A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1012 Record-breaking

The difficulty of cross-country running with a weight of 38 kilograms is far beyond Zhang Song's imagination.

Gritting his teeth and insisting on moving at a slow speed, he moved less than a thousand meters, and Lu Fei had already trapped him five times.

The huge gap made Zhang Song's supporters instantly mute, but Xuanlong's side shouted loudly.

Looking at the disappointed and disbelieving looks in his team members' eyes, Zhang Song felt ashamed and angry.

I wanted to catch up with all my strength, but unfortunately my feet felt like they were filled with lead weights, and I was completely unable to do so.

While talking, Lu Fei came to Zhang Song for the sixth time.

Grinning, revealing a set of neat white teeth, Zhang Song was so angry that he felt dizzy and almost vomited blood.

"Hey, why don't you hurry up?"

"Such a duel is really boring!"

"What's wrong? Can't you run anymore?"

"Shouldn't it?"

"You are the record holder for the five-kilometer cross-country run!"

"A lot of people are watching, please don't be so negative, okay?"

Zhang Song gritted his teeth and glared at Lu Fei, wishing he could swallow Lu Fei alive without even being able to understand his hatred.

"You're not talking again?"

"Beat sex!"

"We are all comrades-in-arms. It's really too much to be so petty, let me tell you."

"You are so boring. I won't talk to you anymore. Goodbye!"

Lu Fei said and sped away.

Reluctantly raising his head to look at Lu Fei's back, and then looking at the disappointed look in his own eyes, Zhang Song felt a twinge of pain in his heart.

Zhang Song was worried, gritted his teeth and tried his best to speed up.

But when he accelerated for more than ten meters with all his strength, his vision suddenly went dark, and he fell sprawled out.

Exhausted and desperate, Zhang Song suddenly fainted.

Mo Jianfei was startled and quickly sent someone to rescue him.

After checking, I found that Zhang Song was just exhausted, and I was relieved.

Zhang Song fell, but Lu Fei didn't stop and kept walking faster and faster.

After four kilometers, Lu Fei still showed no sign of slowing down. Such abnormal strength shocked the entire audience.


Soldiers respect the strong the most.

Lu Fei's strength was reflected. In addition to being shocked, he also won everyone's respect.

Not only the Xuanlong players and the cooks, but also the other Four Dragons players raised their arms and cheered for Lu Fei.

The five dragon bosses were equally excited.

Having such a pervert as a role model will definitely play a positive role in motivating other team members in the future.

The five bosses' nervous palms were sweaty. They looked at Lu Fei who was walking swiftly and glanced at the timer.

If Lu Fei can run a pretty impressive result, not only within Wulong, but also when he goes to the military headquarters for a meeting some other day, he will be able to brag about his awesomeness.

But just when people were full of expectations, after 4,500 meters, Lu Fei stopped in front of Su Donghai amid the cheers of the audience.

Lu Fei stood still and did something unexpected by everyone.

This guy actually slowly took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it up coolly.

Take a deep breath, and two mist clouds come out from your nostrils.

Seeing this scene, everyone opened their mouths in disbelief!

Lu Fei actually lit up a cigarette?

Damn it!

Carrying a weight of 38 kilograms and running at a rapid speed of 4.5 kilometers, this guy can still smoke!

Is this still a fucking human being?

How much lung capacity does it take to do this?

Seeing Lu Fei smoking, Su Donghai's nose became angry.

"Lu Fei, you don't want to fucking live anymore, do you?"

"Throw away the cigarette quickly!"

"Boss Su, I'm fine!"

"It's okay Hammer, this is an order." Su Donghai roared hysterically.

"have to!"

"Don't make any noise, why don't I just throw it away?"

"Lu Fei, why did you stop?"

"Five hundred more

Mi, if you keep persisting, we're videotaping the whole process! Yang Zhenhuai said eagerly.

"Well, don't make any noise first. I just want to ask what Zhang Song's record is?" Lu Fei said.


When Lu Fei asked, the five bosses were confused at the same time. ??

"Eighteen minutes and forty-two seconds, why do you ask this?" Su Donghai asked.

"How much time have I spent now?" Lu Fei asked.

"You now have a time of seventeen minutes and one second."

"Originally, you might have broken Zhang Song's record, but now that you stop, there's no chance." Mo Jianfei said.

"That's not necessarily true. How will you know if you don't try."

"You guys chat, I'm leaving!"

Lu Fei said, turned around and ran away.

When running this time, Lu Fei's speed increased several levels again.

Running fast with a propeller-like pace, the soldiers could even clearly feel the strong wind when passing by people.

After one hundred meters, Su Donghai looked at the timer and screamed as if he had seen a ghost.

"I go!"

"Twelve seconds and thirty-three, how the hell is this possible?"

No wonder Su Donghai was shocked, this result was too abnormal.

You know, the Olympic 100-meter world record is still nearly ten seconds away, and Lu Fei achieved this result after running 4,500 meters!

What's more important is that Lu Fei is still carrying a load of 38 kilograms.

This is such a fucking pervert.

No, this is no longer a human, this is a live animal!

"Come on, instructor!"

"Instructor Lu, hurry up!"

"Instructor Lu is mighty!"

"Instructor Lu is invincible!"

In the last two hundred meters, Lu Fei's speed still continued unabated.

With the last 100 meters left, Lu Fei accelerated again.

The five bosses were so nervous that they were covered in sweat, and the shouts in the audience were deafening.

Even Zhang Song, who had just woken up, forced himself to stand up and applaud Lu Fei.

Zhang Song is not pretending.

After this battle, Zhang Song was convinced of Lu Fei.

Lu Fei is a strong man, a truly strong man who deserves his respect.

"Come on, instructor Lu!"

"Brother Fei, if you work harder, there's still fifty meters left!"

"Come on!"

Thirty meters!

Twenty meters!

Ten meters!

Five meters!

When Lu Fei crossed the finish line with the sound of wind, the shouting stopped suddenly.

There was a quiet group in the audience, and everyone looked at the five big guys in charge of timing.

Su Donghai held the timer tightly and came to Lu Fei's side, grabbed Lu Fei's arm and raised it high, shouting excitedly.

"The result of the five-kilometer cross-country run with a weight of 38 kilograms, Xuanlong instructor Comrade Lu Fei's is"

"Eighteen minutes and twenty-two seconds, which improves the record held by Zhang Song twelve years ago by twenty seconds!"


"Instructor Lu is mighty!"

"Instructor Lu is awesome!"

"Instructor Lu"

The results were reported and the whole audience cheered and celebrated.

The record that had been dusty for twelve years was finally broken today, and the original record was improved by as much as 20 seconds.

Not only that, Lu Fei accomplished this result by carrying 23 kilograms more than when Zhang Song broke the record.

Don’t say that carrying more weight makes no difference, that’s all nonsense!

If nothing else, let’s just say that Zhang Song, the original record holder, didn’t even last one kilometer.

The difficulty can be imagined.

Moreover, Lu Fei also lit a cigarette and chatted with the five bosses for half a minute.

If this part of the time is added, the results will be greatly improved.

Therefore, Lu Fei's score is more valuable than Zhang Song's record.

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