A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1058 Selling rags


"Hit again!"


“It’s hairtail again!” ??

"I'm going to vomit after eating hairtail, can I try something else?"


When everyone arrived at the designated sea area, Ramos' team immediately launched a search.

The little dog and others drove a yacht and went fishing in the sea.

Lu Fei had never had any experience in sea fishing, but miraculously hit a bigeye tuna weighing more than 40 kilograms with his first shot.

The professional chef on the boat used this fish to make the most delicious tuna sashimi.

The smooth and tender taste makes the little puppy want to stop after eating it all.

So, in the next few days, the little dog went fishing like crazy and caught more than 60 hairtails, but there was no sign of tuna.

The little naughty dog ​​went crazy with anger, and Wang Xinlei and others laughed until their stomachs hurt.

"Brother, I want to eat tuna!"

Coming to Lu Fei, who was sleeping soundly, the little puppy said pitifully.

"are you crazy!"

"If you want to catch tuna yourself, why don't you ask me for some shit?"

"But, I can't catch it!"

"You are the only one who has ever caught a tuna. You have experience. How about you catch another one?" said the little milk dog.

"I was lucky enough to have a shitty experience."

"Get out!"

"Don't delay my sleep."

Lu Fei turned over as he spoke and simply ignored the little puppy.

After glaring at Lu Fei's back, the little dog shouted to Bai Zirui and others.

"Listen to me, I want to eat tuna."

"Whoever catches tuna will be rewarded heavily."

"If someone catches a bluefin tuna, I will give him this yacht as a reward."


"Brother, why are you going?"

"Don't you want to sleep?"

"I've slept enough, I want to fish now!"



"Are you so philistine?"


On the tenth day of deep sea exploration, there was still no result.

This morning, Bai Zirui left.

On the fifteenth day, there was still no good news.

Lu Fei got angry and his lips were covered with blisters.

The younger brothers are even more bored to death. They spend their days playing cards, fishing and drinking.

Twenty-five days have passed, and Lu Fei's originally thin body has lost weight twice more, and the whole person looks haggard.

"Xiao Fei, how about we go back first and come back when there is news."

"If this continues, you will have to get sick before the sunken ship is found." Gao Yuan said.

"Brother Gao, you guys are just having fun, don't worry, I'm fine!" Lu Fei said.

"Xiao Fei, you can't force this kind of thing, you can only let nature take its course."

"You have to have confidence that we have the most advanced equipment and an experienced professional team here."

"It's a matter of time to find the sunken ship. You don't have to worry too much." Gao Yuan said.

Lu Fei nodded, handed Gao Yuan a cigarette and said.

"Brother Gao, I understand everything you said!"

"I'm either worried or... ugh!"


"To put it bluntly, you're still worried."

"I know, the cost of feeding people and feeding horses on this day is scary."

"But if you think about it from the other side, if you really find the Sea King, and according to the circumstances you said, find one or two good things, all the expenses will be paid out."

"Be open-minded when encountering problems, and don't get into trouble!"

"If you are still looking so gloomy, then you must go back with me." Gao Yuan said.

Lu Fei suddenly stood up after hearing this.

"Ok, I

Listen to Brother Gao. "

"Little dragon!"

"Here is my brother!"

"Tell the helicopter pilot that I want to learn to fly a helicopter." .??.??


"Brother, are you okay?"

"Can you do it?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll ruin the new one for you."

After searching at sea for a month and a half, although there was still no trace of the Sea King, there was good news.

On this day, Lu Fei's first helicopter flight was declared a success.

The moment it landed smoothly on the deck, the little puppy collapsed like a puddle of mud and howled at the top of its lungs.

In the next few days, with the helicopter as a "toy", Lu Fei was in a very fun mood.

Five days later, Lu Fei's side was still sunny, but the weather in Jincheng was extremely gloomy.

After breakfast, a dilapidated three-wheeled motorcycle carrying half a load of junk came to the courtyard of the food factory.

"Collect the rags!"

"Collect scrap metal, waste paper boxes, and old appliances!"

"Exchange your old mobile phone for a kitchen knife!"

"Collect rags"

I have to say that this rag collector has come to the right place today.

The electric horn sounded twice, the courtyard door opened, and two old men, Zhang Huaizhi and Zhang Dafa, came out.

Zhang Huaizhi asked, pointing to the waste paper box in the carriage with the huanghuali walking stick in his hand.

"How much does a waste paper box cost per pound?"

"Six cents."

"It's too cheap. The one last time was only 70 cents!" Zhang Huaizhi said.

"Is it much?"

"If it's more, I'll give you seven cents," the big man said in surprise.

Zhang Dafa said with a smile.

"Is it much?"

"Your child is at the right place today, the price is right.

It's suitable, enough for you to load five cars. "

"So many?" the big man said in surprise.

"Not only are there waste paper boxes, but there are also cans, beer bottles, and beverage bottles!" Zhang Dafa said.

"That's great. Don't worry, man, I will definitely give you the highest price."

"Okay, come in with us and take a look!"

Zhang Dafa didn't lie. There was indeed a lot of rags in Lu Fei's house. It could even be said to be piled up like a mountain.

Lu Fei has a large family and many guests, plus the kindergarten, a lot of waste is produced every day.

If you follow Lu Fei's wishes, just throw them all away.

But the two old men couldn't bear to part with it, so they packed it all together and waited to collect the trash!

But Lu Fei is far away from dense residential areas. From years ago to now, not a single rag collector has been seen, which made the two old men extremely worried.

The two old men were extremely excited when they heard the call to collect rags today.

When he came to the courtyard and saw a hill of scraps more than two meters high, the big man was so happy that he paid the highest price for everything.

After the two parties reached an agreement, the big man cleaned up by himself, bagged the cans and beverage bottles, coded and bundled the waste paper boxes, and his actions were extremely professional.

Seeing the big man's smooth movements, Zhang Huaizhi smiled and said to Zhang Dafa.

"It's so new to talk about selling the rags from the Taobao Fei family to others!"

After hearing what Zhang Huaizhi said, Zhang Dafa also laughed.

"Xiao Fei did this before?"

Zhang Huaizhi shook his head and said.

"no the same!"

"Xiaofei's little turtle is very sneaky and keeps an eye on good things."

"At that time, Gui'er took a fancy to my Eight Immortals table with red rosewood and spent a whole week there!"

"Haha, is Xiaofei still so unreliable?" Zhang Dafa asked with a smile.

"This is not unreliable, that turtle knows his stuff."

"If you fool me into getting the Eight Immortals table, it will be enough for other rag collectors to work for two or three years."

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