A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 101: Identity unified, expectations come true, aircraft carrier upgraded!

Netizens are really crazy!

Because the announcement from the National Academy of Sciences is:

"Dear netizens, we would like to inform you that we do not accept such unwarranted slander and slander when countries such as China accuse our classmates of destroying and stealing cultural relics in their countries!"

The content of the announcement seems a bit puzzling at first glance and does not admit anything.

But from another perspective, the announcement did not deny that they are not the same person.

Moreover, at such a special time and topic, such an announcement was suddenly issued, and only one classmate was mentioned in the whole process, indicating that he did not accept such accusations without evidence. This is worth pondering.

In addition, Wang Guang's personal authentication number suddenly went online, and he immediately liked the comment "I hope the classmate boss and the cultural relics boss are the same person", and then posted a hand-sliding emoticon.

This directly made netizens understand the meaning of this announcement!

The cultural relics boss and the classmate boss are indeed the same person!

The reason why the notice was written in a fog is because the official level must not admit that the two of them are the same person, otherwise the charges contained in the wanted notice issued by the state will be implemented.

Hope comes true!


The popularity of the hot search topic skyrocketed in an instant, so much so that it crashed the server of the largest social app in the country!

Really collapsed!

The server immediately lost contact!

Although the relevant technicians immediately started repairs and returned to normal within a few minutes, there were still a lot of complaints.

"Damn it, what kind of junk software is this? Can it crash?"

"It's really rubbish. I think it's better to ask your classmates to make a better app for you!"

"Haha, this junk software is not worthy of being personally handled by the classmate boss. I declare that I am now a brainless fan of the classmate boss!"

"It's so exciting. It's really exciting. The two bosses are the same person. The two idols I admire and love the most are the same person! Who can understand this feeling!"

"I'm so excited now that my mother asked me if I was possessed!"

"Hey, since the two bosses are one person, we can feel more at ease. Although the classmate boss is now in Bumei's country, with the strength of the classmate boss, the guys from Bumei want to catch the classmate boss That’s a dream!”

"...Ahem, people upstairs, don't talk nonsense, who said this was done by our classmate?"

"Hehe, it's good that we know some things well. If we say it openly, wouldn't it give the unattractive guys an excuse?"

"That's right, that's right. This is obviously a mysterious person full of love and justice who can't stand the unsightly behavior of bullies, so he should act like a hero!"


Netizens were all extremely excited, but they all tacitly denied that it was a classmate who was stealing cultural relics in the beautiful country!

As long as you don't admit it, then the charges in the wanted notice issued by the United States are purely slander and rumors!

Although people in the United States are very angry, they really cannot take any further official action without any substantive evidence.

So a tough death order was issued from the ugly official building, and people must be caught!

Just when the Bumei official issued the order, Lin Yang got some prompts from the system.

"Congratulations to the host, because your dual idol identity has been made public in your country, you are crazily worshiped by the people of your country, and you are regarded as a super idol hero. You will receive a hundred reputation points as a reward!"

"Congratulations to the host, because your dual identity has been combined into one, and you have been wildly worshiped and admired. Your influence in your country has been greatly improved. This time, your reputation value has been increased fifty-fold, and the reputation value you have obtained has been increased to 5,000 points. "

"Your current reputation value is 7171 points!"

"Congratulations to the host, since your accumulated reputation value has exceeded 5,000 points, you have gained one achievement point."

"Congratulations to the host, because you have gained 5,000 reputation points in a single time for the first time, you have received a special passive trigger item - a reputation value double card."

"Remarks: This card allows you to double the next time you obtain reputation points in a single time during the final settlement stage of reputation points!"

"Attention to the host: The effect of this card is passive trigger. Please make relevant plans for the host."


The system's rewards made Lin Yang's eyes widen.

The reputation reward has increased fifty times!

I received over 5,000 reputation points in one go!

Such an exaggerated amount made him feel that it was the right decision to let the Academy of Sciences announce his identity just now!

Although even if it is not announced, whether it is the reputation he gets as a classmate boss or the reputation he gets as a cultural relics boss, he will be rewarded.

But obviously, it is not as cost-effective as combining the two into one!

He just announced his identity and got so many rewards without doing anything.

It is conceivable that if you do something else, you will probably get even more rewards!

As for the last tip, let him plan...

Lin Yang's eyes flashed.

Based on these experiences, it seems that reputation points can be obtained as long as the things he does can have a great impact.

If you want to plan, next time it is best to either come up with some technological products or technologies that can shock the world, or to announce news that will also make everyone in the country extremely excited.

In this case, the effect of this reputation double card can be utilized to the greatest extent.

It's not a problem to get technology or products. Now his national treasure is worth nearly 170,000, which can be exchanged for super technological products.

Especially now, netizens are still expecting him to come up with advanced mobile phones.

If we release a mobile phone, meet the expectations of netizens and release other super technological products at the same time, we will definitely gain a lot of reputation points.

Of course, if it were announced that he was about to return to China and reveal his identity, the amount of reputation points he would receive would probably explode.

However, the time is not yet ripe to return to China.

At least, it would be best not to return to China until the title of Most Wanted Criminal is revoked.

With this title, when he works in other countries, the national treasure value he gets will be doubled as a reward. He cannot waste such a good opportunity easily.

Therefore, in the end, Lin Yang decided to satisfy the expectations of netizens first and get them a mobile phone.

As for super technological products.

"Actually, it doesn't have to be a super technological product. If it's too advanced, it can't be used at the moment. It's better to upgrade the things that are currently lacking in the country, so that netizens can intuitively understand and understand it!"

After thinking for a moment, Lin Yang made a decision.

That is - upgrade the aircraft carrier!


It's an aircraft carrier group!

In the three domains of water, land and air, there are currently classmate intercontinental missiles stationed on land, and Superstar fighters are rampant in the sky.

All it takes is water!

As for the improvement of water armed combat power, the most powerful and intuitive one is the aircraft carrier!

The reason why the beautiful country can still maintain the power of the world's largest country is because they have a powerful aircraft carrier group.

If the domestic aircraft carriers are upgraded and transformed, they will be able to dominate the three domains of water, land and air!

By the time……

Thanks to brother KandisMork for the reward, I wish him good luck and a fortune!

Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who read, subscribed and voted!

I wish you all to get rich!

I bow to you!

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