A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1055 Empty and Misty

At five past nine in the morning, in the coffee shop of Donghuang Hotel, Lu Fei kept looking at his watch anxiously.

I chatted with Xiao Jin'er for a while last night, but I didn't have the nerve to ask about her birthmark.

However, Lu Fei successfully made an appointment with Xiao Jin'er to come here for coffee.

Now Lu Fei has figured it out, he has been separated from his little sister for sixteen years, and he is not in a hurry.

If done too hastily it can be counterproductive and annoying.

Rather than that, it would be better to develop a relationship with Xiao Jin'er and get to know her better.

If she is really his little sister, sooner or later we will recognize her.

If not, becoming friends with the petite and cute Xiao Jiner is also a good choice. .??.

But five minutes had passed since the agreed time, and Xiao Jin'er was nowhere to be seen. Lu Fei began to become irritated.

Another five minutes passed, and Xiao Jin'er still hadn't appeared.

Lu Fei frowned slightly and kept looking at the door.

At nine twenty, Lu Fei was not anxious, but started to worry about Xiao Jin'er.

Just as he picked up the phone and was about to call the other party, Xiao Jin'er's call came in first.


"Mr. Xiao, did something happen?" Lu Fei asked.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lu, there's something urgent at the head office. I have to go back and deal with it."

"I'm on my way to the airport. I'm really sorry, so I have to make an appointment next time." Xiao Jin'er said.

"It doesn't matter, work is important."

"I'll contact you next time I go to Hong Kong Island."

"Bon Voyage."


"Thank you for your understanding, Mr. Lu. I will treat you to dinner when I return to Hong Kong Island."

"I apologize again, bye!"

After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei seemed calm on the surface, but in fact he was deeply disappointed.

Sitting quietly in the corner, stirring the coffee in the cup, alone in a daze.

After sitting quietly in the coffee shop until half past ten, Lu Fei stood up and was about to leave when the phone rang again.

Looking at the caller ID, Lu Fei was stunned!


Brother Yun? "

"Didn't you go back with Mr. Xiao?"


"I promised you to risk your life to accompany the gentleman, how dare I break the promise!"

"Miss, there is something that needs to be dealt with urgently. Someone will protect her. I will stay and drink with you before leaving tomorrow." Long Yun said cheerfully.

"One word and nine cauldrons!"

"As expected of Brother Long Yun."

"Whatever you want to eat, I'll treat you." Lu Fei said.

"It doesn't matter what you eat."

"The important thing is who you eat with." Long Yun said.

"That's right!"

"I'm not familiar with this place. You choose a place and I'll come find you."

Half an hour later, Lu Fei saw Long Yun in an inconspicuous Northeast dumpling restaurant in the northern suburbs of Geelong.

The two entered a small private room that could only accommodate four people.

Four authentic Northeastern dishes were placed on the square table, plus two bottles of Northeastern sorghum.

Although simple, seeing these in a foreign place gives you a different feeling.

Passing Lu Fei a cigarette, Long Yun smiled slightly.

"I noticed this restaurant when I passed by here the day before yesterday."

"I'm not used to Western food, and I'm not a fan of seafood, so I chose here. You, the big boss, won't mind!"

"It depends on what you said."

“What kind of big boss am I?”

"Compared to your boss, it's nothing."

"It's better here, it's quiet and has a sense of intimacy."

"The most important thing is that I have no interest in foreigners' stuff either," Lu Fei said.

"Ha ha!"

"It seems we really hit it off!" Long Yun laughed heartily.

A small cup of one liang, the two drank three cups first, and then picked up the chopsticks to eat the food.

"Brother Long, I think this pickled cabbage is quite to your liking. Are you from the north too?" Lu Fei asked.

Long Yun put down his chopsticks and said.

"You're right, I'm a true Northeasterner."

"But I haven't been back for more than ten years. I almost don't remember what my home is like."

"Then your boss is also from the Northeast?"

When Lu Fei asked this, Long Yun was stunned.

"That's what, Brother Long, don't get me wrong. I just asked casually. I didn't mean anything else. Just pretend I didn't say anything."

"Come on, let me toast you."

After drinking another drink, Long Yun leaned back on his chair and said calmly.

"That's nothing."

"I was just thinking about what I should tell you."

"My boss is not from China. To be precise, he doesn't have Chinese nationality, but he is of Chinese descent."

"The focus of my boss's business is in Europe and America, and Asia is rarely involved."

"The only ones closest to China are the energy company that Miss is working on in Hong Kong Island and the tea mountain in Baodao."

"As for the mainland of China, we haven't touched it yet."

"Oh, that's how it is!"

"So your boss is in the energy business?" Lu Fei asked.

"Our boss's business is all-encompassing. We do whatever we want to make money, and energy is just one of them." Long Yun said.

"So, your lady is also a foreigner?" Lu Fei asked.

Long Yun pursed his lips and smiled.

"I can see that your boy is a little interested in our lady!"


"Brother Long, please don't talk nonsense. It's just that your young lady can single-handedly control tens of billions of dollars at such a young age, which makes me feel a little incredible!"

"I have a girlfriend and I have no intentions towards your lady."

"I swear!"

"I go!"

"I'm just starting to say

Just kidding, do you want to swear? "

"Besides, it's okay even if you have thoughts about the young lady. My fair lady is such a good gentleman!"

"What, I really don't have one!"

"Okay, okay, it's your business whether you have it or not. Let's drink!"


Long Yun's drinking capacity really surprised Lu Fei.

The two of them drank four bottles of 56-degree northeastern sorghum, but nothing happened to Long Yun.

During this period, Lu Fei intentionally or unintentionally inquired about Xiao Jin'er's affairs. The more he learned, the more guilty he became.

According to Long Yun, Xiao Jiner was born in the United States and grew up in Australia.

During the treasure fight, it was Xiao Jin'er's first time coming to Hong Kong Island.

If what Long Yun said was true, it couldn't be his sister.

Judging from Long Yun's expression, there was nothing artificial about it.

Could it be that the extremely similar appearance to my mother was really just a coincidence?

The hope that was ignited suddenly became empty and misty. Lu Fei felt so lost that his drinking was boring.

After finishing the fifth bottle, Lu Fei offered to end it.

After leaving the restaurant, the two went their separate ways.

Lu Fei took a taxi back to the hotel, dove into the room and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Han Bing and Chen Jiajia were sent away, but Bai Zirui did not leave.

"Hey, why don't you leave?" asked the little puppy.

"Where am I going?"

“It’s good food, drinks, and hospitality, and it doesn’t cost anything.”

"It's a rare opportunity for a free vacation. I won't leave." Bai Zirui said.


"Are you really shameless?"

"Free food?"

"What should I owe you, Master?"

"Go, go, go, you are not welcome in the big horse, go as far as you can." The little milk dog said, rolling his eyes.


"Don't do this, I'm sure you're going to be a rich man."

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