A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1018 Mongolian God of War

Duan Yanhong asked him to do something for him and gave him an amazing bag. Lu Fei was pleasantly surprised.

Yang Zhenhuai came to give him a Damascus knife, and Lu Fei was shocked.

Judging from the patina and decoration style as well as the sword itself, it is clear that this is a sword from the 13th century Dakai, and its value can scare anyone to death.

If it were found outside, Lu Fei would go crazy with joy, but since Yang Zhenhuai gave it to him, that would be a different matter. ??

In this kind of thing, the value must be clearly stated, otherwise it will be too disturbing if the boss regrets it in the future.

"Captain Yang, do you know what kind of knife this is?"

"Nonsense, of course I know my knife. It's an authentic Damascus knife."

"Captain Yang, can you tell me how you got this knife?"

"Why do you ask this?"

"Just keep it. It's definitely of bright origin and it won't cause you any trouble." Yang Zhenhuai said.

"Captain Yang, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean it that way."

"Of course I have my own reasons for asking you about your origins. Captain Yang, please make it clear." Lu Fei said.

Lighting another cigarette and looking at the knife, Yang Zhenhuai's eyes were full of brilliance.

"This was a trophy seized from a Persian terrorist on a mission abroad five years ago."

"How about this knife? Isn't it a good knife?"

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"Not only is it good, this is a real treasured sword!"

"You only know that this is a Damascus sword, but did you know that this is a treasured sword from the 13th century?"

"To this day, apart from a few museums in the West and a few wealthy family members who have more than a dozen in their hands, it is really rare to see them anywhere else."

"If this Damascus knife were put up for auction, the price would definitely not be less than 80 million."

"Are you really willing to give me such a precious sword?"


"So valuable?"

Yang Zhenhua jumped up when he heard this, his mouth opened wide and his eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

"That's right!"

"This is still a conservative estimate. If we encounter someone like me who really likes it, it will exceed 100 million. It's not new."

"This knife is too valuable, I can't accept it for nothing."

"Do you think this is okay? I'll transfer 80 million to you. How about you sell me this knife?" Lu Fei said.

Yang Zhenhuai was really shocked when he unexpectedly heard the price of 80 million.

Now that he had calmed down, Yang Zhenhuai waved his hands repeatedly.


"A true man cannot stand without faith."

"Since I said I would give it to you, even if it is worth 800 million, I will not regret it."

"I just hope that Instructor Lu will accept the sword and help. I, Lao Yang, will be very grateful."

Lu Fei was shocked after hearing what Yang Zhenhuai said.

True to your word, this is a pure man.

In order to benefit his soldiers, he is willing to give away his beloved things. This is a good leader.

Such a person deserves respect from everyone.

Yang Zhenhuai has said this. If he tries to be pretentious again, he will be suspected of being pretentious.

Lu Fei put the sword on the table, lit a cigarette for Yang Zhenhuai himself and said.

"Then I won't be polite to Captain Yang."

"I will accept the sword. What you said will be done tomorrow."

"Really?" Yang Zhenhuai asked in surprise.

"You are so open-minded, I can't help but be loyal, right?"

"It's no problem to prepare meals."

"But considering the feelings of the other three families, I have to keep you secret." Lu Fei said.

"Don't worry about this. I assure you with my personality that there will be absolutely no problem."

"Okay then, tomorrow you buy the medicinal ingredients and I will prepare the medicinal food for the horned dragon."

"When you purchase medicinal materials"

Lu Fei copied what he told Duan Yanhong, and Yang Zhenhuai nodded frequently.

In the end, the two big hands were tightly clasped together and shook three times before Yang Zhenhuai strode away.

After sending Yang Zhenhuai away, Lu Fei once again picked up the Damascus knife, and he was so excited that he almost cried out.

Lu Fei just told Yang Zhenhuai that this Damascus knife is worth 80 million Shenzhou coins.

This is just the value of the sword itself.

But Lu Feizang did not dare to reveal the true value of this knife because of his conscience.

After quoting a price of 80 million, even if Yang Zhenhuai was reluctant to part with it, he could still spend money to buy it back.

But to tell the true value, Yang Zhanhuai is likely to leave directly with the sword in his arms.

If that happened, Lu Fei would have to sew his mouth shut.

After weighing it again and again, I had no choice but to go against my conscience and apologize.

Where is the real value?

There is a string of Mongolian characters on the handle of the knife.

The row of Mongolian characters wrapped in the Quran is actually a personal name.

Translated into Chinese, this name is Borjijin·Xulewu.

When this name is mentioned, people who don't have a good history will definitely be confused.

But as a military boss like Yang Zhenhua, he must know this name well.

Because this is their counterpart, another god of war in the history of China, and the commander-in-chief of the Western Expedition appointed by Meng Ge of Yuan Xianzong.

Although Xu Liewu is not as famous as Huo Qubing, the undefeated war god of the Western Han Dynasty, in terms of merit and results, Xu Liewu is even better.

Hulagu is the grandson of Genghis Khan Temujin, the sixth son of Torre, and the brother of Kublai Khan, Meng Ge and Ali Bu Ge.

Just talking about the background, this is a super awesome guy.

But Hulagu's military achievements were much higher than his own background.

In 1235, the eighteen-year-old Hulagu accompanied his cousin Batu on an expedition.

In 1241, he and Subotai divided their forces into five groups.

Defeated King Béla IV of Hungary at the Tunin River.

This western expedition was of great significance to the young Hulagu, allowing him to accumulate practical experience and political capital.

Since the death of Ogedai Khan, the Mongolian princes have been in a fierce struggle for power.

In 1248, Ogedai's son Guiyou died, and Hulagu joined forces with Batu and others to actively support Meng Ge.

Frustrating the conspiracy of the Hai lost faction, Meng Ge won the position of Great Khan at the Khulil Tower in 1251.

During Meng Ge's subsequent attack on the forces of the Ogedai clan, Hulagu was ordered to monitor the movements of the dissident kings of the Ogedai clan such as Shiliemen.

After Meng Ge secured his position as Great Khan, he actively planned for further expansion. Kublai Khan and Hulagu, who were half-brothers, were actively cultivated.

Kublai Khan was responsible for the conquest of the Southern Song Dynasty, and Hulagu became the commander-in-chief of the Western Expedition.

In 1253, he was ordered to carry out the third Western Expedition. In 1256, he led the main force to conquer Persia and destroyed the Mulai Kingdom.

In 1258, he captured Baghdad, captured the Abbasid Caliphate, destroyed the Arab Empire, and shocked the Islamic world.

In 1259, he attacked Syria and formed the Mongolian-Latin Alliance, which defeated Aleppo, Damascus and other cities, and reached Gaza.

Later, after learning of the death of Meng Ge, he led his army back east and stayed in Persia. The remaining troops were defeated at the Battle of Ain Jaru, which announced the end of the Mongols' westward expansion.

In 1262, he competed with Kipchak Khan Belge for the Transcaucasus region.

In 1264, he was canonized as Ilkhan by Kublai Khan, established the Ilkhanate, and worked to consolidate his rule in Persia.

In 1265, Hulagu died.

Hulagu's conquests in West Asia changed the political map of the region and the balance of power among various religions and sects, affecting all parts of Eurasia and even Africa.

The close ties between the Ilkhanate and the Yuan Dynasty made the Silk Road unobstructed and accelerated the spread of China's four great inventions to the west.

Huihui gun, Arabic numerals, Arabic calendar, etc. flowed into China, and Hulagu took the greatest credit.

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