A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1052 Xiao Jiner

Although Di Ruilong gave Dong Sihai a choice, he would never dare to leave directly.

I had no choice but to bite the bullet and accept the second condition.

Normally faced with these top-quality ingredients, Dong Sihai would definitely not resist.

But before I even took a bite today, I already started to feel nauseated.

The little naughty dog ​​shouted to start the timer, and the guy immediately started gobbling it up.

Seeing his son's shameful expression, Keelung University leader Dong Jianyuan didn't even dare to complain.

Five minutes later, Dong Sihai rushed into the bathroom and vomited wildly.

Empty your stomach and come back for the second wave.

That look is much more dedicated than a professional mukbang.

When Dong Sihai came back from the bathroom for the third time, he was in a trance and his face was redder than a monkey's butt.

"Dong Sihai, where is Bynum?" Lu Fei asked.

"Yes, at the Sheraton Hotel."

"Xiaolong, find someone to watch him eat. Let's go to the Sheraton Hotel."


Liu Zheng was arranged to monitor Dong Sihai here, and everyone was ready to leave the private room.

Lu Fei took the lead and opened the private room door. There was a person standing at the door, which was beyond Lu Fei's expectation.

"Long Yun?"

"Why are you here?"

"Haha, it looked like you were on the back, but it turns out it's really you!"

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"Do you want me to help you?" Long Yun said.

"No, I can handle it."

"By the way, why did you come to Malaysia?" Lu Fei asked.

"The boss has business here, let's come over and take a look."

"When are you leaving?" Lu Fei asked.

"It will take another two days."

"Okay, I have something to deal with here. I'll call you tomorrow at noon and let's have a drink." Lu Fei said.


"Long Yun sacrificed his life to accompany the gentleman."

After the two shook hands, Lu Fei was about to leave when a girl's voice came from the end of the corridor.

"Uncle Long, I'm late

! "

The voice was crisp and sweet, as ethereal and fresh as a lark, and everyone turned to look at it.

When they saw the source of the sound, everyone's eyes lit up.

A beautiful girl walked quickly across the street.

He must be no more than twenty years old.

He is small and exquisite with a height of less than 1.6 meters.

Her smooth black hair was simply combed into a high ponytail and hung down her back.

Skin like cream, bare makeup and a thin application of powder.

She has a face with oval seeds, eyebrows with willow leaves, pink eyes, thin lips, and a cute little plump nose.

The girl wore a black and white Chanel shirt on her upper body.

Below is a pair of cropped jeans.

Underneath the calves, which are as green as lotus roots and as white as jade, is a pair of white Nike sneakers.

Coupled with the white Chanel Kun bag, it is a perfect match, showing youth and beauty.

To be honest, this girl is not a top beauty.

There is neither the beauty of Chen Xiang, nor the classic cold arrogance of Wang Xinyi, nor the enchanting charm of Mo Xueqing.

However, this girl has a unique liveliness and cuteness that makes people want to get close to her at first sight.

It can be summed up in four words: pleasing to the eye.

When Wang Xinlei and Di Ruilong saw this girl, they couldn't help but arrange their clothes, wanting to show their most perfect side to the beauty in front of them.

Unlike them, Lu Fei frowned instantly when he saw the girl.


so similar!

It’s so similar!

Seeing this girl actually brought Lu Fei's thoughts back to his childhood.

Lu Fei couldn't help but think of the mother who helped him wash his clothes, folded his quilt, and gave him endless care!

so similar!

This girl looks so much like her mother.

If it weren't for the age difference

The speed was so great that Lu Fei almost shouted out the word that he had not shouted out for more than ten years, but never wanted to say out.

The girl walked over, and Lu Fei stared at her without blinking. Unknowingly, his eyes became a little moist.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Long, I'm late again."

The girl came to Long Yun and apologized with her lips pouted.

"It doesn't matter, I just arrived and haven't entered the house yet." Long Yun said.

The girl nodded, turned around and extended her right hand to Lu Fei, and said politely.

"Hello Mr. Lu, nice to see you here."

The girl's voice brought Lu Fei's thoughts back to reality.

Blinking his eyes, Lu Fei forcefully took back the mist in his eyes, and gently held the girl's soft hand.

"Hello, do you recognize me?" Lu Fei asked softly.

The girl pursed her lips and smiled.

With this smile, the lights in the corridor were somewhat dimmed.

"Of course I know you!"

"You are my God of Wealth!"

"I will never forget your appearance," the girl said.


"How do you say this?" Lu Fei asked puzzledly.

The beauty smiled and extended her right hand again.

"Let me introduce myself."

"My name is Xiao Jin'er, chairman of Hong Kong Boya Energy Company."

"Your outstanding performance in the treasure fighting conference helped me win nearly 10 billion Shenzhou coins!"

"So, aren't you my God of Wealth?"

"This is the first pot of gold I have earned, and I will remember it for the rest of my life."


Xiao Jin'er introduced herself to her family, and Little Milk Dog and others were shocked.

On the eve of the Baobao Conference, both sides' handicaps were fully filled.

At the last moment, Boyaa came out of nowhere and offered a betting price of 10 billion.

Little Milk Dog and others have investigated and found that this is an Australian energy company that has just established a branch on Hong Kong Island and has not yet started any business.

But just like that, people suddenly hit the opening price of 10 billion.

If you don't have the strength of more than 50 billion, you will never dare to take such a big risk.

Everyone thought that the person at the helm of this company must be an experienced and experienced driver.

But I never expected that it would be such a young and beautiful girl.

This almost made them doubt their life.

When Lu Fei heard the name, he frowned again.

"Your surname is Xiao?" Lu Fei asked.


"Xiao Jin'er!"

"Does it sound good?" Xiao Jin'er said sweetly.

"It sounds good, it sounds good!"


"Mr. Lu, what's wrong with you?"

"You seem to be worried!" Xiao Jin'er said.

"Mr. Lu has important things to do. If it weren't for you, he would have left by now."

"Let's go into the private room, don't delay Mr. Lu's work." Long Yun said.

"That's it!"

"Oh well!"

"Goodbye Mr. Lu, Jin'er will treat you to dinner another day."

Xiao Jin'er said and was about to go back to the private room with Long Yun.

Lu Fei suddenly stepped forward, pushed aside Long Yun, and said in front of Xiao Jin'er.

"Ms. Xiao, wait a minute!"

Lu Fei's sudden move startled everyone in the little milk dog.

The little girl said to her heart, "What is my brother doing?"

It was the first time we met. This was very rude. My brother had never been so rude before.

What's going on today?


Something's wrong!

There seems to be something wrong with the way my brother looks at Xiao Jiner!

Now my brother's eyes are full of aggression and full of desire.

Could it be that.?

Oh my god!


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