A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1035 Digging trenches

"Lin Feng!"

"Your uncle's!"

"You deserve me!"

"You're so fucking worthy of me!"

"I, Mo Jianfei, was blind, how could I save such an ungrateful white-eyed wolf like you!"

"If I had known this, I should have left you to fend for yourself!"


"I should grab Guo Shanfeng's fangs and bite you, bastard, a few more times!"

"You bastard!"

"I curse you to have sores on the soles of your feet and pus from your anus, so you can't be a man."

Seeing his team in disgrace, Mo Jianfei was so angry that he cursed loudly.

If Mo Jianfei hadn't been tied up with ropes, he would have pounced on Lin Feng and bit Lin Feng a few times.

Lin Feng chuckled, took out a cigarette and stuffed it into Mo Jianfei's mouth.

Mo Jianfei struggled desperately and shook his head, but refused to accept it.


"Get the fuck away from me!"

"Stop treating me with these small favors. I won't accept your tricks!"

"Lin Feng, you bastard, you"

"Captain Mo, please keep your words to calm down. I will do what you want!"

"You said that I am a coward and that I have no spine. I feel aggrieved!"

"Aren't I just doing this to prove it to you?"

"By the way, Captain Mo, what do you think of my performance just now?"

"Isn't it tough enough to resolve the battle in five seconds?" Lin Feng said with a playful smile.



"You bastard, you're so mad at me!"

"Lin Feng, I'm warning you."

"Since you don't recognize your relatives, you fucking have to treat everyone equally."

"The Xuanlong behind is our strong enemy, currently leading us by two thousand points."

"If you quickly wipe out Xuanlong, I will pretend that nothing happened."

"On the other hand, if you dare to deliberately let Xuanlong pass us, I will hold you back

You go to the military department to file a lawsuit! "Mo Jianfei shouted.

Lin Feng curled his lips and said.

"Captain Mo, your request is a bit excessive."

"You Zhulong are so useless, you only advanced seven meters."

"You want me to control Xuanlong within seven meters. Aren't you asking for a child?"

"My Xuanlong is not a loser, isn't he?"

"Li Feng, it belongs to your uncle."

"What do you mean?"

"Are you trying to say that all my Zhulongs are losers?"

"I don't care. Anyway, if Xuanlong surpasses our Zhulong, I will drag you into a lawsuit."

"I, Mo Jianfei, do what I say!"


The two were bickering when a Snow Wolf team member ran over.

"Report to the boss, Xuanlong's subjects will start soon."

"Everyone has it!"

"Get ready for battle!"

"Xuanlong crosses the starting line, fire immediately!"



A crisp starting gun sounded, but Mo Jianfei, who was nestled behind the bunker, didn't see Lin Feng fire for a long time. This made him very angry.

"Lin Feng, what the hell are you still doing?"


Mo Jianfei roared, but Lin Feng ignored him at all, looking straight ahead with a solemn expression and motionless.

"Lin Feng, what are you doing?"

"Are you going to fire?"

"I'm telling you, I'm not kidding you."

"If you dare to let Xuanlong come over, I will fight you tooth and nail!"

Lin Fei turned his head and said with a wry smile.

"Boss Mo, you can't blame me this time."

"I want to fire!"

"It's a pity that it can't be done!"


"What do you mean by this?" Mo Jianfei said.

"Hold Captain Mo up and let my benefactor see the situation for himself," Lin Feng said.

Two soldiers helped Mo Jianfei to the edge of the trench. Mo Jianfei stuck his head out, looked down, and cursed!


"Lu Fei, this little brat, is such a fucking thief."

Mo Jianfei cursed loudly on the high ground, and everyone below was even more confused.

When the timer started, the twelve-man commando led by Lu Fei did not charge at all, and did not even cross the starting line at all.

Lu Fei and others stood behind and chatted and laughed, leaving Chen Yu alone to start digging trenches behind the starting line.

The engineer shovel in Chen Yu's hand waved as frequently as a propeller.

It took less than two minutes to dig down to a depth of one and a half meters. Next, Chen Yu stood at the bottom of the pit, crossed the starting line and began to advance towards the battlefield.

The trench was one and a half meters deep, and the excavated earth was piled another forty or fifty centimeters on the edge of the trench.

Combined, the bunker is nearly two meters deep.

Coupled with the fact that Chen Yu was working from a waist up in the trench, the Snow Wolf team members on the high ground could only see soft loess flying up, and no one could be seen at all.

Under this situation, no matter how good Zhao Chuanxiong's marksmanship was, he was still helpless.

The engineer's shovel swings like flying.

Eight minutes later, they were already close to five meters away.

Chen Yu retreated to rest, and Liu Yang immediately stepped in as a substitute.

Duan Yanhong approached Lu Fei and reminded him.

"Instructor Lu, your method is not good!"

"I just calculated, you were only five meters away in eight minutes."

"According to this progress, we can advance up to forty-five meters in one hour, and we won't be able to reach the bottom of the high ground in two hours!"

Lu Fei chuckled.

"It doesn't matter if you can reach the high ground, as long as you can win the game, it doesn't matter."

"Dig five meters in eight minutes

, at this speed, in three minutes, we will surpass Zhulong's score. "

"I can surpass you Yinglong in twenty-eight minutes."

"It takes one hour and ten minutes to surpass Panlong, and there is absolutely no problem in surpassing Qiulong's 70 meters within the prescribed time."

"Calculating it this way, our Xuanlong can firmly win the first place without firing a shot."

"Do you think this is true?"



"Hey, hey, hey!"

"Why the hell didn't I think of this solution?"

"You kid, you are such a thief"

When Lu Fei said this, everyone suddenly realized.

The other four teams had previously thought about digging trenches, but they all rejected it due to lack of time.

But no one fully understands the rules.

Winning this subject does not necessarily mean successfully rescuing the hostages.

As long as you advance farther than everyone else, that's enough.

The other four dragons came to their senses and collectively regretted it.

Su Donghai's smile stretched out.

Su Baozhen laughed loudly.

"This kid Lu Fei is too evil-minded."

"Straight-tempered people like Lao Duan are no match for us!"

Chen Honggang pursed his lips and said with a smile.

"This is the difference between a professional soldier and a businessman."

"Lao Duan, Lao Yang and the others are thinking about how to complete their mission."

"And Lu Fei is thinking about how to win the most generous rewards at the minimum cost."

"This kid is really smart!"

Chu Wenbin and four others took turns digging in, and after half an hour they had advanced 25 meters.

He easily surpassed Zhulong and Yinglong without firing a single shot.

Being surpassed by this opportunistic method, the two warriors rolled their eyes angrily.

Mo Jianfei on the high ground cursed loudly.

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