A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 103 Dominate the three domains, fear nothing!

Inside the University of Science and Technology.

Zhao Zizhen also got up and was woken up late at night.

Looking at the three technical documents, everyone was stunned.

"This this……"

In particular, after briefly looking at the information related to the Space Carrier, I couldn't say a complete sentence at all.

Space carrier!

It is a future-level combat weapon!

To put it bluntly, it is something in the imagination.

At present, it is extremely difficult to even build an aircraft carrier, and it will take many years to build one.

Not to mention turning the aircraft carrier into a flying one.

The difficulty increases hundreds of times!

Even the United States currently has no possibility of building an aerospace carrier.

The technical difficulty is too high!

But now, Lin Yang has actually researched the space carrier!

This shock is beyond words.

Although Lin Yang has provided nuclear fusion technology and various super-era technology products before, it stands to reason that they should all have developed strong psychological endurance and adaptability.

But the space carrier is different.

If this thing were built, it would be a real armed force!

It is a super armed force that is visible to the naked eye and has immediate effects!

You know, one of the important criteria for measuring a superpower is whether it has an aircraft carrier!

Even if it only has one aircraft carrier, it will be included in the list of superpowers.

It can be seen that the strategic significance and importance of aircraft carriers.

And this is still based on the fact that the aircraft carrier is limited by the influence of the sea.

If an aircraft carrier can become an aerospace carrier and is no longer restricted by the sea, then...

Zhao Zizhen's body trembled and he didn't dare to think anymore.

Just imagine if the aircraft carrier group could take off.

Then, the huge mothership warship swept across the void, landed directly in an airspace, and various fighter planes rushed out from it to strike!

That scene, that picture, just thinking about it is enough to make one’s scalp numb!

In particular, when people below the airspace look up and see the mothership warship that blocks the sky and the sun, it is difficult for them to dare to even think about fighting for it.

If the space carrier really appeared in today's Blue Star, it would undoubtedly be the product of a dimensionality reduction strike!

No longer restricted by the sea, you can reach anywhere in the world!

The combat power of an aircraft carrier group can be said to be enough to destroy countless small countries in an instant.

Lin Yang, if he comes up with the Space Carrier now, it is not as simple as providing technology.

I'm afraid he's not aiming to dominate the world!

Zhao Zizhen stared at Ye Guhong and the others through a video conference, and they were speechless for a while.

"Ahem, Lao Zhao, you know more about technical things than we do. Do you think an aerospace carrier can be built with our current strength?"

After silence, Ye Guhong asked.

Although Lin Yang put all the technology in front of them, Ye Guhong didn't have much confidence in whether he could really build something like an aerospace carrier.

"This...I can't say, the technology is there, but the material issue is the most critical. Our current industrial system seems to be temporarily unable to meet the needs and standards for manufacturing aerospace carriers." Zhao Zizhen said quietly.

It was difficult to create the technology in front of him, which really made him feel a little embarrassed to speak.

To put it bluntly, it was like Lin Yang put food in their mouths, and they didn't even have the ability to eat it.


so awkward.

"Hey, I used to always wonder when we would become truly powerful, but now it's better. Even with the top super technology in front of us, we can't realize it right away!"

Ye Guhong couldn't help but sigh.

Zhao Zizhen blushed for a moment, then took a look at the aircraft carrier's transformation and upgrading technology, and said slowly:

"There is no need to rush the Space Carrier. One bite will not make you a big fat man. Anyway, we already have the technology. It is only a matter of time before we build it."

"That's true. There is food in hand, no panic in mind, and the technology is already in hand. There is really nothing to be anxious about." Ye Guhong laughed again.

Having technology means having confidence.

In the future, the industrial system will just need to be upgraded in this direction. As long as we follow the steps step by step, we will definitely be able to build this thing!

Zhao Zizhen nodded, then took a deep breath and said: "There is no need to worry about the air and space carrier. For now, we can upgrade the aircraft carrier with the technology given by that person. In this way, we will have the top-notch armed forces in the sea, land and air." , with this, it is enough to dominate the three domains!”

"Even if there is no space carrier, we are not afraid of anything!"

Dominate the three realms!

Fear nothing!

These eight words made Ye Guhong and the others feel numb again!

This has been the dream and pursuit of the entire Shang Xia for many years!

For this goal, countless ancestors have paid endless price and efforts.

Now, it’s finally happening!

Even a person in a high position like Ye Guhong couldn't help but get tears in his eyes at this moment.

The atmosphere fell into a special atmosphere of silence.

There was silence for a long time.

Ye Guhong raised his hand slightly, pretending to be unintentional, and brushed it from the corner of his eye, and said at the same time: "With the technology of the space carrier, will it be a waste to upgrade the aircraft carrier now?"

Hearing this, Zhao Zizhen paused and explained:

"Don't worry, it won't be a waste, because the aircraft carrier upgrade and transformation technology he gave us, after our industrial system catches up with it in the future, and some power devices are added, it can immediately become a second-level flying carrier. "

Having said this, Zhao Zizhen glanced in the direction of the beautiful country and said slowly:

"That person has already considered this for us in advance. Therefore, not only is there no waste, it is also necessary for us to increase the number of aircraft carriers and build an aircraft carrier group as soon as possible."


After Zhao Zizhen finished speaking, Wang Guang on the side couldn't help but let out a low cry and said subconsciously:

"Teacher, we now have more advanced space carrier technology. Is it necessary to continue building aircraft carriers?"

Hearing this, Zhao Zizhen laughed immediately: "Are you trying to say that since we have more advanced technology, why not just save the resources and build the aerospace carrier directly?"

"Yes." Wang Guang nodded.

"Haha, you are a little younger after all, and your vision is a little worse."

Zhao Zizhen first laughed and cursed, and then explained:

"Not to mention building an aircraft carrier now, adding a power plant in the future will make it a second-level flying carrier."

"In terms of consumption and maintenance alone, the cost of an aerospace carrier is hundreds or even thousands of times that of an aircraft carrier. You can't just use the aerospace carrier for small things, right?"

"Furthermore, we have a large number of civilian merchant ships conducting trade in the sea area. It is also necessary to build a few more aircraft carriers to escort them in the sea area."

"Uh... the teacher is thoughtful." Wang Guang touched his head awkwardly.

"Okay, whether it is to transform the aircraft carrier or upgrade the space carrier, it will take some time. Now, let's promote mobile phones first!"

Zhao Zizhen made arrangements directly after listening to the content of Wang Guang's conversation with Lin Yang just now.

"Since that person specifically mentioned that he wanted to announce this news, you should start a live broadcast now and show the relevant function information of your phone!"

"At the same time, it is also announced that we have more advanced aircraft carrier technology and a future-level combat weapon air and space carrier!"

"Tonight is destined to be our sleepless night!"

"is teacher!"

Wang Guang took the order and started the live broadcast directly.

As the live broadcast starts.

Netizens were instantly excited!

Thanks to Brother Fusang for the 1666 coins and 100 coins for the rewards, and thanks to Brother 20230525868062, the book friend, and Brother Short-Seller for the rewards. Xiaohu is flattered and honored. I wish the three brothers to get rich every year, get rich every day, and all the best!

I also wish all the big brothers and sisters who read and support get rich! ! !

Make me rich!

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