"Dear netizens, we have just received the latest notification that our colleagues at the Cultural Heritage Bureau have received a total of 539,371 cultural relics donated by anonymous overseas persons!"

When Wang Guang spoke, netizens were instantly shocked!

"More than 539,000 cultural relics?"

"Did I hear correctly?"

"Damn it, the big classmate brought back so many cultural relics for us at once?!"

There are nearly 540,000 cultural relics. Such a huge number has shocked the entire Internet.

"Is this a lot? You know, Western countries stole more than 20 million cultural relics from us back then! This is just a small part!"

Some netizens also explained why they thought there were so many cultural relics brought back.

"Ahem, don't get me wrong. What I mean is that I didn't expect that the big classmate would get back so much at once. After all, the few times he took action, it was estimated to be only about 200,000 pieces. I didn't expect that it would be doubled. more than!"

"Yes, it seems that we have really underestimated those damn guys who are not beautiful. At least half of them are hidden by the private wealthy!"

"They really deserve to die!"

Netizens became more and more angry as they chatted.

That’s more than 20 million pieces!

Not more than two thousand pieces, not more than 20,000 pieces, not even more than two million pieces.

But more than 20 million pieces!

What a heart-wrenching number this is!

"I really hope that the classmate boss can get all the cultural relics back one day!"

"Don't worry, there will definitely come a day, even if the big classmate can't travel to every corner of the world by himself."

"But when our aerospace carrier is built and the mothership swarms are overwhelming each country, I believe that all cultural relics will definitely return to the embrace of the motherland!"

“I’m really looking forward to that day coming!”

Netizens are looking forward to it, and at the same time, attentive netizens discovered another detail.

"Ahem, but having said that, have you noticed that this time, more than 500,000 cultural relics have been returned in less than a day since the big boss took them out? In the past, there was a gap between the time when they were taken out and when the Cultural Relics Bureau announced that they had received the donation. I stayed there for a few days, but today, I came back in the blink of an eye!"

"you mean……"

"Don't you understand this? This means that the classmate must have developed some kind of high-tech stealth transport aircraft. It can be so fast, and it can also avoid the radar surveillance of the ugly country and directly transport the cultural relics. came back!"

"I'll go. When you say that, it seems true."

"Classmate boss Niubi!"

"And this time, the classmate boss brought the cultural relics back so quickly. I guess he also deliberately wanted to slap him in the face!"

"Before, it took a few days to transport the cultural relics back, but this time the cultural relics were taken away by the front foot, and the cultural relics were transported back directly by the back foot. This was clearly aimed at the one with bad hair who said that the classmate boss could not leave their country. The wanted notice came."

"Haha, don't tell me, it's really possible. I didn't post a wanted notice saying that I will definitely catch my classmate's boss before he leaves the country, and I will never let the classmate's boss have any chance to leave their country. !”

"But now the classmate boss has just shown it to them. Even if the cultural relics are transported back from under their noses, they will not be able to discover it and they will not be able to stop it!"

"This slap in the face is so painful!"

"Hahaha, hundreds of thousands of cultural relics have been brought back, and you can't even notice if they are not beautiful. Now let's see how they have the nerve to say that their own national border defense is stronger!"


As the reasons for Lin Yang's late-night transport of cultural relics were analyzed, many netizens became more and more excited as they chatted.

However, unlike the happiness of everyone in the country, everyone here in the United States, and even in the entire Western countries, is feeling heavy and ugly at this moment!

Live broadcast starts early in the morning and late at night in China!

Sci-fi mobile phone!

Aircraft carrier modification and upgrade!

And...space carrier!

Three technical products, one more exaggerated than the other!

The mobile phone is okay, although it is too ahead of the times, but the worst thing is to give up the mobile phone business, and the money lost can be earned elsewhere.

But the aircraft carrier transformation and upgrade are different!

The aircraft carrier represents the most powerful armed force in the entire Blue Star.

It can be said that aircraft carrier is synonymous with the strongest armed force.

Although the specific upgrade and transformation information was not disclosed in detail, it can be imagined that the transformation technology came from the hands of that mysterious classmate, so it will definitely be a huge improvement.

The country is already strong enough, but currently it only has a slightly smaller number of aircraft carriers.

If there is another upgrade and transformation, no one in the West can imagine how powerful domestic aircraft carriers will be in the future!

And this is actually not unacceptable. No matter how powerful the aircraft carrier is upgraded, they have no fear at all when the Western countries join forces.

However, when they heard that China had mastered the manufacturing technology of space carriers, the senior officials of the United States and Western countries were really frightened!

It’s also a bit broken!

Space carrier! !

They can't imagine how they will deal with it if a space carrier is really built in China!

"No! No, we must not let Shang Xia easily build a space carrier!"

A high-ranking official from the beautiful country slammed the table and roared with a gloomy look on his face.

"Don't let them create it? But they have mastered the relevant technology, how to stop it?" Kotaka-chan's eyes also looked sinister.

"Hmph, so what if you master the technology? As long as you don't have enough resources and materials, you won't be able to create a finished product even if you have the technology!"

There was a deep coldness in the eyes of the unattractive senior management.

"As long as we don't sell relevant resources to them, they will never build a space carrier!"

"I propose that from now on, stop selling aircraft carrier-related resources!"

These words immediately lifted the spirits of the top leaders of each country, and they agreed to the proposal without hesitation!

Because today is an international society, even if you want to manufacture a slightly more complex component, hundreds of industrial chain manufacturers, large and small, are involved from upstream to downstream.

Especially for high-tech technological products, no country in the world can produce them solely with its own domestic resources!

The space carrier is certainly terrifying, but as long as they block the relevant manufacturing resources, even if there is no technology in the country, it will be difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without straw!

Although it may not be able to completely prevent the domestic construction of space carriers, even if it can delay some time, it is worth it for them!

Then, the United States took the lead and directly issued a notice to suspend the export of some resources!

Although the notice states that exports are suspended due to temporary shortages of these related materials in several countries.

But these resources are all related to the production of aircraft carrier series. This suddenly made everyone in the country understand the true intention of their announcement!

"Fuck, Mad! These guys are smashing it! These are all things used to build aircraft carriers. We just announced that we will upgrade aircraft carriers and build space carriers, and they directly stopped exporting related resources. This is clearly targeting us. of!"

"They couldn't stop us technically, so they started with resources. Haha, this is in line with their usual style!"

"How despicable!"

Domestic netizens instantly cursed.

"Everyone, actually, there is no need to be so angry, because if you think about it from another angle, they are scared!"


"Yes, they are afraid!"

"Everyone can think about it. We have created so many things here before, but they have not announced a ban on related resource exports. Why are they rushing to issue an announcement banning trade this time?"

"Because this time they are really scared! They are scared from the bottom of their hearts!"

"Afraid of our aircraft carrier!"

"I'm even more afraid that we can build a space carrier!"

"Aircraft carriers are synonymous with the planet's strongest armed forces, let alone future-level combat weapons like space carriers!"

"They don't dare to let us create these things easily!"

Thanks to Brother Ling'er for the reward of 1,666 coins. Xiaohu is flattered. Thanks to Brother Andy for the reward of 588 coins. Thanks to Brother Yimao and Brother Yucheng for the reward, which made the four brothers spend a lot of money. I wish all the brothers good luck and fortune! Bow to big brother!

I would also like to thank all the brothers and sisters who have read, subscribed and supported. I wish you all to be rich and prosperous every year!

Bow to big brother!

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