At the venue of the archaeological conference, the two curators of the National Museum's Old Museum and the New Section and Gao Henian submitted their resignations at the same time.

Not only that, Fatty Wang also made a lot of nonsense.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Fatty Wang and the other three were ready to leave, but were stopped by Kong Fanlong, who insisted on telling them the reasons for their resignation.

By this time, the four brothers Guan Haishan already knew Fatty Wang's intentions and were immediately frightened out of their wits.

"Master, since their hearts are with Cao Ying, let them leave!"

"I'll take you back to rest." Guan Haishan said.

Kong Fanlong glared at Guan Haishan and said.

"shut up!"

"You all shut up!"

"Wang Shun Xiao Zhang, you must speak clearly today. Why do you want to resign?"

"Forget it, Mr. Kong, it's enough for you to let us resign. I don't want to say anything more."

"No, you must make it clear."

"I, Kong Fanlong, don't rub sand in my eyes!"

Fatty Wang gritted his teeth and took a step forward.

"Is this what you want me to say?"

"That's right!"

"Speak clearly in front of everyone. If it is my fault, I will apologize to you."

"If it was my disciple's fault, I would never protect him." Kong Fanlong said.

The old man's last words hit Fatty Wang's lungs, and Fatty Wang's eyes suddenly widened.

"Mr. Kong, what did you say?"

"You don't protect the calf?"

"Wang Shun, shut up and don't say anything." Guan Haishan shouted.

"Shut up!"

"Get out of here!" Kong Fanlong scolded.

"Wang Shun, from what you're saying, the problem should be with me?"

"Come on, come on, tell me, when did I, Kong Fanlong, act unfairly?"

"You insist on me telling it in front of everyone?" Fatty Wang said.



good! "

"Since you are willing to risk everything, what do I, Wang Shun, still have to worry about?"

"You said you don't protect the calf."

"Then let me ask you, is the treatment of your great disciple Gao Feng fair?"

"After the treasure fight, Gao Feng and his apprentice Shen Zhong coerced Li Rui to post and spread rumors on the Internet to tarnish Lu Fei's reputation."

"This incident has caused Lu Fei to suffer injustice and suffered huge losses."

"But even so, Lu Fei still raised hundreds of billions of dollars in return of kindness and resentment, and established the China Archaeological Foundation in your name."

"How courageous this is!"

"The press conference on the day the foundation was established was made public. Lu Fei was relieved of his injustice, but the previous losses were simply irreparable."

"On that night, Li Rui's wife came to my house and handed me the recording evidence of Gao Feng and Shen Zhong blackmailing Li Rui."

"And I forwarded the conclusive evidence to you as soon as possible."

"But how did you handle this?"

"The next day, it was just Gao Feng and Shen Zhong who announced their retirement."

"Is it fair to everyone to just retire without even a public apology?"

"Is this fair to Lu Fei?"

"That despicable guy Gao Feng did such an inhumane thing, you just let him retire."

"How would you handle it if someone else did such a derogatory thing?"

"At the very least, it's necessary to publicly apologize to Lu Fei!"

"It is also necessary to report the evidence!"

"But you didn't do that."


"Because that bastard Gao Feng is your boss Kong's disciple."

"You don't want to see Gao Feng being cast aside by everyone in the world, and you, the general counsel, cannot afford to disgrace this person."

"Am i right?"

"This is how you act as a leader in the archaeological community."

"Is this what you call fair?"


When Fatty Wang said these words, everyone in the room stood up.

Lu Fei was personally attacked some time ago, and everyone in the world knew about it.

People also suspected that this incident was related to the peak.

But people have always believed that Gao Feng retired because Mr. Kong questioned Gao Feng's character, which is why he retired.

But he never expected that there would be conclusive evidence that Gao Feng had harmed Lu Fei.

And the evidence was handed over to Mr. Kong. .??.

If it looks like this, Mr. Kong’s handling method is indeed unfair!

If the evidence is made public, Gao Feng will be disgraced and will be shamed by the world.

Upon further investigation, he completely constitutes the crime of frame-up, spreading false information and spreading rumors, and he will be held criminally responsible!

Letting him retire like this is too cheap for that scumbag.

"Wang Shun, that's enough."

"My master asked Lu Fei for his opinion when dealing with Senior Brother, and personally apologized to Lu Fei."

"If you don't understand the inside story, don't talk nonsense." Guan Haishan said.


"I don't know the inside story?"

"Li Rui's evidence was handed in by me. Are you saying that I don't know the inside story?"

"When Gao Feng's retirement was announced, Lao Zhang and Lu Fei and I were together. Do you think I don't know the inside story?"

"If Lu Fei hadn't held me back, I would have asked for an explanation."

"But do you know what Lu Fei said?"

"Lu Fei said that if he doesn't pursue the case, it's not because he doesn't hate Gao Feng, but because he doesn't want to lose face to Mr. Kong."

"Lu Fei has been so open-minded despite being so wronged, but you guys know that you are in the wrong, and you still don't want to repent and cover it up. Do you still want some Bilian?"


"Lao San

you shut up! "

After stopping Guan Haishan, Kong Fanlong sighed and said.

"Wang Shun, you are right."

"I was indeed unfair in this matter."

"You want to say that I protect the calf, but I won't refute you."

"But what I'm saying is, if it were any of you, I would do the same."

"You are not young anymore."

"You have been with me for more than ten years, or even decades. Even if you have no credit, you still have hard work."

"At the end of life, I don't want anyone to lose their life."

"Regarding this matter, I did communicate with Lu Fei before handling it. This is also Lu Fei's intention to handle it this way."

"But no matter what, this is indeed my fault, and I apologize to everyone." Kong Fanlong said.


"No, this is not a fault!"

"This is a sin!" Fatty Wang roared hysterically.

Seeing Fatty Wang so excited, Guan Haishan and other fellow apprentices were frightened to death.

Jia Yuan rushed directly to the audience and kept bowing to Fatty Wang.

"Fat man, my master has just recovered from his serious illness. He must not be angry!"

"I beg you, please stop talking. Can we brothers personally apologize to you later?"

Jia Yuan was so anxious that he almost cried.

But the emotional Fatty Wang was completely out of control.

He pushed Jia Yuan away, pointed at Jia Yuan's nose and yelled.


"Get the fuck out of here!"

"Gaofeng is the black sheep. You and he are the same as each other. Neither of you are good birds."

"Without your connivance, nothing like that would have happened."

"Now that the Tao Fei family has lost its reputation, Gao Feng is the culprit, and you are a fucking accomplice!"

"You heartless bastard, you don't deserve to talk to me."

"Get out of my way!"

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