A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1005 Poaching

After drilling through the small hole, the cold wind blew by, and Lu Fei couldn't help but shudder.

After walking more than ten meters, I looked back at the entrance of the cave. Combining the position of the Big Dipper with the current time, I already knew the approximate position.

Looking around, Lu Fei was overjoyed and saw two huge rocks more than three meters high standing on the mountain surface 20 meters away to the south.

He turned back, left a secret mark on the big tree opposite the cave entrance, and then drilled in again along the cave entrance.

Once inside, use special techniques to disguise the small hole.

After everything was done, regardless of those big treasures, Lu Fei quickly returned the same way.

When I arrived, I walked and searched for it, which took more than half an hour.

When returning, it only took Lu Fei ten minutes to reach the narrowest and most difficult section of the road.

Once here, Lu Fei untied the rope around his waist.

Hold the crystal box firmly in your hand, wrap the rope around again, and then carefully move it out bit by bit.

Seeing the light of day again, Lu Fei disguised the entrance of the cave in the tree roots.

I took out the high-density foam, carefully packed the crystal box, and ran all the way with my big bag on my back.

Before the wake-up call sounded, Lu Fei finally returned to his tent without any danger.


I haven’t been alone for a long time, it’s so damn exciting!

Take off your clothes and apply trauma medicine to the bruised skin.

Lu Fei was about to take a rest when a burst of cheers came from outside.

After changing their clothes and walking out of the tent, the Zhulong team members who had just gotten up to wash up cheered and ran towards the entrance of the base with their teeth and claws open.

"Team Cui is back."

"We, Zhulong, have completed our mission and are back!"

"Team Cui is awesome, Team Zhang is mighty!"

"The candle dragon is mighty!"

"Zhulong will win!"

Lu Fei looked around and saw six young men in camouflage walking towards this side, surrounded by more than a dozen soldiers.

Needless to say, these are the six members of Zhulong who participated in the first subject.

But the condition of these six people is a bit miserable.

The whole body was covered with dust, and the dirty camouflage uniform was stained with sweat.

unshaven face

, a big-faced boy.

Each one of them was stumbling and embarrassed.

At the same time, the boss of the Five Dragons also heard the cheers and came out.

Lu Fei and the five bosses looked at each other and smiled at Mo Jianfei.

"Congratulations, Captain Mo, your soldiers are great!"

Mo Jianfei laughed proudly.

"They are indeed outstanding, but they are far behind compared to you."

"Instructor Lu, are you interested in coming to Zhulong?"

"As long as you agree, I will make a report in person, and the treatment will be at least one level higher than Xuanlong."

"Hey, you are poaching in front of me. Old Mo, you don't want to be around anymore, do you?" Su Donghai shouted.

"Lao Su, don't scare me, I'm not afraid of you."

"How about poaching?"

"I feel that it is more suitable for Lu Fei to come to Zhulong than to Xuanlong."

"Don't yell at me. You're so anxious. I really dare to react to the commander-in-chief." Mo Jianfei said.

"Do you want to show some face?"

"Who was bragging and glaring at Lu Fei yesterday?"

"It's only been one night, and your attitude, Lao Mo's, has turned 180 degrees."

"Do you still have a position, do you still have principles?"

"Do you want some more Bilian?"


"Stop talking about the ozone layer."

"Yesterday was yesterday, today is today."

"The earth has already rotated once, why don't you allow me to change my attitude?"

"I'll leave it here now. As long as Lu Fei is willing to come to Zhulong, the position of deputy captain and chief instructor will be his."

"As for shame, it doesn't matter!"


"You are so fucking shameless!"

While they were talking, everyone gathered around the Zhulong team members

Already coming close.

The six team members cheered up and walked in line in front of Mo Jianfei. Boss Mo immediately stopped smiling and became serious.

The leading team members trotted out and stood at attention to salute.

"Report to Team Mo!"

"The first subject of the Zhulong Brigade completed the task one day ahead of schedule, reporting to you!"

"Please advise!"


"Good job, brothers."

"Go back to rest and adjust, and train the team as usual in the afternoon!"


After Mo Jianfei returned the gift, the six Zhulong players immediately relaxed.

Cui Zhenshan said with excitement.

"Captain Mo, I didn't embarrass you!"

"Zhang Song came up with the idea that the six of us would work as temporary loaders at the dock."

"In two days, everyone made eight hundred yuan."

"Then we took a hard seat and reversed to Tianducheng, and the remaining money was just enough to make it to Shanhaiguan."

"When I got off the train at Shanhaiguan, I happened to meet a truck bound for Harbin."

"We got into the cargo box and arrived in Mudanjiang without spending a penny."

"Fortunately, I returned to the team the day before, and the 10,000 points must belong to our Zhulong."

Cui Zhenshan thought that with his boss's temper, after he finished speaking, the boss would definitely laugh and praise him.

But to his disappointment, instead of laughing, Mo Jianfei's face turned red and full of embarrassment.

Cui Zhenshan looked around and asked in confusion.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?"

"We are the first to return to the team, why don't you seem very happy?"



"With our Xuanlong here, when will it be your turn, Cui Bangchui, to be number one?"

Before Mo Jianfei could speak, a strange female voice sounded from behind him.

Hearing this voice, Cui Zhenshan suddenly got goosebumps.

Looking back, I saw that it was indeed Li Shengnan, a female giant insect.

Usually Cui Zhenshan's head hurts when he sees Li Shengnan, but now that he sees this giant Buddha, Cui Zhenshan feels even worse.

He blinked his eyes as if he had seen a ghost, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Mother, Li Shengnan, you, when did you return to the team?" Cui Zhenshan asked in surprise.


"We've been back for three days."

"I've eaten well and slept well these past three days, not to mention how wonderful I am."

"The only drawback is that my arms and legs are itchy and I want to find someone to practice with."

"It's a pity that you bunch of losers have only come back now. I'm so disappointed."


"Li Shengnan, you are talking nonsense!"

"We worked as stevedores for two days to earn half of our travel expenses."

"With two women on your team, how can you make money faster than us?"

"You must have quit midway and failed to complete the task, right?" Cui Zhenshan yelled.


"You have the nerve to show off when you carry a big bag at the dock?"

"You can make money faster by just using your toes to think of a way than you can by working as a stevedore."

"I worked so hard for two days to earn half of my travel fare, and I still had to steal the train. It's really embarrassing for Wu Long."

"Do you think they are a railway guerrilla?" Li Shengnan said, rolling his eyes.


"Li Shengnan, please stop making sarcastic remarks."

"No matter what, we will complete the mission and come back one day early."

"This is ten thousand times better than your deserters who quit midway." Cui Zhenshan shouted.


"Who told you we didn't complete the mission?"

"To tell you the truth, making money is not easy for us."

"We made millions in just half a day, and spent 130,000 that afternoon to fly back on a luxury charter plane."

"That feeling, not to mention how great it is!"

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