A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1009 Challenge

Cui Zhenshan is going to compete with Lu Fei, which is very exciting.

When the news spread, everyone from the entire base came to watch, and even the master chef from the cooking class came over wearing an apron to look at him.

Hundreds of people gathered together, forming two cheering groups.

Because Lu Fei refused to prepare meals and medicines for Si Long equally, the Si Long team members all resented Lu Fei.

So these people naturally supported Cui Zhenshan.

I wish Cui Zhenshan would beat Lu Fei to the ground so that they could relieve their hatred.

The Xuanlong players naturally supported their instructors.

Regardless of whether you are convinced in your heart or not, we must be unanimous in dealing with major issues of right and wrong.

There are also the cooks in the cooking class. They have been taking advantage of Lu Fei for the past two days and have been very good at making delicacies and game.

Drinking water remembers its source, of course I support Lu Fei.

However, the cooking team and Xuanlong team members together only have about thirty people.

Compared with Cui Zhenshan's cheering group, the difference is really huge.

Xuanlong's side was shouting out his tonsils, but unfortunately it was dwarfed by the cheers from the other side that echoed through the sky.

Comparing the two, Lu Fei was seriously at a disadvantage in terms of momentum.

However, Lu Fei didn't care at all. He stood proudly and his expression remained calm.

On the other hand, Cui Zhenshan was completely excited by the deafening shouts.

After finishing the stance, before taking action, he opened his arms and punched his chest several times. His whole body was extremely excited.

"Instructor Lu, are you ready?"

"No need to prepare, I'll be fine at any time."

"Then I'm going to take action?"

"bring it on."


After shouting kill, Cui Zhenshan frowned and stared, with veins bulging on his forehead.

Clenching his steel teeth, a chicken step suddenly jumped out from under his feet and pounced on Lu Fei like a tiger descending from the mountain.

Spectators on both sides raised their arms and shouted, cheering for the side they supported.

It was said that it was both sides, but Xuanlong's voice could hardly be heard.

The whole place was filled with cheers for Cui Zhenshan.

"Come on, Boss Cui!"


br\u003e “Boss Cui is mighty!”

"Boss Cui"


The deafening cheers lasted less than two seconds and ended abruptly.

Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief, and their jaws dropped.

what reason?

Because the battle in the field is over.

Cui Zhenshan bared his teeth and claws and pounced on Lu Fei.

When he got in front of Lu Fei, he raised his fist as big as a sandbag and smashed it into Lu Fei's temple.

But his fist was still a foot away from Lu Fei, and he suddenly felt his feet tripped.

This force was not too strong, but it made Cui Zhenshan completely lose his center of gravity.

The whole person flew out and hit the ground hard, and his two front teeth were knocked out.

At this moment, everyone around him was stunned, and Cui Zhenshan directly doubted his life.

Lu Fei came to Cui Zhenshan with his hands behind his back and said with a smile.

"Captain Cui, many brothers are watching, you don't need to give me face like this!"


"Lu Fei, don't be so arrogant. I wasn't ready just now, so it doesn't count." Cui Zhenshan said with a red face.

Lu Fei smiled and nodded.

"I know this is not your true level. Get up and fight again."


Cui Zhenshan was so embarrassed and angry that he stood up like a carp, took two trot steps, jumped high, and kicked Lu Fei's head with a high-side kick.

Lu Fei dodged sideways, and before Cui Zhenshan could reach the ground, he kicked Cui Zhenshan with lightning speed, right on Cui Zhenshan's butt.

Cui Zhenshan's body was hanging in the air. With Lu Fei's kick, Cui Zhenshan completely lost control of his body and flew more than two meters away like a kite with a broken string, hitting the ground heavily.

At this time, everyone in the audience was collectively dumbfounded.

If we were to justify Cui Zhenshan’s defeat in the first round, we could say that Cui Zhenshan was careless and underestimated the enemy, or we could say that Lu Fei was undermining the enemy.


But being killed instantly by Lu Fei in this round is a reflection of Lu Fei's hard power.

Absolutely no rebuttal will be accepted.

Cui Zhenshan, the top five master of the Five Dragons in terms of combat effectiveness, was defeated by Lu Fei's combined strength. The Zhulong team members were shocked and dumbfounded.

On the other side, when the Xuanlong team members saw that the instructor easily won, they all screamed and cheered as excitedly as if they had been given blood.

Yang Yi, who had been watching all this, took a breath of air.

I was extremely lucky to have Cui Bangchui, the unlucky guy, to shield me from the thunder, otherwise I would definitely be the one who was embarrassed.

Damn it!

Thank you to my dear Cui Bangchui, you are so fucking interesting.

Not only them, the five dragon bosses were also surprised.

In the past, they had only heard that Lu Fei was very smart and well-connected, but they didn't expect that Lu Fei had such awesome force value.

Killing Cui Zhenshan instantly with one move is simply unbelievable.

"Team Cui tut tut!"

"What did you say? You are too underestimated!"

"I'm telling you, don't look at me because I'm thin. I'm covered in tendons. Don't be careless!"

"What's that? It doesn't count just now. Get up and fight again!"





When Lu Fei said these words, there were boos all around. Countless people shouted loudly, and even the Xuanlong team members rolled their eyes.

Cui Zhenshan trembled with anger, turned over and stood up, glared at Lu Fei and shouted through gritted teeth.

"Instructor Lu is right, come again!"



"It doesn't count this time, come again!"




"This one doesn't count, come again!"


"I'll kill you!"\u003c



"Get up, everyone is watching, don't embarrass you Zhulong."

"Like a warrior, find a way to defeat me before you do it again!"

"Fuck you!"



After being beaten down by Lu Fei nine times in a row, Cui Zhenshan lay on the ground like a dead dog and could never get up again.


"Instructor Lu is mighty!"

"Xuanlong is invincible!"

"Instructor Lu is mighty!"

"Xuanlong is invincible!"

The Xuanlong players shouted slogans excitedly, but the Zhulong players on the other side wilted like eggplants beaten by frost.

Looking at Cui Zhenshan on the ground, Lu Fei sneered.

"Captain Cui, get up?"

"Since you volunteered to be a teaching material for our Xuanlong, then please be more dedicated, okay?"

"I still have a lot of tricks I haven't used yet!"

"Hey hey, get up hey!"

Lu Fei's sarcasm made the Zhulong team members so angry that even the Zhulong boss Mo Jianfei raised his eyebrows.

Zhang Song, the second captain of Zhulong, shouted and stood up.

"Instructor Lu, I admit that your boxing and kicking skills are outstanding. I, Zhang Song, am self-aware and am no match for you."

"But as a member of the Five Dragons, close combat is only one of the required courses."

"Only those who are excellent in all aspects are worthy of being a member of the Five Dragons."

"I dare to challenge Instructor Lu. I want to compete with you in a five-kilometer cross-country race with heavy loads. Do you dare to challenge?"

Zhang Song raised the challenge. Lu Fei was still calm, but the Zhulong team members on the side were not calm anymore.

It has been twenty-two years since the establishment of the Five Dragons Brigade, and there are more than one or two hundred thousand members among them?

These people are all elites selected by the entire army. There are many experts who are outstanding in special fields, and their records in various fields have been refreshed countless times.

Only the five-kilometer cross-country record with heavy load has been maintained for twelve years, and no one can come close to it until now.

The record holder is none other than Zhang Song, captain of the second brigade.

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