A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1015 Pure Friendship

Duan Yanhong was right, this big bag was perfect for Lu Fei.

In fact, the way Lu Fei looked at this big bag had already become digital.

The bag I used before was designed by Lu Fei himself and customized by Chen Xiang.

Comparing the two bags, the practicality is almost the same.

But if we compare materials, there is no comparison at all, let alone safety.

This bag is fireproof, waterproof, shockproof, explosion-proof, and bulletproof.

And it also has a self-destruct function, which is really awesome.

Lu Fei liked it very much.

"Boss Duan, where did you buy such an awesome bag?" Lu Fei asked. .??.


Duan Yanhong rolled his eyes at Lu Fei and said proudly.

"No matter how rich you are, even if you spend all your foundation, you still can't buy it."

"This is a special warfare equipment package developed by the Academy of Sciences with 13 years of hard work."

"The cost of this kind of package is as high as 1.3 million. The military department thought the cost was too high and did not pass the approval for mass production."

"Two sample packages fell into the hands of the military."

"Three years ago, our Yinglong team performed a mission at the border and achieved first-class merit. I begged for two months before the military boss rewarded me with one."

"I can responsibly tell you that except for the one in the military department, you can't find such an awesome bag in the whole world."

"We buddies hit it off, so I'm going to give it to you."

"Normally Lao Su and the others can't even see him."

"How about it?"

"Brother, is it interesting?"


"So awesome?" Lu Fei asked in surprise.

"That must be awesome!" Duan Yanhong said proudly.

Lu Fei said happily stroking the bag.

"Why did you give me such an expensive bag?"

"You're telling me, we buddies are in love!"

"I know you like collecting. With this bag, you can better protect your collections.

baby. "

"I think this bag can only get its best value when it's in your hands."

"A sword is given to a hero, and this bag is best destined for you." Duan Yanhong said seriously.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"We have only known each other for two days, and we have no friendship at all. Boss Duan, are you so kind?"


"You kid is so filthy."

"Don't bring your shopping mall intrigues here. We soldiers have never been around." Duan Yanhong said.

"So, you don't have any intentions towards me at all?" Lu Fei asked.

"of course not!"

"I give you the bag purely for friendship, without any messy things." Duan Yanhong said seriously.

Lu Fei nodded seriously.

"Boss Duan is interesting enough, so I won't be polite."

Lu Fei said, took out a cigarette and handed it over.

"You accept this cigarette and consider it as a return gift from me."

"It's getting late, you should go back and rest early!"

"thank you!"


"What, I, I'm not sleepy yet!"

"You're not sleepy, I'm sleepy!"

"Competing with Captain Cui and Captain Zhang during the day is too exhausting for me. I'm going to rest early. Let's talk tomorrow."

Lu Fei gave the order to expel the guest, but Duan Yanhong refused to leave, his face flushed with embarrassment.

"What, me"

"Do you have anything else to do?"


"Yes, something happened."

Lu Fei almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

Lu Fei had known for a long time that something was wrong with him, and Duan Yanhong even sent him a package

Lu Fei knew the purpose very well.

It's just that rushing is not a business. If Duan Yanhong doesn't say it, he can't take the initiative.

"Boss Duan, don't have any worries. I'd better speak up."

"If you have anything you can say, as long as I can help, I will never refuse!" .??.

Hearing what Lu Fei said, Duan Yanhong cursed loudly in his heart.

Easy to talk to?

Hammer it!

If you were easy to talk to, why would I use such an awesome bag as a stepping stone?



Damn it!

My bag!

I feel so bad for me!

He cursed in his heart, but in order to ask Lu Fei for help, he had to force a smile.

This taste is really uncomfortable.

"Instructor Lu, I do have something wrong."

"But let me make it clear first that what I am going to ask you for has nothing to do with this bag."

"Because of our friendship, whether you help or not, this bag is yours."

"Since Boss Duan is so open-minded, it's even harder for me to say anything else."

"If you need my help with anything, please let me know." Lu Fei said.

"That's right. What I want to talk about is the medicinal diet."

"The brothers on the front line are suffering so much. Almost everyone has injuries of varying degrees."

"Modern medicine is powerless to deal with these stubborn diseases. As a leader, I feel heartbroken!"

"I implore Instructor Lu to prepare some medicinal food for our Yinglong brothers!"

"On behalf of all the Yinglong players, thank you."

"If you are of use to our Yinglong in the future, we will never frown." Duan Yanhong said excitedly.

"That's it?"

"That's right, just this little requirement is very easy for Instructor Lu." Duan Yanhong said.

Lu Feiheheyi


"Boss Duan, are you serious? Is this a big deal?"

"Didn't I say that after the competition, I will definitely come up with the formula for the medicinal diet?"

"You go back and wait for a few days. I, Lu Fei, will keep my promise."

"Instructor Lu, that's not what I meant."

"I want to ask you to help our Yinglong brothers prepare meals tomorrow."


Duan Yanhong made up his mind to express his request, and Lu Fei, who was originally pleasant, frowned instantly.


Duan Yanhong's heart felt so cold.

It seems that the bag is going to be in vain!

"We are all comrades-in-arms. I have no reason to refuse this matter."

"However, I had already let the word out during the day, and I handed over the formula only after I told Dabi personally."

"If I take it out now, wouldn't I, Lu Fei, be a villain who breaks his word?"

"Besides, if I prepare it for you Yinglong alone, the other three families won't agree."

"If they find out, won't those big guys kill me?"

"No, no, this really won't work!" Lu Fei shook his head and said.

"Instructor Lu, are you worried about the complaints from those three families?" Duan Yanhong asked.

"Of course!"

"I am the instructor of Xuanlong. It is only natural that I prepare medicine and meals for our Xuanlong. No one can say otherwise."

"But you are different."

"For example, if I were to prepare a recipe for Zhulong alone, you wouldn't agree to it even if you knew about it, right?"

"So I."

"Instructor Lu, don't refuse yet. I have a solution for what you're worried about!"


"Boss Duan, what can you do?" Lu Fei asked.

"It's simple. I'll buy the ingredients tomorrow and hand them over to the kitchen. I'll give our Yinglong brothers extra meals in name. The other three families have no reason to object."

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