A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1031 Snow Wolf

When Hu Zhuang came to ask for advice, Lu Fei not only was not impatient, but actually appreciated him.

A person who is sensitive, eager to learn, not ashamed to ask questions, and never misses any opportunity to strengthen himself will never succeed.

"Hu Zhuang, you have done an outstanding job."

"If you want to say it's a deficiency, it's that your lower body strength is lacking."

"Usually you can focus on practicing lower body strength."

"Only with enough strength can you control your movements to the extreme without deforming."

"One more thing, you can simplify your movements a little more."

"Try not to be pretentious, pay attention to every detail and practice more."

"It won't be long before your grades will improve significantly," Lu Fei said.

"You said my lower limbs are not strong enough?" Hu Zhuang asked doubtfully.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Don't be dissatisfied, your lower body strength is much worse."

"If you don't believe me, just stand up and let's give it a try."

Hu Zhuang was really dissatisfied. He immediately braced himself and looked at Lu Fei with a frown.

Lu Fei put his left foot on Hu Zhuang's heel and pulled him to the side.

Hu Zhuang's left foot moved more than twenty centimeters to the side, and his body swayed and he almost fell.

"I only used 50% of my strength and you couldn't stand."

"You are too far behind in this aspect."

"Don't be dissatisfied, now try to pull me with all your strength."

Lu Fei said as he got down on his horse, Hu Zhuang used all his strength according to the method Lu Fei had just used to deal with him, but he couldn't shake Lu Fei at all.

Hu Zhuang was completely convinced now.

"Go back and focus on lower body strength training."

"Don't do barbell exercises, it will cause serious damage to your knees."

"I suggest you tie sandbags to your ankles and run five kilometers every day."

"This will help the lower body strength very significantly."

"In addition, pay attention to every detail, and the most important thing is simplicity. This is a wise saying."

"If you still don't understand something, you can always come to me and let's discuss it together." Lu Fei said.

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