight people will choose to turn a blind eye. Even if they strictly prohibit fratricidal killings at the beginning, it is only because rumors that Qiu Jinghuan bullied the master to destroy the ancestors are only rumours, and there is no conclusive evidence to prove Qiu Jinghuan’s crime.

"Just accepted one of the apprentices beside me. Can the master be really at ease?" Mu Yu said indifferently.

Qiu Jinghuan can kill his first master for the benefit. Who ensures that he will not kill a master again for the benefit?

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