A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1064 Misfortunes never come singly

Chen Xiang and others came to the morgue, and four policemen and several doctors were guarding the beauty room.

Chen Xiang walked over and said to one of the doctors.

"Hello, can we pay our respects to the body of old man Zhang Huaizhi?"

The doctor took off his mask, revealing an old face.

"Are you a friend of the Lu family?"

Chen Xiang nodded, and the doctor continued.

"My name is Jia Xianglin, and I am the director of the Public Security Clinic. I have met Mr. Lu Fei several times, and I have great respect for Mr. Lu's personality and medical skills."

"I just heard that something happened to Mr. Lu's family. I'm very sad."

"I can't help with anything else. I can only help contact the best corpse beautician in Jincheng so that Mr. Zhang can die as peacefully as possible."

"Mr. Zhang's body is currently undergoing beauty treatment. Please give me your condolences and wait a moment!" Jia Xianglin said.

Chen Xiang bowed slightly and said.

"Lu Fei is not at home. On behalf of Lu Fei, I would like to thank you for your help."

"When Lu Fei comes back, let him thank you in person."

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome."

"I've explained everything inside, just wait for a while."

"There are still things in the department, so I'll take the first step."

"If you need help with any details here, you can always come to the department to see me."

"Thank you Dr. Jia, please do your work first!"

After sending Jia Xianglin away, Wang Xinyi, Yaomeier and others came together.

"Xiang'er, if such a big thing happens, none of us can make the decision for Lu Fei."

"In my opinion, you should call Lu Fei to inform him!" Wang Xinyi said.

After hearing Wang Xinyi's words, Chen Xiang shed tears.

"Lu Fei left his family to us, but something bad happened like this. How should I face Lu Fei!"

"Yao Mei'er, why don't you give Lu Fei a beating?" Chen Xiang said.

Yao Meier waved her hands repeatedly.

"I'm stupid and don't understand the situation. I can't explain it at all."

"Don't worry, Lu Fei is not a bastard, he won't blame you."

"It's up to you to make this call!"

"Xiang'er, Yao Meier is right, you can only make this call." Zheng Wenjuan said.

"Xiang'er, don't hesitate."

"Lu Fei is not stupid. This accident has nothing to do with you."

"You'll have to face it sooner or later. You'd better notify Lu Fei immediately and let him come back to deal with it!" Wang Xinyi said.

Chen Xiang nodded and took out his cell phone, took a deep breath and was about to call Lu Fei when the general manager Xu Maochen and everyone at the construction site ran in in a hurry.

"Mr. Chen, do you want to call Lu Fei?"


"How could you hide such a big thing from Lu Fei?" Chen Xiang said.

"Don't make this call yet. Come with me." Xu Maochen turned around and left.

Chen Xiang was stunned for a moment and followed out.

"Second brother, what happened?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Mr. Chen, listen to me, Lu Fei is in big trouble."

"Don't let Lu Fei know about the situation at home right now."

"Let him go about his business in Malaysia with peace of mind and never come back for the time being."

Hearing what Xu Maochen said, Chen Xiang was extremely nervous.

"Second brother, what happened?"

Xu Maochen and all the young people went to the construction site.

After receiving the news that Zhang Huaizhi had been in trouble, everyone was shocked and rushed to the hospital immediately.

But not long after walking, Wan Xiaofeng received a call from Li Yunhe, saying something big had happened in Bianliang.

Xiong Dali, the boss of Bianliang Old Town who was once punished by Lu Fei, is the guy nicknamed Lao Xiong. He reported Lu Fei and Yan Yonghui and others to murder the former director of Bianliang Museum Zhao Zhiyong.

It was also reported that Lu Fei controlled the underground forces in Bianliang and was extremely harmful to the public.

Lao Xiong did not submit this report letter to the Bianliang Police Force, but directly to the Shenzhou Police Headquarters.

When the headquarters saw that the person who reported the report was Lu Fei, who was currently in the limelight, they immediately took it seriously.

Immediately, we contacted the Zhongzhou Provincial Police Headquarters to set up a task force. Under the supervision of the headquarters, we came to Bianliang to thoroughly investigate the matter.

This action was quite covert, and the Bianliang Police Station did not receive any news.

At 11 o'clock last night, the task force led a team to raid the Shunkaida Club and captured twelve key members including Yan Yonghui, Dapeng, Xiaofei and Xiaowu. Only Wang Hailong escaped.

Wang Hailong was quite clever and found Li Yunhe directly.

Li Yunhe was shocked when he heard about it, and immediately used his connections to find out the news.

Early this morning, all venues under Yan Yonghui's name were closed, and Li Yunhe knew that the matter was serious.

At nine o'clock in the morning, I finally received the news, and then I realized that it was Lao Xiong who was responsible.

The situation of Yan Yonghui and others is unclear now, but Li Yunhe learned an amazing inside story.

The task force has already reported and is preparing to arrest Lu Fei's gang, and among them are the Gao brothers.

Upon learning of this situation, Li Yunhe was so frightened that he flew out of his wits.

He called Lu Fei and turned off his phone, so he immediately called Wan Xiaofeng.

Tell Gao Yuan, Gao Meng and Lu Fei not to worry about anything else and run away immediately.

We will wait until Li Yunhe figures out the specific situation.

Xu Maochen told Chen Xiang Li Yunhe's original words, and Chen Xiang almost collapsed after hearing it.

"how so?"

"Why is it happening like that!"


"I'm going to call grandpa and ask him to ask what's going on."

"Need not!"

"Mr. Chen, please don't call your grandfather yet."

"You know, Xiao Fei's biggest taboo is asking your grandfather for help." Xu Maochen said.

"But Lu Fei is going to be arrested over there.

! "Chen Xiang said eagerly.

"Don't worry. Although the task force has reported it, they haven't approved the arrest yet. Otherwise, they would have come to arrest people at home."

"Li Yunhe is watching over there, and any news will be reported back as soon as possible. There won't be any big problems."

"Besides, it's useless even if he is arrested."

"Gao Meng has gone into hiding. Xiao Fei and Gao Yuan are abroad. There is nothing they can do."

"This incident is obviously a premeditated frame-up. The hand behind the scenes has not been found. It is best for us to stand still."

"Otherwise, the other party will lead you by the nose, and you will be passive." Xu Maochen said.

"Now what?"

"How could you hide such a big thing from Lu Fei?" Chen Xiang said.

"No, we must hide it!"

"If Xiaofei knew the news of Mr. Zhang's death, he would rush back regardless of the consequences."

"The situation is still unclear. Xiaofei may fall into a trap when he comes back."

"Don't worry, leave everything at home to me and I'll take care of it."

"Everyone is working as usual step by step. As for Mr. Zhang's body, it is temporarily stored in the morgue until Xiaofei is over."

Before Xu Maochen finished speaking, the phone rang.

When he saw that the caller ID was from his wife, Mr. Xu became very angry.

How long has it been since this happened, and this bitch is still causing trouble? It’s really bad.

Mr. Xu complained in his heart and hung up the phone directly.

But just as he hung up, the call came in again.

"Second brother, it's the second sister-in-law who's calling!"

"Hurry up and pick it up, my second sister-in-law must have something important to do with you!"

Xu Maochen snorted coldly.

"What's the matter with her?"

"That woman has been very greedy since she was pregnant with the child. She must want something delicious again!"

"What a mess!"

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